Ken Starr Passes Away

Only a ridiculous person would think that lying about getting a bj is grounds for impeachment.
Fuck Ken Starr..

He is the epitome of what Republicans claim Merrick Garland is....

Over 25 years after the disaster the Whitewater investigation was -- Trumpers are still pretending like it was a totally righteous investigation -- while claimining their cult leader being investigated is literally treason....

It's a cult...
From whose butt did you pull all that hubris? :eusa_hand:
A central player in the infamous Clinton scandals has passed away at 76. I anticipate much crass speaking ill of the dead.

Juris Doctor Ken Starr did the unpleasant task he was faced with, and he did it right. The Democrats made sure their Press Puppets made his life hell on earth with lies, shoutdowns, and other methods of hubris. I'm certain Dr. Starr is in Heaven with a Garland of Roses for a life well-lived. I'm certain the job he had to do was heart-breaking, but one thing about Ken Starr. He did his job and he did it with honor and respect. He earned every blessing Heaven can bestow to the best of my knowledge. I thank God for him for his tireless effort.
Only a ridiculous person would think that lying about getting a bj is grounds for impeachment.
The infidelity was a scandal, but that isn’t grounds for impeachment. The potential sexual harassment of it all and mismatch of power between POTUS and a White House intern is stark, and scandalous but not inherently grounds for impeachment.

Lying about it under oath is not only grounds for impeachment but conviction and he should have been removed, period. There is no question whatsoever that he is guilty of exactly what he was impeached for.

Contrast with the utterly baseless impeachments of Trump where there was not only extreme doubt about the accusation but no significant evidence whatsoever to start with.
Make no mistake. Bill deserved the heat he got publicly for the heat he had privately. I can say that with ease, as other than all the crap with him and Monica and what it turned into, I think he did a pretty good job as President. Ken Starr also did a good job, may he rest in peace.
Has anyone tried to pin his death on Hilary yet?
No, Ken Starr did not do a good job. Ken Starr abused his office to go on a personal witch hunt against a president he didn't like, and ruined a lot of people's lives in the process.

Starr's job was to investigate the Whitewater Land deal, even though a previous special prosecutor, Robert Fiske, concluded there was no wrongdoing by the Clintons and that the Clintons actually lost money on that investment.

He then wormed his way into a half dozen other non-scandals - The Travel Office Firings, the FBI Files, Vince Foster's suicide - spread around a lot of innuendo, before sheepishly admitting that he really had nothing on the Clintons for that, either.

Now, a lot of that is the flaw of Independent Counsels/Special Prosecutors. They are going to get someone for something, dammit. I have been equally critical of Patrick Fitzgerald and Lawrence Walsh. But they had nothing on Star and his Panty-sniffing.
What a classless post, Ken Starr was respected by both parties over decades of service. RIP Mr. Starr.
Hardly the point. When Republicans were engaging in extra marital affairs left and right. Even Newtie admitted oral sex was not real sex.

Republicans who were fucking women other than their wife voted impeach WJC a Blowjob, and she did not even swallow.
No. I do not give a shit who Bill Clinton boinked (which was essentially every woman he could except Hillary). I care that he lied under oath.
Only a ridiculous person would think that lying about getting a bj is grounds for impeachment.

Perjury is a very serious matter.

Clinton committed perjury, was impeached, should have been convicted and removed.

There is no other reasonable take to have here.

Unsurprisingly, you defend the indefensible.

Joey does that regularly. It it's "his side," he will excuse ANYTHING.

My you are really off track today, JoeB: better start taking you some Prevagen.

Joey is a disciple of Goebbels: he likes The Big Lie. Repeat it enough and it becomes accepted as fact.

What law?

Perjury. He lied under oath. (This is not in dispute.)

What a classless post, Ken Starr was respected by both parties over decades of service. RIP Mr. Starr.

It's mild by Joey's standards.

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