Kerry Warns of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

what's your question?
Nuttin, Tinmore,Jr. You are not going to succeed in derailing the thread until you post an official list Dos and Don'ts which is a list of rules for non-Jews to abide by. C'mon, Jarhead, get it in gear.

Aye aye Sir!!! Sorry, I tease you and Toast a lot because you might bought have a heart.

Just curious, how did you go from 'both' to 'bought' ?

N.Y. Times scraps AIPAC from Syria story -

By HADAS GOLD | 9/3/13 11:17 AM EDT

A reference to the pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC was mysteriously cut from a New York Times article published online Monday and in print Tuesday. The first version, published online Monday, quotes an anonymous administration official calling AIPAC the "800-pound gorilla in the room." The original article, which is still available on The Boston Globe's site, had two paragraphs worth of quotes from officials about the powerful lobbying group's position in the Syria debate:

Administration officials said the influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee was already at work pressing for military action against the government of Assad, fearing that if Syria escapes American retribution for its use of chemical weapons, Iran might be emboldened in the future to attack Israel. In the House, the majority leader, Eric Cantor of Virginia, the only Jewish Republican in Congress, has long worked to challenge Democrats’ traditional base among Jews.

One administration official, who, like others, declined to be identified discussing White House strategy, called AIPAC “the 800-pound gorilla in the room,” and said its allies in Congress had to be saying, “If the White House is not capable of enforcing this red line” against the catastrophic use of chemical weapons, “we’re in trouble.”
Another of the evil Jooooooooos!

Jews aren't evil only right wing wackos like you are guys could have given the Nazis lessons on how to commit a slow genocide of human beings by stealing their land and imprisoning them like animals. The Jews I knew and know would easily agree.

Nah, the evil ones are people like you who constantly talk about how Israel will be destroyed.
Marriage Laws against the Palestinian/Israeli citizens.

There are nine officially recognised Christian communities, and Jewish, Muslim and Druze communities. Marriages in each community are under the jurisdiction of their own religious authorities.
Marriage in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny, last week you acknowledged that you did not like this law...This week you knowingly distort and deflect...Next post you will whine about it.

Court upholds law banning Palestinian spouses from living in Israel | World news |

The supreme court has narrowly voted to uphold a law which bans thousands of Palestinians who are married to Israelis from living in Israel. The ruling was denounced as racist by human rights organisations.

Following a five-year legal battle, the court ruled the Palestinians could pose a security threat. "Human rights are not a prescription for national suicide," wrote Asher Grunis, one of the judges in the 6-5 majority ruling.

The law, which was introduced in 2003 as emergency legislation during the second intifada (Palestinian uprising), has prevented thousands from the West Bank and Gaza from living with their spouses who are generally Israeli Arabs.

Many families are forced to move out of Israel, live apart, or live together illegally in Israel.

Exemptions can be granted for Palestinian men over the age of 35, or women over 25. However, according to Adalah, a legal rights group representing Israeli-Arabs, only 33 out of 3,000 applications for exemptions were granted last year.

The 232-page judgment was in response to a number of petitions which argued the law infringed the basic right to family life of Israel's 20% Arab population. The court ruled: "The right to a family life does not necessarily have to be realised within the borders of Israel."

One of the minority judges, Edmund Levy, wrote: "This law is greatly harmful. Its damage resonates. Its legislation is a formative event in the history of Israeli democracy."

Among those awaiting the decision was Taysar and Lana Hatib, who married six years ago. He is from the northern Israeli city of Acre; she was originally from Nablus in the West Bank.

Lana has a temporary residency permit which must be renewed annually, and which prohibits her from driving a car.

"The decision is proof that one shouldn't have any faith in the Israeli judicial system," Taysar told the Israeli news organisation Haaretz. "It is clear that the supreme court is influenced by the wave of fascism and racism sweeping Israel and the judges weren't expected to act in any other way."

The ruling, he said, put an end to hopes for a normal life.

Adalah, one of the organisations which challenged the law, said: "The supreme court approved a law the likes of which do not exist in any democratic state in the world, depriving citizens from maintaining a family life in Israel only on the basis of the ethnicity or national belonging of their spouse.

"The ruling proves how much the situation regarding the civil rights of the Arab minority in Israel is declining into a highly dangerous and unprecedented situation."

The Association of Civil Rights in Israel, another petitioner, said it was "a dark day for the protection of human rights and for the Israeli high court of justice".

The law was racist, it said, and would "harm the very texture of the lives of families whose only sin is the Palestinian blood that runs in their veins".

From your post, whiner:

Following a five-year legal battle, the court ruled the Palestinians could pose a security threat. "Human rights are not a prescription for national suicide," wrote Asher Grunis, one of the judges in the 6-5 majority ruling.

The law, which was introduced in 2003 as emergency legislation during the second intifada (Palestinian uprising), has prevented thousands from the West Bank and Gaza from living with their spouses who are generally Israeli Arabs.

This law you are talking about has nothing to do with discrimination against Arabs you blind leftard. It was to prevent Palestinians from coming to Israel to blow themselves up.

Oh Peebel :rolleyes:
Last edited:
they get into this name calling and false labeling because it help defame and demean, or so they assume, their favorite targets.
zionist, zionazi, apartheid, new world order, secrets, POZ, genocide, controlling the money/economy/world leaders, demons, dogs, pigs, etc.....
It is an automatic trash post with nothing useful to say. The moment these terms become used by them the debate, discussion, has been lost. Their posts become more desperate, more numerous, more of a rant rather than an exchange of ideas or facts.
They also begin to insult or belittle posters, as if they will help them win anything.
At that point they make themselves look bad.
spend your time on more worthy endeavors

You are so full of shit. On most other forums the racism that you people, especially you, exhibit towards Muslims and Arabs would be banned.
Just for the record, what are the races of:

1) Jews

2) Arabs

3) Muslims are a race?
Need a little help there, Monte, or are you ignoring me.
There are nine officially recognised Christian communities, and Jewish, Muslim and Druze communities. Marriages in each community are under the jurisdiction of their own religious authorities.
Marriage in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny, last week you acknowledged that you did not like this law...This week you knowingly distort and deflect...Next post you will whine about it.

Court upholds law banning Palestinian spouses from living in Israel | World news |

The supreme court has narrowly voted to uphold a law which bans thousands of Palestinians who are married to Israelis from living in Israel. The ruling was denounced as racist by human rights organisations.

Following a five-year legal battle, the court ruled the Palestinians could pose a security threat. "Human rights are not a prescription for national suicide," wrote Asher Grunis, one of the judges in the 6-5 majority ruling.

The law, which was introduced in 2003 as emergency legislation during the second intifada (Palestinian uprising), has prevented thousands from the West Bank and Gaza from living with their spouses who are generally Israeli Arabs.

Many families are forced to move out of Israel, live apart, or live together illegally in Israel.

Exemptions can be granted for Palestinian men over the age of 35, or women over 25. However, according to Adalah, a legal rights group representing Israeli-Arabs, only 33 out of 3,000 applications for exemptions were granted last year.

The 232-page judgment was in response to a number of petitions which argued the law infringed the basic right to family life of Israel's 20% Arab population. The court ruled: "The right to a family life does not necessarily have to be realised within the borders of Israel."

One of the minority judges, Edmund Levy, wrote: "This law is greatly harmful. Its damage resonates. Its legislation is a formative event in the history of Israeli democracy."

Among those awaiting the decision was Taysar and Lana Hatib, who married six years ago. He is from the northern Israeli city of Acre; she was originally from Nablus in the West Bank.

Lana has a temporary residency permit which must be renewed annually, and which prohibits her from driving a car.

"The decision is proof that one shouldn't have any faith in the Israeli judicial system," Taysar told the Israeli news organisation Haaretz. "It is clear that the supreme court is influenced by the wave of fascism and racism sweeping Israel and the judges weren't expected to act in any other way."

The ruling, he said, put an end to hopes for a normal life.

Adalah, one of the organisations which challenged the law, said: "The supreme court approved a law the likes of which do not exist in any democratic state in the world, depriving citizens from maintaining a family life in Israel only on the basis of the ethnicity or national belonging of their spouse.

"The ruling proves how much the situation regarding the civil rights of the Arab minority in Israel is declining into a highly dangerous and unprecedented situation."

The Association of Civil Rights in Israel, another petitioner, said it was "a dark day for the protection of human rights and for the Israeli high court of justice".

The law was racist, it said, and would "harm the very texture of the lives of families whose only sin is the Palestinian blood that runs in their veins".

From your post, whiner:

Following a five-year legal battle, the court ruled the Palestinians could pose a security threat. "Human rights are not a prescription for national suicide," wrote Asher Grunis, one of the judges in the 6-5 majority ruling.

The law, which was introduced in 2003 as emergency legislation during the second intifada (Palestinian uprising), has prevented thousands from the West Bank and Gaza from living with their spouses who are generally Israeli Arabs.

This law you are talking about has nothing to do with discrimination against Arabs you blind leftard. It was to prevent Palestinians from coming to Israel to blow themselves up.

Oh Peebel :rolleyes:

You've got to stop making lame excuses for lame laws...Arab/Israeli Palestinians are as peaceful within Israel as others.

Stop shoring up useless hate because it comes back with a vengeance. It is to try and preserve a Jewish State against the demographic tide. A Law against births of Palestinians in Israel.
Another of the evil Jooooooooos!

Jews aren't evil only right wing wackos like you are guys could have given the Nazis lessons on how to commit a slow genocide of human beings by stealing their land and imprisoning them like animals. The Jews I knew and know would easily agree.

Nah, the evil ones are people like you who constantly talk about how Israel will be destroyed.

You just don't get it Toast...Wars of attrition destroy one's enemies by exhaustion as they just get up and leave like the Crusaders, Ottomans, French, Brits, Italians, etc...

Israel like all these previous invaders will suffer the same fate if NOT accepted. An acceptable peace or a slow death by implosion.

This is the lesson of History.
Jews aren't evil only right wing wackos like you are guys could have given the Nazis lessons on how to commit a slow genocide of human beings by stealing their land and imprisoning them like animals. The Jews I knew and know would easily agree.

Nah, the evil ones are people like you who constantly talk about how Israel will be destroyed.

You just don't get it Toast...Wars of attrition destroy one's enemies by exhaustion as they just get up and leave like the Crusaders, Ottomans, French, Brits, Italians, etc...

Israel like all these previous invaders will suffer the same fate if NOT accepted. An acceptable peace or a slow death by implosion.

This is the lesson of History.

As I stated a few days ago, your worst nightmare is coming true...
Young Modern Orthodox Jews trained in the use of the latest machine guns are building towns in Israel like hotcakes.
But don't let the facts soften your emotional erection.
Funny, last week you acknowledged that you did not like this law...This week you knowingly distort and deflect...Next post you will whine about it.

Court upholds law banning Palestinian spouses from living in Israel | World news |

The supreme court has narrowly voted to uphold a law which bans thousands of Palestinians who are married to Israelis from living in Israel. The ruling was denounced as racist by human rights organisations.

Following a five-year legal battle, the court ruled the Palestinians could pose a security threat. "Human rights are not a prescription for national suicide," wrote Asher Grunis, one of the judges in the 6-5 majority ruling.

The law, which was introduced in 2003 as emergency legislation during the second intifada (Palestinian uprising), has prevented thousands from the West Bank and Gaza from living with their spouses who are generally Israeli Arabs.

Many families are forced to move out of Israel, live apart, or live together illegally in Israel.

Exemptions can be granted for Palestinian men over the age of 35, or women over 25. However, according to Adalah, a legal rights group representing Israeli-Arabs, only 33 out of 3,000 applications for exemptions were granted last year.

The 232-page judgment was in response to a number of petitions which argued the law infringed the basic right to family life of Israel's 20% Arab population. The court ruled: "The right to a family life does not necessarily have to be realised within the borders of Israel."

One of the minority judges, Edmund Levy, wrote: "This law is greatly harmful. Its damage resonates. Its legislation is a formative event in the history of Israeli democracy."

Among those awaiting the decision was Taysar and Lana Hatib, who married six years ago. He is from the northern Israeli city of Acre; she was originally from Nablus in the West Bank.

Lana has a temporary residency permit which must be renewed annually, and which prohibits her from driving a car.

"The decision is proof that one shouldn't have any faith in the Israeli judicial system," Taysar told the Israeli news organisation Haaretz. "It is clear that the supreme court is influenced by the wave of fascism and racism sweeping Israel and the judges weren't expected to act in any other way."

The ruling, he said, put an end to hopes for a normal life.

Adalah, one of the organisations which challenged the law, said: "The supreme court approved a law the likes of which do not exist in any democratic state in the world, depriving citizens from maintaining a family life in Israel only on the basis of the ethnicity or national belonging of their spouse.

"The ruling proves how much the situation regarding the civil rights of the Arab minority in Israel is declining into a highly dangerous and unprecedented situation."

The Association of Civil Rights in Israel, another petitioner, said it was "a dark day for the protection of human rights and for the Israeli high court of justice".

The law was racist, it said, and would "harm the very texture of the lives of families whose only sin is the Palestinian blood that runs in their veins".

From your post, whiner:

Following a five-year legal battle, the court ruled the Palestinians could pose a security threat. "Human rights are not a prescription for national suicide," wrote Asher Grunis, one of the judges in the 6-5 majority ruling.

The law, which was introduced in 2003 as emergency legislation during the second intifada (Palestinian uprising), has prevented thousands from the West Bank and Gaza from living with their spouses who are generally Israeli Arabs.

This law you are talking about has nothing to do with discrimination against Arabs you blind leftard. It was to prevent Palestinians from coming to Israel to blow themselves up.

Oh Peebel :rolleyes:

You've got to stop making lame excuses for lame laws...Arab/Israeli Palestinians are as peaceful within Israel as others.

Stop shoring up useless hate because it comes back with a vengeance. It is to try and preserve a Jewish State against the demographic tide. A Law against births of Palestinians in Israel.

Stop being ignorant for a moment Pbel.

2003 was in the prime of the intifada. Palestinians were entering Israel from the West Bank and blowing themselves up.
So why the fuck would Israel allow more of them to come in?
Please, answer that for me Pbel.
Then there's the demographic issue, which even YOU said will destroy Israel.

This law has NOTHING to do with apartheid.
Jews aren't evil only right wing wackos like you are guys could have given the Nazis lessons on how to commit a slow genocide of human beings by stealing their land and imprisoning them like animals. The Jews I knew and know would easily agree.

Nah, the evil ones are people like you who constantly talk about how Israel will be destroyed.

You just don't get it Toast...Wars of attrition destroy one's enemies by exhaustion as they just get up and leave like the Crusaders, Ottomans, French, Brits, Italians, etc...

Israel like all these previous invaders will suffer the same fate if NOT accepted. An acceptable peace or a slow death by implosion.

This is the lesson of History.
Pbel, this article on demographics that was published today sez you are wrong.

From the American secretary of state to left-wing Israeli politicians to the mullahs of Iran, many subscribe to the notion that if Israel does not surrender the “West Bank” for the creation of a Palestinian state, it will be overwhelmed by an Arab population that will destroy the Jewish character of the state.

Not so, argued an Israeli expert citing such reputable sources as the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics and the CIA World Fact Book.

Dr. Guy Bachor (pictured), an expert on legal matters pertaining to the Middle East conflict, as well as the owner and operator of the popular Hebrew-language news analysis website GPlanet, was recently interviewed on Israel Channel 2’s morning show.

Expert: Israel Does Not Face a Demographic Threat - Israel Today | Israel News
Nah, the evil ones are people like you who constantly talk about how Israel will be destroyed.

You just don't get it Toast...Wars of attrition destroy one's enemies by exhaustion as they just get up and leave like the Crusaders, Ottomans, French, Brits, Italians, etc...

Israel like all these previous invaders will suffer the same fate if NOT accepted. An acceptable peace or a slow death by implosion.

This is the lesson of History.

As I stated a few days ago, your worst nightmare is coming true...
Young Modern Orthodox Jews trained in the use of the latest machine guns are building towns in Israel like hotcakes.
But don't let the facts soften your emotional erection.
I saw today that Israel has started 14,000 new units in WB and E Jerusalem.
You just don't get it Toast...Wars of attrition destroy one's enemies by exhaustion as they just get up and leave like the Crusaders, Ottomans, French, Brits, Italians, etc...

Israel like all these previous invaders will suffer the same fate if NOT accepted. An acceptable peace or a slow death by implosion.

This is the lesson of History.

As I stated a few days ago, your worst nightmare is coming true...
Young Modern Orthodox Jews trained in the use of the latest machine guns are building towns in Israel like hotcakes.
But don't let the facts soften your emotional erection.
I saw today that Israel has started 14,000 new units in WB and E Jerusalem.

They are digging their hole deeper.
Nah, the evil ones are people like you who constantly talk about how Israel will be destroyed.

You just don't get it Toast...Wars of attrition destroy one's enemies by exhaustion as they just get up and leave like the Crusaders, Ottomans, French, Brits, Italians, etc...

Israel like all these previous invaders will suffer the same fate if NOT accepted. An acceptable peace or a slow death by implosion.

This is the lesson of History.
Pbel, this article on demographics that was published today sez you are wrong.

From the American secretary of state to left-wing Israeli politicians to the mullahs of Iran, many subscribe to the notion that if Israel does not surrender the “West Bank” for the creation of a Palestinian state, it will be overwhelmed by an Arab population that will destroy the Jewish character of the state.

Not so, argued an Israeli expert citing such reputable sources as the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics and the CIA World Fact Book.

Dr. Guy Bachor (pictured), an expert on legal matters pertaining to the Middle East conflict, as well as the owner and operator of the popular Hebrew-language news analysis website GPlanet, was recently interviewed on Israel Channel 2’s morning show.

Expert: Israel Does Not Face a Demographic Threat - Israel Today | Israel News

Sorry, I don't read hate sites like that. Provide an academic study of note and I will be glad to discuss it.
Jews aren't evil only right wing wackos like you are guys could have given the Nazis lessons on how to commit a slow genocide of human beings by stealing their land and imprisoning them like animals. The Jews I knew and know would easily agree.

Nah, the evil ones are people like you who constantly talk about how Israel will be destroyed.

You just don't get it Toast...Wars of attrition destroy one's enemies by exhaustion as they just get up and leave like the Crusaders, Ottomans, French, Brits, Italians, etc...

Israel like all these previous invaders will suffer the same fate if NOT accepted. An acceptable peace or a slow death by implosion.

This is the lesson of History.

Israel is not an invader. The Europeans Jews were invited and their immigration facilitated by the British. That's NOT invading.

Second, you're comparing Israel to empires/states that existed a long time ago.
We are now living in the 21st century. Countries don't just fall anymore.

Keep it up with your delirious projections Peebel, but remember this:
In 50 years from now, leftards like you will be saying the same shit about how Israel is doomed .
You just don't get it Toast...Wars of attrition destroy one's enemies by exhaustion as they just get up and leave like the Crusaders, Ottomans, French, Brits, Italians, etc...

Israel like all these previous invaders will suffer the same fate if NOT accepted. An acceptable peace or a slow death by implosion.

This is the lesson of History.
Pbel, this article on demographics that was published today sez you are wrong.

From the American secretary of state to left-wing Israeli politicians to the mullahs of Iran, many subscribe to the notion that if Israel does not surrender the “West Bank” for the creation of a Palestinian state, it will be overwhelmed by an Arab population that will destroy the Jewish character of the state.

Not so, argued an Israeli expert citing such reputable sources as the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics and the CIA World Fact Book.

Dr. Guy Bachor (pictured), an expert on legal matters pertaining to the Middle East conflict, as well as the owner and operator of the popular Hebrew-language news analysis website GPlanet, was recently interviewed on Israel Channel 2’s morning show.

Expert: Israel Does Not Face a Demographic Threat - Israel Today | Israel News

Sorry, I don't read hate sites like that. Provide an academic study of note and I will be glad to discuss it.
Sites that you hate because they only report the truth.
Nah, the evil ones are people like you who constantly talk about how Israel will be destroyed.

You just don't get it Toast...Wars of attrition destroy one's enemies by exhaustion as they just get up and leave like the Crusaders, Ottomans, French, Brits, Italians, etc...

Israel like all these previous invaders will suffer the same fate if NOT accepted. An acceptable peace or a slow death by implosion.

This is the lesson of History.

Israel is not an invader. The Europeans Jews were invited and their immigration facilitated by the British. That's NOT invading.

Second, you're comparing Israel to empires/states that existed a long time ago.
We are now living in the 21st century. Countries don't just fall anymore.

Keep it up with your delirious projections Peebel, but remember this:
In 50 years from now, leftards like you will be saying the same shit about how Israel is doomed .

"The Europeans Jews were invited and their immigration facilitated by the British. That's NOT invading."

Now that's funny. The British, who live in Northern Europe, invite other Europeans to settle in the Middle East. Do you even think about what you post. It is called an invasion, you dunce.
Pbel, this article on demographics that was published today sez you are wrong.

From the American secretary of state to left-wing Israeli politicians to the mullahs of Iran, many subscribe to the notion that if Israel does not surrender the “West Bank” for the creation of a Palestinian state, it will be overwhelmed by an Arab population that will destroy the Jewish character of the state.

Not so, argued an Israeli expert citing such reputable sources as the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics and the CIA World Fact Book.

Dr. Guy Bachor (pictured), an expert on legal matters pertaining to the Middle East conflict, as well as the owner and operator of the popular Hebrew-language news analysis website GPlanet, was recently interviewed on Israel Channel 2’s morning show.

Expert: Israel Does Not Face a Demographic Threat - Israel Today | Israel News

Sorry, I don't read hate sites like that. Provide an academic study of note and I will be glad to discuss it.
Sites that you hate because they only report the truth.

It has nothing to do with hate from them or me...Acculturation especially with the disparity of numbers is science...

If you can refute it, prove it.
Sorry, I don't read hate sites like that. Provide an academic study of note and I will be glad to discuss it.
Sites that you hate because they only report the truth.

It has nothing to do with hate from them or me...Acculturation especially with the disparity of numbers is science...

If you can refute it, prove it.
Dr. Bachor is the expert and can break it down better than I. In fact, in the article, he did just that.
You just don't get it Toast...Wars of attrition destroy one's enemies by exhaustion as they just get up and leave like the Crusaders, Ottomans, French, Brits, Italians, etc...

Israel like all these previous invaders will suffer the same fate if NOT accepted. An acceptable peace or a slow death by implosion.

This is the lesson of History.

Israel is not an invader. The Europeans Jews were invited and their immigration facilitated by the British. That's NOT invading.

Second, you're comparing Israel to empires/states that existed a long time ago.
We are now living in the 21st century. Countries don't just fall anymore.

Keep it up with your delirious projections Peebel, but remember this:
In 50 years from now, leftards like you will be saying the same shit about how Israel is doomed .

"The Europeans Jews were invited and their immigration facilitated by the British. That's NOT invading."

Now that's funny. The British, who live in Northern Europe, invite other Europeans to settle in the Middle East. Do you even think about what you post. It is called an invasion, you dunce.

No doubt the British who have invited the Muslims from the Middle East and elsewhere to live in their country are beginning to regret it.

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