Kellyanne Conway: Leftist media trying to erase this Presidency

Maybe, if Trump didn't lie his ass off everyday, the media would back off?
Or is the press supposed to do what the Little Trumpsters do, ignore the fact that Trump lies to the American people and his own Little Trumpsters daily?
Thank God, that the press isn't as weak-minded as the Little Trumpsters.

Lie about what exactly?

Health care? Did Trump lie to us that we could keep our doctor and health care package and that our premiums will go down, or did he like about the size of his inauguration crowd size?

Wow, just wow.
Yes Obama lied and more than once. But it's a fact, that Trump has lied in a year and a half, thousands of times more than Obama did in eight years.
Why don't you try to fixate on the facts, instead of constantly diverting away from the verified facts.
You have absolutely no argument. You haven't even come close to disproving my factual argument. You are making a fool out of yourself.
Because I do not agree with you that the media has an "agenda" except to tell us what is going on

Their agenda was to bring down Trump. It defies belief that you haven’t noticed. He fights back, and they double down.

More than 100 US newspapers plan editorials decrying Trump media attacks
Boston Globe rallies outlets across the country for 16 August action, saying president’s ‘dirty war on free press must end’

More than 100 US newspapers plan editorials decrying Trump media attacks
I'm glad they're standing up for themselves. I'm sure they won't be lying, whatever they're doing.
Nope. It’s like petulant children ganging up on someone in the playground.

...The campaign has been organised by the Boston Globe, whose editorial staff approached news outlets across the country asking them to write an editorial denouncing the president’s hostility to the media....

I suspect it will backfire.
Maybe, if Trump didn't lie his ass off everyday, the media would back off?
Or is the press supposed to do what the Little Trumpsters do, ignore the fact that Trump lies to the American people and his own Little Trumpsters daily?
Thank God, that the press isn't as weak-minded as the Little Trumpsters.

Lie about what exactly?

Health care? Did Trump lie to us that we could keep our doctor and health care package and that our premiums will go down, or did he like about the size of his inauguration crowd size?

Wow, just wow.
Yes Obama lied and more than once. But it's a fact, that Trump has lied in a year and a half, thousands of times more than Obama did in eight years.
Why don't you try to fixate on the facts, instead of constantly diverting away from the verified facts.
You have absolutely no argument. You haven't even come close to disproving my factual argument. You are making a fool out of yourself.

You count the lies do you? You can name every one?

I tend to remember ones that most effect me and not about which whores he has been with, something you cared nothing about during the Clinton era.

You know, lies about such things as my medical care which my very life and economic welfare rely upon.

So what lie was comparable with the lie Obama gave us regarding health care?
It was referred to by the left wing media as a racist MUSLIM BAN when approx 90% of the worlds muslims weren’t included in it.
On the opinion page, sure.
I don't feed into news that slanted.
It’s irrelevant what you ‘feed into’ - whatever that means.
The media has been gunning for Trump since the day he announced his candidacy, and they went full on deranged retards 24/7 following his election.
After 4000 plus confirmed lies in 558 days, it takes a walking dead retard not to want to question Trump.
The whole world is watching this, and It’s only Leftards who pretend not to notice because they need to feed their TDR and anything will do.
Yea, it takes a bunch of walking dead retards on the Right to ignore 4000 plus lies.

Respect and trust in the US media is at an all time low, I believe, and they totally brought this on themselves.
I've already asked three or four times while these Trump cowards ignore the question, brought what on themselves, and what is the "fake news"?
Now they’re doubling down and I’m pretty sure they are going to lose this ‘war’, which they thoroughly deserve.
"Doubling down" on what?
It’s time for the media to stop embarrassing themselves and to start acting like impartial honest adults, but I’m not holding my breath.
So far, it' the Trump apologists on this thread who have been lying and are embarrassing themselves. Answer the question cowards, or you are all liars.

What question?
The question about the media's "fake news". What is it? The Right is so busy making those claims, while Trump has compiled over 4000 plus fake news lies himself, in 558 days. Am I missing an apples to apples comparison here?

Ahhh...simple and it pertains to exaggeration. If I say, I can run a 4.4 40-yard dash but I really run a 4.47, did I "lie", sure but it wasn't all that significant. Trump exaggerates here and there but they are not "lies". Not like Bush with his weapons of mass destruction or Clinton with Lewinsky. That is the problem with the "Fake News". They make mountains out of mole hills. It is like the boy who cried wolf. When/If some real scandal happens no one will believe them.

If CNN reported right now that DJT is a serial killer, 50% of the country would not believe them. At least 50%. This is because CNN has lost a lot of credibility.

This is purely my opinion. I hope this answers your questions. And enough with identity politics. I am a registered independent who voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I did not vote for BHO the first time because I thought McCain deserved my vote due to him being a vet. I didn't vote for BHO the 2nd time due to his excessive spend.
On the opinion page, sure.
I don't feed into news that slanted.
It’s irrelevant what you ‘feed into’ - whatever that means.
The media has been gunning for Trump since the day he announced his candidacy, and they went full on deranged retards 24/7 following his election.
After 4000 plus confirmed lies in 558 days, it takes a walking dead retard not to want to question Trump.
The whole world is watching this, and It’s only Leftards who pretend not to notice because they need to feed their TDR and anything will do.
Yea, it takes a bunch of walking dead retards on the Right to ignore 4000 plus lies.

Respect and trust in the US media is at an all time low, I believe, and they totally brought this on themselves.
I've already asked three or four times while these Trump cowards ignore the question, brought what on themselves, and what is the "fake news"?
Now they’re doubling down and I’m pretty sure they are going to lose this ‘war’, which they thoroughly deserve.
"Doubling down" on what?
It’s time for the media to stop embarrassing themselves and to start acting like impartial honest adults, but I’m not holding my breath.
So far, it' the Trump apologists on this thread who have been lying and are embarrassing themselves. Answer the question cowards, or you are all liars.

What question?
The question about the media's "fake news". What is it? The Right is so busy making those claims, while Trump has compiled over 4000 plus fake news lies himself, in 558 days. Am I missing an apples to apples comparison here?

Ahhh...simple and it pertains to exaggeration. If I say, I can run a 4.4 40-yard dash but I really run a 4.47, did I "lie", sure but it wasn't all that significant. Trump exaggerates here and there but they are not "lies". Not like Bush with his weapons of mass destruction or Clinton with Lewinsky. That is the problem with the "Fake News". They make mountains out of mole hills. It is like the boy who cried wolf. When/If some real scandal happens no one will believe them.

If CNN reported right now that DJT is a serial killer, 50% of the country would not believe them. At least 50%. This is because CNN has lost a lot of credibility.

This is purely my opinion. I hope this answers your questions. And enough with identity politics. I am a registered independent who voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I did not vote for BHO the first time because I thought McCain deserved my vote due to him being a vet. I didn't vote for BHO the 2nd time due to his excessive spend.
No, it doesn't. 66% are false to pants on fire. Donald Trump's file That, in no way has any resemblance to 4.4 to 4.7 exaggerations in the 40 yard dash. It just is what it is. A mountain of lies, and there is no other way to slice it.
It’s irrelevant what you ‘feed into’ - whatever that means.
The media has been gunning for Trump since the day he announced his candidacy, and they went full on deranged retards 24/7 following his election.
After 4000 plus confirmed lies in 558 days, it takes a walking dead retard not to want to question Trump.
The whole world is watching this, and It’s only Leftards who pretend not to notice because they need to feed their TDR and anything will do.
Yea, it takes a bunch of walking dead retards on the Right to ignore 4000 plus lies.

Respect and trust in the US media is at an all time low, I believe, and they totally brought this on themselves.
I've already asked three or four times while these Trump cowards ignore the question, brought what on themselves, and what is the "fake news"?
Now they’re doubling down and I’m pretty sure they are going to lose this ‘war’, which they thoroughly deserve.
"Doubling down" on what?
It’s time for the media to stop embarrassing themselves and to start acting like impartial honest adults, but I’m not holding my breath.
So far, it' the Trump apologists on this thread who have been lying and are embarrassing themselves. Answer the question cowards, or you are all liars.

What question?
The question about the media's "fake news". What is it? The Right is so busy making those claims, while Trump has compiled over 4000 plus fake news lies himself, in 558 days. Am I missing an apples to apples comparison here?

Ahhh...simple and it pertains to exaggeration. If I say, I can run a 4.4 40-yard dash but I really run a 4.47, did I "lie", sure but it wasn't all that significant. Trump exaggerates here and there but they are not "lies". Not like Bush with his weapons of mass destruction or Clinton with Lewinsky. That is the problem with the "Fake News". They make mountains out of mole hills. It is like the boy who cried wolf. When/If some real scandal happens no one will believe them.

If CNN reported right now that DJT is a serial killer, 50% of the country would not believe them. At least 50%. This is because CNN has lost a lot of credibility.

This is purely my opinion. I hope this answers your questions. And enough with identity politics. I am a registered independent who voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I did not vote for BHO the first time because I thought McCain deserved my vote due to him being a vet. I didn't vote for BHO the 2nd time due to his excessive spend.
No, it doesn't. 66% are false to pants on fire. Donald Trump's file That, in no way has any resemblance to 4.4 to 4.7 exaggerations in the 40 yard dash. It just is what it is. A mountain of lies, and there is no other way to slice it.

Give me specific examples. Just a couple that are that egregious. I saw the same web site. Not one caught my eye as being so bad that I gasped. He also Tweets a ton so he is exposing himself more than all other presidents combined.
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

It won't work.

People have woken up.

The kick off of it will work, ANTIFA is a start already. we haven't seen anything yet LOL
Mrs.Crypt Keeper should not speak.

The Trump admin is trying to erase American law order. They are erasing the honorable position POTUS had in America and around the world.
After 4000 plus confirmed lies in 558 days, it takes a walking dead retard not to want to question Trump.
Yea, it takes a bunch of walking dead retards on the Right to ignore 4000 plus lies.

I've already asked three or four times while these Trump cowards ignore the question, brought what on themselves, and what is the "fake news"? "Doubling down" on what?
So far, it' the Trump apologists on this thread who have been lying and are embarrassing themselves. Answer the question cowards, or you are all liars.

What question?
The question about the media's "fake news". What is it? The Right is so busy making those claims, while Trump has compiled over 4000 plus fake news lies himself, in 558 days. Am I missing an apples to apples comparison here?

Ahhh...simple and it pertains to exaggeration. If I say, I can run a 4.4 40-yard dash but I really run a 4.47, did I "lie", sure but it wasn't all that significant. Trump exaggerates here and there but they are not "lies". Not like Bush with his weapons of mass destruction or Clinton with Lewinsky. That is the problem with the "Fake News". They make mountains out of mole hills. It is like the boy who cried wolf. When/If some real scandal happens no one will believe them.

If CNN reported right now that DJT is a serial killer, 50% of the country would not believe them. At least 50%. This is because CNN has lost a lot of credibility.

This is purely my opinion. I hope this answers your questions. And enough with identity politics. I am a registered independent who voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I did not vote for BHO the first time because I thought McCain deserved my vote due to him being a vet. I didn't vote for BHO the 2nd time due to his excessive spend.
No, it doesn't. 66% are false to pants on fire. Donald Trump's file That, in no way has any resemblance to 4.4 to 4.7 exaggerations in the 40 yard dash. It just is what it is. A mountain of lies, and there is no other way to slice it.

Give me specific examples. Just a couple that are that egregious. I saw the same web site. Not one caught my eye as being so bad that I gasped. He also Tweets a ton so he is exposing himself more than all other presidents combined.
What happened to the 3 million illegals voting, that was never proven? What was up with the inaugural lie about the crowd size? Trump said he has no business with Russians, and knows no one who does. Really? He fired Flynn for lying about Russia. We could go on and on. Do you really want to go down that road?
What question?
The question about the media's "fake news". What is it? The Right is so busy making those claims, while Trump has compiled over 4000 plus fake news lies himself, in 558 days. Am I missing an apples to apples comparison here?

Ahhh...simple and it pertains to exaggeration. If I say, I can run a 4.4 40-yard dash but I really run a 4.47, did I "lie", sure but it wasn't all that significant. Trump exaggerates here and there but they are not "lies". Not like Bush with his weapons of mass destruction or Clinton with Lewinsky. That is the problem with the "Fake News". They make mountains out of mole hills. It is like the boy who cried wolf. When/If some real scandal happens no one will believe them.

If CNN reported right now that DJT is a serial killer, 50% of the country would not believe them. At least 50%. This is because CNN has lost a lot of credibility.

This is purely my opinion. I hope this answers your questions. And enough with identity politics. I am a registered independent who voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I did not vote for BHO the first time because I thought McCain deserved my vote due to him being a vet. I didn't vote for BHO the 2nd time due to his excessive spend.
No, it doesn't. 66% are false to pants on fire. Donald Trump's file That, in no way has any resemblance to 4.4 to 4.7 exaggerations in the 40 yard dash. It just is what it is. A mountain of lies, and there is no other way to slice it.

Give me specific examples. Just a couple that are that egregious. I saw the same web site. Not one caught my eye as being so bad that I gasped. He also Tweets a ton so he is exposing himself more than all other presidents combined.
What happened to the 3 million illegals voting, that was never proven? What was up with the inaugural lie about the crowd size? Trump said he has no business with Russians, and knows no one who does. Really? He fired Flynn for lying about Russia. We could go on and on. Do you really want to go down that road?

One at a time:

#1) Do we know how many illegals voted? He won and by a lot. I think he is trying to show that the process is not perfect. Aka exaggeration to get your attention. Harmless. Zero impact on the election.

#2) Crowd size is irrelevant. Do you really care? LOL

#3) Russia is being investigated by Mueller. We'll see what happens but so far in this country you are innocent until proven guilty. But even the investigators stated that the interference did not impact the election.

Trump tweets a lot of harmless bravado. Again doesn't compare to the lies of Bush and Bill Clinton. Not even close. Or even Benghazi.
What question?
The question about the media's "fake news". What is it? The Right is so busy making those claims, while Trump has compiled over 4000 plus fake news lies himself, in 558 days. Am I missing an apples to apples comparison here?

Ahhh...simple and it pertains to exaggeration. If I say, I can run a 4.4 40-yard dash but I really run a 4.47, did I "lie", sure but it wasn't all that significant. Trump exaggerates here and there but they are not "lies". Not like Bush with his weapons of mass destruction or Clinton with Lewinsky. That is the problem with the "Fake News". They make mountains out of mole hills. It is like the boy who cried wolf. When/If some real scandal happens no one will believe them.

If CNN reported right now that DJT is a serial killer, 50% of the country would not believe them. At least 50%. This is because CNN has lost a lot of credibility.

This is purely my opinion. I hope this answers your questions. And enough with identity politics. I am a registered independent who voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I did not vote for BHO the first time because I thought McCain deserved my vote due to him being a vet. I didn't vote for BHO the 2nd time due to his excessive spend.
No, it doesn't. 66% are false to pants on fire. Donald Trump's file That, in no way has any resemblance to 4.4 to 4.7 exaggerations in the 40 yard dash. It just is what it is. A mountain of lies, and there is no other way to slice it.

Give me specific examples. Just a couple that are that egregious. I saw the same web site. Not one caught my eye as being so bad that I gasped. He also Tweets a ton so he is exposing himself more than all other presidents combined.
What happened to the 3 million illegals voting, that was never proven? What was up with the inaugural lie about the crowd size? Trump said he has no business with Russians, and knows no one who does. Really? He fired Flynn for lying about Russia. We could go on and on. Do you really want to go down that road?

Trump's deplorables do not care about his constant lying. Video evidence of him admiring to Russian collusion could surface and these ass clowns still wouldn't care.

All they care about is that he beat Hilary, undoing all that Obama (even the good things), holding brown people in detention centers and brought merry Christmas back ( even though it never went anywhere).
The question about the media's "fake news". What is it? The Right is so busy making those claims, while Trump has compiled over 4000 plus fake news lies himself, in 558 days. Am I missing an apples to apples comparison here?

Ahhh...simple and it pertains to exaggeration. If I say, I can run a 4.4 40-yard dash but I really run a 4.47, did I "lie", sure but it wasn't all that significant. Trump exaggerates here and there but they are not "lies". Not like Bush with his weapons of mass destruction or Clinton with Lewinsky. That is the problem with the "Fake News". They make mountains out of mole hills. It is like the boy who cried wolf. When/If some real scandal happens no one will believe them.

If CNN reported right now that DJT is a serial killer, 50% of the country would not believe them. At least 50%. This is because CNN has lost a lot of credibility.

This is purely my opinion. I hope this answers your questions. And enough with identity politics. I am a registered independent who voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I did not vote for BHO the first time because I thought McCain deserved my vote due to him being a vet. I didn't vote for BHO the 2nd time due to his excessive spend.
No, it doesn't. 66% are false to pants on fire. Donald Trump's file That, in no way has any resemblance to 4.4 to 4.7 exaggerations in the 40 yard dash. It just is what it is. A mountain of lies, and there is no other way to slice it.

Give me specific examples. Just a couple that are that egregious. I saw the same web site. Not one caught my eye as being so bad that I gasped. He also Tweets a ton so he is exposing himself more than all other presidents combined.
What happened to the 3 million illegals voting, that was never proven? What was up with the inaugural lie about the crowd size? Trump said he has no business with Russians, and knows no one who does. Really? He fired Flynn for lying about Russia. We could go on and on. Do you really want to go down that road?

Trump's deplorables do not care about his constant lying. Video evidence of him admiring to Russian collusion could surface and these ass clowns still wouldn't care.

All they care about is that he beat Hilary, undoing all that Obama (even the good things), holding brown people in detention centers and brought merry Christmas back ( even though it never went anywhere).

#1) Your Avatar is disturbing

#2) You made my point. When it comes to DJT the media continues to make mountains out of mole hills so when we get a mountain no one believes them. Don't blame the consumer.

#3) Based on your avatar you see what you want to see and your views are very biased.
The Media is largely a joke, dealing in misinformation, disinformation, and lies. They are Leftists, anti American, and pro divisiveness. They promote counterproductive positions, and need to be held accountable.
Ahhh...simple and it pertains to exaggeration. If I say, I can run a 4.4 40-yard dash but I really run a 4.47, did I "lie", sure but it wasn't all that significant. Trump exaggerates here and there but they are not "lies". Not like Bush with his weapons of mass destruction or Clinton with Lewinsky. That is the problem with the "Fake News". They make mountains out of mole hills. It is like the boy who cried wolf. When/If some real scandal happens no one will believe them.

If CNN reported right now that DJT is a serial killer, 50% of the country would not believe them. At least 50%. This is because CNN has lost a lot of credibility.

This is purely my opinion. I hope this answers your questions. And enough with identity politics. I am a registered independent who voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I did not vote for BHO the first time because I thought McCain deserved my vote due to him being a vet. I didn't vote for BHO the 2nd time due to his excessive spend.
No, it doesn't. 66% are false to pants on fire. Donald Trump's file That, in no way has any resemblance to 4.4 to 4.7 exaggerations in the 40 yard dash. It just is what it is. A mountain of lies, and there is no other way to slice it.

Give me specific examples. Just a couple that are that egregious. I saw the same web site. Not one caught my eye as being so bad that I gasped. He also Tweets a ton so he is exposing himself more than all other presidents combined.
What happened to the 3 million illegals voting, that was never proven? What was up with the inaugural lie about the crowd size? Trump said he has no business with Russians, and knows no one who does. Really? He fired Flynn for lying about Russia. We could go on and on. Do you really want to go down that road?

Trump's deplorables do not care about his constant lying. Video evidence of him admiring to Russian collusion could surface and these ass clowns still wouldn't care.

All they care about is that he beat Hilary, undoing all that Obama (even the good things), holding brown people in detention centers and brought merry Christmas back ( even though it never went anywhere).

#1) Your Avatar is disturbing

#2) You made my point. When it comes to DJT the media continues to make mountains out of mole hills so when we get a mountain no one believes them. Don't blame the consumer.

#3) Based on your avatar you see what you want to see and your views are very biased.

You're a damn snowflake if you think my avatar is disturbing.

And you being a Trump supporter doesn't make you bias. Everyone is bias to a certain degree.

And it has nothing to do with being bias. Has Trump not lied almost every very other day since being in office? That not being bias, that's a fact. And Trump supporters never fess up to Trumps lying. It's always some bullshit excuse for his life lies.
No, it doesn't. 66% are false to pants on fire. Donald Trump's file That, in no way has any resemblance to 4.4 to 4.7 exaggerations in the 40 yard dash. It just is what it is. A mountain of lies, and there is no other way to slice it.

Give me specific examples. Just a couple that are that egregious. I saw the same web site. Not one caught my eye as being so bad that I gasped. He also Tweets a ton so he is exposing himself more than all other presidents combined.
What happened to the 3 million illegals voting, that was never proven? What was up with the inaugural lie about the crowd size? Trump said he has no business with Russians, and knows no one who does. Really? He fired Flynn for lying about Russia. We could go on and on. Do you really want to go down that road?

Trump's deplorables do not care about his constant lying. Video evidence of him admiring to Russian collusion could surface and these ass clowns still wouldn't care.

All they care about is that he beat Hilary, undoing all that Obama (even the good things), holding brown people in detention centers and brought merry Christmas back ( even though it never went anywhere).

#1) Your Avatar is disturbing

#2) You made my point. When it comes to DJT the media continues to make mountains out of mole hills so when we get a mountain no one believes them. Don't blame the consumer.

#3) Based on your avatar you see what you want to see and your views are very biased.

You're a damn snowflake if you think my avatar is disturbing.

And you being a Trump supporter doesn't make you bias. Everyone is bias to a certain degree.

And it has nothing to do with being bias. Has Trump not lied almost every very other day since being in office? That not being bias, that's a fact. And Trump supporters never fess up to Trumps lying. It's always some bullshit excuse for his life lies.

#1) No no no it is disturbing.

#2) I am an Independent from Boston, MA. Not some back woods hick. LOL. I am also a business owner.

#3) "Lies"...none are egregious. Harmless exaggerations. Like someone asking me how tall I am and I say I am 6'3. I am 6'2 and half so technically it is a lie but come on. Not the same as Bush with his fake weapons of mass destruction or Bill Clinton with Lewinsky.

Your anger is interesting. Why won't your heroine debate Ben Shapiro? $10k to charity is a generous offer. Bill Maher didn't mind debating him.
It’s irrelevant what you ‘feed into’ - whatever that means.
The media has been gunning for Trump since the day he announced his candidacy, and they went full on deranged retards 24/7 following his election.
After 4000 plus confirmed lies in 558 days, it takes a walking dead retard not to want to question Trump.
The whole world is watching this, and It’s only Leftards who pretend not to notice because they need to feed their TDR and anything will do.
Yea, it takes a bunch of walking dead retards on the Right to ignore 4000 plus lies.

Respect and trust in the US media is at an all time low, I believe, and they totally brought this on themselves.
I've already asked three or four times while these Trump cowards ignore the question, brought what on themselves, and what is the "fake news"?
Now they’re doubling down and I’m pretty sure they are going to lose this ‘war’, which they thoroughly deserve.
"Doubling down" on what?
It’s time for the media to stop embarrassing themselves and to start acting like impartial honest adults, but I’m not holding my breath.
So far, it' the Trump apologists on this thread who have been lying and are embarrassing themselves. Answer the question cowards, or you are all liars.

What question?
The question about the media's "fake news". What is it? The Right is so busy making those claims, while Trump has compiled over 4000 plus fake news lies himself, in 558 days. Am I missing an apples to apples comparison here?

Ahhh...simple and it pertains to exaggeration. If I say, I can run a 4.4 40-yard dash but I really run a 4.47, did I "lie", sure but it wasn't all that significant. Trump exaggerates here and there but they are not "lies". Not like Bush with his weapons of mass destruction or Clinton with Lewinsky. That is the problem with the "Fake News". They make mountains out of mole hills. It is like the boy who cried wolf. When/If some real scandal happens no one will believe them.

If CNN reported right now that DJT is a serial killer, 50% of the country would not believe them. At least 50%. This is because CNN has lost a lot of credibility.

This is purely my opinion. I hope this answers your questions. And enough with identity politics. I am a registered independent who voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I did not vote for BHO the first time because I thought McCain deserved my vote due to him being a vet. I didn't vote for BHO the 2nd time due to his excessive spend.
No, it doesn't. 66% are false to pants on fire. Donald Trump's file That, in no way has any resemblance to 4.4 to 4.7 exaggerations in the 40 yard dash. It just is what it is. A mountain of lies, and there is no other way to slice it.

One thing that most should know about Trump is, whatever he does is the biggest and best.

Sure, it is a lie at times but it is also self promotion, which got him where he is today.
The question about the media's "fake news". What is it? The Right is so busy making those claims, while Trump has compiled over 4000 plus fake news lies himself, in 558 days. Am I missing an apples to apples comparison here?

Ahhh...simple and it pertains to exaggeration. If I say, I can run a 4.4 40-yard dash but I really run a 4.47, did I "lie", sure but it wasn't all that significant. Trump exaggerates here and there but they are not "lies". Not like Bush with his weapons of mass destruction or Clinton with Lewinsky. That is the problem with the "Fake News". They make mountains out of mole hills. It is like the boy who cried wolf. When/If some real scandal happens no one will believe them.

If CNN reported right now that DJT is a serial killer, 50% of the country would not believe them. At least 50%. This is because CNN has lost a lot of credibility.

This is purely my opinion. I hope this answers your questions. And enough with identity politics. I am a registered independent who voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I did not vote for BHO the first time because I thought McCain deserved my vote due to him being a vet. I didn't vote for BHO the 2nd time due to his excessive spend.
No, it doesn't. 66% are false to pants on fire. Donald Trump's file That, in no way has any resemblance to 4.4 to 4.7 exaggerations in the 40 yard dash. It just is what it is. A mountain of lies, and there is no other way to slice it.

Give me specific examples. Just a couple that are that egregious. I saw the same web site. Not one caught my eye as being so bad that I gasped. He also Tweets a ton so he is exposing himself more than all other presidents combined.
What happened to the 3 million illegals voting, that was never proven? What was up with the inaugural lie about the crowd size? Trump said he has no business with Russians, and knows no one who does. Really? He fired Flynn for lying about Russia. We could go on and on. Do you really want to go down that road?

Trump's deplorables do not care about his constant lying. Video evidence of him admiring to Russian collusion could surface and these ass clowns still wouldn't care.

All they care about is that he beat Hilary, undoing all that Obama (even the good things), holding brown people in detention centers and brought merry Christmas back ( even though it never went anywhere).
Trump's deplorable's were so shell shocked from 8 years of a president being the "other", and not them, that they threw all their deplorable qualities in the direction of Donald Trump. He represented everything they hated and feared in this country, and were willing to follow this con man to his illegal election win.

And you are right. They really do not care what he does. Even if it goes against their own interests, as long as it hurts those "others".

And what did Trump do? He took advantage of that anxiety by mounting a gigantic business opportunity for himself, while embarking on a big racist campaign against the "others". He brought out the worst of people in this country. And now that they are vested in him, nothing he does bothers them. They look the other way with all his lies and criminal liability. It will be decades before this country recovers from this manufactured disaster.
Mrs.Crypt Keeper should not speak.

The Trump admin is trying to erase American law order. They are erasing the honorable position POTUS had in America and around the world.

No, Obama, and those before him, have been doing a pretty good job about doing away with law and order themselves. When there are no checks and balances, it will only get worse.

For example, Obama started a war in Libya. Yay! Then he needs to notify Congress after so many days at war to get continued approval. Well Obama just smiled and said, "That's no war, so I don't need your permission under the War Powers Act"

Or how about passing DACA, something Dims even acknowledge is on shaky ground with the rule of law?

Or how about targeting conservatives with the IRS? Naturally, they lose their computers and e-mails and all evidence but then settle out of court with the promise none of what happened will ever see the light of day.

Or how about Congressmen in the Dim party who were bought off not to run?

Or how about mocking people questioning the Constitutionality of Obamacare, only to find out that it was not Constitutional the way it was sold to us? For you see, we were told it was not a tax, when SCOTUS then changed it into a tax to make it half way Constitutional. But Obama had to sell it as not a tax because he promised not to raise taxes on the Middle Class. It ended up being the largest tax increase on the Middle Class in US history.

On and on it goes, but I know of no lie that has effected us all so intimately in terms of our health and bank account.
Ahhh...simple and it pertains to exaggeration. If I say, I can run a 4.4 40-yard dash but I really run a 4.47, did I "lie", sure but it wasn't all that significant. Trump exaggerates here and there but they are not "lies". Not like Bush with his weapons of mass destruction or Clinton with Lewinsky. That is the problem with the "Fake News". They make mountains out of mole hills. It is like the boy who cried wolf. When/If some real scandal happens no one will believe them.

If CNN reported right now that DJT is a serial killer, 50% of the country would not believe them. At least 50%. This is because CNN has lost a lot of credibility.

This is purely my opinion. I hope this answers your questions. And enough with identity politics. I am a registered independent who voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I did not vote for BHO the first time because I thought McCain deserved my vote due to him being a vet. I didn't vote for BHO the 2nd time due to his excessive spend.
No, it doesn't. 66% are false to pants on fire. Donald Trump's file That, in no way has any resemblance to 4.4 to 4.7 exaggerations in the 40 yard dash. It just is what it is. A mountain of lies, and there is no other way to slice it.

Give me specific examples. Just a couple that are that egregious. I saw the same web site. Not one caught my eye as being so bad that I gasped. He also Tweets a ton so he is exposing himself more than all other presidents combined.
What happened to the 3 million illegals voting, that was never proven? What was up with the inaugural lie about the crowd size? Trump said he has no business with Russians, and knows no one who does. Really? He fired Flynn for lying about Russia. We could go on and on. Do you really want to go down that road?

Trump's deplorables do not care about his constant lying. Video evidence of him admiring to Russian collusion could surface and these ass clowns still wouldn't care.

All they care about is that he beat Hilary, undoing all that Obama (even the good things), holding brown people in detention centers and brought merry Christmas back ( even though it never went anywhere).
Trump's deplorable's were so shell shocked from 8 years of a president being the "other", and not them, that they threw all their deplorable qualities in the direction of Donald Trump. He represented everything they hated and feared in this country, and were willing to follow this con man to his illegal election win.

And you are right. They really do not care what he does. Even if it goes against their own interests, as long as it hurts those "others".

And what did Trump do? He took advantage of that anxiety by mounting a gigantic business opportunity for himself, while embarking on a big racist campaign against the "others". He brought out the worst of people in this country. And now that they are vested in him, nothing he does bothers them. They look the other way with all his lies and criminal liability. It will be decades before this country recovers from this manufactured disaster.

What racist campaign? Here is what the voters saw.

#1) Historic debt levels
#2) Massive corporate inversions.
#3) Russia growing in strength (took Crimea without any resistance)
#4) US being friendlier to Iran than Israel
#5) Stagnant wages
#6) Iran mocking our military and us apologizing to them and then Benghazi.
#7) Massive rise in tuition costs
#8) Gov't telling people that they won't butt into gender identity or same sex marriage but will tell small business owners how much they have to pay their employees = critical supreme court nominations coming.
#9) ACA was disastrous.
#10) Rise of BLM

They wanted a change. Trump beat 16 other GOP candidates and garnered 306 delegates. Most media outlets stated he had no path to 270. People who don't like him point to racism, etc. But he won because enough people wanted a change. I live in Boston, so my vote as was pointed out is meaningless. But can you not logically see that my points are salient? Without ad hominems.
No, it doesn't. 66% are false to pants on fire. Donald Trump's file That, in no way has any resemblance to 4.4 to 4.7 exaggerations in the 40 yard dash. It just is what it is. A mountain of lies, and there is no other way to slice it.

Give me specific examples. Just a couple that are that egregious. I saw the same web site. Not one caught my eye as being so bad that I gasped. He also Tweets a ton so he is exposing himself more than all other presidents combined.
What happened to the 3 million illegals voting, that was never proven? What was up with the inaugural lie about the crowd size? Trump said he has no business with Russians, and knows no one who does. Really? He fired Flynn for lying about Russia. We could go on and on. Do you really want to go down that road?

Trump's deplorables do not care about his constant lying. Video evidence of him admiring to Russian collusion could surface and these ass clowns still wouldn't care.

All they care about is that he beat Hilary, undoing all that Obama (even the good things), holding brown people in detention centers and brought merry Christmas back ( even though it never went anywhere).
Trump's deplorable's were so shell shocked from 8 years of a president being the "other", and not them, that they threw all their deplorable qualities in the direction of Donald Trump. He represented everything they hated and feared in this country, and were willing to follow this con man to his illegal election win.

And you are right. They really do not care what he does. Even if it goes against their own interests, as long as it hurts those "others".

And what did Trump do? He took advantage of that anxiety by mounting a gigantic business opportunity for himself, while embarking on a big racist campaign against the "others". He brought out the worst of people in this country. And now that they are vested in him, nothing he does bothers them. They look the other way with all his lies and criminal liability. It will be decades before this country recovers from this manufactured disaster.

What racist campaign? Here is what the voters saw.

#1) Historic debt levels
#2) Massive corporate inversions.
#3) Russia growing in strength (took Crimea without any resistance)
#4) US being friendlier to Iran than Israel
#5) Stagnant wages
#6) Iran mocking our military and us apologizing to them and then Benghazi.
#7) Massive rise in tuition costs
#8) Gov't telling people that they won't butt into gender identity or same sex marriage but will tell small business owners how much they have to pay their employees = critical supreme court nominations coming.
#9) ACA was disastrous.
#10) Rise of BLM

They wanted a change. Trump beat 16 other GOP candidates and garnered 306 delegates. Most media outlets stated he had no path to 270. People who don't like him point to racism, etc. But he won because enough people wanted a change. I live in Boston, so my vote as was pointed out is meaningless. But can you not logically see that my points are salient? Without ad hominems.

This is all voters needed to see

So where does the lying by our political leaders ends folks?

Should we just punish Trump for it or hold all to account?

If so, how? If not, shut the hell up.

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