Kellyanne Conway: Leftist media trying to erase this Presidency

Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.

The media has done it to themselves. It's about time someone speak up about it.

If the media wants to claim higher ground, then stop reporting false news. Don't lie and say that Trump's immigration policy bans all Muslims. It didn't, in fact, it only effected less than 10% of Muslims on earth. In fact, Obama did the same but the media pretends its all so new and racist. Also, don't pretend to be all outraged by children being locked up in cages, when it happened under Obama as they used pictures of them taken when Obama was president to make it look like it was taken under Trump's presidency.

These are a few examples but I could go on all day.

Trump is the first to fight back, and hopefully not the last.
What false news?
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.

The media has done it to themselves. It's about time someone speak up about it.

If the media wants to claim higher ground, then stop reporting false news. Don't lie and say that Trump's immigration policy bans all Muslims. It didn't, in fact, it only effected less than 10% of Muslims on earth. In fact, Obama did the same but the media pretends its all so new and racist. Also, don't pretend to be all outraged by children being locked up in cages, when it happened under Obama as they used pictures of them taken when Obama was president to make it look like it was taken under Trump's presidency.

These are a few examples but I could go on all day.

Trump is the first to fight back, and hopefully not the last.
Obama did the same.
No, he didn't. He vetted them more rigorously but did not stop immigration from all those countries.

it happened under Obama
Those pictures were of unaccompanied minors, not children removed from their parents at the border for requesting asylum.

Again, you need to be careful what you are reading. Not all of your sources are accurate. The MSM will tell the truth.

MSM? Are you kidding me? I heard those liars say that Trump was instituting a travel ban on all Muslims, a flat out lie.

Here is an article that breaks it all down. Trump focused on terrorist laden countries to ban. Obama did the same with Iraq after it was discovered that he had let some terrorists into the country.

How Trump's travel ban differs from Obama's visa restrictions

So why was it racist for Trump and not Obama?
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

How is it that tards like Madonna can threaten to burn down the White House and not get arrested?

Could anyone imagine anyone saying this after Obama got elected?

Now if Hitler was in the White House when she said that, what would have happened to Madonna?

Liars on this forum are just as bad as those in the press, if not worse.

Since when is Madonna a reporter?

It was referred to by the left wing media as a racist MUSLIM BAN when approx 90% of the worlds muslims weren’t included in it.
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.

The media has done it to themselves. It's about time someone speak up about it.

If the media wants to claim higher ground, then stop reporting false news. Don't lie and say that Trump's immigration policy bans all Muslims. It didn't, in fact, it only effected less than 10% of Muslims on earth. In fact, Obama did the same but the media pretends its all so new and racist. Also, don't pretend to be all outraged by children being locked up in cages, when it happened under Obama as they used pictures of them taken when Obama was president to make it look like it was taken under Trump's presidency.

These are a few examples but I could go on all day.

Trump is the first to fight back, and hopefully not the last.
Obama did the same.
No, he didn't. He vetted them more rigorously but did not stop immigration from all those countries.

it happened under Obama
Those pictures were of unaccompanied minors, not children removed from their parents at the border for requesting asylum.

Again, you need to be careful what you are reading. Not all of your sources are accurate. The MSM will tell the truth.

MSM? Are you kidding me? I heard those liars say that Trump was instituting a travel ban on all Muslims, a flat out lie.

Here is an article that breaks it all down. Trump focused on terrorist laden countries to ban. Obama did the same with Iraq after it was discovered that he had let some terrorists into the country.

How Trump's travel ban differs from Obama's visa restrictions

So why was it racist for Trump and not Obama?
Only the one's Trump doesn't do business with.
Maybe, if Trump didn't lie his ass off everyday, the media would back off?
Or is the press supposed to do what the Little Trumpsters do, ignore the fact that Trump lies to the American people and his own Little Trumpsters daily?
Thank God, that the press isn't as weak-minded as the Little Trumpsters.
Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.

The media has done it to themselves. It's about time someone speak up about it.

If the media wants to claim higher ground, then stop reporting false news. Don't lie and say that Trump's immigration policy bans all Muslims. It didn't, in fact, it only effected less than 10% of Muslims on earth. In fact, Obama did the same but the media pretends its all so new and racist. Also, don't pretend to be all outraged by children being locked up in cages, when it happened under Obama as they used pictures of them taken when Obama was president to make it look like it was taken under Trump's presidency.

These are a few examples but I could go on all day.

Trump is the first to fight back, and hopefully not the last.
Obama did the same.
No, he didn't. He vetted them more rigorously but did not stop immigration from all those countries.

it happened under Obama
Those pictures were of unaccompanied minors, not children removed from their parents at the border for requesting asylum.

Again, you need to be careful what you are reading. Not all of your sources are accurate. The MSM will tell the truth.

MSM? Are you kidding me? I heard those liars say that Trump was instituting a travel ban on all Muslims, a flat out lie.

Here is an article that breaks it all down. Trump focused on terrorist laden countries to ban. Obama did the same with Iraq after it was discovered that he had let some terrorists into the country.

How Trump's travel ban differs from Obama's visa restrictions

So why was it racist for Trump and not Obama?
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

How is it that tards like Madonna can threaten to burn down the White House and not get arrested?

Could anyone imagine anyone saying this after Obama got elected?

Now if Hitler was in the White House when she said that, what would have happened to Madonna?

Liars on this forum are just as bad as those in the press, if not worse.

Since when is Madonna a reporter?

It was referred to by the left wing media as a racist MUSLIM BAN when approx 90% of the worlds muslims weren’t included in it.

Are part of the 90% those who do business with Trump? Lol! Of course it is. Do you want to challenge the media's truth about that? ttps://
Trump's attacks on the media have been systematic and devastating. The media's job is to hold our government to account. Trump seems not to want them to do that, so he has tried to move the American public to not believe anything they report. That is dangerous and if that is why the Boston Globe is calling for "crusade," I can't really blame them.

All Presidents crab about the press. Obama didn't like them; Clinton liked them less. Bush -- no love lost. But they didn't spend their entire Presidency doing what Trump has done. It is dangerous to fuck with the truth, people. You will someday look back and wish it hadn't happened.
The Media has done it to themselves. The long attack was started and will end with their down fall. It was noted by many people that it did not make any difference what station you watched, you got the same worded News. Who was putting out the News, with such harmony, is someone that I can not ID for sure. I do know slanted reporting started over 50 years ago.
I've noticed that, too. If I flip channels from CNN to Fox to PBS to CBS, the lead stories are all basically the same most nights. It might be that everyone is getting their news from the same White House Press Corps, AP and Reuters. They don't do a lot of interesting reporting on their own anymore. More's the pity.
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.

The media has done it to themselves. It's about time someone speak up about it.

If the media wants to claim higher ground, then stop reporting false news. Don't lie and say that Trump's immigration policy bans all Muslims. It didn't, in fact, it only effected less than 10% of Muslims on earth. In fact, Obama did the same but the media pretends its all so new and racist. Also, don't pretend to be all outraged by children being locked up in cages, when it happened under Obama as they used pictures of them taken when Obama was president to make it look like it was taken under Trump's presidency.

These are a few examples but I could go on all day.

Trump is the first to fight back, and hopefully not the last.
Obama did the same.
No, he didn't. He vetted them more rigorously but did not stop immigration from all those countries.

it happened under Obama
Those pictures were of unaccompanied minors, not children removed from their parents at the border for requesting asylum.

Again, you need to be careful what you are reading. Not all of your sources are accurate. The MSM will tell the truth.

MSM? Are you kidding me? I heard those liars say that Trump was instituting a travel ban on all Muslims, a flat out lie.

Here is an article that breaks it all down. Trump focused on terrorist laden countries to ban. Obama did the same with Iraq after it was discovered that he had let some terrorists into the country.

How Trump's travel ban differs from Obama's visa restrictions

So why was it racist for Trump and not Obama?
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

How is it that tards like Madonna can threaten to burn down the White House and not get arrested?

Could anyone imagine anyone saying this after Obama got elected?

Now if Hitler was in the White House when she said that, what would have happened to Madonna?

Liars on this forum are just as bad as those in the press, if not worse.

Since when is Madonna a reporter?

I've seen plenty of news clips where CNN anchors were saying that Trump banned all Muslims. And no, no one got fired.

Funny, I can't seem to find it on YouTube that censors information that is "offensive" to liberals.

So if it is OK to institute a travel ban on Iraq because of the terrorist problem, why not do it to other terrorist laden countries?}

Again, it makes no sense. Obama should have done that as well.

But no, people like yourself say he is a racist when, in fact, well over 90% of Muslims in the world were not effected and you damn well know it!
The media has done it to themselves. It's about time someone speak up about it.

If the media wants to claim higher ground, then stop reporting false news. Don't lie and say that Trump's immigration policy bans all Muslims. It didn't, in fact, it only effected less than 10% of Muslims on earth. In fact, Obama did the same but the media pretends its all so new and racist. Also, don't pretend to be all outraged by children being locked up in cages, when it happened under Obama as they used pictures of them taken when Obama was president to make it look like it was taken under Trump's presidency.

These are a few examples but I could go on all day.

Trump is the first to fight back, and hopefully not the last.
Obama did the same.
No, he didn't. He vetted them more rigorously but did not stop immigration from all those countries.

it happened under Obama
Those pictures were of unaccompanied minors, not children removed from their parents at the border for requesting asylum.

Again, you need to be careful what you are reading. Not all of your sources are accurate. The MSM will tell the truth.

MSM? Are you kidding me? I heard those liars say that Trump was instituting a travel ban on all Muslims, a flat out lie.

Here is an article that breaks it all down. Trump focused on terrorist laden countries to ban. Obama did the same with Iraq after it was discovered that he had let some terrorists into the country.

How Trump's travel ban differs from Obama's visa restrictions

So why was it racist for Trump and not Obama?
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

How is it that tards like Madonna can threaten to burn down the White House and not get arrested?

Could anyone imagine anyone saying this after Obama got elected?

Now if Hitler was in the White House when she said that, what would have happened to Madonna?

Liars on this forum are just as bad as those in the press, if not worse.

Since when is Madonna a reporter?

It was referred to by the left wing media as a racist MUSLIM BAN when approx 90% of the worlds muslims weren’t included in it.

Are part of the 90% those who do business with Trump? Lol! Of course it is. Do you want to challenge the media's truth about that? ttps://

Stop being silly.
Trump's attacks on the media have been systematic and devastating. The media's job is to hold our government to account. Trump seems not to want them to do that, so he has tried to move the American public to not believe anything they report. That is dangerous and if that is why the Boston Globe is calling for "crusade," I can't really blame them.

All Presidents crab about the press. Obama didn't like them; Clinton liked them less. Bush -- no love lost. But they didn't spend their entire Presidency doing what Trump has done. It is dangerous to fuck with the truth, people. You will someday look back and wish it hadn't happened.
The Media has done it to themselves. The long attack was started and will end with their down fall. It was noted by many people that it did not make any difference what station you watched, you got the same worded News. Who was putting out the News, with such harmony, is someone that I can not ID for sure. I do know slanted reporting started over 50 years ago.
I've noticed that, too. If I flip channels from CNN to Fox to PBS to CBS, the lead stories are all basically the same most nights. It might be that everyone is getting their news from the same White House Press Corps, AP and Reuters. They don't do a lot of interesting reporting on their own anymore. More's the pity.

The press has an agenda, that much is clear, but we can both agree it is not to inform us properly.

Why then are you defending them and attacking Trump for pointing this crap out?
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.

He attacks the media the way the Soviet Union attacked Nazi Germany....aka retailate and obliterate.

Trump treats the press like Hitler and Stalin?


Who has been rounded up and shot?


Is the man not free to speak out and defend himself? Does the first amendment only apply to everyone but Trump?

Hillary and Obama have not problem speaking their twisted corrupt minds and no one in the media seems much to care about them doing it.

However, if Trump does it all hell breaks loose.

Here you go!
A brief history of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'
Enemy of the people - Wikipedia
Censorship in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia
Notice the parallels?
I would guess not. Little Trumpsters are constantly in the denial mode.
Last edited:
Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.

The media has done it to themselves. It's about time someone speak up about it.

If the media wants to claim higher ground, then stop reporting false news. Don't lie and say that Trump's immigration policy bans all Muslims. It didn't, in fact, it only effected less than 10% of Muslims on earth. In fact, Obama did the same but the media pretends its all so new and racist. Also, don't pretend to be all outraged by children being locked up in cages, when it happened under Obama as they used pictures of them taken when Obama was president to make it look like it was taken under Trump's presidency.

These are a few examples but I could go on all day.

Trump is the first to fight back, and hopefully not the last.
Obama did the same.
No, he didn't. He vetted them more rigorously but did not stop immigration from all those countries.

it happened under Obama
Those pictures were of unaccompanied minors, not children removed from their parents at the border for requesting asylum.

Again, you need to be careful what you are reading. Not all of your sources are accurate. The MSM will tell the truth.

MSM? Are you kidding me? I heard those liars say that Trump was instituting a travel ban on all Muslims, a flat out lie.

Here is an article that breaks it all down. Trump focused on terrorist laden countries to ban. Obama did the same with Iraq after it was discovered that he had let some terrorists into the country.

How Trump's travel ban differs from Obama's visa restrictions

So why was it racist for Trump and not Obama?
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

How is it that tards like Madonna can threaten to burn down the White House and not get arrested?

Could anyone imagine anyone saying this after Obama got elected?

Now if Hitler was in the White House when she said that, what would have happened to Madonna?

Liars on this forum are just as bad as those in the press, if not worse.

Since when is Madonna a reporter?

I've seen plenty of news clips where CNN anchors were saying that Trump banned all Muslims.

Funny, I can't seem to find it on YouTube that censors information that is "offensive" to liberals.

So if it is OK to institute a travel ban on Iraq because of the terrorist problem, why not do it to other terrorist laden countries?}

Again, it makes no sense. Obama should have done that as well.

But no, people like yourself say he is a racist when, in fact, well over 90% of Muslims in the world were not effected and you damn well know it!

I agree. "Why not do it to other terrorist laden countries"? Especially the worst ones. Oh I forgot, Trump has business with some of the others. It just depends. ttps://
Obama did the same.
No, he didn't. He vetted them more rigorously but did not stop immigration from all those countries.

it happened under Obama
Those pictures were of unaccompanied minors, not children removed from their parents at the border for requesting asylum.

Again, you need to be careful what you are reading. Not all of your sources are accurate. The MSM will tell the truth.

MSM? Are you kidding me? I heard those liars say that Trump was instituting a travel ban on all Muslims, a flat out lie.

Here is an article that breaks it all down. Trump focused on terrorist laden countries to ban. Obama did the same with Iraq after it was discovered that he had let some terrorists into the country.

How Trump's travel ban differs from Obama's visa restrictions

So why was it racist for Trump and not Obama?
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

How is it that tards like Madonna can threaten to burn down the White House and not get arrested?

Could anyone imagine anyone saying this after Obama got elected?

Now if Hitler was in the White House when she said that, what would have happened to Madonna?

Liars on this forum are just as bad as those in the press, if not worse.

Since when is Madonna a reporter?

It was referred to by the left wing media as a racist MUSLIM BAN when approx 90% of the worlds muslims weren’t included in it.

Are part of the 90% those who do business with Trump? Lol! Of course it is. Do you want to challenge the media's truth about that? ttps://

Stop being silly.

What's silly about it? That silly link happens to be a truth you can't challenge.
Trump's attacks on the media have been systematic and devastating. The media's job is to hold our government to account. Trump seems not to want them to do that, so he has tried to move the American public to not believe anything they report. That is dangerous and if that is why the Boston Globe is calling for "crusade," I can't really blame them.

All Presidents crab about the press. Obama didn't like them; Clinton liked them less. Bush -- no love lost. But they didn't spend their entire Presidency doing what Trump has done. It is dangerous to fuck with the truth, people. You will someday look back and wish it hadn't happened.
The Media has done it to themselves. The long attack was started and will end with their down fall. It was noted by many people that it did not make any difference what station you watched, you got the same worded News. Who was putting out the News, with such harmony, is someone that I can not ID for sure. I do know slanted reporting started over 50 years ago.
I've noticed that, too. If I flip channels from CNN to Fox to PBS to CBS, the lead stories are all basically the same most nights. It might be that everyone is getting their news from the same White House Press Corps, AP and Reuters. They don't do a lot of interesting reporting on their own anymore. More's the pity.

The press has an agenda, that much is clear, but we can both agree it is not to inform us properly.

Why then are you defending them and attacking Trump for pointing this crap out?
What is the fake news? I ask this for the second time for the cowards on the Right? Hate to kill this thread so fast, but the Right keeps calling out "fake news"? I'm still waiting on exactly what "fake news" they are talking about?
Last edited:
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.

He attacks the media the way the Soviet Union attacked Nazi Germany....aka retailate and obliterate.

Trump treats the press like Hitler and Stalin?


Who has been rounded up and shot?


Is the man not free to speak out and defend himself? Does the first amendment only apply to everyone but Trump?

Hillary and Obama have not problem speaking their twisted corrupt minds and no one in the media seems much to care about them doing it.

However, if Trump does it all hell breaks loose.

Here you go!
A brief history of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'
Enemy of the people - Wikipedia
Notice the parallels?
I would guess not. Little Trumpsters are constantly in the denial mode.

Next think you know Trump will start to round up innocent Americans and throw them into concentration camps just because of their race.

After all, FDR did it and he is a god to you.
Trump's attacks on the media have been systematic and devastating. The media's job is to hold our government to account. Trump seems not to want them to do that, so he has tried to move the American public to not believe anything they report. That is dangerous and if that is why the Boston Globe is calling for "crusade," I can't really blame them.

All Presidents crab about the press. Obama didn't like them; Clinton liked them less. Bush -- no love lost. But they didn't spend their entire Presidency doing what Trump has done. It is dangerous to fuck with the truth, people. You will someday look back and wish it hadn't happened.
The Media has done it to themselves. The long attack was started and will end with their down fall. It was noted by many people that it did not make any difference what station you watched, you got the same worded News. Who was putting out the News, with such harmony, is someone that I can not ID for sure. I do know slanted reporting started over 50 years ago.
I've noticed that, too. If I flip channels from CNN to Fox to PBS to CBS, the lead stories are all basically the same most nights. It might be that everyone is getting their news from the same White House Press Corps, AP and Reuters. They don't do a lot of interesting reporting on their own anymore. More's the pity.

The press has an agenda, that much is clear, but we can both agree it is not to inform us properly.

Why then are you defending them and attacking Trump for pointing this crap out?
What is the fake news? I ask this for the second time for the cowards on the Right?

Fake news is lying news.

I suppose you have the source of all truthiness when it comes to news.

Who do you listen to?
Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.

The media has done it to themselves. It's about time someone speak up about it.

If the media wants to claim higher ground, then stop reporting false news. Don't lie and say that Trump's immigration policy bans all Muslims. It didn't, in fact, it only effected less than 10% of Muslims on earth. In fact, Obama did the same but the media pretends its all so new and racist. Also, don't pretend to be all outraged by children being locked up in cages, when it happened under Obama as they used pictures of them taken when Obama was president to make it look like it was taken under Trump's presidency.

These are a few examples but I could go on all day.

Trump is the first to fight back, and hopefully not the last.
Obama did the same.
No, he didn't. He vetted them more rigorously but did not stop immigration from all those countries.

it happened under Obama
Those pictures were of unaccompanied minors, not children removed from their parents at the border for requesting asylum.

Again, you need to be careful what you are reading. Not all of your sources are accurate. The MSM will tell the truth.

MSM? Are you kidding me? I heard those liars say that Trump was instituting a travel ban on all Muslims, a flat out lie.

Here is an article that breaks it all down. Trump focused on terrorist laden countries to ban. Obama did the same with Iraq after it was discovered that he had let some terrorists into the country.

How Trump's travel ban differs from Obama's visa restrictions

So why was it racist for Trump and not Obama?
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

How is it that tards like Madonna can threaten to burn down the White House and not get arrested?

Could anyone imagine anyone saying this after Obama got elected?

Now if Hitler was in the White House when she said that, what would have happened to Madonna?

Liars on this forum are just as bad as those in the press, if not worse.

Since when is Madonna a reporter?

It was referred to by the left wing media as a racist MUSLIM BAN when approx 90% of the worlds muslims weren’t included in it.

On the opinion page, sure.
I don't feed into news that slanted.
SNOPES that's your truth bible lmfao.

Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.

The media has done it to themselves. It's about time someone speak up about it.

If the media wants to claim higher ground, then stop reporting false news. Don't lie and say that Trump's immigration policy bans all Muslims. It didn't, in fact, it only effected less than 10% of Muslims on earth. In fact, Obama did the same but the media pretends its all so new and racist. Also, don't pretend to be all outraged by children being locked up in cages, when it happened under Obama as they used pictures of them taken when Obama was president to make it look like it was taken under Trump's presidency.

These are a few examples but I could go on all day.

Trump is the first to fight back, and hopefully not the last.
Obama did the same.
No, he didn't. He vetted them more rigorously but did not stop immigration from all those countries.

it happened under Obama
Those pictures were of unaccompanied minors, not children removed from their parents at the border for requesting asylum.

Again, you need to be careful what you are reading. Not all of your sources are accurate. The MSM will tell the truth.

MSM? Are you kidding me? I heard those liars say that Trump was instituting a travel ban on all Muslims, a flat out lie.

Here is an article that breaks it all down. Trump focused on terrorist laden countries to ban. Obama did the same with Iraq after it was discovered that he had let some terrorists into the country.

How Trump's travel ban differs from Obama's visa restrictions

So why was it racist for Trump and not Obama?
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

How is it that tards like Madonna can threaten to burn down the White House and not get arrested?

Could anyone imagine anyone saying this after Obama got elected?

Now if Hitler was in the White House when she said that, what would have happened to Madonna?

Liars on this forum are just as bad as those in the press, if not worse.

Since when is Madonna a reporter?

I've seen plenty of news clips where CNN anchors were saying that Trump banned all Muslims. And no, no one got fired.

Funny, I can't seem to find it on YouTube that censors information that is "offensive" to liberals.

So if it is OK to institute a travel ban on Iraq because of the terrorist problem, why not do it to other terrorist laden countries?}

Again, it makes no sense. Obama should have done that as well.

But no, people like yourself say he is a racist when, in fact, well over 90% of Muslims in the world were not effected and you damn well know it!

I don't know if Trump himself is racist. He's said a lot of stuff that can be construed as very objectionable, though, about Africans, Mexicans, Muslims, etc. etc. I think people are using the "racist" label way too much, about Trump included, but his attitude about immigration SUCKS

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