Ken Starr Passes Away

Oh, is that your standard. No convictions, so that made it OKAY that he covered up football players raping co-eds?

again, fucking hypocrite!
No that's not true. I never heard of the allegation. I guess I have failed to peruse the Demmie Talking Points page. Let's see, they defended the Steele Dossier salacious but false idea that Trump wanted to hurt his political opponent Hillary by peeing on a bed she had slept in some time before in some hospitality house, while he was jumping on said bed with a bunch of purchased prostitutes. And that lie was tossed under the bus by the Democrats pretty pronto. But they didn't tell you that all that that was a big lie, did they. How expediently convenient is that, hm? Oh, you're not admitting anything in lockstep with the deep staters, are ya, sir?
A rape victim accepts a job that will support her family from the perpetrator of her humiliation. Got it. Let's put him in office again.

I can't imagine any women not only taking a job from her rapist, but enthusiastically showing up as his campaign rallies and raising money for him.

This does make sense for a scorned girlfriend, though.
No that's not true. I never heard of the allegation. I guess I have failed to peruse the Demmie Talking Points page. Let's see, they defended the Steele Dossier salacious but false idea that Trump wanted to hurt his political opponent Hillary by peeing on a bed she had slept in some time before in some hospitality house, while he was jumping on said bed with a bunch of purchased prostitutes. And that lie was tossed under the bus by the Democrats pretty pronto. But they didn't tell you that all that that was a big lie, did they. How expediently convenient is that, hm? Oh, you're not admitting anything in lockstep with the deep staters, are ya, sir?

I posted a link for you that laid out Starr's role in the Baylor Sex Abuse scandal, and why he was forced to resign.

The pee hookers was a silly anecdote in a pretty serious issue, that 17 intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians were helping Trump get elected.
Clinton never raped anyone. Juanita Brodderick was a lying sack of crap.

However, athletes at Baylor University did rape co-eds and Ken Starr as President of Baylor actively covered that up.

Seriously, fuck off you hypocrite.
Starr told ESPN he "didn't know what was happening" with the sexual-assault case mishandling allegations but "willingly accepted responsibility."

"The captain goes down with the ship," he said
I posted a link for you that laid out Starr's role in the Baylor Sex Abuse scandal, and why he was forced to resign.

The pee hookers was a silly anecdote in a pretty serious issue, that 17 intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians were helping Trump get elected.
So the Mueller report that cost taxpayers a hundred million dollars was just fiction when it realized Trump didn't collude? Durrrrr John Q. Public has been had again, but not to worry. With 87,000 armed new hires on the IRS for shooting down Republicans, Democrats have an inside track on ultimate control over every aspect of life in America with no free speech, no say, no freedom of movement, no check-cashing privileges to spend their own money, Yeah, I'm getting the picture. You are participating in the quashing of my freedom even though I have lived a Spartan life, paid my fees and taxes to Uncle, never stole a cent from any store in my life, nor cheated another person, supported the Kingdom of God through regular worship when I'm well enough to drive myself to church, which is shrinking in numbers with our children being taught by educators to become atheists.

With this new, exciting world, the Democrats may never have another Thomas Edison, considered a disciplinary threat by his teachers, but backed up by his mother's home schooling and inspiration for him to carry his projects to the end and win the prize of giving light to darkness as described pictorially below:
From this

To this:

God bless home-schooling to produce a man who pioneered lighting up this world.
And likewise, God bless Ken Starr for making an out-of-control sex addict to make right his sins,
and may God bless America then, now, and always.​
Starr told ESPN he "didn't know what was happening" with the sexual-assault case mishandling allegations but "willingly accepted responsibility."

"The captain goes down with the ship," he said

Right. He had no idea what was going on. Come on.

Oh, in addition to covering for the Baylor rapists, he also help Epstein get a sweetheart deal on his sex abuse case.

With his plethora of connections to George W. Bush’s administration, Starr joined Jeffrey Epstein’s legal team and played a crucial part in pressuring the Justice Department to drop its sex-trafficking case against the billionaire. For his efforts, Starr helped his client secure the infamous sweetheart deal that landed him in prison for just 18 months and effectively ensured him immunity from future prosecution.

Three years after that, Starr resigned as chancellor of Baylor University, and a professor at its law school, not long after being removed from his post as president. The reason? An investigation found that Starr and other administrators mishandled numerous accusations of sexual assaultincluding multiple rape allegations — against the school’s football players.
So the Mueller report that cost taxpayers a hundred million dollars was just fiction when it realized Trump didn't collude?

The Mueller report found nothing of the sort, in fact it found Trump actively obstructed his investigation. Also, it only cost 32 million, compared to Kenny Starr's panty sniffing investigation, which cost 70 million. (109 million in 2019 dollars.)

With 87,000 armed new hires on the IRS for shooting down Republicans, Democrats have an inside track on ultimate control over every aspect of life in America with no free speech, no say, no freedom of movement, no check-cashing privileges to spend their own money, Y

Uh, how is making the rich tax evaders pay their fair share infringing on your freedom. File your taxes correctly.

Yeah, I'm getting the picture. You are participating in the quashing of my freedom even though I have lived a Spartan life, paid my fees and taxes to Uncle, never stole a cent from any store in my life, nor cheated another person, supported the Kingdom of God through regular worship when I'm well enough to drive myself to church, which is shrinking in numbers with our children being taught by educators to become atheists.

You talk like that's a bad thing. More kids being atheists is wonderful. The best day of my life is when I realized that there isn't a magic fairy in the sky judging me.

With this new, exciting world, the Democrats may never have another Thomas Edison, considered a disciplinary threat by his teachers, but backed up by his mother's home schooling and inspiration for him to carry his projects to the end and win the prize of giving light to darkness as described pictorially below:

Thomas Edison mostly stole other people's ideas and took credit for other people's work, right? I mean, did you learn history beyond the grammar school version?
The Mueller report found nothing of the sort, in fact it found Trump actively obstructed his investigation. Also, it only cost 32 million, compared to Kenny Starr's panty sniffing investigation, which cost 70 million. (109 million in 2019 dollars.)

Uh, how is making the rich tax evaders pay their fair share infringing on your freedom. File your taxes correctly.

You talk like that's a bad thing. More kids being atheists is wonderful. The best day of my life is when I realized that there isn't a magic fairy in the sky judging me.

Thomas Edison mostly stole other people's ideas and took credit for other people's work, right? I mean, did you learn history beyond the grammar school version?
Keep them blinders on, pal.
So let me get this straight.
Lying about a blow job is an impeachable offense.
Yes, perjury is criminal and impeachable. He should have been permanently disbarred not just suspended, and his impeachment was valid and he should have been convicted in the Senate if going based on the facts.

But starting a war that kills thousands of people over weapons that didn't exist, and you KNEW they didn't exist, isn't.
Acting on faulty intelligence is a mistake and people can respond at the polls to punish you for that mistake, but it isn't a crime. Also, the voters decided he was better than John Kerry anyway, so oh well, sucks to suck, guy.

Shaking down a country to dig up dirt on your political opponent isn't.
No country is just entitled to foreign aid, and Hunter / Joe's extreme corruption is obvious. Joe himself directly told Ukraine they wouldn't get aide unless they fired someone Obama wanted fired. Welcome to normative foreign policy.

No crime, no validity to that stupid impeachment.

Inciting a riot to overthrow the government isn't.
Never happened, you lunatic - try not to lie. Although since it's clear you think lying is fine, you think nothing of being a lying piece of shit yourself.
Clinton never raped anyone. Juanita Brodderick was a lying sack of crap.

However, athletes at Baylor University did rape co-eds and Ken Starr as President of Baylor actively covered that up.

Seriously, fuck off you hypocrite.
Your semi-regular reminder that Broaderick refused to repeat her accusations under oath. Because there are - or were - real penalties for lying to the FBI under oath.
It was all Newt. Clinton did what he did under duress.
I definitely credit Newt also and even mentioned him first, but they were both handling well.
I can't imagine any women not only taking a job from her rapist, but enthusiastically showing up as his campaign rallies and raising money for him.

This does make sense for a scorned girlfriend, though.
Maybe she was a Democrat and set aside her negative personal feelings to help her political objectives matter. I don't think you know very much about people who are used badly in matters of unwanted sex in which their "no" was ignored, but being bit hard on the lip and hearing a heartless and unnecessary taunt of "put some ice on it" really said it all, that he didn't give a damn about her, loud and clear.
I posted a link for you that laid out Starr's role in the Baylor Sex Abuse scandal, and why he was forced to resign.

The pee hookers was a silly anecdote in a pretty serious issue, that 17 intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians were helping Trump get elected.
The nineteen Democrat lawyers in the Mueller's report said Trump was not found in any instance of colluding with the Russians. End of Story.
He deserved it,He is burning in hell right now.he was never there to try and prosecute clinton,he was controlled opposition in reality working in cahoots protecting Clinton,it was all a dog and pony show he was involved in just as elections are.
Yes, perjury is criminal and impeachable. He should have been permanently disbarred not just suspended, and his impeachment was valid and he should have been convicted in the Senate if going based on the facts.

Um, no, it really isn't, particularly in a case which had no merit, on a completely irrelevant topic.

Acting on faulty intelligence is a mistake and people can respond at the polls to punish you for that mistake, but it isn't a crime. Also, the voters decided he was better than John Kerry anyway, so oh well, sucks to suck, guy.

Except the people didn't know it was a mistake when they got to the polls. The extent of Bush and Cheney's lies wasn't known. . Bush's presidency was almost as disasterous as Trump's was.. there has to be a point when you stop letting these guys fuck things up.

No country is just entitled to foreign aid, and Hunter / Joe's extreme corruption is obvious. Joe himself directly told Ukraine they wouldn't get aide unless they fired someone Obama wanted fired. Welcome to normative foreign policy.

Uh, a couple of things. First, REPUBLICANS called for that prosecutor to be removed, not just Biden. So did the EU and the IMF.

The real problem was "normative" foreign policy was to support Ukraine. Trump abused the privilege because of some shit he read on a conspiracy website.

Never happened, you lunatic - try not to lie. Although since it's clear you think lying is fine, you think nothing of being a lying piece of shit yourself.

Uh, there would have been no riot if Trump had accepted the results of the election he lost by 8 million votes.

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