Kellyanne Conway: Leftist media trying to erase this Presidency

Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Coming from an Administration who’s primary goal from inception has been to erase the prior administration....I find this laughable, don’t you?
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Coming from an Administration who’s primary goal from inception has been to erase the prior administration....I find this laughable, don’t you?

What I find laughable is that one side is only concerned with lying when their side is out of power.

What say you? Should there be a political price to pay for lying? If so, what?

If not, why bother us?
Stop being silly.
What's silly about it? That silly link happens to be a truth you can't challenge.
No, what’s silly is the fact that you’re ignoring that close to 90% of the worlds muslims were not banned.
You told me to "stop being silly". My post addressed the truth about countries Trump does business with and does not have a ban on, even though some of those countries have inflicted more damage on our country than those he banned. I have not addressed the percentages. That is your cowardly diversion, to escape debating what you told me I was being silly about.
It isn’t a diversion, as you well know. Trump does business with the same countries most of the West does business with and has done business with for decades.
And there was still no muslim ban as close to 90% of the worlds muslims were not banned. That you think that’s irrelevant illustrates you are simply another sufferer of TDS.
We'll, Trump and the rest of the west better get their heads out of the sand, because they banned the wrong ones. Saudia Arabia and the Emirates are the biggest threat, both before and now, because they have the means. This isn't about percentages. This is about accuracy, and Trump missed the target.
Nope. He hit the targets but didn’t cut off his nose to spite his face,just like the rest of the West and Obama before him. Your TDS is making you ridiculously blinkered, same as the leftard media.
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.

He attacks the media the way the Soviet Union attacked Nazi Germany....aka retaliate and obliterate.

The media will be around long after the entire Trump crime syndicate is dead and buried, and will be the ones that write his legacy for history.

And it isn't going to be pretty for any of them. Including Melania, and Ivanka.

And there won't be anybody still alive around to challenge it.

Now that's what obliteration looks like.
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Trump started this, knew what he was doing, and still does. He attacks the media. The media fights back, he attacks the media for fighting back, you people side with him because...... freedom of the press means nothing to you.

He attacks the media the way the Soviet Union attacked Nazi Germany....aka retaliate and obliterate.

The media will be around long after the entire Trump crime syndicate is dead and buried, and will be the ones that write his legacy for history.

And it isn't going to be pretty for any of them. Including Melania, and Ivanka.

And there won't be anybody still alive around to challenge it.

Now that's what obliteration looks like.

Wake up. You're dreaming.
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

It won't work.

People have woken up.

The kick off of it will work, ANTIFA is a start already. we haven't seen anything yet LOL

Neither have they
Because I do not agree with you that the media has an "agenda" except to tell us what is going on

Their agenda was to bring down Trump. It defies belief that you haven’t noticed. He fights back, and they double down.
They have doubled down on his 4000 plus lies. Good for them. How else are we going to keep this liar honest if they don't call him out?

More than 100 US newspapers plan editorials decrying Trump media attacks
Boston Globe rallies outlets across the country for 16 August action, saying president’s ‘dirty war on free press must end’
As they should. Trump and his lies have to end.

I really doubt you’re going to like how this works out.
But we’ll see soon enough.
Lol! You are hilarious. "We'll see soon enough"? We already have seen. Trump and his 4000 plus lies, and a bunch of Trump cowards who lied about the medias "fake news", is what I call, "seeing plenty".
You’re being silly again. You’ll see how this petulant foot stamping exercise pans out in a few days.
I still await someone to come up with a constructive way to limit lies regarding our political leaders.

Anyone, or do you just want your liar in charge?
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

It won't work.

People have woken up.

Oh yeah I forgot it could also come in the form of an economic collapse. Remember they will stop at nothing to blame Trump and bring him down.
I still await someone to come up with a constructive way to limit lies regarding our political leaders.

Anyone, or do you just want your liar in charge?

I have one. Tell them to stop being so freaking sensitive. The "everyone gets a trophy" generation is insane.
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

Coming from an Administration who’s primary goal from inception has been to erase the prior administration....I find this laughable, don’t you?

What I find laughable is that one side is only concerned with lying when their side is out of power.

What say you? Should there be a political price to pay for lying? If so, what?

If not, why bother us?

Hmmmm.....does a stained blue dress ring any bells?
I still await someone to come up with a constructive way to limit lies regarding our political leaders.

Anyone, or do you just want your liar in charge?
You can’t. Unless it is perjury. It is up to the media to expose it and the supporters to decide when next they vote.
The Media has done it to themselves. The long attack was started and will end with their down fall. It was noted by many people that it did not make any difference what station you watched, you got the same worded News. Who was putting out the News, with such harmony, is someone that I can not ID for sure. I do know slanted reporting started over 50 years ago.
I've noticed that, too. If I flip channels from CNN to Fox to PBS to CBS, the lead stories are all basically the same most nights. It might be that everyone is getting their news from the same White House Press Corps, AP and Reuters. They don't do a lot of interesting reporting on their own anymore. More's the pity.

The press has an agenda, that much is clear, but we can both agree it is not to inform us properly.

Why then are you defending them and attacking Trump for pointing this crap out?
What is the fake news? I ask this for the second time for the cowards on the Right?

Fake news is lying news.

I suppose you have the source of all truthiness when it comes to news.

Who do you listen to?

Would you like to make a bet?
I say Trump has lied more than the press.
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
All of the Washington Post's listed lies/misleading statements by Trump are verified and not one lie or misleading statement on the list has been debunked by Trump, Trump's team or supporters.
So, that means, you have to come up with more "fake news" than Trumps "fake statements".


I still await someone to come up with a constructive way to limit lies regarding our political leaders.

Anyone, or do you just want your liar in charge?
You can’t. Unless it is perjury. It is up to the media to expose it and the supporters to decide when next they vote.

So either the media exposes lying and nothing happens or they ignore it and nothing happens.

How do we fix this?

As for perjury, should politicians be put under oath for certain promises they make so they can be charged with perjury when they break those promises?
Amid news the Boston Globe is leading a 100-newspaper crusade against President Trump over his criticism of the corporate media, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway said the “virulently anti-Trump” media demonizes the president every day.

Kellyanne Conway: Leftist Media ‘Trying to Erase This Presidency’

Which explains why the left are so dumbed down they haven't a clue about reality.

It won't work.

People have woken up.

The kick off of it will work, ANTIFA is a start already. we haven't seen anything yet LOL

Neither have they
Sept. will rear it's Ugly head they love scrwing people up just days to weeks before the election bs takes lace.
Here is an oldie but goodie as Dan Rather makes up a story about Bush to take him down politically.

Luckily he was called out on it.....and Bush won.


Didn't he lose his job for that? That's what responsible news agencies do.

No, that's what responsible news agencies USED to do.

Now, if you make shit up about the president you get your own show on CNN or PMSNBC and at least 3 different threads on USMB.
The media is losing.....they are losing this fight with Trump...they had better be real media is popping up on-line every day....the NFL players will lose will the swamp....
The media is losing.....they are losing this fight with Trump...they had better be real media is popping up on-line every day....the NFL players will lose will the swamp....

Even if he loses, it was worth the fight in my opinion.

To do nothing is intolerable.
Who determines what is and isn’t a lie? The political leader? There are countries where speaking badly about a leader is punishable.

Then there is the second problem. We have problem a president reflexively lies about anything and everything. Not exaggeration to sell policy, not mistaken assumptions, not even lies of omission, just flat out whoppers that most Americans don’t know what to make of. Why lie about things when there is no need? When it can be so easily refuted? The media doesn’t know how to handle it, they are loath to call it lying...his supporters handle it by doubling down on the everyone is out to get Trump them rather then examining the real issue: Trumps pathological lies and the utter lack of any accountability. The rest of the country just flails away unable to comprehend what is happening. Blatant lying is becoming normalized as part of his “authenticity”

When the president lies....who do you punish?
Who determines what is and isn’t a lie? The political leader? There are countries where speaking badly about a leader is punishable.

Then there is the second problem. We have problem a president reflexively lies about anything and everything. Not exaggeration to sell policy, not mistaken assumptions, not even lies of omission, just flat out whoppers that most Americans don’t know what to make of. Why lie about things when there is no need? When it can be so easily refuted? The media doesn’t know how to handle it, they are loath to call it lying...his supporters handle it by doubling down on the everyone is out to get Trump them rather then examining the real issue: Trumps pathological lies and the utter lack of any accountability. The rest of the country just flails away unable to comprehend what is happening. Blatant lying is becoming normalized as part of his “authenticity”

When the president lies....who do you punish?

Nobody. Obama proved that a president lying was definitely not punishable as that dude lied over and over and got away with it. The media would cover for him, ignore it, twist it, anything to help him out.

If trump would say it was 85 degrees at the white house and it was 84 the MSM would run 8 fucking stories about how he lied. They tried to defend Obama saying he didn't lie saying you could keep your doctor citing a few Americans who could. It's complete utter and opposite treatment of two presidents.

When the media don't hold presidents of BOTH parties to the same standard, then "free press" is no longer free and is no longer the press.
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