Ken Burns Roosevelt Documentary

2. And, yes....there is no doubt that Liberals control the dissemination of information.

What are FOXNEWS, the Washington Examiner, the Washington Times, NewsMax, the New York Post...

here's a partial list:

The following are generally considered to be conservative news outlets, based either on self-identification or their perceived content.

I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

Ever heard of the "Court Packing Scheme"?

No? Neither have the people who made the documentary. Neither has any child in our public schools.

There is a method to the madness.....
There was no Roosevelt 'military buildup' in the 1930s.

PoliticalChic said:
January: FDR's State of the Union address requests nearly $1.5B for defense (in national budget of $9B) and says arms embargo is unfair and must be reformed: "the frontiers of the United States are on the Rhine," he tells a Senate committee, to "stony silence."

I just LOVE it when you contradict yourself!


You imbecile....that was some one else's post.

Foot in your mouth again, huh?
It's not from one of your links?

I've already exposed how 'galactically stupid' you are....and now you've added 'totally dishonest' to your resume.

I did not write what you claimed I did.

The proper response would have been an apology, and a correction.
Who taught you manners?
again: is it from one of your links?

You have difficulty answering direct questions. Every time I ask you one and you tap dance instead, it's just more proof that I'm winning the argument.

Did I write what you claimed I wrote....or did someone else?

Answer the question.
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

Ever heard of the "Court Packing Scheme"?

No? Neither have the people who made the documentary. Neither has any child in our public schools.

There is a method to the madness.....
The court packing scheme was covered in the documentary.
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

Ever heard of the "Court Packing Scheme"?

No? Neither have the people who made the documentary. Neither has any child in our public schools.

There is a method to the madness.....

1. I haven't seen the film....but would like to remind that there were Democrats, who were still loyal to the know...prior to the current iteration of the Democrat Party, who vehemently objected to Roosevelt's power grab.

But, sadly, Roosevelt's threat worked, the Supreme Court bowed and succumbed to Roosevelt's whip.

2. To see the abject cowardice of the Justices, note that in invalidating the Guffey-Vinson Coal Act on May 18, 1936, less than a year before Roosevelt attempted to pack the court, Justice Charles Evans Hughes said that federal laws restricting local labor relations provisions were unconstitutional, that "the relations of employer and employee is a local relation" and "the evils are all local evils over which the federal government has no legislative control."

He went on to say "Otherwise in view of the multitude of indirect effects Congress in its discretion could assume control of virtually all of the activities of the people to the subversion of the fundamental principles of the Constitution." And..." is not for the court to amend the Constitution by judicial decision."

Atta boy, Hughes!!!

The US Constitution is inviolable!!!

Sort of......

3. Proof of Roosevelt's total control of another branch of government came just eleven months later: the very same Chief Justice Hughes, spoke for the majority in finding the Wagner Labor Relations Act constitutional.
Yes, he said...Congress could regulate labor relations in manufacturing plants.

Roosevelt destroyed the independence of the Supreme Court.

And so we became an America without checks and balances.

That is the legacy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
The legacy of FDR was and is one of hope, of overcoming a huge economic debacle, and one of leading us to victory in WW2. Both my parents and grandparents lived through both the depression and the war. All admired Roosevelt for what he did, and despised those that blamed all the problems on the working man. The GOP is still in recovery mode from their opposition to everything the FDR did. And, once again, is digging their hole deeper as they still attempt to undo all the good FDR accomplished.
The legacy of FDR was and is one of hope, of overcoming a huge economic debacle, and one of leading us to victory in WW2. Both my parents and grandparents lived through both the depression and the war. All admired Roosevelt for what he did, and despised those that blamed all the problems on the working man. The GOP is still in recovery mode from their opposition to everything the FDR did. And, once again, is digging their hole deeper as they still attempt to undo all the good FDR accomplished.

Do you know what is meant by "Hegelian dialectic"?

It is the special technique of the Democrat Party.

And this is the cornerstone doctrine of said party:
"...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.'" Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)
The legacy of FDR was and is one of hope, of overcoming a huge economic debacle, and one of leading us to victory in WW2. Both my parents and grandparents lived through both the depression and the war. All admired Roosevelt for what he did, and despised those that blamed all the problems on the working man. The GOP is still ......
Your grandparents sound like they were hatefilled bozos then. Who blamed everything on the working man? And they weren't the only ones that lived through the Depression and war, why is that supposed to mean anything? FDR was not universally loved, what makes your grandparents so special to everyone else?
The legacy of FDR was and is one of hope....

Oh yeah, the US CITIZENS in his concentration camps must have been brimming with "hope."
Why don't you ever put some of the blame for this black mark on American history where it rightfully belongs? The General responsible for the defense of the west coast from California to Alaska was Lt. Gen. John Dewitt and he was demanding Japanese citizens be removed from the west coast and interned. The Secretary of War, Henry Simpson was doing the same. Business owners and farmers in southern California were doing the same. In southern California seventy five percent of the population supported internment. The percentage of supporters and people demanding internment dropped down to about fifty percent in northern California, Oregon and Washington, but congressmen and other elected officials felt the pressure.
It wasn't an invasion that so concerned people, it was sabotage. The concern was that things like bridges, refineries and factories could be destroyed by sabotage. FDR could have overruled his top General for the region, his Sec. of War, all the elected official of the region and the majority of the citizens and if no act of sabotage occurred he would be judged a great and brave leader. If a act of sabotage had occurred he would be judged a fool.
The legacy of FDR was and is one of hope, of overcoming a huge economic debacle, and one of leading us to victory in WW2. Both my parents and grandparents lived through both the depression and the war. All admired Roosevelt for what he did, and despised those that blamed all the problems on the working man. The GOP is still in recovery mode from their opposition to everything the FDR did. And, once again, is digging their hole deeper as they still attempt to undo all the good FDR accomplished.

Do you know what is meant by "Hegelian dialectic"?

It is the special technique of the Democrat Party.

And this is the cornerstone doctrine of said party:
"...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.'" Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)

Just can't stop yourself from lying can you. There is no connection of any kind between Hagel and the Democrat Party.
The legacy of FDR was and is one of hope, of overcoming a huge economic debacle, and one of leading us to victory in WW2. Both my parents and grandparents lived through both the depression and the war. All admired Roosevelt for what he did, and despised those that blamed all the problems on the working man. The GOP is still in recovery mode from their opposition to everything the FDR did. And, once again, is digging their hole deeper as they still attempt to undo all the good FDR accomplished.

Do you know what is meant by "Hegelian dialectic"?

It is the special technique of the Democrat Party.

And this is the cornerstone doctrine of said party:
"...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.'" Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)

Just can't stop yourself from lying can you. There is no connection of any kind between Hagel and the Democrat Party.


I just know that there are Democrats/Liberals slapping their palms on their foreheads, knowing that an embarrassment like you is in their camp!


Don't ever change.
The legacy of FDR was and is one of hope, of overcoming a huge economic debacle, and one of leading us to victory in WW2. Both my parents and grandparents lived through both the depression and the war. All admired Roosevelt for what he did, and despised those that blamed all the problems on the working man. The GOP is still in recovery mode from their opposition to everything the FDR did. And, once again, is digging their hole deeper as they still attempt to undo all the good FDR accomplished.

Do you know what is meant by "Hegelian dialectic"?

It is the special technique of the Democrat Party.

And this is the cornerstone doctrine of said party:
"...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.'" Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)

Just can't stop yourself from lying can you. There is no connection of any kind between Hagel and the Democrat Party.


I just know that there are Democrats/Liberals slapping their palms on their foreheads, knowing that an embarrassment like you is in their camp!


Don't ever change.

In other words: You have no idea what Hegelian dialect is.
The legacy of FDR was and is one of hope, of overcoming a huge economic debacle, and one of leading us to victory in WW2. Both my parents and grandparents lived through both the depression and the war. All admired Roosevelt for what he did, and despised those that blamed all the problems on the working man. The GOP is still in recovery mode from their opposition to everything the FDR did. And, once again, is digging their hole deeper as they still attempt to undo all the good FDR accomplished.

Do you know what is meant by "Hegelian dialectic"?

It is the special technique of the Democrat Party.

And this is the cornerstone doctrine of said party:
"...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.'" Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)

Just can't stop yourself from lying can you. There is no connection of any kind between Hagel and the Democrat Party.


I just know that there are Democrats/Liberals slapping their palms on their foreheads, knowing that an embarrassment like you is in their camp!


Don't ever change.

In other words: You have no idea what Hegelian dialect is.


You imbecile.
The legacy of FDR was and is one of hope, of overcoming a huge economic debacle, and one of leading us to victory in WW2. Both my parents and grandparents lived through both the depression and the war. All admired Roosevelt for what he did, and despised those that blamed all the problems on the working man. The GOP is still in recovery mode from their opposition to everything the FDR did. And, once again, is digging their hole deeper as they still attempt to undo all the good FDR accomplished.

Do you know what is meant by "Hegelian dialectic"?

It is the special technique of the Democrat Party.

And this is the cornerstone doctrine of said party:
"...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.'" Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)

Just can't stop yourself from lying can you. There is no connection of any kind between Hagel and the Democrat Party.


I just know that there are Democrats/Liberals slapping their palms on their foreheads, knowing that an embarrassment like you is in their camp!


Don't ever change.

In other words: You have no idea what Hegelian dialect is.


You imbecile.

Haven't you had enough time to do some half ass research on Wikipedia or Google yet. Or do you need to consult a blog?
It's you who makes all the childish absolutist remarks, not me. People who make shallow half wit comparisons between FDR, Hitler, and Stalin really can't be taken seriously.

Only because you've never been exposed to education.

"Three New Deals: Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939,"
by Wolfgang Schivelbusch

It must be very frustrating for you to be nearly smart enough to almost realize how stupid you are.
Well, maybe some hope, but a lot more debt than hope. Reagan managed to triple the debt.

You're a lying sack of shit.

Wow you really are so uninformed.

When reagan, the traitor to America, took office the national debt was around 900 billion. When reagan, the traitor to America, left office the national debt was around 2.7 trillion dollars.

Just in case you can't multiply that's tripling the debt.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

When ronald reagan, the traitor to America, took office America was the largest creditor nation in the world. When reagan, the traitor to America, left office America was the largest debtor nation in the world.

Around 90% of the debt America faces today was forced on us by 3 republican presidents. They being, reagan, bush and the bush boy.

You can deny it and call people liars all you want but the honest historic facts prove you're either very delusional or a liar. Or both.

"When reagan, the traitor to America, took office the national debt was around 900 billion. When reagan, the traitor to America, left office the national debt was around 2.7 trillion dollars."

You are truly stupid.
  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.

Reaganomics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So are you saying Reagan had a stab at Keynes and Keynes worked? Was that Reagan's goal proving Keynes right or did he just stumble on it? But you do need to get in touch with the historians and economists and have them change their Reagan debt figures, and of course, we already know the commies juggled the figures. you believe Keynes to be correct???

Shocker....I mean, you're wrong on so very may issues, why should this be any different.

Now...I want you to get a pencil and paper....and take notes on this thread....

learn it.

It will save you future embarrassment.

Stimulus To Solve Unemployment US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

Ever heard of the "Court Packing Scheme"?

No? Neither have the people who made the documentary. Neither has any child in our public schools.

There is a method to the madness.....
But it worked. Before the bill came to a vote in Congress, two Supreme Court justices came over to the liberal side and by a majority upheld as constitutional the National Labor Relations Act and the Social Security Act.

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