Keep It In Your Pants Until You're Married


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2008
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania - President Bush on Sunday said Congress should renew his global AIDS program and preserve a requirement that steers money into abstinence efforts.

I bet he wasn't a virgin when he got married. How many of the religious right preach this abstinence stuff to others and didn't do it themself.

Now we can't give the shot to young women to prevent, I believe cervical cancer, because it might make them more promiscous. Has history has shown that medical research for women has always lagged behind that for men?

What a bunch of blind fake religious crap.
Boy, I agree but I wonder if it is all religious motivated? When I grew up the Catholic church among other religions preached sex was for procreation, given that idea unless your intention is a child, all sex should be prohibited. That changed of course and now sex is considered a wonderful gift. The irony in Bush's and the religious right's position is if they were really concerned with life, they would help feed, provide healthcare, adopt, and even provide education on preventive measures. Abstinence is just another slogan for the naive, another excuse for doing nothing really meaningful.
I disagree.

The best way not to get AIDS through sexual contact is to simply not have sex.

That doesn't mean, of course, that you don't teach about safe-sex and other preventative measures to prevent AIDS when people are sexually active. You definitely should.

However, the idea is to prevent AIDS.

By saying that abstinence should not be an option at all because of morality, you are essentially imposing your own morality on what is acceptable human behavior - don't preach to others - by denying an option that is the single best way to prevent the spread of the disease.

And this is about halting the spread of the disease, not imposing a morality on others.
Boy, I agree but I wonder if it is all religious motivated? When I grew up the Catholic church among other religions preached sex was for procreation, given that idea unless your intention is a child, all sex should be prohibited. That changed of course and now sex is considered a wonderful gift. The irony in Bush's and the religious right's position is if they were really concerned with life, they would help feed, provide healthcare, adopt, and even provide education on preventive measures. Abstinence is just another slogan for the naive, another excuse for doing nothing really meaningful.

Sex wouldn't feel as great as it does if it were only intended to pro-create.

I refuse to believe that a man and woman's insatiable desire to feel the physical gratification of sex was only originally intended to benefit pro-creation. It's one of the most powerful driving forces in the world.

Even before there were such suggestive things as TV, advertisements, porn, all the "sex sells" things, what have you, there were people working JUST AS HARD to achieve the joys of physical sexual gratification, so THAT argument doesn't hold much weight either.

And when 1 out of 2 marriages ends up in divorce these days anyway, what's the point of waiting until marriage?
I disagree.

The best way not to get AIDS through sexual contact is to simply not have sex.

That doesn't mean, of course, that you don't teach about safe-sex and other preventative measures to prevent AIDS when people are sexually active. You definitely should.

However, the idea is to prevent AIDS.

By saying that abstinence should not be an option at all because of morality, you are essentially imposing your own morality on what is acceptable human behavior - don't preach to others - by denying an option that is the single best way to prevent the spread of the disease.

And this is about halting the spread of the disease, not imposing a morality on others.

That's not correct.... because Bush's programs are "abstinence only" and those programs don't work. (please don't make me find the links again).

People have sex... they need to learn SAFE SEX. Bush's abstinence only programs are dangerous.

And the reason for it, from day one when he withdrew funding from any organization that taught about reproductive choice, has been and continues to be to pander to the religious right.
That's not correct.... because Bush's programs are "abstinence only" and those programs don't work. (please don't make me find the links again).

People have sex... they need to learn SAFE SEX. Bush's abstinence only programs are dangerous.

And the reason for it, from day one when he withdrew funding from any organization that taught about reproductive choice, has been and continues to be to pander to the religious right.

Don't worry, the religious right may very well never again be as influential a player in US politics as it has been in the past.
The religious right completely skewered the ideology of conservatism, and the Bush administration, particularly Rove, put the final nail in the coffin by using the religious right to their own advantage.

Conservatism, whether you agree with the ideology or not, hasn't NEARLY the meaning it had before this administration.

And as long as people think that being a conservative means you must adhere to the status-quo, it will CONTINUE to be a minority ideology. Because the status-quo these days...well...SUCKS.
There is nothing wrong with preaching abstinence. But when that becomes your main approach and you disregard the use of sinful condominiums, etc. it is stupdi and it is forcing your religious belief on others.

if they were really concerned with life, they would help feed, provide healthcare, adopt, and even provide education on preventive measures.

That, however, is real work and dedication. It is so much easier to fight for the right of the feed us and forget the starving newborn. Stand up for the brain dead but ignore those without proper medical care.

The current push to prevent young women from getting that new vacine to prevent cervical cancer because it would make them more promiscous is such a total piece of fanatical religious bullshit. Sort of like those crazy Muslims you hear about.
And so the evidence for removing religion and associated morality from public policy continues to mount. I despise the Christian disgust of sex, if there was one reason for someone should reject Christianity, then that would be it. How the hell Christianity got its knickers in such a twist over sex is beyond me. No doubt there are some experts here who will be happy to advise me.

Abstinence, what a stupid, stupid idea.

Apart from avoidance of danger probably the strongest human drive we have is reproduction and reproduction requires sex and that's why sex feels better than hitting your toe on a table leg, because our genes get a benefit out of us having sex.

"Just don't have sex", what a bloody stupid, stupid idea.
The irony in Bush's and the religious right's position is if they were really concerned with life, they would help feed, provide healthcare, adopt, and even provide education on preventive measures.

I see.. So, WE should support the babies that you all choose to make, simply because it "feels good", and nobody should have to "do without"?

Who the hell do you think pays for all the welfare programs that feed, proovide healthcare, and yes, even provide education, on preventative measures?

My guess, is if you don't know how to PREVENT pregnancy, and need education on such, you probably SHOULD be abstaining.
I see.. So, WE should support the babies that you all choose to make, simply because it "feels good", and nobody should have to "do without"?

Who the hell do you think pays for all the welfare programs that feed, proovide healthcare, and yes, even provide education, on preventative measures?

My guess, is if you don't know how to PREVENT pregnancy, and need education on such, you probably SHOULD be abstaining. should teach something that doesn't work.... that's the ticket.

And it's all those good girls who know nothing about preventing pregnancy other than abstinence and who think abortion is a sin whose babies we pay for....

It's not about having to do's about they DON'T do without and pretending otherwise is really stupid.
I bet he wasn't a virgin when he got married. How many of the religious right preach this abstinence stuff to others and didn't do it themself.

Now we can't give the shot to young women to prevent, I believe cervical cancer, because it might make them more promiscous. Has history has shown that medical research for women has always lagged behind that for men?

What a bunch of blind fake religious crap.

So it is your argument that just because YOU did it, it's okay? And that makes it less the most foolproof way to reduce contracting HIV/AIDS?

Seems a lot more like common sense than religion. Sounds like you're fabricating excuses to make personal attacks.
Boy, I agree but I wonder if it is all religious motivated? When I grew up the Catholic church among other religions preached sex was for procreation, given that idea unless your intention is a child, all sex should be prohibited. That changed of course and now sex is considered a wonderful gift. The irony in Bush's and the religious right's position is if they were really concerned with life, they would help feed, provide healthcare, adopt, and even provide education on preventive measures. Abstinence is just another slogan for the naive, another excuse for doing nothing really meaningful.

While the alternative method of ... exactly what is it, btw? Handing out condoms? ... is so much more meaningful.

You need to take a long look in the mirror before calling anyone else naive.
I agree. I think anyone arguing that abstinence is not by far the most sound method of avoiding contracting HIV/AIDS IS rather pathetic.

But where did I say that?

It's that teaching ABSTINENCE ONLY is a sham. They should teach that abstinence is the BEST method... while teaching SAFE SEX. ;) should teach something that doesn't work.... that's the ticket.

And it's all those good girls who know nothing about preventing pregnancy other than abstinence and who think abortion is a sin whose babies we pay for....

It's not about having to do's about they DON'T do without and pretending otherwise is really stupid.

Its not that simple.

Misconceptions about sex and AIDS are widespread in Africa.

In parts of Africa, it is widely believed that having sex with a virgin rids oneself of the HIV virus. The next leader of the ANC and thus President of South Africa stated not to long ago that one could shower and expunge the virus from your body.

In many of these countries, the girls believe this to be the case as well. And in dirt poor countries, condoms can be expensive. So by educating that abstinence is the best way to not catch HIV, you present another option to people in dealing with a disease that is utterly rampant.

To me, those opposing the teaching of abstinence are as ideologically rigid as those who say it is the only option. IMHO, they are putting their own morality ahead of saving lives.

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