Kellyanne Conway: Leftist media trying to erase this Presidency

Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.
It is time to end the Freedom of the Press. They don't deserve special protection.
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.

He attacks the media the way the Soviet Union attacked Nazi Germany....aka retaliate and obliterate.

Except that he started it. It was his strategy right from the beginning. Amazing what people will deliberately forget.
Maybe, if Trump didn't lie his ass off everyday, the media would back off?
Or is the press supposed to do what the Little Trumpsters do, ignore the fact that Trump lies to the American people and his own Little Trumpsters daily?
Thank God, that the press isn't as weak-minded as the Little Trumpsters.
What provable lies is Trump saying?
Would you like to make a bet?
I say Trump has lied more than the press.
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
All of the Washington Post's listed lies/misleading statements by Trump are verified and not one lie or misleading statement on the list has been debunked by Trump, Trump's team or supporters.
So, that means, you have to come up with more "fake news" than Trumps "fake statements".
This list is bogus. It's a list of differences of an opinion which doesn't mean Trump lied. If the fake news is so interested in Truth, why didn t they fact check Obama or Hillary. The American people are starting to hate the news media. That is why subscriptions have. Virtually dried up.
I don't know if Trump himself is racist. He's said a lot of stuff that can be construed as very objectionable, though, about Africans, Mexicans, Muslims, etc. etc. I think people are using the "racist" label way too much, about Trump included, but his attitude about immigration SUCKS

If someone breaks into my house and starts taking food out of my fridge and eating it, I am going to kick their ass and call the police to take their kids away. Would you then say my attitude toward intruders "sucks"?
If I wanted to be in a thread on the Muslim immigration debate, I would have gone there.

Who said anything about Muslims? I am glad I just won our debate. I am also the one who educated you on who Ben Shapiro is. You are rude. Not even a "thank you".
Okay, silly sam. I'm off for the evening. Find someone else to troll. I'm sure it won't be difficult for one of your brilliance.
Well you did accuse him of discussing muslim immigration in his post when he didn’t even mention them :rolleyes:
See, this is your problem, Tilly. I made a statement with no anger or "bias," a simple statement, and you consider it an "accusation." It is simply not an accurate perception of reality. The media reports the slop that comes out of the President's mouth and the right calls it an "accusation" or worse, when it is reporting.
I KNOW CNN is biased, but they don't "lie." So is Fox, and I don't hear them "lying," much either. Not about the straight news. But this Boston Globe thing is directly in response to the President's attacks on the press. The major newspaper reporting is the best we get in this country, save some of the mags that go in depth. Their news articles give much more information than you will hear elsewhere, and you know the information has been verified and double checked before being printed.

I notice the Right has no problem believing every word when it isn't Trump being criticized. If the polls that say his support is growing, the news about the economy, the coverage of D.C. policy making, the latest on NFL kneelers, that's all "believable." The only thing that isn't is any criticism of the President.
If someone breaks into my house and starts taking food out of my fridge and eating it, I am going to kick their ass and call the police to take their kids away. Would you then say my attitude toward intruders "sucks"?
If I wanted to be in a thread on the Muslim immigration debate, I would have gone there.

Who said anything about Muslims? I am glad I just won our debate. I am also the one who educated you on who Ben Shapiro is. You are rude. Not even a "thank you".
Okay, silly sam. I'm off for the evening. Find someone else to troll. I'm sure it won't be difficult for one of your brilliance.
Well you did accuse him of discussing muslim immigration in his post when he didn’t even mention them :rolleyes:
See, this is your problem, Tilly. I made a statement with no anger or "bias," a simple statement, and you consider it an "accusation." It is simply not an accurate perception of reality. The media reports the slop that comes out of the President's mouth and the right calls it an "accusation" or worse, when it is reporting.
I KNOW CNN is biased, but they don't "lie." So is Fox, and I don't hear them "lying," much either. Not about the straight news. But this Boston Globe thing is directly in response to the President's attacks on the press. The major newspaper reporting is the best we get in this country, save some of the mags that go in depth. Their news articles give much more information than you will hear elsewhere, and you know the information has been verified and double checked before being printed.

I notice the Right has no problem believing every word when it isn't Trump being criticized. If the polls that say his support is growing, the news about the economy, the coverage of D.C. policy making, the latest on NFL kneelers, that's all "believable." The only thing that isn't is any criticism of the President.
You are forgetting the fact that all progressives are fucked in the head
If I wanted to be in a thread on the Muslim immigration debate, I would have gone there.

Who said anything about Muslims? I am glad I just won our debate. I am also the one who educated you on who Ben Shapiro is. You are rude. Not even a "thank you".
Okay, silly sam. I'm off for the evening. Find someone else to troll. I'm sure it won't be difficult for one of your brilliance.
Well you did accuse him of discussing muslim immigration in his post when he didn’t even mention them :rolleyes:
See, this is your problem, Tilly. I made a statement with no anger or "bias," a simple statement, and you consider it an "accusation." It is simply not an accurate perception of reality. The media reports the slop that comes out of the President's mouth and the right calls it an "accusation" or worse, when it is reporting.
I KNOW CNN is biased, but they don't "lie." So is Fox, and I don't hear them "lying," much either. Not about the straight news. But this Boston Globe thing is directly in response to the President's attacks on the press. The major newspaper reporting is the best we get in this country, save some of the mags that go in depth. Their news articles give much more information than you will hear elsewhere, and you know the information has been verified and double checked before being printed.

I notice the Right has no problem believing every word when it isn't Trump being criticized. If the polls that say his support is growing, the news about the economy, the coverage of D.C. policy making, the latest on NFL kneelers, that's all "believable." The only thing that isn't is any criticism of the President.
You are forgetting the fact that all progressives are fucked in the head
But progressives won't forget that you addressed her argument with a cowardly diversion.
Would you like to make a bet?
I say Trump has lied more than the press.
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
All of the Washington Post's listed lies/misleading statements by Trump are verified and not one lie or misleading statement on the list has been debunked by Trump, Trump's team or supporters.
So, that means, you have to come up with more "fake news" than Trumps "fake statements".
This list is bogus. It's a list of differences of an opinion which doesn't mean Trump lied. If the fake news is so interested in Truth, why didn t they fact check Obama or Hillary. The American people are starting to hate the news media. That is why subscriptions have. Virtually dried up.
It's also the reason the Right has dried up with any intelligent/logical/ informative counter arguments. They simply do not exist. Most have surrendered to the Gatorade crowd.
Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.
It is time to end the Freedom of the Press. They don't deserve special protection.
And your documented evidence they do not, is?
Saudia Arabia combined has killed more Americans on American soil then all of the banned countries. Trump missed the target.
Everyone, including Obama, misses that target, for obvious reasons.
Doesn’t mean you ignore other nations who are in chaos and cannot provide intel on their people who want to move to the West.
I’m sure you must be able to understand this, but your TDS is blinding you, and you are embarrassing yourself as a result.
No one is suggesting 'ignoring other nations", just targeting the right one's. Trump's money interests are what caused him to miss the target.

As for Obama and getting Bin Laden, that target was a bulls eye.
And what did Obama do about Saudi Arabia?
He got the guy from Saudia Arabia, Osama Bin Laden. And he didn't engage in private business transactions with the Saudi's that would put him in a compromising situation.
He continued to engage in business on a gvmnt level.
Did he sanction them?
Did he rip them a new one?
He did accept over a million dollars in gifts, but other than that he did nada, just like the rest of the West, so quit your selective outrage, it’s so transparent.

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Still waiting coward on an answer from post #160?
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

I guess Kellie Ann Conway uses the same bleach in her hair that Ann Coulter uses. It softens the brain. She is a paranoid fool. Wonder if her microwave is still spying on her.
Who determines what is and isn’t a lie? The political leader? There are countries where speaking badly about a leader is punishable.

Then there is the second problem. We have problem a president reflexively lies about anything and everything. Not exaggeration to sell policy, not mistaken assumptions, not even lies of omission, just flat out whoppers that most Americans don’t know what to make of. Why lie about things when there is no need? When it can be so easily refuted? The media doesn’t know how to handle it, they are loath to call it lying...his supporters handle it by doubling down on the everyone is out to get Trump them rather then examining the real issue: Trumps pathological lies and the utter lack of any accountability. The rest of the country just flails away unable to comprehend what is happening. Blatant lying is becoming normalized as part of his “authenticity”

When the president lies....who do you punish?
With any luck, the President will be, when we get our next chance at the polls. That's pretty much how the system works and it's all we can do.
Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.
It is time to end the Freedom of the Press. They don't deserve special protection.
I'm sorry, but you're kinda scary. No joke.
Give me specific examples. Just a couple that are that egregious. I saw the same web site. Not one caught my eye as being so bad that I gasped. He also Tweets a ton so he is exposing himself more than all other presidents combined.
What happened to the 3 million illegals voting, that was never proven? What was up with the inaugural lie about the crowd size? Trump said he has no business with Russians, and knows no one who does. Really? He fired Flynn for lying about Russia. We could go on and on. Do you really want to go down that road?

Trump's deplorables do not care about his constant lying. Video evidence of him admiring to Russian collusion could surface and these ass clowns still wouldn't care.

All they care about is that he beat Hilary, undoing all that Obama (even the good things), holding brown people in detention centers and brought merry Christmas back ( even though it never went anywhere).
Trump's deplorable's were so shell shocked from 8 years of a president being the "other", and not them, that they threw all their deplorable qualities in the direction of Donald Trump. He represented everything they hated and feared in this country, and were willing to follow this con man to his illegal election win.

And you are right. They really do not care what he does. Even if it goes against their own interests, as long as it hurts those "others".

And what did Trump do? He took advantage of that anxiety by mounting a gigantic business opportunity for himself, while embarking on a big racist campaign against the "others". He brought out the worst of people in this country. And now that they are vested in him, nothing he does bothers them. They look the other way with all his lies and criminal liability. It will be decades before this country recovers from this manufactured disaster.

What racist campaign? Here is what the voters saw.

#1) Historic debt levels
#2) Massive corporate inversions.
#3) Russia growing in strength (took Crimea without any resistance)
#4) US being friendlier to Iran than Israel
#5) Stagnant wages
#6) Iran mocking our military and us apologizing to them and then Benghazi.
#7) Massive rise in tuition costs
#8) Gov't telling people that they won't butt into gender identity or same sex marriage but will tell small business owners how much they have to pay their employees = critical supreme court nominations coming.
#9) ACA was disastrous.
#10) Rise of BLM

They wanted a change. Trump beat 16 other GOP candidates and garnered 306 delegates. Most media outlets stated he had no path to 270. People who don't like him point to racism, etc. But he won because enough people wanted a change. I live in Boston, so my vote as was pointed out is meaningless. But can you not logically see that my points are salient? Without ad hominems.

This is all voters needed to see

So where does the lying by our political leaders ends folks?

Should we just punish Trump for it or hold all to account?

If so, how? If not, shut the hell up.

You can't possibly be this stupid, but you are. What Clinton said was right. Except for one thing. The labels between "Classified" and "unclassified" were marked wrong. And that is how the video falls apart on your end. And that is why she will never be prosecuted, and that is why the whole email circus is a joke.

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