Keeping Muslims Out Is Not Enough. We Need to Deport Many who Are Here Now


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Resistance to Donald Trump's call for a moratorium on Muslim immigration is idiotic. It just shows how far off the mark many Americans (including some GOP presidential candidates) are on critical national security policy. Even the San Bernardino massacre doesn't resonate with these simpletons. I say just restricting the immigration of Muslims to zero is only half of the issue. The other half is the radical Muslims we have here already, many of whom are in high-level security-sensitive jobs in the US govt, that they should NOT be anywhere near.

In addition to keeping Muslims out, we ought to be looking for ways to get rid of some of the Muslims we already have here now. We ought to start with (if this is true) the 72 Muslims now working for US Dept of Homeland Security who are also on a terrorism watch list (according to Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson)

If that's true it wouldn't surprise me. Didn't we have long-time Muslim Brotherhood operative, Huma Abedin, as Deputy Chief of Staff in Hillary Clinton's State Dept ? Didn't we have Muslim Brotherhood Rashad Hussain legal counsel to Barrack Obama in the White House ? Haven't we had Muslim Brotherhood Dalia Mogahed working in the White House ? (she was on Meet the Press last sunday, hijab and all). Didn't we have Mohamed Magid (director of the American MB nucleus group ISNA) teaching CIA agents how to be sensitive to Muslims ? And who also pressed FBI director Robert Mueller to capitulate to demands by the ISNA and other Muslim Brotherhood fronts, that the Bureau’s files be reviewed for documents and briefing materials offensive to Islamists. On February 8, 2012, Mueller announced to a group that included Magid, that 700 such documents and 300 briefings had been purged.

And how about the Arabic translators in the FBI that translator Sibel Edmonds reported held a celebration party right after the 9-11 attacks ? How about Hasham Islam who demanded (and got) the firing of Major Stephen Coughlin, the Pentagon's top expert on Islamic law, because he told the truth about Sharia.

What we need purged, is all these filthy, Islamists out of the US government, and out of the USA entirely, if possible. That is where our mass deportation program should begin.

Obama Administration = the Muslim Brotherhood
Isn't it a citizen's duty to support and defend the Constitution? Aren't those who support the imposition of Sharia Law traitors to this principle?
Isn't it a citizen's duty to support and defend the Constitution? Aren't those who support the imposition of Sharia Law traitors to this principle?
Of course they are. US Constitution Article 6, Section 2 (the Supremacy Clause) >>>

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."
Resistance to Donald Trump's call for a moratorium on Muslim immigration is idiotic. It just shows how far off the mark many Americans (including some GOP presidential candidates) are on critical national security policy. Even the San Bernardino massacre doesn't resonate with these simpletons. I say just restricting the immigration of Muslims to zero is only half of the issue. The other half is the radical Muslims we have here already, many of whom are in high-level security-sensitive jobs in the US govt, that they should NOT be anywhere near.

In addition to keeping Muslims out, we ought to be looking for ways to get rid of some of the Muslims we already have here now. We ought to start with (if this is true) the 72 Muslims now working for US Dept of Homeland Security who are also on a terrorism watch list (according to Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson)

If that's true it wouldn't surprise me. Didn't we have long-time Muslim Brotherhood operative, Huma Abedin, as Deputy Chief of Staff in Hillary Clinton's State Dept ? Didn't we have Muslim Brotherhood Rashad Hussain legal counsel to Barrack Obama in the White House ? Haven't we had Muslim Brotherhood Dalia Mogahed working in the White House ? (she was on Meet the Press last sunday, hijab and all). Didn't we have Mohamed Magid (director of the American MB nucleus group ISNA) teaching CIA agents how to be sensitive to Muslims ? And who also pressed FBI director Robert Mueller to capitulate to demands by the ISNA and other Muslim Brotherhood fronts, that the Bureau’s files be reviewed for documents and briefing materials offensive to Islamists. On February 8, 2012, Mueller announced to a group that included Magid, that 700 such documents and 300 briefings had been purged.

And how about the Arabic translators in the FBI that translator Sibel Edmonds reported held a celebration party right after the 9-11 attacks ? How about Hasham Islam who demanded (and got) the firing of Major Stephen Coughlin, the Pentagon's top expert on Islamic law, because he told the truth about Sharia.

What we need purged, is all these filthy, Islamists out of the US government, and out of the USA entirely, if possible. That is where our mass deportation program should begin.

Obama Administration = the Muslim Brotherhood

It is as illegal to deport Muslim Americans as it is to deport Bigoted Americans like you.
And the Hitler Youths go full-on panic...
Isn't it a citizen's duty to support and defend the Constitution? Aren't those who support the imposition of Sharia Law traitors to this principle?

who is saying there should be sharia law here?

you are aware we have a first amendment, right, idiot?
Resistance to Donald Trump's call for a moratorium on Muslim immigration is idiotic. It just shows how far off the mark many Americans (including some GOP presidential candidates) are on critical national security policy. Even the San Bernardino massacre doesn't resonate with these simpletons. I say just restricting the immigration of Muslims to zero is only half of the issue. The other half is the radical Muslims we have here already, many of whom are in high-level security-sensitive jobs in the US govt, that they should NOT be anywhere near.

In addition to keeping Muslims out, we ought to be looking for ways to get rid of some of the Muslims we already have here now. We ought to start with (if this is true) the 72 Muslims now working for US Dept of Homeland Security who are also on a terrorism watch list (according to Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson)

If that's true it wouldn't surprise me. Didn't we have long-time Muslim Brotherhood operative, Huma Abedin, as Deputy Chief of Staff in Hillary Clinton's State Dept ? Didn't we have Muslim Brotherhood Rashad Hussain legal counsel to Barrack Obama in the White House ? Haven't we had Muslim Brotherhood Dalia Mogahed working in the White House ? (she was on Meet the Press last sunday, hijab and all). Didn't we have Mohamed Magid (director of the American MB nucleus group ISNA) teaching CIA agents how to be sensitive to Muslims ? And who also pressed FBI director Robert Mueller to capitulate to demands by the ISNA and other Muslim Brotherhood fronts, that the Bureau’s files be reviewed for documents and briefing materials offensive to Islamists. On February 8, 2012, Mueller announced to a group that included Magid, that 700 such documents and 300 briefings had been purged.

And how about the Arabic translators in the FBI that translator Sibel Edmonds reported held a celebration party right after the 9-11 attacks ? How about Hasham Islam who demanded (and got) the firing of Major Stephen Coughlin, the Pentagon's top expert on Islamic law, because he told the truth about Sharia.

What we need purged, is all these filthy, Islamists out of the US government, and out of the USA entirely, if possible. That is where our mass deportation program should begin.

Obama Administration = the Muslim Brotherhood

It is as illegal to deport Muslim Americans as it is to deport Bigoted Americans like you.
not when they are acting as a fifth column undermining America....
Resistance to Donald Trump's call for a moratorium on Muslim immigration is idiotic. It just shows how far off the mark many Americans (including some GOP presidential candidates) are on critical national security policy. Even the San Bernardino massacre doesn't resonate with these simpletons. I say just restricting the immigration of Muslims to zero is only half of the issue. The other half is the radical Muslims we have here already, many of whom are in high-level security-sensitive jobs in the US govt, that they should NOT be anywhere near.

In addition to keeping Muslims out, we ought to be looking for ways to get rid of some of the Muslims we already have here now. We ought to start with (if this is true) the 72 Muslims now working for US Dept of Homeland Security who are also on a terrorism watch list (according to Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson)

If that's true it wouldn't surprise me. Didn't we have long-time Muslim Brotherhood operative, Huma Abedin, as Deputy Chief of Staff in Hillary Clinton's State Dept ? Didn't we have Muslim Brotherhood Rashad Hussain legal counsel to Barrack Obama in the White House ? Haven't we had Muslim Brotherhood Dalia Mogahed working in the White House ? (she was on Meet the Press last sunday, hijab and all). Didn't we have Mohamed Magid (director of the American MB nucleus group ISNA) teaching CIA agents how to be sensitive to Muslims ? And who also pressed FBI director Robert Mueller to capitulate to demands by the ISNA and other Muslim Brotherhood fronts, that the Bureau’s files be reviewed for documents and briefing materials offensive to Islamists. On February 8, 2012, Mueller announced to a group that included Magid, that 700 such documents and 300 briefings had been purged.

And how about the Arabic translators in the FBI that translator Sibel Edmonds reported held a celebration party right after the 9-11 attacks ? How about Hasham Islam who demanded (and got) the firing of Major Stephen Coughlin, the Pentagon's top expert on Islamic law, because he told the truth about Sharia.

What we need purged, is all these filthy, Islamists out of the US government, and out of the USA entirely, if possible. That is where our mass deportation program should begin.

Obama Administration = the Muslim Brotherhood

It is as illegal to deport Muslim Americans as it is to deport Bigoted Americans like you.
not when they are acting as a fifth column undermining America....

Well even bigoted Americans like Protectionist who are acting as a fifth column undermining American values is still protected by the U.S. Constitution- and he still can't be deported.

But then again- not as if he or any of the rest of you actually care about the U.S. Constitution.
who is saying there should be sharia law here?

you are aware we have a first amendment, right, idiot?
Millions of Muslims are saying we should have Sharia law here, including every one that is a member of the dozens of Muslim Brotherhood front groups, which includes (as I mentioned in the OP) many Muslims working in security-sensitive jobs in the US govt, IDIOT.

And YES, I'm aware of the 1st Amendment. Are YOU aware of the Constitution's Article 6, Section 2 ? (in Post # 3) Try reading it, IDIOT.
Isn't it a citizen's duty to support and defend the Constitution? Aren't those who support the imposition of Sharia Law traitors to this principle?
Of course they are. US Constitution Article 6, Section 2 (the Supremacy Clause) >>>

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."
Acts 5:29

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