Kerry and Russia agree on framework of Syrian deal on chemical weapons!

So far there has been no military action in Syria.

You act like the problem is solved. It is not. We went through this with Saddam too.

Which problem? The problem of Assad killing his own people with chemical weapons? How many have died that way since Obama took his stand?

Proof PMS? LOL. Get to it. No go hump Barry's leg like a good dumb shit.

It's easy to see from your post that you are not serious about politics. Or, perhaps, anything. Jokers abound. Dime a dozen. Come back when you have a serious thought. If, you have a serious thought.
good luck to the UN inspectors getting access to the chem sites in November. Won't happen. At which time the war president can once again make the case for using force against syria so he can help his rebel/terror buddies toss assad out ...

should be an interesting holiday season.

You can only hope so. You are hoping for failure. This President is not a recovering alcoholic. He does not have someone punching him in the ribs, asking him to attack.

Chemical weapons ARE present here and they HAVE been used. Obama will use force if Syria backs away.

That's it, It's duck season Daffy. Earth to moron, can ya here me? ONCE AGAIN, THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH NERVE GAS.
"The battlefields are merging': Surge in violence raises fears of new war in Iraq and beyond..."

"A major uptick in sectarian violence which has killed about 2,000 people since April 1 has sparked fears that Iraq is heading for a full-scale civil war that could draw in powerful regional rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia.

"There are already signs that the current conflict is starting to merge with the bitter fighting in Syria, creating a war zone from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf.

"The United Nations envoy in Iraq, Martin Kobler, has issued repeated warnings in the last few weeks, pleading with Iraq’s leaders to take urgent action.
“'Small children are burned alive in cars...'"

When November 2014 rolls around, think seriously about reminding all elected Republicans AND Democrats in the US Congress how you feel about $mall children burning alive for Wall $treet and war profit$.
'The battlefields are merging': Surge in violence raises fears of new war in Iraq and beyond - World News
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Think of where our national debt would stand now if the Bushman had been as capable and committed to diplomacy over military action as his successor.
Think of where our national debt would stand now if the Bushman had been as capable and committed to diplomacy over military action as his successor.

The Bush administration tried diplomacy for months and months. Have you forgotten all about no fly zones, UN inspectors etc?
The bombing of Syria is inevitable. Non of this means anything.

We ain't Rednecks from the boonies
We the bros of the NO LIMIT SUNNIS

Assad is odd
He ain't God
All you need to know about it
Is that them Shiites ain't sh*t

Peanut Butter Carter said, "I ran"
But Obomber tell me, "You the man!"
If the Messiah aks us
We'll burn down Damaksus

A bro asks, "What's up?"
We go, "Syria be syrup."

I ain't gushin'
We fear no Russian
Putin be scootin'
When he see us lootin'

Syrian 'ho'es
Will be the ones who knows
Once you have Black
You never go back
Is why this ain't like Iraq
This ain't like
This ain't like
This ain't like Iraq

Ain't no way
It's like that play
Syria ain't Iraq
Cuz this time
This time
We got the Sunnis' back

Sunnis ain't no
Ain't no
Ain't no Al Qaider
That be a lie
From the clones of the Decider
This shit never ends. Bush did this, Obama did that. My guy is better. They all get their orders from the same type of people.

From Big Oil, which gets its loot from collaborating with Saudi-led OPEC. Satan's Sandcastle is Sunni and the King of the Wahhabis feels surrounded by Shiites and Shiite sympathizers in Iran, Iraq, and Syria.

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