Ken Starr Passes Away

Fuck Ken Starr..

He is the epitome of what Republicans claim Merrick Garland is....

Over 25 years after the disaster the Whitewater investigation was -- Trumpers are still pretending like it was a totally righteous investigation -- while claimining their cult leader being investigated is literally treason....

It's a cult...
He went from investigating White Water to investigating a Blow Job. He abused his authority.

He went after the Clintons, the Republican's very own Great White Whale. Never mind they lost money on White Water. He investigated even though a previous prosecutor said there was no wrong doing. In the end he had to settle on a Blowjob. Even after Newtie told a Woman that oral sex wasn't real sex.

His investigation reeked of desperation. And he still failed btw.
You mean they hearkened for Nixon moment and only came up with Deep Throat?:auiqs.jpg:
Hardly the point. When Republicans were engaging in extra marital affairs left and right. Even Newtie admitted oral sex was not real sex.

Republicans who were fucking women other than their wife voted impeach WJC a Blowjob, and she did not even swallow.
There ya go, bravoactual. Good to have a reality chuckle of the dirty little town of DC and political denizens that vacation there.:D
Make no mistake. Bill deserved the heat he got publicly for the heat he had privately. I can say that with ease, as other than all the crap with him and Monica and what it turned into, I think he did a pretty good job as President. Ken Starr also did a good job, may he rest in peace.

Pros and cons.
Clinton balanced the budget and even paid down the national debt.
He avoided any major war and just did little conflicts like Serbia.
But on the negative side, he opened up our technology being outsourced overseas, mostly to China.
That lead to us going broke eventually.
We don't even know how to make chips any more, it has been so long.
The Starr Report was...a nauseatingly prurient fishing expedition, that uncovered nothing but a wholly consensual 20-month affair between a married man and an unmarried adult woman.

A consensual 20-month affair that included a grand total of 9 sexual encounters, and to which the ostensible crime was Clinton’s lying under oath about his sex life, which would not “rank in the top 100 deplorable acts of Donald Trump when he was president.” And Starr clearly thought cheating on your wife was fine when he did it.

It turned out that Clinton’s actual main sin for Starr was his inability to control the edge blocker in the Cover-2. While at Baylor, Starr turned the school into a rapist’s paradise, so long as the offender in question could run a 4.4 40. Eventually forced to resign as the degree of violent criminality he had fostered became undeniable, Starr whined about how unfair it all was to focus on a few “episodes” on his way out the door. He just felt really violated, you know?

His other post-Starr Report activities included defending Jeffrey Epstein, supporting a teacher who molested five students after word of these crimes came out (the Court ignored Starr’s recommendation to release the rapist pedophile and instead sentenced him to 43 years), and supporting Prop 8.

If this entity had any good qualities, he kept them well hidden. He was 76.
After the fact rationalizations are their usual libtarded pathetic level.
Fuck Ken Starr..

He is the epitome of what Republicans claim Merrick Garland is....

Over 25 years after the disaster the Whitewater investigation was -- Trumpers are still pretending like it was a totally righteous investigation -- while claimining their cult leader being investigated is literally treason....

It's a cult...
No no. Fuck you. You’re a hack bitch.

It was a perfectly valid and proper investigation. You scumbags should take notes.
There ya go, bravoactual. Good to have a reality chuckle of the dirty little town of DC and political denizens that vacation there.:D

But it would not have gotten to court if Clinton had not harrassed Paula Jones.
So it was still Bill Clinton's own fault.
He also did not have to lie by omission and get his law license revoked for it.
Pros and cons.
Clinton balanced the budget and even paid down the national debt.
He avoided any major war and just did little conflicts like Serbia.
But on the negative side, he opened up our technology being outsourced overseas, mostly to China.
That lead to us going broke eventually.
We don't even know how to make chips any more, it has been so long.
It was the last good, balanced administration, not just for the across the board improved domestic prosperity, limited military operation that worked, and the balanced budget and debt reduction, but also it was the last time their was balance in legislation, thanks to Newt and Bill. Pretty impressive, as occurring while the republicans seemed to be spend the bulk of their energies on a gotcha moment buy they were not in a position to do anything to their enemies across the country. Nobody could give away the farm to their constituents. True bullshit did not come up on the legislative agenda, as no way it would fly, so we all made out as mostly left the hell alone, and the goals of congress seemed to be in sink with the needs of the country and the world to most observers.
It was the last good, balanced administration, not just for the across the board improved domestic prosperity, limited military operation that worked, and the balanced budget and debt reduction, but also it was the last time their was balance in legislation, thanks to Newt and Bill. Pretty impressive, as occurring while the republicans seemed to be spend the bulk of their energies on a gotcha moment buy they were not in a position to do anything to their enemies across the country. Nobody could give away the farm to their constituents. True bullshit did not come up on the legislative agenda, as no way it would fly, so we all made out as mostly left the hell alone, and the goals of congress seemed to be in sink with the needs of the country and the world to most observers.
Selling missile tech to China was good, huh? NAFTA was good? Fannie Mae and Freddy MAC were good? :rolleyes-41: Do tell how.

The US has had 40+ years of bad presidents, of which Clinton was one.
Selling missile tech to China was good, huh? NAFTA was good? Fannie Mae and Freddy MAC were good? :rolleyes-41: Do tell how.

The US has had 40+ years of bad presidents, of which Clinton was one.
I enjoyed his 8 years and did everybody I know.
I enjoyed his 8 years and did everybody I know.
While those were certainly better times, he did bad. Very bad.

"Assault weapon" ban, missile tech to China, Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac, NAFTA.

He did secure some of the border, though. In that regard he did better than Biden is doing.
No no. Fuck you. You’re a hack bitch.

It was a perfectly valid and proper investigation. You scumbags should take notes.
How many of Clinton's lawyers were convicted or charged on multiple felonies?
How many of Clinton's national security advisors plead guilty to multiple felonies?

Yall are clowns
How many of Clinton's lawyers were convicted or charged on multiple felonies?
How many of Clinton's national security advisors plead guilty to multiple felonies?

Yall are clowns
Who cares? In a deep State fake DOJ system, you think anyone is surprised that y’all attack and try to demonize the folks on the right and give preferential treatment to Dims? :cuckoo:

Get the fuck outta here. You’re a pathetic and overtly obvious troll.
While those were certainly better times, he did bad. Very bad.

"Assault weapon" ban, missile tech to China, Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac, NAFTA.

He did secure some of the border, though. In that regard he did better than Biden is doing.
I had no problem with the assault weapons ban, and some of the mass shootings might not have happened if it had not been allowed to lapse.

I was not in the import business. Now I have some of everything, as I do not plan to fall behind the small arms race we were sold on when the Republicans came back to power.
But it would not have gotten to court if Clinton had not harrassed Paula Jones.
So it was still Bill Clinton's own fault.
He also did not have to lie by omission and get his law license revoked for it.

There's no evidence he harassed Paula Jones. Her case was dismissed several times without having any merit.

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