Kerry Warns of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

Kerry Warns of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

Strange that Kerry keeps on blaming Israel, when the Arab countries are the biggest disciples of apartheid in the world! How many jews are able to live in arab countries at all? very few.
In "apartheid Israel" the Israeli arabs are elected to Parlament, have the vote, etc...etc... and are overwhelmingly glad to live in Israel.... Kerry and Obama are succeful only in destabilizing the world in every action they take and in every word they utter!

To Kerry I would suggest to stop trying to win a Nobel Peace Prize, with his bulldozer tactics, at Israel expense!

After reading dozens of posts on this subject, the distortions of what Kerry was speaking about would make a contortionist blush.

I believe Kerry said that, If a two state solution is not implemented then Israel will become an Apartheid regime if she annexes the West Bank.
Plenty of links have been posted about what he said. Look 'em up, read 'em and weep.
Kerry Warns of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

Strange that Kerry keeps on blaming Israel, when the Arab countries are the biggest disciples of apartheid in the world! How many jews are able to live in arab countries at all? very few.
In "apartheid Israel" the Israeli arabs are elected to Parlament, have the vote, etc...etc... and are overwhelmingly glad to live in Israel.... Kerry and Obama are succeful only in destabilizing the world in every action they take and in every word they utter!

To Kerry I would suggest to stop trying to win a Nobel Peace Prize, with his bulldozer tactics, at Israel expense!

After reading dozens of posts on this subject, the distortions of what Kerry was speaking about would make a contortionist blush.

I believe Kerry said that, If a two state solution is not implemented then Israel will become an Apartheid regime if she annexes the West Bank.
Plenty of links have been posted about what he said. Look 'em up, read 'em and weep.

There is no doubt that America and the World want a peace deal and they will do everything to stop the bleeding by terrorism that this fiasco and other Western support for Israel breeds...

The west needs to disassociate itself from Israel and let her deal with Islam...
Because Israel keeps peace off the table and the result is more Islamic frustration, the result, more tension and war, America is turning away slowly from the Zionist entity.

Kerry Warns of Israeli ?Apartheid?

If there’s no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon, Israel risks becoming “an apartheid state,” Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday.

Related Stories

How John Kerry can find success in the ashes of Middle East peace The Week (RSS)
'Pause' perhaps needed in Israeli-Palestinian talks: Obama Reuters
For Washington, Palestinian pact not the end of Middle East peace hopes Reuters
US in 'holding period' in Mideast peace talks AFP
Troubled Mideast peace effort compounds U.S. policy woes in region Reuters

Senior American officials have rarely, if ever, used the term "apartheid" in reference to Israel, and President Obama has previously rejected the idea that the word should apply to Jewish State. Kerry's use of the loaded term is already rankling Jewish leaders in America—and almost certain to Israeli leaders abroad.

Again with the 'America is slowly turning away from Israel??'

Some of you people are living in a fantasy world.

And how ironic that you start to use the term Zionist Entity after your hero Nazi Joe started using it :lol:

Don't know why I baited you with that little nugget, and you swallowed the hook, line and sinker...Besides Entity is not derogatory...
Because Israel keeps peace off the table and the result is more Islamic frustration, the result, more tension and war, America is turning away slowly from the Zionist entity.

Kerry Warns of Israeli ?Apartheid?

If there’s no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon, Israel risks becoming “an apartheid state,” Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday.

Related Stories

How John Kerry can find success in the ashes of Middle East peace The Week (RSS)
'Pause' perhaps needed in Israeli-Palestinian talks: Obama Reuters
For Washington, Palestinian pact not the end of Middle East peace hopes Reuters
US in 'holding period' in Mideast peace talks AFP
Troubled Mideast peace effort compounds U.S. policy woes in region Reuters

Senior American officials have rarely, if ever, used the term "apartheid" in reference to Israel, and President Obama has previously rejected the idea that the word should apply to Jewish State. Kerry's use of the loaded term is already rankling Jewish leaders in America—and almost certain to Israeli leaders abroad.

Again with the 'America is slowly turning away from Israel??'

Some of you people are living in a fantasy world.

And how ironic that you start to use the term Zionist Entity after your hero Nazi Joe started using it :lol:

Don't know why I baited you with that little nugget, and you swallowed the hook, line and sinker...Besides Entity is not derogatory...

I never said it was derogatory .
Last edited:
Again with the 'America is slowly turning away from Israel??'

Some of you people are living in a fantasy world.

And how ironic that you start to use the term Zionist Entity after your hero Nazi Joe started using it :lol:

Don't know why I baited you with that little nugget, and you swallowed the hook, line and sinker...Besides Entity is not derogatory...

I never said it was derogatory .

Well you constantly whine about its use...

entity - Wiktionary*


The group successfully maintains its tribal entity
. Quotation: The policy of the government of the United States is to seek . . . to preserve Chinese territorial and ...
Don't know why I baited you with that little nugget, and you swallowed the hook, line and sinker...Besides Entity is not derogatory...

I never said it was derogatory .

Well you constantly whine about its use...

entity - Wiktionary*


The group successfully maintains its tribal entity
. Quotation: The policy of the government of the United States is to seek . . . to preserve Chinese territorial and ...

Pbel, are you always going to whine ? Is it just a phase or are the posters of USMB doomed to here your whining forever??
It's gotten to the point where I am almost certain that you are a woman....
I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?

There is no apartheid in Israel. Plenty of proof of that all around.

Of course there is Apartheid in Israel. Only silly partisans believe otherwise.
Partisans? Even Kerry who may resign for his stupidity didn't say there is apartheid today. He said if there isn't a two state solution IT MAY turn into an apartheid state, at some point in the future. And since it's coming out of an administration with zero credibility, nobody gives a rats butt what Kerry says.
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio.
So long, farewell, good-bye. Come bacck soon, y'hear!

Well, to the neutral observer, reading these demented posts written, in many cases by Americans, that idolize Israel can be unnerving. It's like an alternative universe where everything is ass backwards. Luckily these partisans are few and far between and even the Christian fundies are starting to change their tune vis-a-vis Israel and that's a good thing.

"Support for Israel is weakening among evangelical Christians,......While hard numbers are not available, evangelical leaders on both sides of the divide on Israel agree that members of the millennial generation do not share their parents’ passion for the Jewish state; many are seeking some form of evenhandedness when approaching the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“What is happening is that the hard line of Christian Zionists was not successfully passed forward to the next generation, because it was based on theological themes that are now being questioned by younger evangelicals,” said David Gushee, professor of Christian ethics and director of the Center for Theology and Public Life at Mercer University in Atlanta.

Read more: Israel's Grip on Evangelical Christians Loosens ?
More mental masturbations? Israel is enjoying it's highest approval ratings among Americans. When will you guys give this crap up.

Israel is enjoying it's highest approval ratings among Americans. When will you guys give this crap up.

for as long as the ratings are up i expect
“As a free woman of color, of course I would be a Zionist, it’s only natural”

"There is no Apartheid in Israeli society … it’s an insult to the people who suffered from Apartheid in South Africa”

As much as you nutters criticize Kerry, he has spoken the truth except for the fact that Apartheid is being practiced now.

Yes he has when he stated "that a failure of Middle East peace talks could lead to a resumption of Palestinian violence against Israeli citizens"


" Because a unitary state winds up either being an apartheid state with second class citizens—or it ends up being a state that destroys the capacity of Israel to be a Jewish state,”


Kerry also said that at some point, he might unveil his own peace deal and tell both sides to “take it or leave it.”

As for Israeli apartheid this is what Judge Goldstone had to say.........

Leading experts, including Richard Goldstone, a former justice of the South African Constitutional Court who led the United Nations fact-finding mission on the Gaza conflict of 2008 and 2009, have argued that comparisons between the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians and “apartheid” are offensive and wrong.

“One particularly pernicious and enduring canard that is surfacing again is that Israel pursues ‘apartheid’ policies,” Goldstone wrote in The New York Times in 2011. “It is an unfair and inaccurate slander against Israel, calculated to retard rather than advance peace negotiations.”
Kerry Warns of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

Strange that Kerry keeps on blaming Israel, when the Arab countries are the biggest disciples of apartheid in the world! How many jews are able to live in arab countries at all? very few.
In "apartheid Israel" the Israeli arabs are elected to Parlament, have the vote, etc...etc... and are overwhelmingly glad to live in Israel.... Kerry and Obama are succeful only in destabilizing the world in every action they take and in every word they utter!

To Kerry I would suggest to stop trying to win a Nobel Peace Prize, with his bulldozer tactics, at Israel expense!

After reading dozens of posts on this subject, the distortions of what Kerry was speaking about would make a contortionist blush.

I believe Kerry said that, If a two state solution is not implemented then Israel will become an Apartheid regime if she annexes the West Bank.

Then find the section of this report were that is stated in one meaningfull sentence, what I read was "A two-state solution will be clearly underscored as the only real alternative. Because a unitary state winds up either being an apartheid state with second class citizens—or it ends up being a state that destroys the capacity of Israel to be a Jewish state,”
Placing the blame squarely on the shoulders of the Palestinians, because of your demographics giving the Palestinians the upper hand.

So start reading what is written and not what you want to see.
After reading dozens of posts on this subject, the distortions of what Kerry was speaking about would make a contortionist blush.

I believe Kerry said that, If a two state solution is not implemented then Israel will become an Apartheid regime if she annexes the West Bank.
Plenty of links have been posted about what he said. Look 'em up, read 'em and weep.

There is no doubt that America and the World want a peace deal and they will do everything to stop the bleeding by terrorism that this fiasco and other Western support for Israel breeds...

The west needs to disassociate itself from Israel and let her deal with Islam...

Once again a one sided biased racist solution, why not treat both sides equally and stop all aid to them both. Then let them sort things out ..................
Because Israel keeps peace off the table and the result is more Islamic frustration, the result, more tension and war, America is turning away slowly from the Zionist entity.

Kerry Warns of Israeli ?Apartheid?

If there’s no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon, Israel risks becoming “an apartheid state,” Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday.

Related Stories

How John Kerry can find success in the ashes of Middle East peace The Week (RSS)
'Pause' perhaps needed in Israeli-Palestinian talks: Obama Reuters
For Washington, Palestinian pact not the end of Middle East peace hopes Reuters
US in 'holding period' in Mideast peace talks AFP
Troubled Mideast peace effort compounds U.S. policy woes in region Reuters

Senior American officials have rarely, if ever, used the term "apartheid" in reference to Israel, and President Obama has previously rejected the idea that the word should apply to Jewish State. Kerry's use of the loaded term is already rankling Jewish leaders in America—and almost certain to Israeli leaders abroad.

Again with the 'America is slowly turning away from Israel??'

Some of you people are living in a fantasy world.

And how ironic that you start to use the term Zionist Entity after your hero Nazi Joe started using it :lol:

Don't know why I baited you with that little nugget, and you swallowed the hook, line and sinker...Besides Entity is not derogatory...

It is when used with the term Zionist to describe a sovereign nation. It is an abusive racist term akin to the muslims use of the term Palestinian for the Jews.
Don't know why I baited you with that little nugget, and you swallowed the hook, line and sinker...Besides Entity is not derogatory...

I never said it was derogatory .

Well you constantly whine about its use...

entity - Wiktionary*


The group successfully maintains its tribal entity
. Quotation: The policy of the government of the United States is to seek . . . to preserve Chinese territorial and ...

By itself it is nothing, it is when you ISLAMONAZI's couple it with Zionist that it becomes a derogatory term. How would you like to see Palestine referred to as the terrorist entity
I never said it was derogatory .

Well you constantly whine about its use...

entity - Wiktionary*


The group successfully maintains its tribal entity
. Quotation: The policy of the government of the United States is to seek . . . to preserve Chinese territorial and ...

Pbel, are you always going to whine ? Is it just a phase or are the posters of USMB doomed to here your whining forever??
It's gotten to the point where I am almost certain that you are a woman....

There you go, whining about whining...Besides what is insulting in any way; the term Zionist Entity? After all she occupies and controls parts of many neighbors unrecognized by anyone on Planet Earth save Timbuktu...Are all these parts of the Jewish State? IF so, you just lit the fuse to the Demographic time bomb!
Hold your horses. Kerry just came out kissing ass saying "maybe it was a wrong choice of words"...will it stop him from resigning? Who knows. I doubt he's going to run for president in 2016 though.
Well you constantly whine about its use...

entity - Wiktionary*


The group successfully maintains its tribal entity
. Quotation: The policy of the government of the United States is to seek . . . to preserve Chinese territorial and ...

Pbel, are you always going to whine ? Is it just a phase or are the posters of USMB doomed to here your whining forever??
It's gotten to the point where I am almost certain that you are a woman....

There you go, whining about whining...Besides what is insulting in any way; the term Zionist Entity? After all she occupies and controls parts of many neighbors unrecognized by anyone on Planet Earth save Timbuktu...Are all these parts of the Jewish State? IF so, you just lit the fuse to the Demographic time bomb!

They are territories occupied in line with INTERNATIONAL LAW and it will take acceptance and recognition of the terms embodied in this LAW for the occupation to be lifted. If the Palestinians refuse to abide by the terms of the UN resolutions and INTERNATIONAL LAW then they have lit then fuse to a forced peace at the end of a UN bayonet
Hold your horses. Kerry just came out kissing ass saying "maybe it was a wrong choice of words"...will it stop him from resigning? Who knows. I doubt he's going to run for president in 2016 though.

Goes to show how the Israeli lobby controls the U.S. The guy only said what everyone in the rest of world knows. But, what goes around comes around.

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