Kerry Warns of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

More on apartheid by JFKerry.

US Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday either knowingly or unwittingly fed the lie that Israel is an apartheid state in the making due to the Jews inability to view their non-Jewish countrymen as equals.

Kerry was speaking at a closed door meeting with influential world leaders about his frustrations stemming from the latest failed round of peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

In a recording of the meeting obtained by The Daily Beast, Kerry is heard telling his audience that at some point Israel is just going to have to bite the bullet and accept even a less-than-optimal peace deal. Otherwise, according to Kerry, “it winds up either being an apartheid state with second class citizens, or it ends up being a state that destroys the capacity of Israel to be a Jewish state.”

Kerry Feeds the Lie of 'Israeli Apartheid' - Israel Today | Israel News
The way the US suck up to the arabs is sickening and it is Israel's fault for helping its enemies of Gaza and PA-controlled West Bank. What sort of country helps its enemies. That is why Kerry is treading all over Israel.
I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?

There is no law to stop a state from becoming wholly Christian, International or otherwise.

There is no apartheid in Israel that is an ISLAMONAZI BLOOD LIBEL
I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?

There is no apartheid in Israel. Plenty of proof of that all around.

Of course there is Apartheid in Israel. Only silly partisans believe otherwise.

Then detail the apartheid that forbids ALL non Jews from voting, ALL non Jews from owning property, ALL non Jews from sitting in the same part of a bus as Jews. Just 3 of the criteria that made S.A. apartheid, and also most Islamic nations as well.
How many folks know what the term "idolatry" means? Is it possible to literally worship a nation? I'm beginning to think that it is.

Many people worship their nation, it is called being proud of its achievements, but it is different to how they worship their God/s
But but but I thought Israel was already an apartheid state. Will you guys get your BS straight. Like I said before, with all the fuckups this administration has had before, Obama and his crowd have zero credibility both domestically and internationally.

For the U.S. to even imply the possibility is a tremendous reality check.

But the U.S. isn't doing this are they, it is one idiots version of the truth. The fact is what was really said in the unilateral nation be it muslim or Jewish is a non starter as it will end up apartheid. You have fallen into the same ISLAMONAZI MINDSET that only Israel is mentioned
By the way ... the Liberty was NOT an accident. Bombing American ships showing the American flag is as purposeful as it gets but if you shut your eyes really tight and click your heals together three times perhaps you can change history.
It's starting, Roudy! The egg is about to hatch! I wonder what flavor it will be?

He is hooked, hook, line and sinker!

haven't they flogged that poor horse enough over the decades? It was a tragedy and mistakes were made on both side, but it was not an intentional attack on the US. It was a ship that did not identify itself in a war zone where they were not supposed to be. Navy disavowed that they had a ship in that vicinity. Israel responded to a hostile ship with strafing. Against orders the USS Liberty fired on the torpedo boats and they responded.
Transcript of interviews with the crew immediately after verified that due to a series of errors and failures, the actions or lack of lead to a mistaken identity of a ship in a war zone, where it was not supposed to be.

If you care so much about the sailors, consider the attacks on the USS Cole and the USS Stark. Take those issues to their appropriate forum and rant about targeted attacks and mistaken attacks. How many friendly fire or mistakes have we, the US, caused injury or death? Sadly in war such things happen.
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I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?

There is no apartheid in Israel. Plenty of proof of that all around.

I didn't say there was. I was questioning Kerry's use of the term and his concern over the possibility.

When challenged, Pro Palestinians run like the Cowards they are . Why should there be a " Palestinian state" then ? What about Abbas Apartheid policy which states NO ISRAELIS ALLOWED which would include Arab Israelis ? Tell us exactly what Abbas is contributing to the " peace process" There will be no response ; There never is. :D
How many folks know what the term "idolatry" means? Is it possible to literally worship a nation? I'm beginning to think that it is.
Maybe it has something to do with my current sig, Just sayin'.

Let's also "never forget" the Christians who were thrown to the lions or burned as the stake. Let's not forget the USS Liberty. Let's not forget the Christians who were massacred by the Bosheviks during the Russian revolution. Let's not forget the Apostles who were tortured or nailed to crosses. Let's not forget Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets not forget the Christians murdered in gaza. Lets not forget the Kurds. Lets not forget the Armenians. Lets not forget the Hindu's. Lets not forget the Sikhs. Lets not forget the Jews. Lets not forget the British schoolgirl turned into kebab meat. Lets not forget the many innocents murdered in the names of allah and Mohamed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude. Stay on track please. I was answering your post that drew my attention to your signature line. So which topic do you want to pursue?

Never-mind. Like I said in my first post ... I don't really care one way or the other. We have enough problems in the good ol' USA to worry about. I have zero time to worry about the bickering in the Middle East.
I have nothing against you but if you don't think the mid-East situation is the most important issue in the world and you have no time for it then what are you buying with your two cents? Why are you here?

It may be the "most important issue in the world" to you but watching my own nation swirl down the economic and social toilet takes precedence, from my point of view.

Here's a couple of points to consider. I don't know if you are a Bible believing Christian or just politically interested in the Middle East but if the former is true, consider these two points:

1) Prophecy is written and things will happen exactly as planned regardless of all the political rhetoric.

2) If the Jews in the Mid East are "God's chosen people" then He will see to it that they are protected with or without your help (or mine).

Now if your interest is purely based on political interest then we will have to part friends with differing points of view.

You forget that according to Mohamed that title was taken away from the Jews and given to the muslims. Or was this deliberate ?
I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?

Israel is not an exclusively jewish state. It's roots are jewish, it's history and religion were established there. The temple(s) were there. It's character is jewish, but there are people of all faiths that are Israelis.
The same way the kurd or armenians preserved their language and heritage. They had a right to a state. Most are now muslims, but they are not arab or persian by race.
Jews have right to return, if they comply with the requirements. Other people, religion or race, can apply to be citizens as well, if they also comply with the requirements.
Israel protect the religion and race of the jews, but being a jewish state does not make Israel exclusive at all.

From the Torygraph

Even the most pro-Israel daily in the UK disagrees with this silly partisan that constantly posts propaganda. Below is a law that discriminates against non-Jews, full stop.

"Israel's cabinet votes to extend racist citizenship law"

Israel's cabinet votes to extend 'racist' citizenship law - Telegraph

No it doesn't, all it is doing is reporting the News. There is no personal comment on the story at all, SO WHY DO YOU LIE ?
Let's also "never forget" the Christians who were thrown to the lions or burned as the stake. Let's not forget the USS Liberty. Let's not forget the Christians who were massacred by the Bosheviks during the Russian revolution. Let's not forget the Apostles who were tortured or nailed to crosses. Let's not forget Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!
So you want us not to forget the USS Liberty, an accident, but not 9-11 and a whole host of Islamic terrorist acts? Sounds like you have issues with your memory, particularly selective memory. LOL

By the way ... the Liberty was NOT an accident. Bombing American ships showing the American flag is as purposeful as it gets but if you shut your eyes really tight and click your heals together three times perhaps you can change history.

Now for the facts it was a converted WW2 freighter that was a spy ship and was not supposed to be there. The Egyptian navy also had some of the same design of freighter as their naval vessels and the flag that was flying was not that normally seen on an American ship.
What the hell are you talking about? Who on earth said that I "want to forget 9/11?" You literally put words in my mouth that I've NEVER uttered (or typed).

Okay ... I'm done with this loony bin. Later.
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio.
So long, farewell, good-bye. Come bacck soon, y'hear!

Well, to the neutral observer, reading these demented posts written, in many cases by Americans, that idolize Israel can be unnerving. It's like an alternative universe where everything is ass backwards. Luckily these partisans are few and far between and even the Christian fundies are starting to change their tune vis-a-vis Israel and that's a good thing.

"Support for Israel is weakening among evangelical Christians,......While hard numbers are not available, evangelical leaders on both sides of the divide on Israel agree that members of the millennial generation do not share their parents’ passion for the Jewish state; many are seeking some form of evenhandedness when approaching the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“What is happening is that the hard line of Christian Zionists was not successfully passed forward to the next generation, because it was based on theological themes that are now being questioned by younger evangelicals,” said David Gushee, professor of Christian ethics and director of the Center for Theology and Public Life at Mercer University in Atlanta.

Read more: Israel's Grip on Evangelical Christians Loosens ?

You a neutral observer, you spout more ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA than all of iran.
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio.
So long, farewell, good-bye. Come bacck soon, y'hear!

Well, to the neutral observer, reading these demented posts written, in many cases by Americans, that idolize Israel can be unnerving. It's like an alternative universe where everything is ass backwards. Luckily these partisans are few and far between and even the Christian fundies are starting to change their tune vis-a-vis Israel and that's a good thing.

"Support for Israel is weakening among evangelical Christians,......While hard numbers are not available, evangelical leaders on both sides of the divide on Israel agree that members of the millennial generation do not share their parents’ passion for the Jewish state; many are seeking some form of evenhandedness when approaching the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“What is happening is that the hard line of Christian Zionists was not successfully passed forward to the next generation, because it was based on theological themes that are now being questioned by younger evangelicals,” said David Gushee, professor of Christian ethics and director of the Center for Theology and Public Life at Mercer University in Atlanta.

Read more: Israel's Grip on Evangelical Christians Loosens ?
More mental masturbations? Israel is enjoying it's highest approval ratings among Americans. When will you guys give this crap up.

Don't forget the Europeans that view Israel as a friend and trading partner. Now that the BDS movement has sank into oblivion the ISLAMONAZIS need another outlet for their LIES.
Well, to the neutral observer, reading these demented posts written, in many cases by Americans, that idolize Israel can be unnerving. It's like an alternative universe where everything is ass backwards. Luckily these partisans are few and far between and even the Christian fundies are starting to change their tune vis-a-vis Israel and that's a good thing.

"Support for Israel is weakening among evangelical Christians,......While hard numbers are not available, evangelical leaders on both sides of the divide on Israel agree that members of the millennial generation do not share their parents’ passion for the Jewish state; many are seeking some form of evenhandedness when approaching the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“What is happening is that the hard line of Christian Zionists was not successfully passed forward to the next generation, because it was based on theological themes that are now being questioned by younger evangelicals,” said David Gushee, professor of Christian ethics and director of the Center for Theology and Public Life at Mercer University in Atlanta.

Read more: Israel's Grip on Evangelical Christians Loosens ?
More mental masturbations? Israel is enjoying it's highest approval ratings among Americans. When will you guys give this crap up.

Don't forget the Europeans that view Israel as a friend and trading partner. Now that the BDS movement has sank into oblivion the ISLAMONAZIS need another outlet for their LIES.

You will notice, Phoenall, that the Boiler Room gang never eve would go on another forum and tell about how persecuted the Christians are in the rest of the Muslim world, including the Middle East. Thank goodness there are actually concerned Christians who write about what is happening, and any intelligent person can see why the Pope is so concerned these days.
Kerry Warns of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

Strange that Kerry keeps on blaming Israel, when the Arab countries are the biggest disciples of apartheid in the world! How many jews are able to live in arab countries at all? very few.
In "apartheid Israel" the Israeli arabs are elected to Parlament, have the vote, etc...etc... and are overwhelmingly glad to live in Israel.... Kerry and Obama are succeful only in destabilizing the world in every action they take and in every word they utter!

To Kerry I would suggest to stop trying to win a Nobel Peace Prize, with his bulldozer tactics, at Israel expense!
As much as you nutters criticize Kerry, he has spoken the truth except for the fact that Apartheid is being practiced now.
"I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions: 1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state? 2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?"

there's "Christian' people in israel.........they definitely don't make-up the majority, but at least they're not being driven out by angry mobs (unlike what happened in EGYPT) --they're being driven out: nuns, priests and Christian humanitarians being kidnapped, killed, churches being bombed and leveled - you never used to hear this .... craziness in EGYPT towards Christians -- over the last few years -- the islamic nutjobs - they're like wrecking balls, ruining a once peaceful cohabitation.

Let's take a mostly "Christian" country:'s ALMOST 100% Christian (like...85%).

stop nit-picking.
Kerry Warns of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

Strange that Kerry keeps on blaming Israel, when the Arab countries are the biggest disciples of apartheid in the world! How many jews are able to live in arab countries at all? very few.
In "apartheid Israel" the Israeli arabs are elected to Parlament, have the vote, etc...etc... and are overwhelmingly glad to live in Israel.... Kerry and Obama are succeful only in destabilizing the world in every action they take and in every word they utter!

To Kerry I would suggest to stop trying to win a Nobel Peace Prize, with his bulldozer tactics, at Israel expense!

After reading dozens of posts on this subject, the distortions of what Kerry was speaking about would make a contortionist blush.

I believe Kerry said that, If a two state solution is not implemented then Israel will become an Apartheid regime if she annexes the West Bank.

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