Keep going or stop when hooligans attack your car

Keep going or stop?

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It's not imaginary, you fucking idiot.
The rape gangs are real, and waiting at every high school in 2023? :eek:
The girl came to class Monday with a broken nose and black eye after being violently raped.

So you're so massively triggered that you think something that allegedly happened 60+ years ago is happening NOW, including in a super-triggered “What if?” thread?

Do you understand what a hypothetical question is?

A shitty/triggered hypothetical in this case. :)
Stop breathing our oxygen you piece of shit.
Hypothetical oxygen, please. :)
People, if somebody is surrounding your car and trying to bust into it, get out of there and run them over if you have to, slam into

cars, do whatever you have to do to get out of there and to a safe place.
Especially if you initiated the attack with a gang ritual attack on these somebodies a week earlier, as somebody innocent could get hurt.

Glass is only glass, that's for honest people. I've had the glass of my vehicle shattered by full beer cans.
So colorful! :eek:

So irrelevant. :(
Can't remember if that was deserved or not..the thing is, I was always more capable of defending myself than

most ever will be. And I still chose..oh yeah, it was 2 carloads of hardheads vs. me, 2 dudes, and bunch of girls we're trying to keep

safe that night. Yeah, we got the hell out of Dodge. In a Dodge, even. :D

So less triggered than “FINALLY an excuse to talk about what a badass bad boy I was 60+ years ago!”

Gottit. :)
We see news all the time of groups, some REALLY large, attacking drivers as they are traveling down the road. So the question is....what do you do?

Ever since Reginald Denny was nearly murdered during the Rodney “Piñata” King riots in 1992, I think any person with any sense would not stop for gangs of violent subhuman shit.

Mr. Denny had an 80,000-pound truck. If, instead of stopping, he'd just hit the gas and kept going, he'd have come out much better, and perhaps up to four pieces of subhuman shit would have been taken out, making the world that much better a place.
Ever since Reginald Denny was nearly murdered during the Rodney “Piñata” King riots in 1992, I think any person with any sense would not stop for gangs of violent subhuman shit.

Mr. Denny had an 80,000-pound truck. If, instead of stopping, he'd just hit the gas and kept going, he'd have come out much better, and perhaps up to four pieces of subhuman shit would have been taken out, making the world that much better a place.
Well this is an improvement.

We’re moved the triggering/violent revenge fantasies up 30 years.

Soon we’ll be in the 21st century! :)
First of all I stay away from liberal ran cities.
I have family in Chicago, but have not went there since 2019, and will not go there unless things change.
But to answer the question, if they really were beating on my car and attempting entry I would floor it and keep driving till I got back to Indiana. I do not believe Indiana would extradite me to Chicago.
I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say that most people blocking traffic for various reasons aren’t rape gangs.

They certainly are not human beings.

Fuck them, and fuck you for taking their side against that of human beings.

And especially fuck you for making light of a woman who suffered serious sexual assault. May the same happen to you, and may others make light of you for it.
They certainly are not human beings.
Especially those high school kids who stream out into traffic after their team wins.

Fuck them, and fuck you for taking their side against that of human beings.
You sound triggered.

By a fantasy.

That’s the problem - the deranged mob in yor mind.

And especially fuck you for making light of a woman who suffered serious sexual assault.
Well, some differing possibilities there...

1) Dukey having a Joe Biden-style senior moment & making shit up.

2) Dukey remembering an old Sal Mineo movie as his own life.

3) Dukey - 60 years after the fact - not realizing that his own violent actions the week prior in part led to this horrendous alleged incident, and he’s so tone-deaf and clueless now that he’s bragging about his culpability.

That last one is a serious fuck you to decency, don’t you agree? :(
May the same happen to you, and may others make light of you for it.
Ooo - speaking of fuck Us to decency.

But yeah - the OP premise is a deranged trainwreck prepper fantasy of end times unhinged from reality.

Especially those high school kids who stream out into traffic after their team wins.
I forgot about that. The only times I have "been surrounded" were picking up the Daughter and friends from a school dance, and also their graduations.

I did have a bunch deer meander into our campsite once. That was uniquely cool. I gave one a bit of a candy bar I was eating.
Imaginary rape squad will materialize from your fevered brain box.

It will do unspeakable things to you AND your vehicle.

The humanity! :eek:
But only murder gangs can save them from the deranged mobs in their minds! :eek:
You're ignoring some very important facts here:

1.) How often people are assaulted by these mobs is irrelevant. The point is that one never knows if a mob will get out of hand and become violent. Because-

2.) Mobs are mindless emotion- and adrenaline-fueled, unpredictable animals that don't think. They only act on their emotions.

3.) We're not just talking about Antifa and BLM mobs. In 2013 there was the incident in NYC where a gang of crotch rocket bikers surrounded an SUV, pulled the driver from his vehicle and kicked and punched him in front of his family.

Speaking for myself, if I find myself in a similar situation, I will not wait for the mob to surround my vehicle, I'm getting the fuck out of there.
MinSlut sounds just like BettyPoop.


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