Kellyanne Conway: Leftist media trying to erase this Presidency

MSM? Are you kidding me? I heard those liars say that Trump was instituting a travel ban on all Muslims, a flat out lie.

Here is an article that breaks it all down. Trump focused on terrorist laden countries to ban. Obama did the same with Iraq after it was discovered that he had let some terrorists into the country.

How Trump's travel ban differs from Obama's visa restrictions

So why was it racist for Trump and not Obama?
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

How is it that tards like Madonna can threaten to burn down the White House and not get arrested?

Could anyone imagine anyone saying this after Obama got elected?

Now if Hitler was in the White House when she said that, what would have happened to Madonna?

Liars on this forum are just as bad as those in the press, if not worse.

Since when is Madonna a reporter?

I've seen plenty of news clips where CNN anchors were saying that Trump banned all Muslims. And no, no one got fired.

Funny, I can't seem to find it on YouTube that censors information that is "offensive" to liberals.

So if it is OK to institute a travel ban on Iraq because of the terrorist problem, why not do it to other terrorist laden countries?}

Again, it makes no sense. Obama should have done that as well.

But no, people like yourself say he is a racist when, in fact, well over 90% of Muslims in the world were not effected and you damn well know it!

I don't know if Trump himself is racist. He's said a lot of stuff that can be construed as very objectionable, though, about Africans, Mexicans, Muslims, etc. etc. I think people are using the "racist" label way too much, about Trump included, but his attitude about immigration SUCKS

If someone breaks into my house and starts taking food out of my fridge and eating it, I am going to kick their ass and call the police to take their kids away. Would you then say my attitude toward intruders "sucks"?

If I wanted to be in a thread on the Muslim immigration debate, I would have gone there.

Who said anything about Muslims? I am glad I just won our debate. I am also the one who educated you on who Ben Shapiro is. You are rude. Not even a "thank you".
Because I do not agree with you that the media has an "agenda" except to tell us what is going on

Their agenda was to bring down Trump. It defies belief that you haven’t noticed. He fights back, and they double down.
They have doubled down on his 4000 plus lies. Good for them. How else are we going to keep this liar honest if they don't call him out?

More than 100 US newspapers plan editorials decrying Trump media attacks
Boston Globe rallies outlets across the country for 16 August action, saying president’s ‘dirty war on free press must end’
As they should. Trump and his lies have to end.

Obama did the same.
No, he didn't. He vetted them more rigorously but did not stop immigration from all those countries.

it happened under Obama
Those pictures were of unaccompanied minors, not children removed from their parents at the border for requesting asylum.

Again, you need to be careful what you are reading. Not all of your sources are accurate. The MSM will tell the truth.

MSM? Are you kidding me? I heard those liars say that Trump was instituting a travel ban on all Muslims, a flat out lie.

Here is an article that breaks it all down. Trump focused on terrorist laden countries to ban. Obama did the same with Iraq after it was discovered that he had let some terrorists into the country.

How Trump's travel ban differs from Obama's visa restrictions

So why was it racist for Trump and not Obama?
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

How is it that tards like Madonna can threaten to burn down the White House and not get arrested?

Could anyone imagine anyone saying this after Obama got elected?

Now if Hitler was in the White House when she said that, what would have happened to Madonna?

Liars on this forum are just as bad as those in the press, if not worse.

Since when is Madonna a reporter?

It was referred to by the left wing media as a racist MUSLIM BAN when approx 90% of the worlds muslims weren’t included in it.

On the opinion page, sure.
I don't feed into news that slanted.

It’s irrelevant what you ‘feed into’ - whatever that means.
The media has been gunning for Trump since the day he announced his candidacy, and they went full on deranged retards 24/7 following his election.
The whole world is watching this, and It’s only Leftards who pretend not to notice because they need to feed their TDR and anything will do.

Respect and trust in the US media is at an all time low, I believe, and they totally brought this on themselves. Now they’re doubling down and I’m pretty sure they are going to lose this ‘war’, which they thoroughly deserve.
It’s time for the media to stop embarrassing themselves and to start acting like impartial honest adults, but I’m not holding my breath.

I think a lot of them already are acting like impartial honest adults, and the Right needs to accept that much of the criticism of Trump is fairly deserved. This is not an all one sided problem, Tilly.
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

Since when is Madonna a reporter?

I've seen plenty of news clips where CNN anchors were saying that Trump banned all Muslims. And no, no one got fired.

Funny, I can't seem to find it on YouTube that censors information that is "offensive" to liberals.

So if it is OK to institute a travel ban on Iraq because of the terrorist problem, why not do it to other terrorist laden countries?}

Again, it makes no sense. Obama should have done that as well.

But no, people like yourself say he is a racist when, in fact, well over 90% of Muslims in the world were not effected and you damn well know it!
I don't know if Trump himself is racist. He's said a lot of stuff that can be construed as very objectionable, though, about Africans, Mexicans, Muslims, etc. etc. I think people are using the "racist" label way too much, about Trump included, but his attitude about immigration SUCKS

If someone breaks into my house and starts taking food out of my fridge and eating it, I am going to kick their ass and call the police to take their kids away. Would you then say my attitude toward intruders "sucks"?
If I wanted to be in a thread on the Muslim immigration debate, I would have gone there.

Who said anything about Muslims? I am glad I just won our debate. I am also the one who educated you on who Ben Shapiro is. You are rude. Not even a "thank you".
Okay, silly sam. I'm off for the evening. Find someone else to troll. I'm sure it won't be difficult for one of your brilliance.
Maybe, if Trump didn't lie his ass off everyday, the media would back off?
Or is the press supposed to do what the Little Trumpsters do, ignore the fact that Trump lies to the American people and his own Little Trumpsters daily?
Thank God, that the press isn't as weak-minded as the Little Trumpsters.

Lie about what exactly?

Health care? Did Trump lie to us that we could keep our doctor and health care package and that our premiums will go down, or did he like about the size of his inauguration crowd size?
MSM? Are you kidding me? I heard those liars say that Trump was instituting a travel ban on all Muslims, a flat out lie.

Here is an article that breaks it all down. Trump focused on terrorist laden countries to ban. Obama did the same with Iraq after it was discovered that he had let some terrorists into the country.

How Trump's travel ban differs from Obama's visa restrictions

So why was it racist for Trump and not Obama?
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

How is it that tards like Madonna can threaten to burn down the White House and not get arrested?

Could anyone imagine anyone saying this after Obama got elected?

Now if Hitler was in the White House when she said that, what would have happened to Madonna?

Liars on this forum are just as bad as those in the press, if not worse.

Since when is Madonna a reporter?

It was referred to by the left wing media as a racist MUSLIM BAN when approx 90% of the worlds muslims weren’t included in it.

On the opinion page, sure.
I don't feed into news that slanted.

It’s irrelevant what you ‘feed into’ - whatever that means.
The media has been gunning for Trump since the day he announced his candidacy, and they went full on deranged retards 24/7 following his election.
The whole world is watching this, and It’s only Leftards who pretend not to notice because they need to feed their TDR and anything will do.

Respect and trust in the US media is at an all time low, I believe, and they totally brought this on themselves. Now they’re doubling down and I’m pretty sure they are going to lose this ‘war’, which they thoroughly deserve.
It’s time for the media to stop embarrassing themselves and to start acting like impartial honest adults, but I’m not holding my breath.

I think a lot of them already are acting like impartial honest adults, and the Right needs to accept that much of the criticism of Trump is fairly deserved. This is not an all one sided problem, Tilly.

I am not on the "right" and they may criticize all they want but if they are going to be left leaning they should say so. Seems simple. Don't say we are unbiased when you are not. I'll be the first to criticize DJT for not balancing the budget and for not attacking entitlements. That is real. Racism and other crap is just fake Leftist news.
Because I do not agree with you that the media has an "agenda" except to tell us what is going on

Their agenda was to bring down Trump. It defies belief that you haven’t noticed. He fights back, and they double down.

More than 100 US newspapers plan editorials decrying Trump media attacks
Boston Globe rallies outlets across the country for 16 August action, saying president’s ‘dirty war on free press must end’

More than 100 US newspapers plan editorials decrying Trump media attacks
I'm glad they're standing up for themselves. I'm sure they won't be lying, whatever they're doing.
I've seen plenty of news clips where CNN anchors were saying that Trump banned all Muslims. And no, no one got fired.

Funny, I can't seem to find it on YouTube that censors information that is "offensive" to liberals.

So if it is OK to institute a travel ban on Iraq because of the terrorist problem, why not do it to other terrorist laden countries?}

Again, it makes no sense. Obama should have done that as well.

But no, people like yourself say he is a racist when, in fact, well over 90% of Muslims in the world were not effected and you damn well know it!
I don't know if Trump himself is racist. He's said a lot of stuff that can be construed as very objectionable, though, about Africans, Mexicans, Muslims, etc. etc. I think people are using the "racist" label way too much, about Trump included, but his attitude about immigration SUCKS

If someone breaks into my house and starts taking food out of my fridge and eating it, I am going to kick their ass and call the police to take their kids away. Would you then say my attitude toward intruders "sucks"?
If I wanted to be in a thread on the Muslim immigration debate, I would have gone there.

Who said anything about Muslims? I am glad I just won our debate. I am also the one who educated you on who Ben Shapiro is. You are rude. Not even a "thank you".
Okay, silly sam. I'm off for the evening. Find someone else to troll. I'm sure it won't be difficult for one of your brilliance.

Run off and hide. You that best and you responded to my posts.
Because I do not agree with you that the media has an "agenda" except to tell us what is going on

Their agenda was to bring down Trump. It defies belief that you haven’t noticed. He fights back, and they double down.
They have doubled down on his 4000 plus lies. Good for them. How else are we going to keep this liar honest if they don't call him out?

More than 100 US newspapers plan editorials decrying Trump media attacks
Boston Globe rallies outlets across the country for 16 August action, saying president’s ‘dirty war on free press must end’
As they should. Trump and his lies have to end.

I really doubt you’re going to like how this works out.
But we’ll see soon enough.
Are part of the 90% those who do business with Trump? Lol! Of course it is. Do you want to challenge the media's truth about that? ttps://
Stop being silly.
What's silly about it? That silly link happens to be a truth you can't challenge.
No, what’s silly is the fact that you’re ignoring that close to 90% of the worlds muslims were not banned.
You told me to "stop being silly". My post addressed the truth about countries Trump does business with and does not have a ban on, even though some of those countries have inflicted more damage on our country than those he banned. I have not addressed the percentages. That is your cowardly diversion, to escape debating what you told me I was being silly about.
It isn’t a diversion, as you well know. Trump does business with the same countries most of the West does business with and has done business with for decades.
And there was still no muslim ban as close to 90% of the worlds muslims were not banned. That you think that’s irrelevant illustrates you are simply another sufferer of TDS.
We'll, Trump and the rest of the west better get their heads out of the sand, because they banned the wrong ones. Saudia Arabia and the Emirates are the biggest threat, both before and now, because they have the means. This isn't about percentages. This is about accuracy, and Trump missed the target.
The news broadcasts that Trump is a racist 24/7, however, there is a problem with that.

Before he ran for President, he was well known, but never labeled a racist in the news.

No, Trump may be a lot of things, but not a racist, unless he had a conversion when he ran for office which is highly doubtful.

Sorry Dims, it won't work with Trump. He has openly condemned racism, maybe not the way you liked, but he has.

In the interim, Maxine Waters is open friends with racists like Louis Farrakhan and the press says virtually nothing about it.

The press is a hypocritical liar.
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

He attacks the media the way the Soviet Union attacked Nazi Germany....aka retailate and obliterate.

Trump treats the press like Hitler and Stalin?


Who has been rounded up and shot?


Is the man not free to speak out and defend himself? Does the first amendment only apply to everyone but Trump?

Hillary and Obama have not problem speaking their twisted corrupt minds and no one in the media seems much to care about them doing it.

However, if Trump does it all hell breaks loose.

Here you go!
A brief history of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'
Enemy of the people - Wikipedia
Notice the parallels?
I would guess not. Little Trumpsters are constantly in the denial mode.

Next think you know Trump will start to round up innocent Americans and throw them into concentration camps just because of their race.

After all, FDR did it and he is a god to you.

No, FDR isn't my God. FDR did some good things and some bad things. Some of his actions brought a recession just when the country had survived The Great Depression.
Your arguments seem circular and weak.
But, unlike the Little Trumpsters, I support the Constitution of the United States.

How do you "support" it. May I have an example please?

Now that has to be the dumbest post ever.
Do you "support" the Second Amendment, I do, the same way you support it, I'm guessing..
I support the Freedom of Speech and your right to ask a dumb question.
I support the entire Constitution, the same way way I accept your right to as a dumb question.
Because I do not agree with you that the media has an "agenda" except to tell us what is going on

Their agenda was to bring down Trump. It defies belief that you haven’t noticed. He fights back, and they double down.
They have doubled down on his 4000 plus lies. Good for them. How else are we going to keep this liar honest if they don't call him out?

More than 100 US newspapers plan editorials decrying Trump media attacks
Boston Globe rallies outlets across the country for 16 August action, saying president’s ‘dirty war on free press must end’
As they should. Trump and his lies have to end.

I really doubt you’re going to like how this works out.
But we’ll see soon enough.
Lol! You are hilarious. "We'll see soon enough"? We already have seen. Trump and his 4000 plus lies, and a bunch of Trump cowards who lied about the medias "fake news", is what I call, "seeing plenty".
MSM? Are you kidding me? I heard those liars say that Trump was instituting a travel ban on all Muslims, a flat out lie.

Here is an article that breaks it all down. Trump focused on terrorist laden countries to ban. Obama did the same with Iraq after it was discovered that he had let some terrorists into the country.

How Trump's travel ban differs from Obama's visa restrictions

So why was it racist for Trump and not Obama?
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

How is it that tards like Madonna can threaten to burn down the White House and not get arrested?

Could anyone imagine anyone saying this after Obama got elected?

Now if Hitler was in the White House when she said that, what would have happened to Madonna?

Liars on this forum are just as bad as those in the press, if not worse.

Since when is Madonna a reporter?

It was referred to by the left wing media as a racist MUSLIM BAN when approx 90% of the worlds muslims weren’t included in it.

On the opinion page, sure.
I don't feed into news that slanted.

It’s irrelevant what you ‘feed into’ - whatever that means.
The media has been gunning for Trump since the day he announced his candidacy, and they went full on deranged retards 24/7 following his election.
The whole world is watching this, and It’s only Leftards who pretend not to notice because they need to feed their TDR and anything will do.

Respect and trust in the US media is at an all time low, I believe, and they totally brought this on themselves. Now they’re doubling down and I’m pretty sure they are going to lose this ‘war’, which they thoroughly deserve.
It’s time for the media to stop embarrassing themselves and to start acting like impartial honest adults, but I’m not holding my breath.

I think a lot of them already are acting like impartial honest adults, and the Right needs to accept that much of the criticism of Trump is fairly deserved. This is not an all one sided problem, Tilly.

Not that I’m seeing. There are even articles out there from authors who admit they despise Trump, but also admit the Lefty media are damaging themselves with their overt bias and literal histrionics.
And No, I’m not looking for links. If you’re interested enough they aren’t hard to find.
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

Since when is Madonna a reporter?
It was referred to by the left wing media as a racist MUSLIM BAN when approx 90% of the worlds muslims weren’t included in it.
On the opinion page, sure.
I don't feed into news that slanted.
It’s irrelevant what you ‘feed into’ - whatever that means.
The media has been gunning for Trump since the day he announced his candidacy, and they went full on deranged retards 24/7 following his election.
The whole world is watching this, and It’s only Leftards who pretend not to notice because they need to feed their TDR and anything will do.

Respect and trust in the US media is at an all time low, I believe, and they totally brought this on themselves. Now they’re doubling down and I’m pretty sure they are going to lose this ‘war’, which they thoroughly deserve.
It’s time for the media to stop embarrassing themselves and to start acting like impartial honest adults, but I’m not holding my breath.
I think a lot of them already are acting like impartial honest adults, and the Right needs to accept that much of the criticism of Trump is fairly deserved. This is not an all one sided problem, Tilly.
Not that I’m seeing. There are even articles out there from authors who admit they despise Trump, but also admit the Lefty media are damaging themselves with their overt bias and literal histrionics.
And No, I’m not looking for links. If you’re interested enough they aren’t hard to find.

When I turn to CNN I just marvel

Don't they know how they appear to the rest of the world with the venom coming out of their mouths 24/7?

It's almost comical.
I live in Boston. The Globe is a rag and basically bankrupt. Henry's $$ supporting the cash burn. MA is a Blue state overall due to the cities but not in the suburbs.
I live in Boston. The Globe is a rag and basically bankrupt. Henry's $$ supporting the cash burn. MA is a Blue state overall due to the cities but not in the suburbs.

Well they have an army to back them up with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and God knows who else.
I've seen plenty of news clips where CNN anchors were saying that Trump banned all Muslims. And no, no one got fired.

Funny, I can't seem to find it on YouTube that censors information that is "offensive" to liberals.

So if it is OK to institute a travel ban on Iraq because of the terrorist problem, why not do it to other terrorist laden countries?}

Again, it makes no sense. Obama should have done that as well.

But no, people like yourself say he is a racist when, in fact, well over 90% of Muslims in the world were not effected and you damn well know it!
I don't know if Trump himself is racist. He's said a lot of stuff that can be construed as very objectionable, though, about Africans, Mexicans, Muslims, etc. etc. I think people are using the "racist" label way too much, about Trump included, but his attitude about immigration SUCKS

If someone breaks into my house and starts taking food out of my fridge and eating it, I am going to kick their ass and call the police to take their kids away. Would you then say my attitude toward intruders "sucks"?
If I wanted to be in a thread on the Muslim immigration debate, I would have gone there.

Who said anything about Muslims? I am glad I just won our debate. I am also the one who educated you on who Ben Shapiro is. You are rude. Not even a "thank you".
Okay, silly sam. I'm off for the evening. Find someone else to troll. I'm sure it won't be difficult for one of your brilliance.
Well you did accuse him of discussing muslim immigration in his post when he didn’t even mention them :rolleyes:
If you read the article, you can tell me. Iraq is not seven countries, for starters.
If the media is reporting that Trump has instituted a ban on all Muslims, you were not reading a credible source. I did not read that anywhere. I do remember Trump saying, while he was still a candidate, that he wanted "a total and complete shutdown" of the entry of Muslims to the United States "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

Since when is Madonna a reporter?
It was referred to by the left wing media as a racist MUSLIM BAN when approx 90% of the worlds muslims weren’t included in it.
On the opinion page, sure.
I don't feed into news that slanted.
It’s irrelevant what you ‘feed into’ - whatever that means.
The media has been gunning for Trump since the day he announced his candidacy, and they went full on deranged retards 24/7 following his election.
After 4000 plus confirmed lies in 558 days, it takes a walking dead retard not to want to question Trump.
The whole world is watching this, and It’s only Leftards who pretend not to notice because they need to feed their TDR and anything will do.
Yea, it takes a bunch of walking dead retards on the Right to ignore 4000 plus lies.

Respect and trust in the US media is at an all time low, I believe, and they totally brought this on themselves.
I've already asked three or four times while these Trump cowards ignore the question, brought what on themselves, and what is the "fake news"?
Now they’re doubling down and I’m pretty sure they are going to lose this ‘war’, which they thoroughly deserve.
"Doubling down" on what?
It’s time for the media to stop embarrassing themselves and to start acting like impartial honest adults, but I’m not holding my breath.
So far, it' the Trump apologists on this thread who have been lying and are embarrassing themselves. Answer the question cowards, or you are all liars.

What question?
The question about the media's "fake news". What is it? The Right is so busy making those claims, while Trump has compiled over 4000 plus fake news lies himself, in 558 days. Am I missing an apples to apples comparison here?
I live in Boston. The Globe is a rag and basically bankrupt. Henry's $$ supporting the cash burn. MA is a Blue state overall due to the cities but not in the suburbs.

Well they have an army to back them up with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and God knows who else.

My kids are 12 and 14 and don't use FB or Twitter (they say they are for old people). YouTube they do use. Censorship of videos is a bad idea on both sides.

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