Kenya Mall Attackers' Bodies Still Not Found


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Nov 22, 2011
Kenya Mall Attackers' Bodies Still Not Found

NAIROBI, Kenya October 11, 2013 (AP)
By JASON STRAZIUSO Associated Press

A Western official briefed on the Kenya mall attack investigation says the bodies of the attackers have not been found.

Investigators, including FBI agents, are working their way through the collapsed mall rubble following the four-day siege on Westgate Mall that began Sept. 21. At least 67 people died in the attack.

The official said Friday that the attackers' bodies could be under the rubble but that it's not yet confirmed. Kenyan officials have said mall security video shows at least four attackers, though there are indications that perhaps two more attackers took part.

The official said the real names of the attackers aren't yet known. Names released by Kenya's military previously are only operational nicknames. The official insisted on anonymity because the information has not yet been publicly released.

Kenya Mall Attackers' Bodies Still Not Found - ABC News

A case similar to Bin Laden’s death and Sandy Hook shooting?
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It conflicts with this news. Which one do you believe? Watch the date of news.

Kenya identifies mall attackers, including American
By Emma Lacey-Bordeaux, CNN , Mon October 7, 2013

(CNN) -- A spokesman for the Kenya Defense Forces has identified four terrorists who took part in the deadly Nairobi mall attack last month.

They are: Khattab al-Kene, an American Somali; Abu Baara al-Sudani, from Sudan; Omar Nabhan, from Kenya; and a man identified only as Umayr.

It was not clear what Khattab al-Kene's name may have been in the United States.

The four died when the part of the mall they were in collapsed, Maj. Emmanuel Chirchir said.

Kenya identifies mall attackers, including American -
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Charred bodies from Kenya mall 'highly likely' to be gunmen: lawmaker
By Richard Lough and Joachim Dagenborg 10/18/2013

NAIROBI/OSLO (Reuters) - Two charred bodies recovered from Nairobi's Westgate shopping mall are highly likely to be two of the gunmen who killed dozens of people last month in one of the worst militant strikes on Kenyan soil, a lawmaker probing the attack said on Friday.

Charred bodies from Kenya mall 'highly likely' to be gunmen: lawmaker

The convenient death of attackers remind me of 911 attack. What kind of weapon Kenya military had used to cause the mall building to collapse? What caused the fire that burned attackers into charred bodies?


A person photographs the collapsed upper parking garage at the Westgate mall on Oct. 1 in Nairobi, Kenya. Gunmen took over the mall on Sept. 21 and killed 67 people. Jason Straziuso, AP
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792. Kenya Mall shooting is a false flag (10/4/2013)

Symptoms Western intelligence is behind this case.

(1) The Feds used to recruit terrorists in domestic community. I have alleged Tsarnaev Brothers were recruited to penetrate Chechen rebel group. In this terror case, though there were only four attackers, British and US were all involved in.

James Norton 10/4/2013

On Monday, Al Shabab claimed via Twitter that three of the attackers were America-based, with two of them coming from Minnesota, whose Twin City area has one of the largest Somali communities in the United States, with more than 80,000 people.

Interpol launches global hunt for British 'White Widow'


London (AFP) - The British woman dubbed the "White Widow" was at the centre of a worldwide hunt on Thursday after Interpol issued an international arrest notice in the wake of the Kenya shopping mall attack.

Only 4 Attackers Seen In Footage Of Kenya's Westgate Mall, Government Initially Estimated 10 To 15

Only 4 Attackers Seen In Footage Of Kenya's Westgate Mall, Government Initially Estimated 10 To 15

White widow was said to be related to the London 7/7 bombing which was also regarded as a false flag case.

2. The owner of Westgate Mall could be tracked to 911 attack. It seems a make money style for them.

24 September 2013

It wasn't possible to prove the exact shareholding but one of the directors of the Westgate mall is one Israeli citizen, Frank Lowy. An Israeli with the same name had an interesting relationship with Larry Silverstein properties. Yes, the one and only Silverstein who owned the World Trade Complex and managed to double his insurance payout.

Silverstein and Westfield America insured the complex for $3.55 billion, but after the attacks of September 11 lodged a claim for $7.1 billion on the premise that each plane collision constituted a separate act of terrorism, doubling the payout. Most people know about "Lucky"Larry Silverstein's part in 9/11 and his dubious connections to Binyamin Netanyahu et al, but not much has been reported on Lowy, so let's have a look.


3. In 911 attack, none of 19 hijackers was from Iraq, Afghan or Iran, they were mostly from friendly countries of US. 16 of them were Saudis. That strange fact acknowledged me that when the Feds is to commit a crime, they used to choose a place that they could control- either it’s an ally or a puppet. Kenya is a puppet. They would do everythig to cover up the crime US committed.

In 1998, there was a big embassy bombing in Nairobi, Kenya. That terror attack first introduced Al Qaida and Bin Laden to the world. It justified the 911 attack three years later. After 15 years, they arranged another terror attack. Which is used to justify a domestic terror attack in US, I think.
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796. Kenya and Al Shabab are US puppets (10/28/2013)

Kenya blames US, Israeli intelligence for no heads-up on Nairobi attack

DEBKA file Special Report September 26, 2013

President Uhuru Kenyatta is quoted as blaming the United States and Israel, in conversation with his confidants, for the failure of their undercover agencies to prevent the large-scale terrorist attack launched on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi on Sept. 21, DEBKA file reports. He said he had counted on them for a heads-up to thwart an attack, instead of which both the Americans and Israelis were as much in the dark as his own security agencies.

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Why Kenya doesn't blame others such like U.N. or France or Russia? Obviously Kenya has sold its sovereignty to US and Israel already and let them to handle its security. He also couldn't imagine they would apply a false flag case on his country.

James Norton 10/4/2013

On Monday, Al Shabab claimed via Twitter that three of the attackers were America-based, with two of them coming from Minnesota, whose Twin City area has one of the largest Somali communities in the United States, with more than 80,000 people.

Kenya identifies mall attackers, including American
By Emma Lacey-Bordeaux, CNN , Mon October 7, 2013

(CNN) -- A spokesman for the Kenya Defense Forces has identified four terrorists who took part in the deadly Nairobi mall attack last month.

They are: Khattab al-Kene, an American Somali; Abu Baara al-Sudani, from Sudan; Omar Nabhan, from Kenya; and a man identified only as Umayr.

The four died when the part of the mall they were in collapsed, Maj. Emmanuel Chirchir said.

Kenya identifies mall attackers, including American -

Al Shabab and Kenya government, both are puppets work for US. The purpose of the mastermind was to justify a domestic terrorist shooting in US. That was why at the beginning both said Americans were involved and even gave the name. They worked to the plan their master given them.

The similar case was the one in April – Boston Marathon bombing. Both were attempted to justify a big slaughter in public place – either a bombing or a shooting spree. The performers are Islamist – either it’s from Chechen or Somalia. The final goal is to eliminate Kat Sung.
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797. The mastermind of Kenya Mall attack is the Feds (11/1/2013)

On Oct. 11, ABC had a news that was conflict with the previous “attackers identified” reports.

Kenya Mall Attackers' Bodies Still Not Found
NAIROBI, Kenya October 11, 2013 (AP) By JASON STRAZIUSO Associated Press

A Western official briefed on the Kenya mall attack investigation says the bodies of the attackers have not been found.

Investigators, including FBI agents, are working their way through the collapsed mall rubble following the four-day siege on Westgate Mall that began Sept. 21. At least 67 people died in the attack.

The official said Friday that the attackers' bodies could be under the rubble but that it's not yet confirmed.

International News | World News - ABC News

Why there was such a contradiction? I think that was a response to my question on Oct. 8.

793. Shopping center’s shooting and October plot (10/8/2013)

The news said that three of the Kenya mall attackers were America-based. (see #792) It raises a question why did they take that much trouble to transfer some of their members from America to Africa. They haven’t had any people there? No, there are plenty of them. Yesterday, news reported that US Seals raided a terrorist base in Somalia. The mission failed because there was a strong resist. The terrorists have a force strong enough to repulse Seals’ attack couldn’t find three men in Mall attack and need aid from US? It’s ridiculous. …..

Yet they attacked a Kenya mall. I think it was a false flag terror attack and would be used to justify a big terror attack in US.

My conclusion hit the nail. They couldn’t answer the question. To make the Kenya attack more reasonable they changed the story. Now it becomes:

Suspect in Kenya mall attack said to be a Somali-born Norwegian

By Robyn Dixon and Alexandra Sandels October 18, 2013, 12:01 p.m.

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- Kenyan and Norwegian authorities are investigating the possible involvement of a 23-year-old Somali-born Norwegian in a devastating attack last month on a shopping mall in Kenya, officials said Friday.

Suspect in Kenya mall attack said to be a Somali-born Norwegian -

Then we saw the “White Widow” from Britain, American attackers from Minnesota Somali community, 23-year-old Somali-born Norwegian were alleged to be “Mall attackers”. Does Al Shabab has such an ability to control Al Qaeda terrorists all over the world? Think about it – who has such ability to control Kenyan and Norwegian authorities, Interpol, British police, media, and Al Shabab. NSA says it targets on terrorists only. But it seems NSA is more efficient to monitor its allies and civilians than on terrorists. What has it done in Kenya mall attack since it was likely done by “international brigade”. Did Al Shabab deliver information by mind communication to avoid interception?

The whole case was full of flaws. To repair the loophole they push out their asset one by another. It just exposes who the mastermind is.
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798. Axis of evil (11/9/2013)

A reader asks, “Katsung, just why are you so dangerous the Feds would go bonkers in a mall in Kenya and play debt ceiling roulette with the economy to bring you down?”

That’s because my analysis was so true that the Feds couldn’t stand with it. In this Kenya shopping mall shooting case, three western countries were reported to be related with it.

1. Britain.
“Interpol launches global hunt for British 'White Widow'

2. U.S..
“James Norton 10/4/2013
On Monday, Al Shabab claimed via Twitter that three of the attackers were America-based, with two of them coming from Minnesota,

3. Norway.
“Suspect in Kenya mall attack said to be a Somali-born Norwegian

By Robyn Dixon and Alexandra Sandels October 18, 2013, 12:01 p.m.

Suspect in Kenya mall attack said to be a Somali-born Norwegian -

I have revealed all these three countries playing false flag terror attack and the Feds was the mastermind behind it.

327. London bombing (7/12/05)
679. Norway massacre and Virginia Tech massacre (8/4/2011)

I also discovered that there was a common characteristic for those three evil forces when they committed a false flag terror attack. They all arranged a drill identical to the real attack. That helped the success of the criminal case. The police and security would misunderstand the real terror attack as the drill they were informed beforehand. The perpetrators could pretend to be drill practitioners even if they were captured.

688. Anti-terror drill - bizarre coincidence (9/29/2011)

7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks?
by Michel Chossudovsky August 8, 2005
A fictional "scenario" of multiple bomb attacks on London's underground took place at exactly the same time as the bomb attack on July 7, 2005.

7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks? | Global Research

Was the NRO's 9/11 Drill Just a Coincidence?

Posted By: ChristopherBollyn Date: Friday, 1-Nov-2002 16:24:12

Was the NRO's 9/11 Drill Just a Coincidence?

Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik’s Attack
• Kurt Nimmo August 26, 2011
» Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik?s Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

In #688, the sample I took were Britain, US and Norway. In Kenya shopping mall shooting case, the three references to confirm the attackers are magically the same musketeers again. It is not a coincidence. I would say again that my observation is very true and correct. The criminals are afraid of it.
Nairobi mall attackers may have escaped: NYC police
December 10, 2013

New York (AFP) - The four attackers responsible for killing at least 67 people at a Kenyan shopping mall may have escaped due to lax security, according to a New York police report released Tuesday.

The media speculated the gunmen may have escaped in the chaos of the September fighting, although security sources in Kenya said they died in a final stand off with commandos.

The New York police report said the last confirmed sighting of the attackers on the mall's CCTV system was on September 22 at 00:54 hours, 12 hours after the start of the attack.

Nairobi mall attackers may have escaped: NYC police

Finally, it goes back to ground zero. Is it a joke?

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