Ken Starr Passes Away

Can you imagine if Mueller spent 5 Year and 8 Months investigating an ie Arkansa scandal/Whitewater, and finally ended up with a 100% Unrelated catching Trump lying about a BJ?
You let a Partisan Hack go that far afield you could probably find 200 Trump crimes..
THAT was a "Witch Hunt."

What a Disgrace Ken Starr was. What a disgrace all you MAGA Clowns are whining about the unfair FBI etc.

Perjury is, tampering with evidence is, intimidating witnesses is.

No evidence that Clinton tampered with evidence or intimidated witnesses... that never made it to the senate as articles of impeachment. So the only thing was perjury.

Here's the thing. A lot of guys don't consider it to be "sex" when you get a blow job. They only consider sex to be full penis penetrating vagina action. So Clinton probably didn't think he was lying.

I do think that the problem with Clinton (both of them actually) is that they think too much like lawyers. Most of us would have just given a straight up answer or said, "none of your fucking business".

Clinton committed perjury, was impeached, should have been convicted and removed.

There is no other reasonable take to have here.

Unsurprisingly, you defend the indefensible.

So let me get this straight.
Lying about a blow job is an impeachable offense.
But starting a war that kills thousands of people over weapons that didn't exist, and you KNEW they didn't exist, isn't.
Shaking down a country to dig up dirt on your political opponent isn't.
Inciting a riot to overthrow the government isn't.

Try to keep a standard. If what Clinton did was awful, what Bush and Trump did was far worse. People died.

Nobody died because Bill Got his dick sucked.
My you are really off track today, JoeB: better start taking you some Prevagen. clinton-settles-jones-lawsuit-with-a-check-for-850,000.html

Are you stupid?

Paula Jones lawsuit was dismissed by Judge Weber Wright on April 1, 1998. The case had no merit because 1) Ms. Jones was not a direct report to Mr. Clinton and 2) She could not prove that she suffered any detrimental effect to her career as assistant possum catcher or whatever it was she did in Arkansas.

AFTER Jones' case was dismissed without merit, SCOTUS ruled in Ellerth v. Burlington that one did not have to prove detriment to one's career to establish a hostile work environment. (To my mind, this is an awful ruling, because you can pretty much just sue over hurt feelings).

It was at THAT point Clinton settled with Jones, for a fraction of what she was asking for. However, the major stumbling block that was removed was that unlike previous settlement offers, Clinton didn't admit any fault. (Jones had previously demanded apologies, or the lawyers who were pulling her strings were, that woman was too stupid to know what she was doing.).

By that point, Clinton had racked up 10 million in legal bills and would probably racked up millions more in the appeal process. Jones was also personally millions of dollars in debt, and the meager settlement she did get was quickly snapped up by her three teams of lawyers. She spent most of the Aughts doing things like boxing with Tonya Harding and posing for Penthouse.


(I'd show you the Penthouse photo, but it's against USMB and your eyes will burn.)

What a classless post, Ken Starr was respected by both parties over decades of service. RIP Mr. Starr.

Fuck Ken Starr... if that guy hadn't wasted so much time on the bullshit of panty sniffing, maybe we'd have paid more attention to what Bin Laden was doing in Afghanistan.

Clinton tried to take Bin Laden out, and Republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog" and trying to create a distraction.

Are you stupid?

Paula Jones lawsuit was dismissed by Judge Weber Wright on April 1, 1998. The case had no merit because 1) Ms. Jones was not a direct report to Mr. Clinton and 2) She could not prove that she suffered any detrimental effect to her career as assistant possum catcher or whatever it was she did in Arkansas.

AFTER Jones' case was dismissed without merit, SCOTUS ruled in Ellerth v. Burlington that one did not have to prove detriment to one's career to establish a hostile work environment. (To my mind, this is an awful ruling, because you can pretty much just sue over hurt feelings).

It was at THAT point Clinton settled with Jones, for a fraction of what she was asking for. However, the major stumbling block that was removed was that unlike previous settlement offers, Clinton didn't admit any fault. (Jones had previously demanded apologies, or the lawyers who were pulling her strings were, that woman was too stupid to know what she was doing.).

By that point, Clinton had racked up 10 million in legal bills and would probably racked up millions more in the appeal process. Jones was also personally millions of dollars in debt, and the meager settlement she did get was quickly snapped up by her three teams of lawyers. She spent most of the Aughts doing things like boxing with Tonya Harding and posing for Penthouse.

View attachment 697439
(I'd show you the Penthouse photo, but it's against USMB and your eyes will burn.)

Fuck Ken Starr... if that guy hadn't wasted so much time on the bullshit of panty sniffing, maybe we'd have paid more attention to what Bin Laden was doing in Afghanistan.

Clinton tried to take Bin Laden out, and Republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog" and trying to create a distraction.

View attachment 697440
And what lady's man do you think was even the least bit interested in world affairs. Poor Joe B. You just can't quite wrap your mind around reality, can ya? :itsok:
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And what lady's man do you think was even the least bit interestedin world affairs. Poor Joe B. You just can't quite wrap your mind around reality, can ya?

What I remember about the Clinton years was that we had pretty good foreign relations. We weren't at war with anyone, the world took decisive action against Serbia's attempts at Genocide in Bosnia and Kosovo. He took very strong action against Bin Laden, even came close to killing him, which is more than Dubya accomplished lighting half the world on fire.

Compared to Bush who was briefed on the Bin Laden threat a month before 9/11, and said to the CIA briefer, "Well, you covered your ass" and then went fishing.
Thanks for the badge of merit from the heart of a man who hates all that is good and right about life except to defend rapists because he likes their deceit against real women.

Clinton never raped anyone. Juanita Brodderick was a lying sack of crap.

However, athletes at Baylor University did rape co-eds and Ken Starr as President of Baylor actively covered that up.

Seriously, fuck off you hypocrite.
It was the last good, balanced administration, not just for the across the board improved domestic prosperity, limited military operation that worked, and the balanced budget and debt reduction, but also it was the last time their was balance in legislation, thanks to Newt and Bill. Pretty impressive, as occurring while the republicans seemed to be spend the bulk of their energies on a gotcha moment buy they were not in a position to do anything to their enemies across the country. Nobody could give away the farm to their constituents. True bullshit did not come up on the legislative agenda, as no way it would fly, so we all made out as mostly left the hell alone, and the goals of congress seemed to be in sink with the needs of the country and the world to most observers.
It was all Newt. Clinton did what he did under duress.
No evidence that Clinton tampered with evidence or intimidated witnesses... that never made it to the senate as articles of impeachment. So the only thing was perjury.

Here's the thing. A lot of guys don't consider it to be "sex" when you get a blow job. They only consider sex to be full penis penetrating vagina action. So Clinton probably didn't think he was lying.

I do think that the problem with Clinton (both of them actually) is that they think too much like lawyers. Most of us would have just given a straight up answer or said, "none of your fucking business".

So let me get this straight.
Lying about a blow job is an impeachable offense.
Lying under oath is. Tampering with evidence is. Intimidating witnesses is.
Clinton never raped anyone. Juanita Brodderick was a lying sack of crap.

However, athletes at Baylor University did rape co-eds and Ken Starr as President of Baylor actively covered that up.

Seriously, fuck off you hypocrite.
Juanita Brodderick was a victim, so just put some ice on it, woncha doll?
Clinton never raped anyone. Juanita Brodderick was a lying sack of crap.

However, athletes at Baylor University did rape co-eds and Ken Starr as President of Baylor actively covered that up.

Seriously, fuck off you hypocrite.
He paid a price for everything, so he resigned rather than put the University through a long, drawn-out politicization thema. If that's a crime, please do post where I can see or hear him being put in jail, the length of his incarceration, etc. Thanks, dearest. I have no hard feelings.
Juanita Brodderick was a victim, so just put some ice on it, woncha doll?

Was she though? Because she filed TWO affidavits in Jones v. Clinton claiming that the incident never happened.

So she was either lying in the affidavits or she was lying to Ken Starr.

But wait, there's more.

She couldn't remember the exact date that this incident happened on. Furthermore, the hotel that she claimed this happened at had no record of either her or Attorney General (at that time) Clinton being there.

But wait, there's more.

She later accepted an appointment to a board on pensions from Governor Clinton.

Now, this is not the actions of a rape victim. This is MAYBE the actions of a side woman who had delusions of being promoted to Wife #2.
He paid a price for everything, so he resigned rather than put the University through a long, drawn-out politicization thema. If that's a crime, please do post where I can see or hear him being put in jail, the length of his incarceration, etc. Thanks, dearest. I have no hard feelings.

Oh, is that your standard. No convictions, so that made it OKAY that he covered up football players raping co-eds?

again, fucking hypocrite!
Was she though? Because she filed TWO affidavits in Jones v. Clinton claiming that the incident never happened.

So she was either lying in the affidavits or she was lying to Ken Starr.

But wait, there's more.

She couldn't remember the exact date that this incident happened on. Furthermore, the hotel that she claimed this happened at had no record of either her or Attorney General (at that time) Clinton being there.

But wait, there's more.

She later accepted an appointment to a board on pensions from Governor Clinton.

Now, this is not the actions of a rape victim. This is MAYBE the actions of a side woman who had delusions of being promoted to Wife #2.
A rape victim accepts a job that will support her family from the perpetrator of her humiliation. Got it. Let's put him in office again. :puke3:
Just another person among the 8,000 - 9,000 people that die everyday in America.
He probably meant something to his family, I would assume. Outside of that - there is no reason to care

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