Kerry Warns of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

ThiMk Progwess? LOL. Nutjob Site.

People predict a lot of things, doesn't mean it will come to fruition. What is true today is that Israel is a vibrant, strong Democracy that treats its 1.8 million Arab citizens as equals. So all the HOOPLA about apartheid is meaningless drivel and demonization. Israel will inshallah annex the West Bank soon and figure out a way to treat those Arabs as equals too.

But, you can only treat someone as an equal if they want to. If they run around like savages trying to kill innocent People, then Israelis will do what they have to, to defend their people. :clap2:

Can we hear a praise be Allah on that one?

Apartheid is what palestinians practice with their demonization of jews and insitance on a jew free land and ignoring, destroying all evidence of jews having so much as set foot in any of the land that made up the british mandate.

Teach the muslims palestinians to treat their own with equality. Speak out loudly for all muslims to treat other muslims equally and tolerate with peace, patience, without prejudice and with understanding all other people no matter faith, race, sexual preference or ability. That includes other people of the book. That includes jews. That includes christians.

Why should Israel treat palestinians as equals, when they are not Israeli, when palestinians don't treat others with respect or as equals, entitled to the same rights to live and make a happy life by working hard? Palestinians want equal rights with they want to deny Israel the right to exist. So, Israel should then deny the palestinians a right too exist so palestinians can have equal rights? Israel should terrorize and actively seek the annihilation of all palestinians?

Treat others as you would have them treat you. Palestinians don't treat Israel with recognition as a jewish state, recognize their history and identity to the land including the mount, don't allow they freedom to pray at the wall without harassment at the wall or on the mount, freedom to travel through the WB/gaza or around the rest of the middle east freely or peacefully, to carry out business with muslims in the PA middle east or muslims throughout the rest of the world, etc.

You want the right to peace and security for the palestinian people but you don't give it to the Israelis.

Why should Israel give a smile or handshake without reciprocity, instead of a knife blade between the ribs?'s called Palestinian Mentality (TM).
You've got to stop making lame excuses for lame laws...Arab/Israeli Palestinians are as peaceful within Israel as others.

Stop shoring up useless hate because it comes back with a vengeance. It is to try and preserve a Jewish State against the demographic tide. A Law against births of Palestinians in Israel.

Whats wrong don't like seeing your link taken apart and your POV destroyed. The fact remains most civilised nations have the same laws in place to stop any possibility of a terrorist getting into the country and murdering innocent children. It is not racism or apartheid and since when have hamas been as peaceful inside Israel as any others.

The ZioNazi can't read.

The whining Pali Nazi can't come accept that my point was taken from his own link :lol:
Too bad you're always too busy whining
Whats wrong don't like seeing your link taken apart and your POV destroyed. The fact remains most civilised nations have the same laws in place to stop any possibility of a terrorist getting into the country and murdering innocent children. It is not racism or apartheid and since when have hamas been as peaceful inside Israel as any others.

The ZioNazi can't read.

The whining Pali Nazi can't come accept that my point was taken from his own link :lol:
Too bad you're always too busy whining

In all honesty toast, you are becoming an irrelevant little cry baby, sorry.
The ZioNazi can't read.

The whining Pali Nazi can't come accept that my point was taken from his own link :lol:
Too bad you're always too busy whining

In all honesty toast, you are becoming an irrelevant little cry baby, sorry.

You can make up lies like that all you want, but everyone here is free to see how you are the true whiner of the IP forum.
You act like a child every time someone says something that you disagree with.
Maybe if you stopped your constant whining Pbel, your posts would actually be worth reading and responding to.
Grow up already.
Last edited:
The whining Pali Nazi can't come accept that my point was taken from his own link :lol:
Too bad you're always too busy whining

In all honesty toast, you are becoming an irrelevant little cry baby, sorry.

You can make up lies like that all you want, but everyone here is free to see how you are the true whiner of the IP forum.
You act like a child every time someone says something that you disagree with.
Maybe if you stopped your constant whining Pbel, your posts would actually be worth reading and responding to.
Grow up already.

4,785 responses to my thread, 85,000 views, I'm ok with that.
In all honesty toast, you are becoming an irrelevant little cry baby, sorry.

You can make up lies like that all you want, but everyone here is free to see how you are the true whiner of the IP forum.
You act like a child every time someone says something that you disagree with.
Maybe if you stopped your constant whining Pbel, your posts would actually be worth reading and responding to.
Grow up already.

4,785 responses to my thread, 85,000 views, I'm ok with that.

Incredible accomplishment !
You can make up lies like that all you want, but everyone here is free to see how you are the true whiner of the IP forum.
You act like a child every time someone says something that you disagree with.
Maybe if you stopped your constant whining Pbel, your posts would actually be worth reading and responding to.
Grow up already.

4,785 responses to my thread, 85,000 views, I'm ok with that.

Incredible accomplishment !

Lindsy Lohan thrives on attention, even negative attention. More people talk about negative and just smile, nod or take note of the good.
We have our LL posters
ThiMk Progwess? LOL. Nutjob Site.

People predict a lot of things, doesn't mean it will come to fruition. What is true today is that Israel is a vibrant, strong Democracy that treats its 1.8 million Arab citizens as equals. So all the HOOPLA about apartheid is meaningless drivel and demonization. Israel will inshallah annex the West Bank soon and figure out a way to treat those Arabs as equals too.

But, you can only treat someone as an equal if they want to. If they run around like savages trying to kill innocent People, then Israelis will do what they have to, to defend their people. :clap2:

Can we hear a praise be Allah on that one?

Apartheid is what palestinians practice with their demonization of jews and insitance on a jew free land and ignoring, destroying all evidence of jews having so much as set foot in any of the land that made up the british mandate.

Teach the muslims palestinians to treat their own with equality. Speak out loudly for all muslims to treat other muslims equally and tolerate with peace, patience, without prejudice and with understanding all other people no matter faith, race, sexual preference or ability. That includes other people of the book. That includes jews. That includes christians.

Why should Israel treat palestinians as equals, when they are not Israeli, when palestinians don't treat others with respect or as equals, entitled to the same rights to live and make a happy life by working hard? Palestinians want equal rights with they want to deny Israel the right to exist. So, Israel should then deny the palestinians a right too exist so palestinians can have equal rights? Israel should terrorize and actively seek the annihilation of all palestinians?

Treat others as you would have them treat you. Palestinians don't treat Israel with recognition as a jewish state, recognize their history and identity to the land including the mount, don't allow they freedom to pray at the wall without harassment at the wall or on the mount, freedom to travel through the WB/gaza or around the rest of the middle east freely or peacefully, to carry out business with muslims in the PA middle east or muslims throughout the rest of the world, etc.

You want the right to peace and security for the palestinian people but you don't give it to the Israelis.

Why should Israel give a smile or handshake without reciprocity, instead of a knife blade between the ribs?
Jews might be praying on the Temple Mount in the near future.

Israel’s deputy minister of religious affairs, Eli Ben-Dahan (Jewish Home), reiterated in a video posted to YouTube this week that the Israeli government is working on new regulations that would finally permit Jews to pray at Judaism’s holiest site, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

“I believe and expect that the prime minister and his government will adopt these regulations…and allow any Jew who wants to ascend the Temple Mount and pray there to do so,” Ben-Dahan said in a video address to an emergency conference organized by the Liba Project for Jewish Freedom at the Temple Mount.

“The reality in which…only Jews are prohibited from praying on the Temple Mount makes no sense and is unreasonable,” the minister continued. “I hope, with God’s help, that we will succeed in changing this reality soon.”

'Jews Will Pray on Temple Mount,' Vows Israeli Minister - Israel Today | Israel News
I think anyone should be able to pray anywhere.
Then why don't Mooooslems let non Moooslems enter Mecca and Medina? Even as tourists and sightseers?

Apartheid, anyone? I say treat Moooslems the same EXACT way they treat non Moooslems.

Fair is fair.
I think anyone should be able to pray anywhere.
Then why don't Mooooslems let non Moooslems enter Mecca and Medina? Even as tourists and sightseers?

Apartheid, anyone? I say treat Moooslems the same EXACT way they treat non Moooslems.

Fair is fair.

Paris Hilton went to open her store at the shopping mall in Mecca. Blond hair, short sleeves, low cut neck line, short dress walking around like it was beverly hills.
I think anyone should be able to pray anywhere.
Then why don't Mooooslems let non Moooslems enter Mecca and Medina? Even as tourists and sightseers?

Apartheid, anyone? I say treat Moooslems the same EXACT way they treat non Moooslems.

Fair is fair.

Paris Hilton went to open her store at the shopping mall in Mecca. Blond hair, short sleeves, low cut neck line, short dress walking around like it was beverly hills.
Tell me she wasn't flogged or stoned!
Then why don't Mooooslems let non Moooslems enter Mecca and Medina? Even as tourists and sightseers?

Apartheid, anyone? I say treat Moooslems the same EXACT way they treat non Moooslems.

Fair is fair.

Paris Hilton went to open her store at the shopping mall in Mecca. Blond hair, short sleeves, low cut neck line, short dress walking around like it was beverly hills.
Tell me she wasn't flogged or stoned!

verbally after the fact by some
On whether Israel is an apartheid state I take the opinions of two people who know/knew more than most what apartheid is, Bishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandiba Mandela, both are/were of the opinion it most certainly is. President Jimmy Carter (the man who brokered Israel's longest lasting peace treaty) has written a book about the apartheid so obvious in the illegally occupied territories but falls short of suggesting it in Israel, he's wrong of course the apartheid is there too but more subtly, it's in the lack of housing built for arabs, it's in the dismal expenditure in educating gentiles compared to Jews, it's in an immigration policy that permits only Jewish immigration, Israel is more apartheid than Apartheid South Africa ever was! & you can take Mandela's & Tutu's word on it!

As for the USS Liberty it was attacked deliberately as a false flag operation to bring the US into the 67 war with nukes. The two aircraft responding to the Liberty's distress call were nuclear armed (standard operating proceedure should a US vessel be attacked) and were recalled only when the Liberty managed to get a signal out that it had not sunk, this bit is crucial as if not sunk they could testify that it was Israeli jets that attacked. Only when a temp antenna was rigged by the crew and the second message sent (still under steam) wwere the two jets recalled but here's the real meat in the stew, the jets were two mins from Cairo, they had not gone to the Liberty's last location but did not pass go, did not collect $200 but went straight to Cairo. Only the second message prevened a nuclear attck on Egypt and only after the second message did the jet attacks on the Liberty stop and the helicopters & torpedo boats straffing of survivors stop.

The Israeli Airforce have stated that if they wanted to sink the Liberty they could have done so with a single shell, they possessed such munitions, but the arabs did not. Israel had to ensure the vessel went down with all hands so that it looked like the arabs did it. The helicopters & torpedo boats that stopped straffing the survivors (after the second message) could not have followed through on their offer of help, they were already full of IDF ready to ensure there were no survivors.

The crew's testimonies were NOT a matter of record, they were sworn to secrecy and to this day they yearn for the truth to be known as can be seen from their own websites.
On whether Israel is an apartheid state I take the opinions of two people who know/knew more than most what apartheid is, Bishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandiba Mandela, both are/were of the opinion it most certainly is. President Jimmy Carter (the man who brokered Israel's longest lasting peace treaty) has written a book about the apartheid so obvious in the illegally occupied territories but falls short of suggesting it in Israel, he's wrong of course the apartheid is there too but more subtly, it's in the lack of housing built for arabs, it's in the dismal expenditure in educating gentiles compared to Jews, it's in an immigration policy that permits only Jewish immigration, Israel is more apartheid than Apartheid South Africa ever was! & you can take Mandela's & Tutu's word on it!

As for the USS Liberty it was attacked deliberately as a false flag operation to bring the US into the 67 war with nukes. The two aircraft responding to the Liberty's distress call were nuclear armed (standard operating proceedure should a US vessel be attacked) and were recalled only when the Liberty managed to get a signal out that it had not sunk, this bit is crucial as if not sunk they could testify that it was Israeli jets that attacked. Only when a temp antenna was rigged by the crew and the second message sent (still under steam) wwere the two jets recalled but here's the real meat in the stew, the jets were two mins from Cairo, they had not gone to the Liberty's last location but did not pass go, did not collect $200 but went straight to Cairo. Only the second message prevened a nuclear attck on Egypt and only after the second message did the jet attacks on the Liberty stop and the helicopters & torpedo boats straffing of survivors stop.

The Israeli Airforce have stated that if they wanted to sink the Liberty they could have done so with a single shell, they possessed such munitions, but the arabs did not. Israel had to ensure the vessel went down with all hands so that it looked like the arabs did it. The helicopters & torpedo boats that stopped straffing the survivors (after the second message) could not have followed through on their offer of help, they were already full of IDF ready to ensure there were no survivors.

The crew's testimonies were NOT a matter of record, they were sworn to secrecy and to this day they yearn for the truth to be known as can be seen from their own websites.
Who farted?

Where did Tutu and what's-his-fuck get all their first hand knowledge about apartheid in Israel?
What does the Liberty have to do with apartheid?
Tutu visited Israel and Palestine. Mandella was a well informed world statesman.

The Liberty was mentioned earlier and I wanted to counter the utterly ludicrous suggestion that the attack was erroneous. it was deviously intentional.
Tutu visited Israel and Palestine. Mandella was a well informed world statesman.

The Liberty was mentioned earlier and I wanted to counter the utterly ludicrous suggestion that the attack was erroneous. it was deviously intentional.
Did Tutu spend his time in the ghetto with the unwashed or in the palace drinking up Arafart's liquor?
And the Liberty is not part of the apartheid movement.
Ah I see the Hasbara handbook is well thumbed in your world, can't argue against them, denigrate them. Couldn't be that the two you have problems with are black and the one you didn't have issue with (Carter) white could it?

I didn't raise the USS Liberty, I was responding to earlier posts that did.

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