Keep the Boston Bomber Tzarnaev alive!!!!!!

Do you REALLY think that Tzarnaev is going to be able to recruit people to Islam while he's in prison? I don't really think that if he is placed in jail for life, the guards are going to let him associate much with anyone.

He'd probably be placed in protective custody or solitary, neither of which would allow him to recruit anyone.

However..............execute him and he becomes a martyr and a reason for other radicals to attack.
Do you REALLY think that Tzarnaev is going to be able to recruit people to Islam while he's in prison? I don't really think that if he is placed in jail for life, the guards are going to let him associate much with anyone.

He'd probably be placed in protective custody or solitary, neither of which would allow him to recruit anyone.

However..............execute him and he becomes a martyr and a reason for other radicals to attack.

Yes. Unless he is kept in 23 hour a day lockdown (which the ACLU would probably challenge) he will recruit. That's what they do.

Alternately, keep him alive and he becomes a prize, the other terrorists will kidnap other people and torture them because we won't release him in an exchange. See how that works. Gee, I wonder where else terrorists have engaged in that behavior? Far better for him to be dead.
I personally don't think that he has the knowledge or the charisma to do anything like that.

His brother is the one that masterminded the attack, Tzokar was just following him like a puppy because he admired his older brother.

Besides...................he killed a child. Most convicts take a very dim view of anyone that harms kids. Matter of fact, they are held in the same low regard as pedophiles in the prison hierarchy.
Other than the fact that I don't trust these so-called 'life with no chance of parole' sentences, I really don't care either way.
At least with an execution though, it's truly final and the little bastard cannot ever possibly harm anyone again.
4 Steps to annul this piece of shit's "martyrdom".......

1) First douse him in the blood of freshly slaughtered feral pigs
2) then execute him by firing squad in Boston Common
3) after he is dead, toss his filthy naked body into an open pit and let it rot.
4) Televise the entire ordeal
4 Steps to annul this piece of shit's "martyrdom".......

1) First douse him in the blood of freshly slaughtered feral pigs
2) then execute him by firing squad in Boston Common
3) after he is dead, toss his filthy naked body into an open pit and let it rot.
4) Televise the entire ordeal
And air drop recordings over areas held by ISIS, with the title 'We are coming for you' in Arabic.
I'm torn about this. He deserves death yet the needle is too good for him. Maybe we should let the little bastard live. He has a long life ahead of him. Knowing that he's going to spend it as the wife of some 6'2" con named Bubba because he's so pretty, might make letting him live worth while. If he gets life we should all send him a jar of Vasoline for a wedding gift.

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