Kerry Warns of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

Lurch needs to resign immediately. Let him stay home eating ketchup and throwing other people's medals around.
Hold your horses. Kerry just came out kissing ass saying "maybe it was a wrong choice of words"...will it stop him from resigning? Who knows. I doubt he's going to run for president in 2016 though.

Goes to show how the Israeli lobby controls the U.S. The guy only said what everyone in the rest of world knows. But, what goes around comes around.
Now you're using anti semetic canards about Jewish control, like a good little IslamoNazi whiner.


"Jerusalem - The recently retired South African ambassador to Israel has taken a parting shot at the country's treatment of Palestinians, calling it a “replication of apartheid.”

Ismail Coovadia made the statement in a letter to pro-Palestinian activists.

In it, Coovadia explained his decision to reject a symbolic gift from the Israeli government - planting trees in his honor in a national park named after South Africa.

He said Israeli policies that discriminate against Palestinians appeared to be reminiscent of his experiences under South Africa's apartheid system. South Africa's post-apartheid government frequently identifies with the Palestinians.

Coovadia, who completed his four-year term in January, confirmed the letter's contents on Tuesday."

Israel 'replicating apartheid': SA envoy - Politics | IOL News |
Hold your horses. Kerry just came out kissing ass saying "maybe it was a wrong choice of words"...will it stop him from resigning? Who knows. I doubt he's going to run for president in 2016 though.

Goes to show how the Israeli lobby controls the U.S. The guy only said what everyone in the rest of world knows. But, what goes around comes around.
Now you're using anti semetic canards about Jewish control, like a good little IslamoNazi whiner.



So, it is now antisemitic to assert that the Israeli lobby controls U.S. policy? Heck, the U.S. Secretary of State is being forced to resign for telling the truth. If that isn't control, I don't know what is. But, as I said, Americans will get wise eventually.

By the way you ignorant boob, learn to spell antisemitic before accusing people of antisemitism.
Hold your horses. Kerry just came out kissing ass saying "maybe it was a wrong choice of words"...will it stop him from resigning? Who knows. I doubt he's going to run for president in 2016 though.

Goes to show how the Israeli lobby controls the U.S. The guy only said what everyone in the rest of world knows. But, what goes around comes around.

Get your facts right little boy, it is what the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS knows. The rest of the world see's no apartheid inside Israel, and repudiates the BLOOD LIBELS that you and your fellow muslims spread on the internet.
"Jerusalem - The recently retired South African ambassador to Israel has taken a parting shot at the country's treatment of Palestinians, calling it a “replication of apartheid.”

Ismail Coovadia made the statement in a letter to pro-Palestinian activists.

In it, Coovadia explained his decision to reject a symbolic gift from the Israeli government - planting trees in his honor in a national park named after South Africa.

He said Israeli policies that discriminate against Palestinians appeared to be reminiscent of his experiences under South Africa's apartheid system. South Africa's post-apartheid government frequently identifies with the Palestinians.

Coovadia, who completed his four-year term in January, confirmed the letter's contents on Tuesday."

Israel 'replicating apartheid': SA envoy - Politics | IOL News |

So now you are saying that Jerusalem is inside Israel's borders, so much for your fellow ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS demands of 67 borders..............:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

By the way isn't he a fully paid up card carrying ISLAMONAZI himself ? ? ? ? ? ?
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As much as you nutters criticize Kerry, he has spoken the truth except for the fact that Apartheid is being practiced now.

Yes he has when he stated "that a failure of Middle East peace talks could lead to a resumption of Palestinian violence against Israeli citizens"


" Because a unitary state winds up either being an apartheid state with second class citizens—or it ends up being a state that destroys the capacity of Israel to be a Jewish state,”


Kerry also said that at some point, he might unveil his own peace deal and tell both sides to “take it or leave it.”

As for Israeli apartheid this is what Judge Goldstone had to say.........

Leading experts, including Richard Goldstone, a former justice of the South African Constitutional Court who led the United Nations fact-finding mission on the Gaza conflict of 2008 and 2009, have argued that comparisons between the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians and “apartheid” are offensive and wrong.

“One particularly pernicious and enduring canard that is surfacing again is that Israel pursues ‘apartheid’ policies,” Goldstone wrote in The New York Times in 2011. “It is an unfair and inaccurate slander against Israel, calculated to retard rather than advance peace negotiations.”

John Kerry backpedals on Israel ?apartheid state? comment - Edward-Isaac Dovere -

There is a difference between calling one apartheid and warn that there is a risk of apartheid if there is no peace.
"Jerusalem - The recently retired South African ambassador to Israel has taken a parting shot at the country's treatment of Palestinians, calling it a “replication of apartheid.”

Ismail Coovadia made the statement in a letter to pro-Palestinian activists.

In it, Coovadia explained his decision to reject a symbolic gift from the Israeli government - planting trees in his honor in a national park named after South Africa.

He said Israeli policies that discriminate against Palestinians appeared to be reminiscent of his experiences under South Africa's apartheid system. South Africa's post-apartheid government frequently identifies with the Palestinians.

Coovadia, who completed his four-year term in January, confirmed the letter's contents on Tuesday."

Israel 'replicating apartheid': SA envoy - Politics | IOL News |

So now you are saying that Jerusalem is inside Israel's borders, so much for your fellow ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS demands of 67 borders..............:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

By the way isn't he a fully paid up card carrying ISLAMONAZI himself ? ? ? ? ? ?

I am not saying anything, Mr. Coovadia, former anti-Apartheid patriot and former ambassador for South Africa to Israel, is saying it. Of course he's an Islamonazi, he disagrees with you, a psychopathic Zionazi.
Goes to show how the Israeli lobby controls the U.S. The guy only said what everyone in the rest of world knows. But, what goes around comes around.
Now you're using anti semetic canards about Jewish control, like a good little IslamoNazi whiner.



So, it is now antisemitic to assert that the Israeli lobby controls U.S. policy? Heck, the U.S. Secretary of State is being forced to resign for telling the truth. If that isn't control, I don't know what is. But, as I said, Americans will get wise eventually.

By the way you ignorant boob, learn to spell antisemitic before accusing people of antisemitism.
Yes, yes, by golly you seem to have finally gotten it, you are 150% pure anti semetic garbaggio:

Zionist Occupation Government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zionist Occupation Government or Zionist Occupied Government (abbreviated as ZOG) is an antisemitic conspiracy theory that holds that Jews secretly control a given country, while the formal government is a puppet regime.

The expression is used by antisemitic groups such as white supremacists in the United States and Europe, ultra-nationalists such as Pamyat in Russia, and various far-right groups, including some in Poland.

The word "Zionist" in "Zionist Occupation Government" should not be confused with the ideology of Zionism, the movement for support of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel. As the conspiracy theorists chiefly name countries outside that area, the usage of Zionist in this context is misleading, and intended to portray Jews as conspirators who aim to control the world, as in the forged Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Hold your horses. Kerry just came out kissing ass saying "maybe it was a wrong choice of words"...will it stop him from resigning? Who knows. I doubt he's going to run for president in 2016 though.

Goes to show how the Israeli lobby controls the U.S. The guy only said what everyone in the rest of world knows. But, what goes around comes around.

only anti-semites think Israel or jews control the US.

normal people know that oil has far more influence.

oops.... :cuckoo:
Hold your horses. Kerry just came out kissing ass saying "maybe it was a wrong choice of words"...will it stop him from resigning? Who knows. I doubt he's going to run for president in 2016 though.

Goes to show how the Israeli lobby controls the U.S. The guy only said what everyone in the rest of world knows. But, what goes around comes around.

Get your facts right little boy, it is what the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS knows. The rest of the world see's no apartheid inside Israel, and repudiates the BLOOD LIBELS that you and your fellow muslims spread on the internet.

No, most of the world, with the exception of Americans, agrees that Israel is an Apartheid state and now the U.S. leadership is admitting that it will be one. They are a little late in realizing it though.
Goes to show how the Israeli lobby controls the U.S. The guy only said what everyone in the rest of world knows. But, what goes around comes around.

Get your facts right little boy, it is what the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS knows. The rest of the world see's no apartheid inside Israel, and repudiates the BLOOD LIBELS that you and your fellow muslims spread on the internet.

No, most of the world, with the exception of Americans, agrees that Israel is an Apartheid state and now the U.S. leadership is admitting that it will be one. They are a little late in realizing it though.
Depends which planet you are living on, MOHOMOD.
"Jerusalem - The recently retired South African ambassador to Israel has taken a parting shot at the country's treatment of Palestinians, calling it a “replication of apartheid.”

Ismail Coovadia made the statement in a letter to pro-Palestinian activists.

In it, Coovadia explained his decision to reject a symbolic gift from the Israeli government - planting trees in his honor in a national park named after South Africa.

He said Israeli policies that discriminate against Palestinians appeared to be reminiscent of his experiences under South Africa's apartheid system. South Africa's post-apartheid government frequently identifies with the Palestinians.

Coovadia, who completed his four-year term in January, confirmed the letter's contents on Tuesday."

Israel 'replicating apartheid': SA envoy - Politics | IOL News |

So now you are saying that Jerusalem is inside Israel's borders, so much for your fellow ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS demands of 67 borders..............:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

By the way isn't he a fully paid up card carrying ISLAMONAZI himself ? ? ? ? ? ?

I am not saying anything, Mr. Coovadia, former anti-Apartheid patriot and former ambassador for South Africa to Israel, is saying it. Of course he's an Islamonazi, he disagrees with you, a psychopathic Zionazi.

By posting his words you are agreeing with what he says, and once again you forget to research your source. This terrorist entity is a fully paid up card carrying muslim, so will practise kithman and taqiya ( lies and deceit to those who don't know Arabic ).

By the way the term zionazi is an oxymoron as you cant defend Jews and their right to a homeland while practising the "Final Solution" of the German National Socialist workers party. You cant educate ISLAMONAZI pork these days
Get your facts right little boy, it is what the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS knows. The rest of the world see's no apartheid inside Israel, and repudiates the BLOOD LIBELS that you and your fellow muslims spread on the internet.

No, most of the world, with the exception of Americans, agrees that Israel is an Apartheid state and now the U.S. leadership is admitting that it will be one. They are a little late in realizing it though.
Depends which planet you are living on, MOHOMOD.

"Depends which planet you are living on, MOHOMOD."

The same planet that Tzipi Livni, Israel’s Justice Minister, lives on you buffoon. Ain't it a bitch to always be wrong and upstaged?

"A senior Israeli government official warned this week of a potential “apartheid state” should the Israelis and Palestinians fail in achieving a two-state solution to their decades-old conflict.
Tzipi Livni, Israel’s Justice Minister and lead negotiator with the Palestinians, has said......"

Top Israeli Official Warns Of An 'Apartheid State' Should Two-State Solution Fail | ThinkProgress
Goes to show how the Israeli lobby controls the U.S. The guy only said what everyone in the rest of world knows. But, what goes around comes around.

Get your facts right little boy, it is what the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS knows. The rest of the world see's no apartheid inside Israel, and repudiates the BLOOD LIBELS that you and your fellow muslims spread on the internet.

No, most of the world, with the exception of Americans, agrees that Israel is an Apartheid state and now the U.S. leadership is admitting that it will be one. They are a little late in realizing it though.
So most of the world has been to Israel down at the grass roots level for how long a time? Days, months years? Give us a list of do's and don'ts that are posted in public venues like it was in South Africa. If people are gonna live by certain rules they have to be posted in public places so people can tell if they can ride a bus, drink water, eat in a restaurant, etc. Post them rules, Captain Knowledge.
Goes to show how the Israeli lobby controls the U.S. The guy only said what everyone in the rest of world knows. But, what goes around comes around.

Get your facts right little boy, it is what the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS knows. The rest of the world see's no apartheid inside Israel, and repudiates the BLOOD LIBELS that you and your fellow muslims spread on the internet.

No, most of the world, with the exception of Americans, agrees that Israel is an Apartheid state and now the U.S. leadership is admitting that it will be one. They are a little late in realizing it though.

The " Intrrnational Community" can make all the noise they want but at the same time realize Abbas is demanding " pre conditions" that can't be met . Tell us what Abbas has offered? Thank God, He has offered None !! :D
Get your facts right little boy, it is what the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS knows. The rest of the world see's no apartheid inside Israel, and repudiates the BLOOD LIBELS that you and your fellow muslims spread on the internet.

No, most of the world, with the exception of Americans, agrees that Israel is an Apartheid state and now the U.S. leadership is admitting that it will be one. They are a little late in realizing it though.

The " Intrrnational Community" can make all the noise they want but at the same time realize Abbas is demanding " pre conditions" that can't be met . Tell us what Abbas has offered? Thank God, He has offered None !! :D

It is funny how the Boiler Room gang tries so hard with this "apartheid" shtick, but they care nothing about the tens of thousands of innocent people kiled just in the last rhee years in Syria and all the other murders committed in the Muslim world against the non-believers and even Muslims of different sects.. If they can't blame the Jews, they just are not interested. Meanwhile, most of the world is not even thinking about Israel. They have more important things to thinks about -- like being able to support their families. The Boiler Room gang must think that those citizens in places like El Salvador or Mexico get up in the morning and think about Israel. Only the anti-Semitic Muslims like the Boiler Room gang and their fellow travelers can't waste one spare moment from their demonizong Israel.
No, most of the world, with the exception of Americans, agrees that Israel is an Apartheid state and now the U.S. leadership is admitting that it will be one. They are a little late in realizing it though.

The " Intrrnational Community" can make all the noise they want but at the same time realize Abbas is demanding " pre conditions" that can't be met . Tell us what Abbas has offered? Thank God, He has offered None !! :D

It is funny how the Boiler Room gang tries so hard with this "apartheid" shtick, but they care nothing about the tens of thousands of innocent people kiled just in the last rhee years in Syria and all the other murders committed in the Muslim world against the non-believers and even Muslims of different sects.. If they can't blame the Jews, they just are not interested. Meanwhile, most of the world is not even thinking about Israel. They have more important things to thinks about -- like being able to support their families. The Boiler Room gang must think that those citizens in places like El Salvador or Mexico get up in the morning and think about Israel. Only the anti-Semitic Muslims like the Boiler Room gang and their fellow travelers can't waste one spare moment from their demonizong Israel.

The Boiler Room Gang has nothing to say about Abbas demands which will eventually annex Israel to " Palestine" ( Which never existed) :D. They also have nothing to say about Abbas stating many times over there will be no Israelis ( That also includes Arabs) in Palestine . Isn't that racist? Their double standard is racist. :D
No, most of the world, with the exception of Americans, agrees that Israel is an Apartheid state and now the U.S. leadership is admitting that it will be one. They are a little late in realizing it though.
Depends which planet you are living on, MOHOMOD.

"Depends which planet you are living on, MOHOMOD."

The same planet that Tzipi Livni, Israel’s Justice Minister, lives on you buffoon. Ain't it a bitch to always be wrong and upstaged?

"A senior Israeli government official warned this week of a potential “apartheid state” should the Israelis and Palestinians fail in achieving a two-state solution to their decades-old conflict.
Tzipi Livni, Israel’s Justice Minister and lead negotiator with the Palestinians, has said......"

Top Israeli Official Warns Of An 'Apartheid State' Should Two-State Solution Fail | ThinkProgress

Where is there apartheid in Israel proper?
Get your facts right little boy, it is what the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS knows. The rest of the world see's no apartheid inside Israel, and repudiates the BLOOD LIBELS that you and your fellow muslims spread on the internet.

No, most of the world, with the exception of Americans, agrees that Israel is an Apartheid state and now the U.S. leadership is admitting that it will be one. They are a little late in realizing it though.
So most of the world has been to Israel down at the grass roots level for how long a time? Days, months years? Give us a list of do's and don'ts that are posted in public venues like it was in South Africa. If people are gonna live by certain rules they have to be posted in public places so people can tell if they can ride a bus, drink water, eat in a restaurant, etc. Post them rules, Captain Knowledge.

They don't need signs, they put up walls to keep the non-Jews out.

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