Keep the Boston Bomber Tzarnaev alive!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Currently the jury is in the penalty phase of for the trial of the Boston Bomber, and they need to decide between life in prison or the death penalty.

Me personally? I say give him life in prison, based on what he'd written while holed up in that boat he was hiding in, because he stated in the writing he'd left there that he was jealous of his brother who had just been killed, because his brother got to be a martyr before him. If we were to award him the death penalty, not only would it be tied up in the courts for several appeals, costing the taxpayers more money and not giving closure to those victims of the bombing. If they know he's in jail for the rest of his natural, and they are told that he's not going to be martyred, then they can have closure.

Besides.........................if you really want him off the planet, it's simple enough....................give him life in prison with no chance of parole and then place him in general population.

The convicts will take care of it for you.
Currently the jury is in the penalty phase of for the trial of the Boston Bomber, and they need to decide between life in prison or the death penalty.

Me personally? I say give him life in prison, based on what he'd written while holed up in that boat he was hiding in, because he stated in the writing he'd left there that he was jealous of his brother who had just been killed, because his brother got to be a martyr before him. If we were to award him the death penalty, not only would it be tied up in the courts for several appeals, costing the taxpayers more money and not giving closure to those victims of the bombing. If they know he's in jail for the rest of his natural, and they are told that he's not going to be martyred, then they can have closure.

Besides.........................if you really want him off the planet, it's simple enough....................give him life in prison with no chance of parole and then place him in general population.

The convicts will take care of it for you.
Difference would be that we put him to death without him taking someone with him. I am good either way.
I don't care either way, no compelling argument to save or end his worthless life.
If he was placed in general population, he wouldn't have the opportunity to take anyone out, the convicts would get to him first.

But...............placing him in solitary would be even better.
In cases like these I am for the death penalty. There is no doubt he's the bad guy and left alive in prison he will convert other mush heads to his cause which will lead to more deaths to be laid at his feet.

Better by far to be done with him.
Does anybody think his sentence won't be appealed if he is sentenced to life? Appeals are automatic in death sentences and the victims will have a lot more closure in about ten years if he is sentenced to death. It's a lot more closure than they would have had if this kid was able to rant his hate filled rhetoric for the next sixty years. Isn't it rather hypocritical for progs to support the death sentences of American terrorists in other countries by drone without due process and then turn around and recommend a lesser sentence to a convicted terrorist murderer? Maybe progs don't think that way or maybe they don't think at all.
Currently the jury is in the penalty phase of for the trial of the Boston Bomber, and they need to decide between life in prison or the death penalty.

Me personally? I say give him life in prison, based on what he'd written while holed up in that boat he was hiding in, because he stated in the writing he'd left there that he was jealous of his brother who had just been killed, because his brother got to be a martyr before him. If we were to award him the death penalty, not only would it be tied up in the courts for several appeals, costing the taxpayers more money and not giving closure to those victims of the bombing. If they know he's in jail for the rest of his natural, and they are told that he's not going to be martyred, then they can have closure.

Besides.........................if you really want him off the planet, it's simple enough....................give him life in prison with no chance of parole and then place him in general population.

The convicts will take care of it for you.

might get a two for one deal with an idea like that
If he was placed in general population, he wouldn't have the opportunity to take anyone out, the convicts would get to him first.

But...............placing him in solitary would be even better.
He's a bomber. It's not like the prisons are full of patriots. He would join up with a muslim gang and end up a prison imam where he could radicalize the other prisoners. Surely you know that many prisoners are converted and radicalized in prison. Jose Padilla was converted and radicalized in prison.

Death. One less islamic holyman.
In cases like these I am for the death penalty. There is no doubt he's the bad guy and left alive in prison he will convert other mush heads to his cause which will lead to more deaths to be laid at his feet.

Better by far to be done with him.

Now that is a compelling argument for the death penalty..

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If the Boston bomber is sentenced to death, that is giving him exactly what he wants.

Why else do you think he flipped off the cameras that he KNEW were watching him? He was hoping that with enough bad behavior, he would be sentenced to death.

He wants to be a martyr, so lock the bastard up for life in solitary.

And no.................I don't think he's got what it takes to radicalize someone else, because he was just following what his brother did, he didn't exactly act on his own.
What will he care if he gets what he wants, he'll be dead, what he wants doesn't figure into the equation.
If the Boston bomber is sentenced to death, that is giving him exactly what he wants.

Why else do you think he flipped off the cameras that he KNEW were watching him? He was hoping that with enough bad behavior, he would be sentenced to death.

He wants to be a martyr, so lock the bastard up for life in solitary.

And no.................I don't think he's got what it takes to radicalize someone else, because he was just following what his brother did, he didn't exactly act on his own.

Who cares. If we were serious about ending this sort of nonsense we would then publicly wrap him in a pig skin and bury him in it. Make it well known that whatever bits of suicide attackers is found will be treated likewise. The recruiting in prison is what I can't abide, and you know very well that that is what will occur.
In cases like these I am for the death penalty. There is no doubt he's the bad guy and left alive in prison he will convert other mush heads to his cause which will lead to more deaths to be laid at his feet.

Better by far to be done with him.

I agree. Mainly because of the crime he committed and not what may or may not ostensibly be the outcome, should he get life without parole, which is probably the case in today's soft society. You KNOW that prosecutor will leave a doubt in at least ONE jurors mind. Too bad that is all it takes. I think it should take 6.
Life in prison, where he knows he'll never get out. For a twenty something year old, that's hard time.
Life in prison, where he knows he'll never get out. For a twenty something year old, that's hard time.
It's the answer to a prayer. Allah willed it. He will have an endless supply of potential converts. Instead of one bomb, he might be responsible for hundreds.

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