Kennedy follow-up: Pink Floyd man calls for Israel boycott August 21, 2013

This is a documentary produced by another musician named Michael Franti, who traveled to Iraq and Israel and the OPT, to include Gaza, and he shows us the truth about people living under Occupations in the ME.

I first watched this several years ago, I bought the DVD and the music CD with the songs he wrote motivated by his trip to the Middle East.
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Kennedy follow-up: Pink Floyd man calls for Israel boycott

August 21, 2013

"In what appears to be a summer propaganda offensive by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Pink Floyd co-lead vocalist Roger Waters has called on musicians to join him in a boycott of Israel.I write to you now, my brothers and sisters in the family of Rock and Roll, to ask you to join with me, and thousands of other artists around the world, to declare a cultural boycott on Israel,’ appeals Waters."

He was ‘inspired’ to release this appeal after the Nigel Kennedy outburst at the BBC Proms.

Kennedy follow-up: Pink Floyd man calls for Israel boycott

That is exactly what people of conscience all around this beautiful world of ours are doing when confronted with the Truths of Israel Apartheid and illegal Occupation by Israel in Palestine.
They lovingly run and embrace BDS.

And they sing and write songs and make videos like this song in this video.

Frau Shia Sherri will use any reference as long as they're rabid Jew haters. First it was David Duke and now Roger Waters who describes himself as a radical atheist. Who's going to be next? Adolf Hitler?

It is very telling that these people calling for the boycott never go and report on conditions in other places where the people have it much, much worse. Do you think they would ever film a documentary on the people in Africa dying of starvation, or would they ever do a documentary on the way minorities are treated in Muslim countries and how their houses of worship are destroyed? Why doesn't one of them travel to Tibet and see how the Tibetans are treated under Chinese rule, where the young women are forced to have abortions to kill out the Tibetan culture? Say, I know. Since Mrs. Sherri is supposedly a Christian, maybe she can convince one of them to do a documentary on how the Christians in Egypt are treated, and then they can follow through with one about how the Hindus and Christians are treated in Pakistan.
In what way was the CACOPHONY of nonsense a "documentary"-----it simply
showed images from the general filth and disorder which marks islamic

You can show us all the videos you want to, Mrs. Sherri. The bottom line is that these people never do anything for the people who truly are in need in many other places. I guess, like you, they have the same mind set when it comes to the Jews and are only focused on one small area of the world and shut their eyes to the terrible suffering of people elsewhere.

[ame=]Somalia Famine 2011 - Photos - YouTube[/ame]
I prefer this one..:cool:

[ame=]Hatikva- Israeli national anthem - YouTube[/ame]
Roger Waters quit the Floyd in the 80's. Though he was a founding member, he sought to break up the band yet he never fails to wrap himself in the space cadet glow.

You can show us all the videos you want to, Mrs. Sherri. The bottom line is that these people never do anything for the people who truly are in need in many other places. I guess, like you, they have the same mind set when it comes to the Jews and are only focused on one small area of the world and shut their eyes to the terrible suffering of people elsewhere.

[ame=]Somalia Famine 2011 - Photos - YouTube[/ame]

Your choice of words, "these people" reveals your racism and bigotry.

Roger Waters speaking out and opposition to the Injustice which is Occupation is responding to the suffering of over 6 million Palestinians in Israel/Palestine who suffer, living under Apartheid and Occupation.

You can show us all the videos you want to, Mrs. Sherri. The bottom line is that these people never do anything for the people who truly are in need in many other places. I guess, like you, they have the same mind set when it comes to the Jews and are only focused on one small area of the world and shut their eyes to the terrible suffering of people elsewhere.

[ame=]Somalia Famine 2011 - Photos - YouTube[/ame]

Your choice of words, "these people" reveals your racism and bigotry.

Roger Waters speaking out and opposition to the Injustice which is Occupation is responding to the suffering of over 6 million Palestinians in Israel/Palestine who suffer, living under Apartheid and Occupation.

6 million "Palestinian" Arabs? I guess that genocide of the Arab welfare beggars and squatters was another fraudulent, hysterical claim of yours now thoroughly discredited.
God, He does Bless the Oppressed.

Despite over 65 years of ethnic cleansing, Palestinians thrive and live.

Their numbers even exceed that of the land stealing and baby killing Jewish Colonist settlers once again in Palestine.

Thank you God, you are an awesome God.
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God, He does Bless the Oppressed.

Despite over 65 years of ethnic cleansing, Palestinians thrive and live.

Their numbers even exceed that of the land stealing and baby killing Jewish Colonist settlers once again in Palestine.

Thank you God, you are an awesome God.

Bless muhammud ( swish). Sherri has admitted her lies, false claims and fraud.

See Sherri. Even your god muhammud (swish), knows that confession is good for the soul.
You can show us all the videos you want to, Mrs. Sherri. The bottom line is that these people never do anything for the people who truly are in need in many other places. I guess, like you, they have the same mind set when it comes to the Jews and are only focused on one small area of the world and shut their eyes to the terrible suffering of people elsewhere.

Somalia Famine 2011 - Photos - YouTube

Your choice of words, "these people" reveals your racism and bigotry.

Roger Waters speaking out and opposition to the Injustice which is Occupation is responding to the suffering of over 6 million Palestinians in Israel/Palestine who suffer, living under Apartheid and Occupation.

6 million "Palestinian" Arabs? I guess that genocide of the Arab welfare beggars and squatters was another fraudulent, hysterical claim of yours now thoroughly discredited.

hollie----my all time fave bit of garbage expressed by the jihado nazis is their
claim that "palestnians" are living in a "concentration camp"--------during
my childhood I heard stories about failed desperate attempts to get
relatives out of austria------and the ultimate fate of those relatives. Today---
TV news showed phillipinos----GETTING OUT of the typhoon ravaged island--
the people interviewed said "we just have to get out". I wonder why the
"palestinians" CHOOOSE to remain in a "concentration camp" whilst no
one in Auschwitz CHOSE staying there------and the phillipinos are not CHOOSING
to remain on the ravaged islands

"Palestinians" have chosen to be concentration camp inmates for 65 years
they voluntarily watch their own children die of starvation when there are
dozens of countries------filled with their very own bretheren ---EAGER TO
RECEIVE THEM. In fact----getting there is easy----they could walk to
Egypt-----speak arabic, go to mosques or mover on to dozens of other
arabic speaking countries. --------for Iran they have to learn farsi---
for pakistan----urdu or some other dialect------but is that what is stopping
them? Is that why they prefer to see their own children being murdered
or dying of starvation?

Long ago ---I used to believe that they were FORCED to stay----the islamo nazi
propaganda of my childhood depicted arabs behind barbed wire
enclosures. I was in my teens before I understood----that the situation is
entirely voluntary
God, He does Bless the Oppressed.

Despite over 65 years of ethnic cleansing, Palestinians thrive and live.

Their numbers even exceed that of the land stealing and baby killing Jewish Colonist settlers once again in Palestine.

Thank you God, you are an awesome God.

Since the Muslims in Egypt want to cleanse their country of Christians, could you call up God and ask him what he is going to do about this? I think we all know that the Christians there are descendents of some of the original followers of Jesus, and you can intercede on their behalf since you seem to have a direct line to God. Oh, while you have God on the line, could you also tell him that the Sudanese leaders want to cleanse Sudan of Christians. Before you know it, the Muslims will cleanse all the Christians from their lands. That extremist group in Nigeria is certainly trying hard to do that.
God, He does Bless the Oppressed.

Despite over 65 years of ethnic cleansing, Palestinians thrive and live.

Their numbers even exceed that of the land stealing and baby killing Jewish Colonist settlers once again in Palestine.

Thank you God, you are an awesome God.

Since the Muslims in Egypt want to cleanse their country of Christians, could you call up God and ask him what he is going to do about this? I think we all know that the Christians there are descendents of some of the original followers of Jesus, and you can intercede on their behalf since you seem to have a direct line to God. Oh, while you have God on the line, could you also tell him that the Sudanese leaders want to cleanse Sudan of Christians. Before you know it, the Muslims will cleanse all the Christians from their lands. That extremist group in Nigeria is certainly trying hard to do that.

There were CONSIDERABLE populations of BOTH JEWS AND
CHRISTIANS in EVERY COUNTRY which was grabbed during the
GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST-----both jews and christians
were oppressed. In fact christians fared even worse than did
jews in those countries rendering MORE ISLAMIC CESSPITS
free of christians by the 20th century than were free of jews.

Jews did manage to survive in almost all of them ---albeit
with MARKEDLY decimated populations. Thus sherri's
theory is disproven

I believe that the reason ALL the christians left some of those
lands is because they had a place to go. Jews were far more
limited in choices------since christian europe -----was christian
europe----and russia was russia, Jews were caught between
a rock and a hard place whereas -----christians could LEAVE
the rock behind and go to a soft place Thus sherri's
theory is disproven

I wonder if sherri can tell us how many christians are left in
afghanistan... Saudi arabia? oppression there did not
MAGNIFY the population

Some scholars believe that the jewish populaton SIZE----is
remarkably stable over the millenia-----it has barely grown
in the past 1000 years-------hundreds of other cultures with
the growth rate of jews------have simply vanished off the face
of the earth ------jews just STICK AROUND----as is

as far as cultures with HUGE POPULATIONS----lots of them
disappeared too.--------like the MAYANS (relatively huge
population 600 years ago) They seemed to have simply
self destructed. Lets hope for the best

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