Kellyanne Conway says it’s ‘inappropriate’ to question timing of Comey’s firing

So what? She's entitled to her opinion. Just like she is free to and does quite regularly, disseminate alternative facts for the RussianWNJ's consumption.
Conway just may be even more of an anti-intellect than Trump, which is really saying something.

It's the job of the press to ask questions. It's their job to get the story, the facts, the scoop. They have to report on it and be the watchdog for the people. It isn't their job to be surrogates for this administration.

It should be the job of the news media to report all of the facts, in an unbiased way regarding any news story! Something they haven't done now for 50 years! When they colluded with the DNC and Democratic presidential campaign they essentially dropped all pretense of being impartial and unbiased! In my mind, the news media is nothing more that the unofficial PR spokesmen for the democratic party! This is why a majority of Americans no longer believe at face value what they report and why alternative news sources exist!
It should be the job of the news media to report all of the facts, in an unbiased way regarding any news story!

Maybe it should, maybe is shouldn't.

Even when the major media was only printed, they were still free to take sides.
Conway just may be even more of an anti-intellect than Trump, which is really saying something.

It's the job of the press to ask questions. It's their job to get the story, the facts, the scoop. They have to report on it and be the watchdog for the people. It isn't their job to be surrogates for this administration.

It should be the job of the news media to report all of the facts, in an unbiased way regarding any news story! Something they haven't done now for 50 years! When they colluded with the DNC and Democratic presidential campaign they essentially dropped all pretense of being impartial and unbiased! In my mind, the news media is nothing more that the unofficial PR spokesmen for the democratic party! This is why a majority of Americans no longer believe at face value what they report and why alternative news sources exist!
The news media has never been unbiased the way you claim it is supposed to be, and who are you to tell the news media and American citizens the job of the news media? The media, in the form of pamphlets and handouts during the Revolution has been biased. Free speech was a key element in the birth of the USA. If an American wants to be biased and promote their viewpoint it is their right to do so. No one forces you or anyone else to view or read specific news sources.
Kellyanne Conway says it’s ‘inappropriate’ to question timing of Comey’s firing

Whatever, whenever, however - a President and candidates for the presidency are always under scrutiny. The Alt Right and Far Right taught us that.

She has her point. There was lots to question Obama about that he was never questioned on, Comey serves at the pleasure of the president and he can fire him because his tie was crooked. To imply that there was something surreptitious about it is just another unwarranted slam against the guy. As per the other threads, this will not affect any investigations or testimony, only fix an agency that had come under serious questions of integrity. There is no mystery about the timing, see the other threads.
Conway just may be even more of an anti-intellect than Trump, which is really saying something.

It's the job of the press to ask questions. It's their job to get the story, the facts, the scoop. They have to report on it and be the watchdog for the people. It isn't their job to be surrogates for this administration.

It should be the job of the news media to report all of the facts, in an unbiased way regarding any news story! Something they haven't done now for 50 years! When they colluded with the DNC and Democratic presidential campaign they essentially dropped all pretense of being impartial and unbiased! In my mind, the news media is nothing more that the unofficial PR spokesmen for the democratic party! This is why a majority of Americans no longer believe at face value what they report and why alternative news sources exist!

While I will concede that the press is far from perfect, it's hard to find critics of the press credible when fake news becomes code for news they don't like, cry bias at a negative story or ask tough questions to elected officials on their side.
The American people have a right to know the facts whether it be through the press or their elected representatives. The fact is that this stinks of high heaven of politics. This will lower the confidence of the American people in their government. The FBI and the Justice Department have enormous power to destroy people and the idea that it could be used politically is frightening. Questioning the firing is more than appropriate, the executive branch must be held accountable.
Lower it more? After 8 years of Obama, it cant get much lower. It can only go up now..
historically inaccurate
Uhhh Jake, your party said Flynn had to be fired for lying to the VP and during the Comey questioning he got caught lying a few times, so do the math. It was gonna be done as the people like the deputy AG would need to be in place (which made the call) , just happened recently, and so Comey created his own timing which was coming soon anyway.
Nice try by your party, but the flip flop by Schumer might cost him re-election if his opponent knows how to splice footage together to show him lying and saying liars should be fired and get psychiatric help.

By the logic of the latter part of your statement, Trump should never have been anywhere near the White House.

That is the Dems logic they use when demonizing him. Once again everything they say reflects back at them(even standard) and reveals they are the ones they are talking about deflecting onto their opponent.
-Psychology 101

I see Trump apologists deflecting to Hillary or Obama even if they are completely irrelevant to the issue at hand. Trump contradicted himself even during the campaign, let alone since the election, that I haven't been able to keep up with all of his ridiculousness and I often forget something he said a few days ago because he said and did something outrageous today.

You are being disingenuous, it's not deflecting when you point out the hypocracy and standard through reflective teaching, that would be a double negative=positive.
Yes Speakers doing huge amounts of speaches will miss speak, but when politicians and media say there were "0" illegal aliens who illegally voted, that is not miss speaking, that is intentional lying for sake of furthering propaganda and hide cheating. Everything Dems call insanity=is what they are doing. Every accusation of what "the deplorables" would do if they lost, is being done by Dems.= The ones they hate are themselves. Remember it's Al Franken himself who's SNL character said look in the mirror, can you love yourself?
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Conway just may be even more of an anti-intellect than Trump, which is really saying something.

It's the job of the press to ask questions. It's their job to get the story, the facts, the scoop. They have to report on it and be the watchdog for the people. It isn't their job to be surrogates for this administration.

A lot of people think that the press was acting like surrogates for the Obama Administration, and were not the watchdog for the people like they should have been. Which is why the favorability ratings for the press is abysmally low, they are not trusted as much as they once were.
Conway just may be even more of an anti-intellect than Trump, which is really saying something.

It's the job of the press to ask questions. It's their job to get the story, the facts, the scoop. They have to report on it and be the watchdog for the people. It isn't their job to be surrogates for this administration.
so why didn't the press ever question obummer? hmmmm it seems there is a double standard. are you lib?
Uhhh Jake, your party said Flynn had to be fired for lying to the VP and during the Comey questioning he got caught lying a few times, so do the math. It was gonna be done as the people like the deputy AG would need to be in place (which made the call) , just happened recently, and so Comey created his own timing which was coming soon anyway.
Nice try by your party, but the flip flop by Schumer might cost him re-election if his opponent knows how to splice footage together to show him lying and saying liars should be fired and get psychiatric help.

By the logic of the latter part of your statement, Trump should never have been anywhere near the White House.

That is the Dems logic they use when demonizing him. Once again everything they say reflects back at them(even standard) and reveals they are the ones they are talking about deflecting onto their opponent.
-Psychology 101

I see Trump apologists deflecting to Hillary or Obama even if they are completely irrelevant to the issue at hand. Trump contradicted himself even during the campaign, let alone since the election, that I haven't been able to keep up with all of his ridiculousness and I often forget something he said a few days ago because he said and did something outrageous today.

You are being disingenuous, it's not deflecting when you point out the hypocracy and standard through reflective teaching, that would be a double negative=positive.
Yes Speakers doing huge amounts of speaches will miss speak, but when politicians and media say there were "0" illegal aliens who illegally voted, that is not miss speaking, that is intentional lying for sake of furthering propaganda and hide cheating. Everything Dems call insanity=is what they are doing. Every accusation of what "the deplorables" would do if they lost, is being done by Dems.= The ones they hate are themselves. Remember it's Al Franken himself who's SNL character said look in the mirror, can you love yourself?View attachment 125948

Congressional Republicans have refuted Trump's claims about illegals voting. His ego cannot stand he didn't get more votes.

Trump has shown to either contradict himself or flat out lie. It's everybody's fault except his. He knows everything, until he doesn't, reverses course and blames somebody else.
Conway just may be even more of an anti-intellect than Trump, which is really saying something.

It's the job of the press to ask questions. It's their job to get the story, the facts, the scoop. They have to report on it and be the watchdog for the people. It isn't their job to be surrogates for this administration.
so why didn't the press ever question obummer? hmmmm it seems there is a double standard. are you lib?

Every person who has ever had the job, including Obama, has been asked tough questions and didn't always get along with the press.
Conway just may be even more of an anti-intellect than Trump, which is really saying something.

It's the job of the press to ask questions. It's their job to get the story, the facts, the scoop. They have to report on it and be the watchdog for the people. It isn't their job to be surrogates for this administration.

A lot of people think that the press was acting like surrogates for the Obama Administration, and were not the watchdog for the people like they should have been. Which is why the favorability ratings for the press is abysmally low, they are not trusted as much as they once were.

That's what people think. Not true. Some people are led to believe that, but they weren't Obama surrogates. Using quotes, words, videos, this is what the press does. It doesn't make them wrong.
Conway just may be even more of an anti-intellect than Trump, which is really saying something.

It's the job of the press to ask questions. It's their job to get the story, the facts, the scoop. They have to report on it and be the watchdog for the people. It isn't their job to be surrogates for this administration.

A lot of people think that the press was acting like surrogates for the Obama Administration, and were not the watchdog for the people like they should have been. Which is why the favorability ratings for the press is abysmally low, they are not trusted as much as they once were.

That's what people think. Not true. Some people are led to believe that, but they weren't Obama surrogates. Using quotes, words, videos, this is what the press does. It doesn't make them wrong.

And some people were led to believe that the press was scrupulously honest in their coverage of Obama and his administration. If you want to believe that, so be it but let's not pretend that Trump is getting anywhere near the same treatment that Obama got, they've been after his ass from Nov 9th on. Sometimes they might have been right and sometimes they might have been wrong, but they sure as hell were biased most of the time.
Conway just may be even more of an anti-intellect than Trump, which is really saying something.

It's the job of the press to ask questions. It's their job to get the story, the facts, the scoop. They have to report on it and be the watchdog for the people. It isn't their job to be surrogates for this administration.
so why didn't the press ever question obummer? hmmmm it seems there is a double standard. are you lib?

Every person who has ever had the job, including Obama, has been asked tough questions and didn't always get along with the press.
yeah, go with that.
Conway just may be even more of an anti-intellect than Trump, which is really saying something.

It's the job of the press to ask questions. It's their job to get the story, the facts, the scoop. They have to report on it and be the watchdog for the people. It isn't their job to be surrogates for this administration.
so why didn't the press ever question obummer? hmmmm it seems there is a double standard. are you lib?

Every person who has ever had the job, including Obama, has been asked tough questions and didn't always get along with the press.
yeah, go with that.

I go with that because it is true.
Conway just may be even more of an anti-intellect than Trump, which is really saying something.

It's the job of the press to ask questions. It's their job to get the story, the facts, the scoop. They have to report on it and be the watchdog for the people. It isn't their job to be surrogates for this administration.

A lot of people think that the press was acting like surrogates for the Obama Administration, and were not the watchdog for the people like they should have been. Which is why the favorability ratings for the press is abysmally low, they are not trusted as much as they once were.

That's what people think. Not true. Some people are led to believe that, but they weren't Obama surrogates. Using quotes, words, videos, this is what the press does. It doesn't make them wrong.

And some people were led to believe that the press was scrupulously honest in their coverage of Obama and his administration. If you want to believe that, so be it but let's not pretend that Trump is getting anywhere near the same treatment that Obama got, they've been after his ass from Nov 9th on. Sometimes they might have been right and sometimes they might have been wrong, but they sure as hell were biased most of the time.

Are they supposed to just bow down to Trump without ever asking tough questions, quoting his words and showing his tweets on air?

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