'Kerry doesn't give a damn': US accused of ignoring jailed Marine in Mexico


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
That's right. One of our Marines is being imprisoned in Mexico for making a wrong turn and entering the country with his firearms. Even as John Kerry held high level talks in Mexico City, the fate of this Marine didn't even come up. It even prompted a GOP senator to exclaim 'I don't think Kerry gives a damn.' The same could be said of President Obama, who has remained silent on the issue.

So why? Why isn't his country fighting for him, in the same way he fought for it? The answer's quite obvious. It doesn't give a damn.

President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are being accused of ignoring the plight of a U.S. Marine imprisoned in Mexico on gun charges -- with no indication whether Kerry even brought up the case during high-level meetings this week in Mexico City.

"I don't think Kerry gives a damn about this guy," Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., told FoxNews.com on Thursday.

The case of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is notable for the lack of public attention it's gotten from administration officials.

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke out in 2011 on American hikers imprisoned in Iran, and her husband even traveled to North Korea in 2009 to retrieve two Current TV reporters locked up in the hermit kingdom.
According to Hunter's office, U.S. officials at the American consulate in Tijuana are working on the latest case. Tahmooressi has been jailed in Mexico since April 1.

But Hunter told FoxNews.com that he was told last week the matter hadn't reached the "secretary level."

"He can at least say something," Hunter said. "He's got a lot of leverage."
The secretary on Thursday is wrapping up his round of diplomatic visits in the Mexican capital, a day after meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

The State Department has not responded to questions from Fox News on whether Kerry brought up Tahmooressi. So far, representatives with the department and the White House have said little about the matter.
?I don?t think Kerry gives a damn?: Administration hammered for silence on Marine held in Mexico | Fox News
It appears that this administration has some sort of contempt for our troops, or, they are so wholly incompetent that they have not the capacity to handle the situation. Regardless, even I must acknowledge that this administration takes the cake in the 'I don't give a damn' department.
We need to do what we can to pressure the Mexican government into releasing this guy. There is no reason he should be locked up for making a wrong turn.
That's right. One of our Marines is being imprisoned in Mexico for making a wrong turn and entering the country with his firearms. Even as John Kerry held high level talks in Mexico City, the fate of this Marine didn't even come up. It even prompted a GOP senator to exclaim 'I don't think Kerry gives a damn.' The same could be said of President Obama, who has remained silent on the issue.

So why? Why isn't his country fighting for him, in the same way he fought for it? The answer's quite obvious. It doesn't give a damn.

President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are being accused of ignoring the plight of a U.S. Marine imprisoned in Mexico on gun charges -- with no indication whether Kerry even brought up the case during high-level meetings this week in Mexico City.

"I don't think Kerry gives a damn about this guy," Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., told FoxNews.com on Thursday.

The case of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is notable for the lack of public attention it's gotten from administration officials.

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke out in 2011 on American hikers imprisoned in Iran, and her husband even traveled to North Korea in 2009 to retrieve two Current TV reporters locked up in the hermit kingdom.
According to Hunter's office, U.S. officials at the American consulate in Tijuana are working on the latest case. Tahmooressi has been jailed in Mexico since April 1.

But Hunter told FoxNews.com that he was told last week the matter hadn't reached the "secretary level."

"He can at least say something," Hunter said. "He's got a lot of leverage."
The secretary on Thursday is wrapping up his round of diplomatic visits in the Mexican capital, a day after meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

The State Department has not responded to questions from Fox News on whether Kerry brought up Tahmooressi. So far, representatives with the department and the White House have said little about the matter.
?I don?t think Kerry gives a damn?: Administration hammered for silence on Marine held in Mexico | Fox News

Its called Mexican laws, if some dumbfuck has weapons in the car and the Mexican authority know it, that person will be arrested, it seems like every time an American idiot try's or claims he has guns but couldn't turn around before he entered Mexico he whines and cry's and plays victim. This isn't the first time a low I slope skull got caught Now the pin headed idiots on the right want the government to drop everything and focus on this asshole
poor left-wng losers; obama cant get one guy out of a Mexican prison; and you think he can handle world affairs?
That's right. One of our Marines is being imprisoned in Mexico for making a wrong turn and entering the country with his firearms. Even as John Kerry held high level talks in Mexico City, the fate of this Marine didn't even come up. It even prompted a GOP senator to exclaim 'I don't think Kerry gives a damn.' The same could be said of President Obama, who has remained silent on the issue.

So why? Why isn't his country fighting for him, in the same way he fought for it? The answer's quite obvious. It doesn't give a damn.

President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are being accused of ignoring the plight of a U.S. Marine imprisoned in Mexico on gun charges -- with no indication whether Kerry even brought up the case during high-level meetings this week in Mexico City.

"I don't think Kerry gives a damn about this guy," Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., told FoxNews.com on Thursday.

The case of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is notable for the lack of public attention it's gotten from administration officials.

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke out in 2011 on American hikers imprisoned in Iran, and her husband even traveled to North Korea in 2009 to retrieve two Current TV reporters locked up in the hermit kingdom.
According to Hunter's office, U.S. officials at the American consulate in Tijuana are working on the latest case. Tahmooressi has been jailed in Mexico since April 1.

But Hunter told FoxNews.com that he was told last week the matter hadn't reached the "secretary level."

"He can at least say something," Hunter said. "He's got a lot of leverage."
The secretary on Thursday is wrapping up his round of diplomatic visits in the Mexican capital, a day after meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

The State Department has not responded to questions from Fox News on whether Kerry brought up Tahmooressi. So far, representatives with the department and the White House have said little about the matter.
?I don?t think Kerry gives a damn?: Administration hammered for silence on Marine held in Mexico | Fox News

Its called Mexican laws, if some dumbfuck has weapons in the car and the Mexican authority know it, that person will be arrested, it seems like every time an American idiot try's or claims he has guns but couldn't turn around before he entered Mexico he whines and cry's and plays victim. This isn't the first time a low I slope skull got caught Now the pin headed idiots on the right want the government to drop everything and focus on this asshole

So you really think you should be incarcerated for making a wrong turn and doing nothing else wrong?

meanwhile we should just ignore the flow of mexicans into our country violating our laws?
That's right. One of our Marines is being imprisoned in Mexico for making a wrong turn and entering the country with his firearms. Even as John Kerry held high level talks in Mexico City, the fate of this Marine didn't even come up. It even prompted a GOP senator to exclaim 'I don't think Kerry gives a damn.' The same could be said of President Obama, who has remained silent on the issue.

So why? Why isn't his country fighting for him, in the same way he fought for it? The answer's quite obvious. It doesn't give a damn.

?I don?t think Kerry gives a damn?: Administration hammered for silence on Marine held in Mexico | Fox News

Its called Mexican laws, if some dumbfuck has weapons in the car and the Mexican authority know it, that person will be arrested, it seems like every time an American idiot try's or claims he has guns but couldn't turn around before he entered Mexico he whines and cry's and plays victim. This isn't the first time a low I slope skull got caught Now the pin headed idiots on the right want the government to drop everything and focus on this asshole

So you really think you should be incarcerated for making a wrong turn and doing nothing else wrong?

meanwhile we should just ignore the flow of mexicans into our country violating our laws?

He CLAIMS he just made a wrong turn. You really think we'd let a Mexican who drove into this country just go if he said he'd made a wrong turn? Not likely. The marine's got a lawyer and a court date. I would expect Mexico to house him safely until he gets a chance before an impartial court. And, considering Wasserman Shultz and Duncan Hunter are both on the issue, some lower ranking state offiicals and our embassy are checking that.

Not really a cabinet level issue, though Faux has to cry about anything.
Its called Mexican laws, if some dumbfuck has weapons in the car and the Mexican authority know it, that person will be arrested, it seems like every time an American idiot try's or claims he has guns but couldn't turn around before he entered Mexico he whines and cry's and plays victim. This isn't the first time a low I slope skull got caught Now the pin headed idiots on the right want the government to drop everything and focus on this asshole

So you really think you should be incarcerated for making a wrong turn and doing nothing else wrong?

meanwhile we should just ignore the flow of mexicans into our country violating our laws?

He CLAIMS he just made a wrong turn. You really think we'd let a Mexican who drove into this country just go if he said he'd made a wrong turn? Not likely. The marine's got a lawyer and a court date. I would expect Mexico to house him safely until he gets a chance before an impartial court. And, considering Wasserman Shultz and Duncan Hunter are both on the issue, some lower ranking state offiicals and our embassy are checking that.

Not really a cabinet level issue, though Faux has to cry about anything.

yes. I do think we would let them go if they made a wrong turn and we caught them here. We'd just let them go in Mexico.

Of course, I could be wrong. This administration might give them a penthouse in NY if they thought it would get them more votes.
If the prisoner were black would Our Kenyan President hold his breath until he turned blue were he not freed?

Would Kerry refuse to go to sleep until his magic diplomacy brought the prisoner home?

You know the answers; the trick is to overcome your conditioning and say what you know the answers to be. Even at the personal risk of losing your Democrat Party Membership decoder ring!
So you really think you should be incarcerated for making a wrong turn and doing nothing else wrong?

meanwhile we should just ignore the flow of mexicans into our country violating our laws?

He CLAIMS he just made a wrong turn. You really think we'd let a Mexican who drove into this country just go if he said he'd made a wrong turn? Not likely. The marine's got a lawyer and a court date. I would expect Mexico to house him safely until he gets a chance before an impartial court. And, considering Wasserman Shultz and Duncan Hunter are both on the issue, some lower ranking state offiicals and our embassy are checking that.

Not really a cabinet level issue, though Faux has to cry about anything.

yes. I do think we would let them go if they made a wrong turn and we caught them here. We'd just let them go in Mexico.

Of course, I could be wrong. This administration might give them a penthouse in NY if they thought it would get them more votes.

He'd be lucky to avoid gitmo.
That's right. One of our Marines is being imprisoned in Mexico for making a wrong turn and entering the country with his firearms. Even as John Kerry held high level talks in Mexico City, the fate of this Marine didn't even come up. It even prompted a GOP senator to exclaim 'I don't think Kerry gives a damn.' The same could be said of President Obama, who has remained silent on the issue.

So why? Why isn't his country fighting for him, in the same way he fought for it? The answer's quite obvious. It doesn't give a damn.

President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are being accused of ignoring the plight of a U.S. Marine imprisoned in Mexico on gun charges -- with no indication whether Kerry even brought up the case during high-level meetings this week in Mexico City.

"I don't think Kerry gives a damn about this guy," Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., told FoxNews.com on Thursday.

The case of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is notable for the lack of public attention it's gotten from administration officials.

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke out in 2011 on American hikers imprisoned in Iran, and her husband even traveled to North Korea in 2009 to retrieve two Current TV reporters locked up in the hermit kingdom.
According to Hunter's office, U.S. officials at the American consulate in Tijuana are working on the latest case. Tahmooressi has been jailed in Mexico since April 1.

But Hunter told FoxNews.com that he was told last week the matter hadn't reached the "secretary level."

"He can at least say something," Hunter said. "He's got a lot of leverage."
The secretary on Thursday is wrapping up his round of diplomatic visits in the Mexican capital, a day after meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

The State Department has not responded to questions from Fox News on whether Kerry brought up Tahmooressi. So far, representatives with the department and the White House have said little about the matter.
?I don?t think Kerry gives a damn?: Administration hammered for silence on Marine held in Mexico | Fox News

Its called Mexican laws, if some dumbfuck has weapons in the car and the Mexican authority know it, that person will be arrested, it seems like every time an American idiot try's or claims he has guns but couldn't turn around before he entered Mexico he whines and cry's and plays victim. This isn't the first time a low I slope skull got caught Now the pin headed idiots on the right want the government to drop everything and focus on this asshole

Americans believe innocent until proven guilty.

You have already tried this fellow, convicted him, and sentenced him.

Which means you are your typical paranoid, cynical individual.
Kerry went to bat for an illegal alien convicted of killing a cop yet he won't stand up for a Marine who ended up crossing the border accidentally after missing his exit. Yes, he had guns. He is a Marine and harmed no one. They know damn well he's innocent and it was a mistake. Mexico supports their drug cartels and aids them in transporting their drugs across the border. It requires heavily armed personnel. Our government looks the other way and now that an innocent man made a simple mistake, they look the other way.

Fuck Mexico and their tyrannical ways. Obama could just start deporting people to show them what we think of their treatment of one of our citizens. Instead, Obama is rewarding them by practically inviting more people here with the promise of amnesty and Mexico will continue to benefit from billions sent back by their citizens who are here taking advantage of us.

If Kerry can join forces with the Mexican government to request that our system go easy on murderers, rapists and drug cartels, then maybe he could see his way clear to ask them to release a man who made a wrong turn and harmed no one.

I just love how liberals say Mexico has laws and we must obey them. Period. Yet, they criticize anyone who thinks that our laws should be respected. The left knows how much harm illegals have done and many people have been killed, yet they are willing to look the other way.

Either Mexico releases this man with an apology or they should be forced to accept all their citizens and their children back into Mexico and no more billions of dollars in remittances. If we had fences, the Marine would not have accidentally crossed into that cesspool of a country. And we would have less people taking advantage of us.
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The DEMOCRATS in this country hate the military and the VETS. This is just another example of it
That's right. One of our Marines is being imprisoned in Mexico for making a wrong turn and entering the country with his firearms. Even as John Kerry held high level talks in Mexico City, the fate of this Marine didn't even come up. It even prompted a GOP senator to exclaim 'I don't think Kerry gives a damn.' The same could be said of President Obama, who has remained silent on the issue.

So why? Why isn't his country fighting for him, in the same way he fought for it? The answer's quite obvious. It doesn't give a damn.

President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are being accused of ignoring the plight of a U.S. Marine imprisoned in Mexico on gun charges -- with no indication whether Kerry even brought up the case during high-level meetings this week in Mexico City.

"I don't think Kerry gives a damn about this guy," Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., told FoxNews.com on Thursday.

The case of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is notable for the lack of public attention it's gotten from administration officials.

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke out in 2011 on American hikers imprisoned in Iran, and her husband even traveled to North Korea in 2009 to retrieve two Current TV reporters locked up in the hermit kingdom.
According to Hunter's office, U.S. officials at the American consulate in Tijuana are working on the latest case. Tahmooressi has been jailed in Mexico since April 1.

But Hunter told FoxNews.com that he was told last week the matter hadn't reached the "secretary level."

"He can at least say something," Hunter said. "He's got a lot of leverage."
The secretary on Thursday is wrapping up his round of diplomatic visits in the Mexican capital, a day after meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

The State Department has not responded to questions from Fox News on whether Kerry brought up Tahmooressi. So far, representatives with the department and the White House have said little about the matter.
?I don?t think Kerry gives a damn?: Administration hammered for silence on Marine held in Mexico | Fox News

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