Kelly and Barr attack Trump

and today Bill Barr went on TV to complain that Trump's tweets about judges and active court cases is making his job very difficult.
Don't be so gullible. The Barr appearance was an orchestrated dog and pony show. Think about it. If he seriously had those concerns, he would talk to the president, not the public. You far overestimate Barr's honesty and integrity.

I literally laughed out loud when he told that lie that he had reviewed the sentencing recommendation before it was filed, but then the prosecutor changed and filed something completely different than what we discussed. He was shocked, shocked I tell you, that the prosecutor would do such a thing so he immediately started writing the new recommendation and then Trump tweeted and that put him an awkward position. He's not even a good liar. But he should be disbarred for lying to the American people like that.

I worked in laws offices for 30 years. No subordinate would EVER do such a thing. They'd be disbarred. Literally. That's what would happen in any law office in the world. Much less than to do it to the AG. You'd never work again.

So no, I'm not that gullible or naive.

No subordinate would EVER do such a thing.

You're right, subordinates never do anything that could embarrass their boss.

They'd be disbarred.

You're lying.

That's what would happen in any law office in the world.

The law office you work for doesn't get to disbar you.

You'd never work again.

Yeah, those clowns who resigned will never work again. DURR

So no, I'm not that gullible or naïve.

You're stupid.

Once again you insult and berate me and call me a liar, and it turns our you're the one who is a stupid fool.

You have never worked in a law office and have no idea of how things are done. You assume that all lawyers are sleazy and corrupt but the practice of law has some of the strongest checks, balances and ethics of any profession, and violations of basic ethics or competence that million dollar ticket pulled very quickly.

With every post, I make on the law, I've proven I know what I'm talking about. I never even worked in Criminal or litigation, and I know this stuff. Your law firm doesn't disbar you. They file an ethics complaint with the Bar Association, and the Bar Associations lifts your license to practice. Complaints are already being filed against William Barr.

So the next time you start spouting off about something you know nothing about, I would highly recommend that you refrain from calling those who do know what they're talking about, "liars" or "stupid". You just continue to do this while we laugh at your ignorance and stupidity, it's entirely up to you.
If he is such a coward then what does it say that he is rising in the poles not shrinking?...
It certainly doesn't say he is not a coward. But thanks for asking
But his poll numbers are going up....How do you explain that?....especially if he is so bad and you say....
You know that Trump is going to win re election and that bugs the fuck out of you doesn't it?....:113:
But his poll numbers are going up....How do you explain that?
Simple: they have been in the gutter for his entire presidency, and they are still low.

The meta analysis shows they have gone up one point and still languish in the 43% area. If you are going to celebrate that, have at it, haha.

The polls also show a majority of Americans think he should have been removed from office. How do you explain that?
Simple: they have been in the gutter for his entire presidency, and they are still low.

The meta analysis shows they have gone up one point and still languish in the 43% area. If you are going to celebrate that, have at it, haha.

The polls also show a majority of Americans think he should have been removed from office. How do you explain that?
Not everyone thinks he should have been removed that was a fake news story and a made up poll with dems over sampling.....all other polls I've seen the people were never in favor of the impeachment....and presidential job approval numbers in the mid 40% is not in the gutter...if it is then Obama was in the gutter too....
You know that Trump is going to win re election and that bugs the fuck out of you doesn't it?....
An accidentally honest glimpse into why many idiots support Trump, and literally for no other reason: annoying liberals.
Yeah you wake up shaking with anger at all of us Trump supporters....its driving you nuts....Buuuaaaahahaha
Impeach Trump and his poll numbers grow.....:21: come on tards do it again....I'll even help ya this time....:21:
Like Rachel Maddow says: "Watch what they do, not what they say".

Yeah, because usually what they are saying is the exact opposite of what they are doing.
There may be a revolt going on in the DOJ given Barr’s surrendering of DOJ independence.

According to various news reports - there IS a revolt going on in the DOJ. Barr is just blowing smoke to cover his corrupt ass.
They should revolt. Trump and Barr are defecating on the institution and turning it into a third world corruption machine.
Just like Bush.

Trump's is another corrupt Republican administration.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Barr isn't doing his job. way too many fish are escaping a iron clad fish net.
  2. He is not the man for America for this job.
  3. He's weak.
  4. Nothing less then John Kelly.
  5. Scared to act.

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