Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People


Cops kill far more whites than blacks so where's the front page coverage and the multi cycle cable news coverage?

So what you're saying is that police brutality is a much bigger problem in this country, one that transcends mere racial bias.

It's not that big a problem so don't put words in my mouth.

The FACTS are that whites are killed far more often by cops and blacks are killed far more often by other black people than by either whites or cops combined

So Black people getting all outraged over some stupid hash tag Black lives matter" is like illiterates whining about banned books

And black on black crime is CRIME, and is prosecuted as such. Cop on black crime draws an inevitable groundswell of rightwing nuts like you reflexively defending the cops.

And the leftwing flocks to the aid of a five felony convicted,drug dealing thug.
She killed her self!
And the trooper's life mattered!
Bland also totally ignored Chris Rock's video! Stupid!
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black.

It's impossible to communicate with people who will stoop this low, and it surely doesn't heal anything.

But healing is not the goal for them.


Are you aware that the idiot poster you're buddying up with said in post 46 that 98% of these blacks killed by cops deserved it?

I wouldnt say they deserved it.
But they most definitely brought it on themselves.

Again, making excuses for police brutality.

Again,making excuses for the scummiest dredges of our society..
Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, president of Senate Conservatives Fund, participated in a a panel Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” along with former South Carolina State Representative Bakari Sellers and addressed the resentment aimed at the saying “black lives matter.”

Although Democratic primary candidate former Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-MD) was booed and forced to apologize after he said in front of a group of “black lives matter” protesters that “all lives matter,” Sellers wanted everyone to know that an implicit “too” goes after the saying “black lives matter” and he explained that African-Americans saying “black lives matter” is them saying, “Stop killing us. We’re saying, ‘My life matters'” because he is “the only person at the table whose next interaction may cause them to be a hashtag.”

Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if black lives matter then why do so many blacks kill other blacks? Just more divisive rhetoric that emanates from the top on down. Stop killing each other at such high rates and stop aborting babies as a form of birth control.
And, yes, that's the first time I've heard the phrase "insulting to white people". Someone in politics or the televised media needs to say those words.

Fact is, blacks lives don't matter. If they did you would see a drastic reduction in abortions and black on black murders.

Blacks lives matter was probably coined by some white liberal and some, if not most blacks seemingly parrot what they're told.
But they don't get upset at the real problem which is blacks murdering other blacks

Any honest black parent would tell their kids to be more afraid of other black people than white cops.

You love statistics don't you well look it up or do you only quote stats you can twist?

Here's the thing. When blacks kill other blacks, they are arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned for it.

When police officers kill blacks, there is a whole system that goes into overdrive to protect them no matter how blatant the evidence of misconduct is. And usually, we aren't talking about things involving weapons. We are talking about Michael Brown being shot 8 times for swiping cigarettes. Or Eric Garner getting choked to death for selling them. Or Sandra Bland being thrown in jail for refusing to put one out.

Smoking can kill you, apparently.

Actually, when police kills ANYONE, there is a whole system that goes into overdrive to protect them no matter how blatant the evidence of misconduct is.

If a cop shoots a citizen, there is a 98% chance of being acquitted. This is not just a Police versus Black issue. This is a Police versus Citizen issue.

'White privilege' does not exist if the cop decides to shoot.
And 98% chance is the "citizen" deserved it!
The problem is the majority of people have been taught THEY don't have to obey any commands! They are taught people in authority have NO right to tell them what to do.
Even though most often the reason for the authority to tell them was for the person's own good...the disrespectful "citizen" doesn't understand what it means to comply.


Phone in one hand, child in other. Yep, he deserves a bullet to the head! Oh, he wasn't Black

A gun that shoots water, yep that is a dangerous weapon! He deserve two rounds from a shotgun. Oh, he wasn't Black

Crazy Cop shoot sunday school teacher for rolling up window. Then lied about incident. Yep, those damn Christian Sunday Teachers are a real threat! She deserve getting shot 6 times! Oh, she wasn't Black!

However, there is time even what seems like a dangerous situation is shown not to be, for instance

He was Black and deserved it right? However.....

No one agrees with you!
But they don't get upset at the real problem which is blacks murdering other blacks

Any honest black parent would tell their kids to be more afraid of other black people than white cops.

You love statistics don't you well look it up or do you only quote stats you can twist?

Here's the thing. When blacks kill other blacks, they are arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned for it.

When police officers kill blacks, there is a whole system that goes into overdrive to protect them no matter how blatant the evidence of misconduct is. And usually, we aren't talking about things involving weapons. We are talking about Michael Brown being shot 8 times for swiping cigarettes. Or Eric Garner getting choked to death for selling them. Or Sandra Bland being thrown in jail for refusing to put one out.

Smoking can kill you, apparently.

Actually, when police kills ANYONE, there is a whole system that goes into overdrive to protect them no matter how blatant the evidence of misconduct is.

If a cop shoots a citizen, there is a 98% chance of being acquitted. This is not just a Police versus Black issue. This is a Police versus Citizen issue.

'White privilege' does not exist if the cop decides to shoot.
And 98% chance is the "citizen" deserved it!
The problem is the majority of people have been taught THEY don't have to obey any commands! They are taught people in authority have NO right to tell them what to do.
Even though most often the reason for the authority to tell them was for the person's own good...the disrespectful "citizen" doesn't understand what it means to comply.


Phone in one hand, child in other. Yep, he deserves a bullet to the head! Oh, he wasn't Black

A gun that shoots water, yep that is a dangerous weapon! He deserve two rounds from a shotgun. Oh, he wasn't Black

Crazy Cop shoot sunday school teacher for rolling up window. Then lied about incident. Yep, those damn Christian Sunday Teachers are a real threat! She deserve getting shot 6 times! Oh, she wasn't Black!

However, there is time even what seems like a dangerous situation is shown not to be, for instance

He was Black and deserved it right? However.....

No one agrees with you!

Two of those are the same video. And coincidently one of the two that were fucked up.
The other being the cop shooting through the window.

The others all have a reasonable cause. Unfortunate but understandable.

Cops kill far more whites than blacks so where's the front page coverage and the multi cycle cable news coverage?

So what you're saying is that police brutality is a much bigger problem in this country, one that transcends mere racial bias.

It's not that big a problem so don't put words in my mouth.

The FACTS are that whites are killed far more often by cops and blacks are killed far more often by other black people than by either whites or cops combined

So Black people getting all outraged over some stupid hash tag Black lives matter" is like illiterates whining about banned books

And black on black crime is CRIME, and is prosecuted as such. Cop on black crime draws an inevitable groundswell of rightwing nuts like you reflexively defending the cops.

I'm not defending anyone merely stating the facts.

If Blacks really cared about Black lives maybe just maybe they would stop killing each other.

Sounds crazy I know

Cops kill far more whites than blacks so where's the front page coverage and the multi cycle cable news coverage?

So what you're saying is that police brutality is a much bigger problem in this country, one that transcends mere racial bias.

It's not that big a problem so don't put words in my mouth.

The FACTS are that whites are killed far more often by cops and blacks are killed far more often by other black people than by either whites or cops combined

So Black people getting all outraged over some stupid hash tag Black lives matter" is like illiterates whining about banned books

And black on black crime is CRIME, and is prosecuted as such. Cop on black crime draws an inevitable groundswell of rightwing nuts like you reflexively defending the cops.

I'm not defending anyone merely stating the facts.

If Blacks really cared about Black lives maybe just maybe they would stop killing each other.

Sounds crazy I know

Which of the black people saying black lives matter are murderers?
She killed her self!
And the trooper's life mattered!
Bland also totally ignored Chris Rock's video! Stupid!
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black.

It's impossible to communicate with people who will stoop this low, and it surely doesn't heal anything.

But healing is not the goal for them.


Are you aware that the idiot poster you're buddying up with said in post 46 that 98% of these blacks killed by cops deserved it?

I wouldnt say they deserved it.
But they most definitely brought it on themselves.

Again, making excuses for police brutality.

Again,making excuses for the scummiest dredges of our society..

I'm not making excuses for you. What gave you that idea?
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black.

It's impossible to communicate with people who will stoop this low, and it surely doesn't heal anything.

But healing is not the goal for them.


Are you aware that the idiot poster you're buddying up with said in post 46 that 98% of these blacks killed by cops deserved it?

I wouldnt say they deserved it.
But they most definitely brought it on themselves.

Again, making excuses for police brutality.

Again,making excuses for the scummiest dredges of our society..

I'm not making excuses for you. What gave you that idea?

Thats right up there with "I know you are but what am I" ...congratulations,your material is improving.
But they don't get upset at the real problem which is blacks murdering other blacks

Any honest black parent would tell their kids to be more afraid of other black people than white cops.

You love statistics don't you well look it up or do you only quote stats you can twist?

Here's the thing. When blacks kill other blacks, they are arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned for it.

When police officers kill blacks, there is a whole system that goes into overdrive to protect them no matter how blatant the evidence of misconduct is. And usually, we aren't talking about things involving weapons. We are talking about Michael Brown being shot 8 times for swiping cigarettes. Or Eric Garner getting choked to death for selling them. Or Sandra Bland being thrown in jail for refusing to put one out.

Smoking can kill you, apparently.

Actually, when police kills ANYONE, there is a whole system that goes into overdrive to protect them no matter how blatant the evidence of misconduct is.

If a cop shoots a citizen, there is a 98% chance of being acquitted. This is not just a Police versus Black issue. This is a Police versus Citizen issue.

'White privilege' does not exist if the cop decides to shoot.
And 98% chance is the "citizen" deserved it!
The problem is the majority of people have been taught THEY don't have to obey any commands! They are taught people in authority have NO right to tell them what to do.
Even though most often the reason for the authority to tell them was for the person's own good...the disrespectful "citizen" doesn't understand what it means to comply.


Phone in one hand, child in other. Yep, he deserves a bullet to the head! Oh, he wasn't Black

A gun that shoots water, yep that is a dangerous weapon! He deserve two rounds from a shotgun. Oh, he wasn't Black

Crazy Cop shoot sunday school teacher for rolling up window. Then lied about incident. Yep, those damn Christian Sunday Teachers are a real threat! She deserve getting shot 6 times! Oh, she wasn't Black!

However, there is time even what seems like a dangerous situation is shown not to be, for instance

He was Black and deserved it right? However.....

No one agrees with you!

Two of those are the same video. And coincidently one of the two that were fucked up.
The other being the cop shooting through the window.

The others all have a reasonable cause. Unfortunate but understandable.

There are 5 videos in all
the last two are the same story

However, none of them are credible for shooting. In no instance did the cop verify there was a weapon. Also, the difference from the last two and the others is that the cops were not filmed, allowing them to concoct the story to make it seem feasible to shoot. But given the situation(a child in hand, man watering lawn, a woman that rolls up window with witnesses contesting the officer story and pointing out he already has his hand on the gun) can you really believe what the cop says? In all likely hood, no. The cops are human. And humans have a strong tendency to survive.

The last two has the cop filmed saying he was stop for a seat belt violation. The cop was fired because he did not follow proper training procedures. If you think about that in the stop and compare it to the other situations, you are forced to ask yourself "what in the hell happened to get those people killed?"

Cops kill far more whites than blacks so where's the front page coverage and the multi cycle cable news coverage?

So what you're saying is that police brutality is a much bigger problem in this country, one that transcends mere racial bias.

It's not that big a problem so don't put words in my mouth.

The FACTS are that whites are killed far more often by cops and blacks are killed far more often by other black people than by either whites or cops combined

So Black people getting all outraged over some stupid hash tag Black lives matter" is like illiterates whining about banned books

And black on black crime is CRIME, and is prosecuted as such. Cop on black crime draws an inevitable groundswell of rightwing nuts like you reflexively defending the cops.

I'm not defending anyone merely stating the facts.

If Blacks really cared about Black lives maybe just maybe they would stop killing each other.

Sounds crazy I know

Which of the black people saying black lives matter are murderers?

Who knows?

It just seems to me that the Blacks are not even a tenth as upset about blacks killing blacks as they are about blacks being killed by cops.

Shit if someone can't say "all lives matter" without being called a racist by the blacks then something is seriously skewed in the black community's thinking.
So black adults being killed by the cops for smarting off is okay, but children being killed for doing the same thing isn't?

I see....
And right on cue, you do it again.

Amazing, seriously. You literally can't help yourself.

I think the thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues are absolutely fascinating.

I don't see you answering the question.
Because it's a clear attempt at deflection. When I have determined that it's possible to communicate with you without your straw men, deflections and lies, I will try to.

If you want to address what I actually said, do so. If you want to change the subject, play that game with someone who wants to play it.

It's more embarrassing to black people because they don't realize that if a black is going to get murdered it will most likely be by another black person

And whats worse is this obsession with who black people will be killed by BY WHITE PEOPLE. But whites are more likely to be killed by another white person but they dont care I guess, proving that black lives matter :rolleyes:

Because black lives are the only ones whites are worried about while their Caucasoid brothers stab them in the back
Here's the thing. When blacks kill other blacks, they are arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned for it.

When police officers kill blacks, there is a whole system that goes into overdrive to protect them no matter how blatant the evidence of misconduct is. And usually, we aren't talking about things involving weapons. We are talking about Michael Brown being shot 8 times for swiping cigarettes. Or Eric Garner getting choked to death for selling them. Or Sandra Bland being thrown in jail for refusing to put one out.

Smoking can kill you, apparently.

Actually, when police kills ANYONE, there is a whole system that goes into overdrive to protect them no matter how blatant the evidence of misconduct is.

If a cop shoots a citizen, there is a 98% chance of being acquitted. This is not just a Police versus Black issue. This is a Police versus Citizen issue.

'White privilege' does not exist if the cop decides to shoot.
And 98% chance is the "citizen" deserved it!
The problem is the majority of people have been taught THEY don't have to obey any commands! They are taught people in authority have NO right to tell them what to do.
Even though most often the reason for the authority to tell them was for the person's own good...the disrespectful "citizen" doesn't understand what it means to comply.


Phone in one hand, child in other. Yep, he deserves a bullet to the head! Oh, he wasn't Black

A gun that shoots water, yep that is a dangerous weapon! He deserve two rounds from a shotgun. Oh, he wasn't Black

Crazy Cop shoot sunday school teacher for rolling up window. Then lied about incident. Yep, those damn Christian Sunday Teachers are a real threat! She deserve getting shot 6 times! Oh, she wasn't Black!

However, there is time even what seems like a dangerous situation is shown not to be, for instance

He was Black and deserved it right? However.....

No one agrees with you!

Two of those are the same video. And coincidently one of the two that were fucked up.
The other being the cop shooting through the window.

The others all have a reasonable cause. Unfortunate but understandable.

There are 5 videos in all
the last two are the same story

However, none of them are credible for shooting. In no instance did the cop verify there was a weapon. Also, the difference from the last two and the others is that the cops were not filmed, allowing them to concoct the story to make it seem feasible to shoot. But given the situation(a child in hand, man watering lawn, a woman that rolls up window with witnesses contesting the officer story and pointing out he already has his hand on the gun) can you really believe what the cop says? In all likely hood, no. The cops are human. And humans have a strong tendency to survive.

The last two has the cop filmed saying he was stop for a seat belt violation. The cop was fired because he did not follow proper training procedures. If you think about that in the stop and compare it to the other situations, you are forced to ask yourself "what in the hell happened to get those people killed?"

The guy pointed what appeared to be a gun at cops. Bad idea.
The other guy was walking around the neighborhood holding a baby and threatening people with a gun. Another bad idea.
Nobody has ever denied that "White lives matter"

That is why we have a slogan of "Black lives matter" When a white is murdered it is front page news. Black deaths get pushed to the rear or ignored completely. Our society does not care about blacks killed by police, does not care about the number of blacks in prison and does not care about black deaths in general

That is why "Black Lives Matter" has been an issue

Cops kill far more whites than blacks so where's the front page coverage and the multi cycle cable news coverage?

The fact is Blacks kill more Blacks than do police.

So the evidence says that Black people don't think other Black lives matter

Black lives matter

Doesn't mean white lives don't only that black deaths are just overlooked. I don't think blacks excuse black on black violence. It just doesn't receive the same attention as other murders

Cops kill far more whites than blacks so where's the front page coverage and the multi cycle cable news coverage?

So what you're saying is that police brutality is a much bigger problem in this country, one that transcends mere racial bias.

It's not that big a problem so don't put words in my mouth.

The FACTS are that whites are killed far more often by cops and blacks are killed far more often by other black people than by either whites or cops combined

So Black people getting all outraged over some stupid hash tag Black lives matter" is like illiterates whining about banned books

And black on black crime is CRIME, and is prosecuted as such. Cop on black crime draws an inevitable groundswell of rightwing nuts like you reflexively defending the cops.

I'm not defending anyone merely stating the facts.

If Blacks really cared about Black lives maybe just maybe they would stop killing each other.

Sounds crazy I know

The way you say it, it sounds like Blacks are playing a game of Highlander.

There can be only one!

No, what you have is a psychologically depressed group with a large percentage of them taken on a nihilistic approach to society. However, if you explore these nihilistic impulses and the reasoning behind it, you would quickly realize it lacks any logical cohesion.

Why is there discussion about 'white privilege'? Should we not discuss 'Group privilege' instead? It is not like 'Black' privilege or 'Asian' privilege does not exist,so is it not better to ask why such things do exist?

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