Kerry and Russia agree on framework of Syrian deal on chemical weapons!

You guys are throwing BS out there with nothing to support it! The difference between Syria and Irag is there is a real President in the WH now who knows that the last option should be war, while with Iraq we had a recovering alcoholic in the WH with a Vice President nudging him in the ribs, encouraging an attack on Iraq. DICK knew his holdings in Haliburton would increase in value when they were awarded the no bid contracts in Iraq.

You got nothing except accusations! Either post a link or shut up.... - U.N.: Iraq had no WMD after 1994

UNITED NATIONS — A report from U.N. weapons inspectors to be released today says they now believe there were no weapons of mass destruction of any significance in Iraq after 1994, according to two U.N. diplomats who have seen the document.

The historical review of inspections in Iraq is the first outside study to confirm the recent conclusion by David Kay, the former U.S. chief inspector, that Iraq had no banned weapons before last year's U.S-led invasion. It also goes further than prewar U.N. reports, which said no weapons had been found but noted that Iraq had not fully accounted for weapons it was known to have had at the end of the Gulf War in 1991.
The report, to be outlined to the U.N. Security Council as early as Friday, is based on information gathered over more than seven years of U.N. inspections in Iraq before the 2003 war, plus postwar findings discussed publicly by Kay.

Kay reported in October that his team found "dozens of WMD-related program activities" that Iraq was required to reveal to U.N. inspectors but did not. However, he said he found no actual WMDs.
The study, a quarterly report on Iraq from U.N. inspectors, notes that the U.S. teams' inability to find any weapons after the war mirrors the experience of U.N. inspectors who searched there from November 2002 until March 2003.

Many Bush administration officials were harshly critical of the U.N. inspection efforts in the months before the war. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in August 2002 that inspections "will be a sham."
The Bush administration also pointedly declined U.N. offers to help in the postwar weapons hunt, preferring instead to use U.S. inspectors and specialists from other coalition countries such as Britain and Australia.

But U.N. reports submitted to the Security Council before the war by Hans Blix, former chief U.N. arms inspector, and Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog agency, have been largely validated by U.S. weapons teams. The common findings:

You're too stupid to respond to but I'll give it a try. Allow me to summarize.

Your boy's mouth wrote a check his skinny black ass couldn't cash and he scrambled to weasel his lying ass out of it only to get himself OWNED on the world stage by a former communist, both he and Herman Munster holding the ketchup bottle while trying to find a rock to crawl under.

What your lame ass is too fucking stupid to understand is that the same people who pushed the war in Iraq, were pushing it on your boy via the warmongering bitch Susan rice and her foreign policy lackeys. They even consulted the war criminal Kissinger to try to slime there way out of this mess with Russia. Same people, different president. - U.N.: Iraq had no WMD after 1994

UNITED NATIONS — A report from U.N. weapons inspectors to be released today says they now believe there were no weapons of mass destruction of any significance in Iraq after 1994, according to two U.N. diplomats who have seen the document.

The historical review of inspections in Iraq is the first outside study to confirm the recent conclusion by David Kay, the former U.S. chief inspector, that Iraq had no banned weapons before last year's U.S-led invasion. It also goes further than prewar U.N. reports, which said no weapons had been found but noted that Iraq had not fully accounted for weapons it was known to have had at the end of the Gulf War in 1991.
The report, to be outlined to the U.N. Security Council as early as Friday, is based on information gathered over more than seven years of U.N. inspections in Iraq before the 2003 war, plus postwar findings discussed publicly by Kay.

Kay reported in October that his team found "dozens of WMD-related program activities" that Iraq was required to reveal to U.N. inspectors but did not. However, he said he found no actual WMDs.
The study, a quarterly report on Iraq from U.N. inspectors, notes that the U.S. teams' inability to find any weapons after the war mirrors the experience of U.N. inspectors who searched there from November 2002 until March 2003.

Many Bush administration officials were harshly critical of the U.N. inspection efforts in the months before the war. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in August 2002 that inspections "will be a sham."
The Bush administration also pointedly declined U.N. offers to help in the postwar weapons hunt, preferring instead to use U.S. inspectors and specialists from other coalition countries such as Britain and Australia.

But U.N. reports submitted to the Security Council before the war by Hans Blix, former chief U.N. arms inspector, and Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog agency, have been largely validated by U.S. weapons teams. The common findings:


No, you're just an ignorant fool who would hump your president's leg given the opportunity. Partisan dumb shit.
Good, and even better, this will make the right wing reactionaries squeal. - U.N.: Iraq had no WMD after 1994

UNITED NATIONS — A report from U.N. weapons inspectors to be released today says they now believe there were no weapons of mass destruction of any significance in Iraq after 1994, according to two U.N. diplomats who have seen the document.

The historical review of inspections in Iraq is the first outside study to confirm the recent conclusion by David Kay, the former U.S. chief inspector, that Iraq had no banned weapons before last year's U.S-led invasion. It also goes further than prewar U.N. reports, which said no weapons had been found but noted that Iraq had not fully accounted for weapons it was known to have had at the end of the Gulf War in 1991.
The report, to be outlined to the U.N. Security Council as early as Friday, is based on information gathered over more than seven years of U.N. inspections in Iraq before the 2003 war, plus postwar findings discussed publicly by Kay.

Kay reported in October that his team found "dozens of WMD-related program activities" that Iraq was required to reveal to U.N. inspectors but did not. However, he said he found no actual WMDs.
The study, a quarterly report on Iraq from U.N. inspectors, notes that the U.S. teams' inability to find any weapons after the war mirrors the experience of U.N. inspectors who searched there from November 2002 until March 2003.

Many Bush administration officials were harshly critical of the U.N. inspection efforts in the months before the war. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in August 2002 that inspections "will be a sham."
The Bush administration also pointedly declined U.N. offers to help in the postwar weapons hunt, preferring instead to use U.S. inspectors and specialists from other coalition countries such as Britain and Australia.

But U.N. reports submitted to the Security Council before the war by Hans Blix, former chief U.N. arms inspector, and Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog agency, have been largely validated by U.S. weapons teams. The common findings:


No, you're just an ignorant fool who would hump your president's leg given the opportunity. Partisan dumb shit.

Waiting for a Link.....waiting....waiting...
You guys are throwing BS out there with nothing to support it! The difference between Syria and Irag is there is a real President in the WH now who knows that the last option should be war, while with Iraq we had a recovering alcoholic in the WH with a Vice President nudging him in the ribs, encouraging an attack on Iraq. DICK knew his holdings in Haliburton would increase in value when they were awarded the no bid contracts in Iraq.

You got nothing except accusations! Either post a link or shut up....



A REAL President???

Nothing about that lying prick is real except his incompetence is real.

You would not believe how much it costs to keep his balls from frying. The media has a job propping him up 24/7/365.

Obama was the one who wanted to go to war for God only knows what reason. It took Congress, Russia, and the whole damned world to tell him he was fucking up.
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The U.S.-Russian Deal on Syria: A Victory for Assad
The agreement struck in Geneva on chemical weapons effectively strengthens the Syrian strongman by removing the threat of American military involvement.


A deal with Russia on chemical weapons may be a "win" for President Obama but only in the narrowest sense. He managed to avoid a war he desperately did not want. But with the near-obsessive focus on chemical-weapons use, the core issues have been pushed to the side. These were always more or less the same -- a regime bent on killing and terrorizing its own people and a brutal civil war spilling over into the rest of the region, fanning sectarian strife and destabilizing Syria's neighbors.

For his part, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is effectively being rewarded for the use of chemical weapons, rather than "punished" as originally planned. He has managed to remove the threat of U.S. military action while giving very little up in return. Obscured in the debate of the past few weeks is that chemical weapons were never central to the Syrian regime's military strategy. It doesn't need to use chemical weapons. In other words, even if the regime does comply with inspections (which could drag on for months if not years), it will have little import for the broader civil war, which Assad remains intent on winning.

The U.S.-Russian Deal on Syria: A Victory for Assad - Shadi Hamid - The Atlantic

Please do make your stupid comments while we all wait. It makes you look very intelligent!

Anytime a war can be avoided and at the same time weapons of horrific capabilities are taken off the board, it is a good thing. Now you have joined the McCain-Graham camp and would love to see us in another conflict. Obama could eliminate the national dept overnight, and you would find a reason to slam him.

You guys are throwing BS out there with nothing to support it! The difference between Syria and Irag is there is a real President in the WH now who knows that the last option should be war, while with Iraq we had a recovering alcoholic in the WH with a Vice President nudging him in the ribs, encouraging an attack on Iraq. DICK knew his holdings in Haliburton would increase in value when they were awarded the no bid contracts in Iraq.

You got nothing except accusations! Either post a link or shut up....

The difference between Syria and Irag is there is a real President in the WH now who knows that the last option should be war,

Then why was Obama pushing for attacking Syria as the first option????
You Obama fluffers are really tooo much... :lol:
You guys are throwing BS out there with nothing to support it! The difference between Syria and Irag is there is a real President in the WH now who knows that the last option should be war, while with Iraq we had a recovering alcoholic in the WH with a Vice President nudging him in the ribs, encouraging an attack on Iraq. DICK knew his holdings in Haliburton would increase in value when they were awarded the no bid contracts in Iraq.

You got nothing except accusations! Either post a link or shut up....

The difference between Syria and Irag is there is a real President in the WH now who knows that the last option should be war,

Then why was Obama pushing for attacking Syria as the first option????
You Obama fluffers are really tooo much... :lol:

Obama threatened to deprive Assad of his chemical weapons. Bush invaded Sadam's country. You don't see a difference?
This whole thread boils down to people proud to be Americans, vs those who want a different country.

I'm pretty sure that history will wonder where all of the haters came from. We know that they're a media creation.
This shit never ends. Bush did this, Obama did that. My guy is better. They all get their orders from the same type of people.
I stand amazed that you people are coming up with your fantasy theories to justify the incredible blunders that W made. He so screwed up the GOP, that my generation may never see a Republican President again. Thanks goodness McCain did not win in 2008. Otherwise we would have US troops marching in Damascus right now.

Please do make your stupid comments while we all wait. It makes you look very intelligent!

Anytime a war can be avoided and at the same time weapons of horrific capabilities are taken off the board, it is a good thing. Now you have joined the McCain-Graham camp and would love to see us in another conflict. Obama could eliminate the national dept overnight, and you would find a reason to slam him.


Obama made war seem inevitable. Now somebody else has provided him an escape.

All you want to focus on is that war has been avoided even though behind the scenes Obama is providing weapons to the rebels and is still dragging out Syria's civil war.

The question here should be who provided Assad with chemical weapons. The answer is easy. The same person that claims he can make him give them up. Putin.

Use your head.
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I stand amazed that you people are coming up with your fantasy theories to justify the incredible blunders that W made. He so screwed up the GOP, that my generation may never see a Republican President again. Thanks goodness McCain did not win in 2008. Otherwise we would have US troops marching in Damascus right now.

What makes you think they aren't there now?

I know the C.I.A. is.
You guys are throwing BS out there with nothing to support it! The difference between Syria and Irag is there is a real President in the WH now who knows that the last option should be war, while with Iraq we had a recovering alcoholic in the WH with a Vice President nudging him in the ribs, encouraging an attack on Iraq. DICK knew his holdings in Haliburton would increase in value when they were awarded the no bid contracts in Iraq.

You got nothing except accusations! Either post a link or shut up....

The difference between Syria and Irag is there is a real President in the WH now who knows that the last option should be war,

Then why was Obama pushing for attacking Syria as the first option????
You Obama fluffers are really tooo much... :lol:

Obama threatened to deprive Assad of his chemical weapons. Bush invaded Sadam's country. You don't see a difference?

One is a Republican and the other a Democrat.

I guess you forgot the long run-up to the war. Bush pretty much said the same thing Obama is saying only he actually went through Congress and the U.N. The difference was we were under a cease-fire with Iraq after Desert Storm and Saddam was breaking the conditions of the cease-fire. This BS with Syria is simply of Obama's own making.

The situations are similar and Obama is trying to do it his way, and Bush did it his way. Bush tried to follow the rules and Obama tried to break the rules.
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Democrats are trying to paint this debacle in Syria as avoiding war by saying Bush invaded Iraq.

They have to do something. obama's failure was so monumental it's understandable that democrats just can't accept it. What happened was a grown up came onto the school yard, took the ball, and told the whiney kid to go home. The end result is that Russia has completely displaced the United States as the major power player in the middle east. Which is worth way more than chemical weapons.

Maybe obama should play poker with real opponents instead of spades with his bestest buddy.

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