Ken Burns Roosevelt Documentary

This nation owes a debt of gratitude to that great Democratic, 3-term, President for catapulting America onto the world stage as an economic force to be reckoned with.
According to the Burns documentary the "court packing" assertion consisted of FDR's proposal that justice's be required to retire at the age of 70 instead of sitting on the court for life. It's an idea that still pops up now and again. It would have forced justices to retire and vacate their positions and be replaced by FDR nominations.
Do you know what is meant by "Hegelian dialectic"?

It is the special technique of the Democrat Party.

And this is the cornerstone doctrine of said party:
"...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.'" Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)

Just can't stop yourself from lying can you. There is no connection of any kind between Hagel and the Democrat Party.


I just know that there are Democrats/Liberals slapping their palms on their foreheads, knowing that an embarrassment like you is in their camp!


Don't ever change.

In other words: You have no idea what Hegelian dialect is.


You imbecile.

Haven't you had enough time to do some half ass research on Wikipedia or Google yet. Or do you need to consult a blog?

Dismissed, dope.
Just can't stop yourself from lying can you. There is no connection of any kind between Hagel and the Democrat Party.


I just know that there are Democrats/Liberals slapping their palms on their foreheads, knowing that an embarrassment like you is in their camp!


Don't ever change.

In other words: You have no idea what Hegelian dialect is.


You imbecile.

Haven't you had enough time to do some half ass research on Wikipedia or Google yet. Or do you need to consult a blog?

Dismissed, dope.

No, school is still in session because you haven't learned anything yet.
I don't know if Keynes was right or wrong, but it seems Keynes is the latest answer to recessions.
I always have paper and pencil handy when I read your posts. In fact, I have written to the history department at our local university to have paper and pencil handy also. The history department never responded, but I sit pencil in hand ready but so far all it sees is more alerts as to what's coming and be ready. Then someone said it was the commies cutting off communication. Is there some way you can get the alerts to us via a code of some type. Boy, this is getting exciting.
I watched episode #2 last night...didn't know TR got the Panama Canal built....I guess it never occurred to me.....I know who gave it away and that it's now being run by the fucking CHINESE....that would be the second worst president in our history. :doubt:
The legacy of FDR was and is one of hope....

Oh yeah, the US CITIZENS in his concentration camps must have been brimming with "hope."
Why don't you ever put some of the blame for this black mark on American history where it rightfully belongs?

It "rightfully belongs" with the guy whose name is on EO 9066, fool. I know you liberals are allergic to personal responsibility, but the buck stops you-know-where no matter how much of a nuthugger you are.
The concern was that things like bridges, refineries and factories could be destroyed by sabotage...

No Japanese American was ever convicted of treason, espionage, or sabotage throughout the war. You fail again.
Are there many posters here who would be against Unkotare being interned indefinitely? I think not.

The reason there were none convicted was because the first one died, and the rest were interned as a result of his treason.
Are there many posters here who would be against Unkotare being interned indefinitely? I think not.

The reason there were none convicted was because the first one died, and the rest were interned as a result of his treason.

I said no Japanese-American was ever convicted, you idiot. And by your failed logic ALL Americans of German and Italian ancestry should have been thrown into FDR concentration camps, because they actually committed acts of treason, sabotage, and espionage.

You're an un-American moron.
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I watched episode #2 last night...didn't know TR got the Panama Canal built....I guess it never occurred to me.....I know who gave it away and that it's now being run by the fucking CHINESE....that would be the second worst president in our history. :doubt:
Besides building the canal, probably his greatest accomplishment in foreign policy was a the expansion of the Monroe Doctrine. It was used to intervene in Latin America a dozen times over the next 15 or 20 years. However, more important it ended US isolationism and provided a stepping stone for the US intervention in WWI and WWII. TR envisioned America as a world power whose destiny was to extend it's influence throughout the world, a vision that few people shared.

Domestically probably his greatest accomplishment was the expansion of the National Park System and Antiquities Act which allowed him and presidents to follow to create 58 National Parks and 109 National Monuments. Unlike today, the need for National Parks and Monuments was seen by few people and it was opposed by many business interests.
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The concern was that things like bridges, refineries and factories could be destroyed by sabotage...

No Japanese American was ever convicted of treason, espionage, or sabotage throughout the war. You fail again.

Fortunately they were placed in protective custody and held at detention facilities....

No, they were deprived of their constitutional rights and thrown into that scumbag FDR's concentration camps. Are you a US citizen? Are you up for the same treatment? You know, "for your own good." :rolleyes:
The concern was that things like bridges, refineries and factories could be destroyed by sabotage...

No Japanese American was ever convicted of treason, espionage, or sabotage throughout the war. You fail again.

Fortunately they were placed in protective custody and held at detention facilities....

No, they were deprived of their constitutional rights and thrown into that scumbag FDR's concentration camps. Are you a US citizen? Are you up for the same treatment? You know, "for your own good." :rolleyes:
The Japanese-Americans spent a lot of time, and blood erasing the prejudice that had been directed at them in the prewar and war periods. I hope some simple whiners are not going to destroy any of those good feelings that the 442nd and others earned the hard way in erasing that prejudice. The country has apologized and admitted it was wrong, and most recognize that there were many wrongs committed in that period, and this is but one.
The concern was that things like bridges, refineries and factories could be destroyed by sabotage...

No Japanese American was ever convicted of treason, espionage, or sabotage throughout the war. You fail again.

Fortunately they were placed in protective custody and held at detention facilities....

No, they were deprived of their constitutional rights and thrown into that scumbag FDR's concentration camps. Are you a US citizen? Are you up for the same treatment? You know, "for your own good." :rolleyes:
The Japanese-Americans spent a lot of time, and blood erasing the prejudice that had been directed at them in the prewar and war periods. I hope some simple whiners are not going to destroy any of those good feelings that the 442nd and others earned the hard way in erasing that prejudice. The country has apologized and admitted it was wrong, and most recognize that there were many wrongs committed in that period, and this is but one.

Just the is the humanity, or lack of, of Franklin Roosevelt that is in question.

. From "FDR Goes To War," Folsom and Folsom
FDR’s abuse of civil rights: wiretapping for security was expanded to tap Republicans…and his wife, Eleanor!

The internment of 110,000 Japanese seems to have been largely political. Earl Warren of California was sensitive to his constituents resenting the large success of the Japanese in agriculture. And, interned, they couldn’t vote against FDR, and he did pick up three House seats…and after the election he began to move for the release of the Japanese.
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

Ever heard of the "Court Packing Scheme"?

No? Neither have the people who made the documentary. Neither has any child in our public schools.

There is a method to the madness.....
Then you obviously didn't watch the documentary because Burns goes into great detail about his court-packing scheme, and even calls it such.

More proof that you're just another poseur, clearly out of your league.
I just LOVE it when you contradict yourself!


You imbecile....that was some one else's post.

Foot in your mouth again, huh?
It's not from one of your links?

I've already exposed how 'galactically stupid' you are....and now you've added 'totally dishonest' to your resume.

I did not write what you claimed I did.

The proper response would have been an apology, and a correction.
Who taught you manners?
again: is it from one of your links?

You have difficulty answering direct questions. Every time I ask you one and you tap dance instead, it's just more proof that I'm winning the argument.

Did I write what you claimed I wrote....or did someone else?

Answer the question.
Did you post it, as corroboration for the argument you are making?

And you've got a lot of nerve asking anyone to answer a question while ignoring mine for the past 200 posts.

Here it is for the 6th time:

Which countries did NOT recognize Stalin as the leader of the USSR?

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