Kerry Campaign Veterans Dismiss Complaints Over Obama's Bin Laden Ad

Remind me what courage it took. Not to do it was the height of cowardice. A position occupied by Joe Biden.

That being the case, what the fack are you rightwing dipshats complaining about?

you spelled FUCK wrong and its ....dipSHIT.......if you cant swear properly,then why swear at all? make yourself look kinda ......"Tangy".....ask your Cousin.....i am more than sure he can tell you what that means.......

Shut the fack up and stop complaining, I could be like whiny Repug and complain that you're trying to suppress my first amendment rights but IDGAFack.
The Repugs are just fiery mad because Obama getting bin Laden refutes any notion of him being soft on terrorists and also because Bush couldn't get him, they're just mad.

Obama didnt "get" bin Laden. That was Seal Team 6, an organization denounced by the Dums as "Dick Cheney's hit squad."

Cheney Ran Secret Hit Squad: Hersh

Somehow they didnt have a problem when Obama did it. It was just different.

Only to libtards.
Exactly! The wingnut game is always rigged: Heads they win, tails you lose.

yea because it dont work that way for Democrats.....

Man provid an instance, the Repugs are the ones talking the most shat and coming up with strawmen when people attack back in order to deflect.

i have lived in a Democratic/liberal political environment for quite a while now.....they are just as under handed as any old Republican.....who do you think were their teachers?....
He did far more than "nod", and the great majority of America approve BHO's decision and courage.

That's a fact.

Let's concentrate on the economy.

Remind me what courage it took. Not to do it was the height of cowardice. A position occupied by Joe Biden.

That being the case, what the fack are you rightwing dipshats complaining about?

That he and his administration take credit for a policy and plan implemented by his predecessor, who gets no credit, and the results, which came from soldiers in the field, whom they haven't supported, on a mission that had Bush done it they would cavil over international law.
But other than the gross hypocrisy and self-aggrandizing, no reason.
That being the case, what the fack are you rightwing dipshats complaining about?

you spelled FUCK wrong and its ....dipSHIT.......if you cant swear properly,then why swear at all? make yourself look kinda ......"Tangy".....ask your Cousin.....i am more than sure he can tell you what that means.......

Shut the fack up and stop complaining, I could be like whiny Repug and complain that you're trying to suppress my first amendment rights but IDGAFack.

fack off......:lol:
Obama had every right to toot his own horn, it was under his administration that it happened.
Having said that, he certainly didn't have to bring up Romney into the campaign stump with it. To independents, I'm sure it backfired on him.....Obama just can't get away from his low class Chicago style politics.
Again...he had every right to tout the death of Bin's one of the few bright spots on his resume since he took office. He might try to bring up those teenage pirates, also....might get some mileage out of that, too.
He did far more than "nod", and the great majority of America approve BHO's decision and courage.

That's a fact.

Let's concentrate on the economy.

It is not 'courage' to risk your political career. It is 'courage' to risk your life for your fellow man. Stop insulting our warriors.
Obama had every right to toot his own horn, it was under his administration that it happened.
Having said that, he certainly didn't have to bring up Romney into the campaign stump with it. To independents, I'm sure it backfired on him.....Obama just can't get away from his low class Chicago style politics.
Again...he had every right to tout the death of Bin's one of the few bright spots on his resume since he took office. He might try to bring up those teenage pirates, also....might get some mileage out of that, too.

At the risk of repeating myself, if I was his adviser, I'd have told him 'give the credit to the troops, commend SEAL 6 for their courage and ability and say how honored you are to be their Commander in Chief'. If he had done that, no one could have criticized him and he'd have scored a big one with non Democrat voters... and left the GOP nothing to bitch at him for. More fool him for putting ego first.
Your Rovian attempt to deny any credit to Obama is just another nail in the republican partys coffin.
Obama had every right to toot his own horn, it was under his administration that it happened.
Having said that, he certainly didn't have to bring up Romney into the campaign stump with it. To independents, I'm sure it backfired on him.....Obama just can't get away from his low class Chicago style politics.
Again...he had every right to tout the death of Bin's one of the few bright spots on his resume since he took office. He might try to bring up those teenage pirates, also....might get some mileage out of that, too.

At the risk of repeating myself, if I was his adviser, I'd have told him 'give the credit to the troops, commend SEAL 6 for their courage and ability and say how honored you are to be their Commander in Chief'. If he had done that, no one could have criticized him and he'd have scored a big one with non Democrat voters... and left the GOP nothing to bitch at him for. More fool him for putting ego first.

He certainly could have come across presidential and said what you suggested. But, I haven't seen him presidential that much.
Obama had every right to toot his own horn, it was under his administration that it happened.
Having said that, he certainly didn't have to bring up Romney into the campaign stump with it. To independents, I'm sure it backfired on him.....Obama just can't get away from his low class Chicago style politics.
Again...he had every right to tout the death of Bin's one of the few bright spots on his resume since he took office. He might try to bring up those teenage pirates, also....might get some mileage out of that, too.

At the risk of repeating myself, if I was his adviser, I'd have told him 'give the credit to the troops, commend SEAL 6 for their courage and ability and say how honored you are to be their Commander in Chief'. If he had done that, no one could have criticized him and he'd have scored a big one with non Democrat voters... and left the GOP nothing to bitch at him for. More fool him for putting ego first.

He certainly could have come across presidential and said what you suggested. But, I haven't seen him presidential that much.

The two of you are lying.

Ill go get tape to prove it
stop insulting our commander in chief for your political hack reasons

Like you all did when Bush was in office?

Regardless of the political party, they are just politicians. 10 a penny. There is nothing special or irreplaceable about them other than to their families. Our military are people put up with vast amounts of crap, and used as a political football... and they really are irreplaceable.

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