Kerry Warns of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

Hey, if you expect to keep visiters interested you need to buck up your ideas of debate my ol mucker, sputtering "squeal" like a Tourettes inflcted seal won't cut it.
On whether Israel is an apartheid state I take the opinions of two people who know/knew more than most what apartheid is, Bishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandiba Mandela, both are/were of the opinion it most certainly is. President Jimmy Carter (the man who brokered Israel's longest lasting peace treaty) has written a book about the apartheid so obvious in the illegally occupied territories but falls short of suggesting it in Israel, he's wrong of course the apartheid is there too but more subtly, it's in the lack of housing built for arabs, it's in the dismal expenditure in educating gentiles compared to Jews, it's in an immigration policy that permits only Jewish immigration, Israel is more apartheid than Apartheid South Africa ever was! & you can take Mandela's & Tutu's word on it!

As for the USS Liberty it was attacked deliberately as a false flag operation to bring the US into the 67 war with nukes. The two aircraft responding to the Liberty's distress call were nuclear armed (standard operating proceedure should a US vessel be attacked) and were recalled only when the Liberty managed to get a signal out that it had not sunk, this bit is crucial as if not sunk they could testify that it was Israeli jets that attacked. Only when a temp antenna was rigged by the crew and the second message sent (still under steam) wwere the two jets recalled but here's the real meat in the stew, the jets were two mins from Cairo, they had not gone to the Liberty's last location but did not pass go, did not collect $200 but went straight to Cairo. Only the second message prevened a nuclear attck on Egypt and only after the second message did the jet attacks on the Liberty stop and the helicopters & torpedo boats straffing of survivors stop.

The Israeli Airforce have stated that if they wanted to sink the Liberty they could have done so with a single shell, they possessed such munitions, but the arabs did not. Israel had to ensure the vessel went down with all hands so that it looked like the arabs did it. The helicopters & torpedo boats that stopped straffing the survivors (after the second message) could not have followed through on their offer of help, they were already full of IDF ready to ensure there were no survivors.

The crew's testimonies were NOT a matter of record, they were sworn to secrecy and to this day they yearn for the truth to be known as can be seen from their own websites.
Zionists in this world simply fear the rest of Humanity because of constant persecutions...A Mass Psychoses has been created so that the Ten Commandments can be broken for the sake of survival in a hostile environment.
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On whether Israel is an apartheid state I take the opinions of two people who know/knew more than most what apartheid is, Bishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandiba Mandela, both are/were of the opinion it most certainly is. President Jimmy Carter (the man who brokered Israel's longest lasting peace treaty) has written a book about the apartheid so obvious in the illegally occupied territories but falls short of suggesting it in Israel, he's wrong of course the apartheid is there too but more subtly, it's in the lack of housing built for arabs, it's in the dismal expenditure in educating gentiles compared to Jews, it's in an immigration policy that permits only Jewish immigration, Israel is more apartheid than Apartheid South Africa ever was! & you can take Mandela's & Tutu's word on it!

As for the USS Liberty it was attacked deliberately as a false flag operation to bring the US into the 67 war with nukes. The two aircraft responding to the Liberty's distress call were nuclear armed (standard operating proceedure should a US vessel be attacked) and were recalled only when the Liberty managed to get a signal out that it had not sunk, this bit is crucial as if not sunk they could testify that it was Israeli jets that attacked. Only when a temp antenna was rigged by the crew and the second message sent (still under steam) wwere the two jets recalled but here's the real meat in the stew, the jets were two mins from Cairo, they had not gone to the Liberty's last location but did not pass go, did not collect $200 but went straight to Cairo. Only the second message prevened a nuclear attck on Egypt and only after the second message did the jet attacks on the Liberty stop and the helicopters & torpedo boats straffing of survivors stop.

The Israeli Airforce have stated that if they wanted to sink the Liberty they could have done so with a single shell, they possessed such munitions, but the arabs did not. Israel had to ensure the vessel went down with all hands so that it looked like the arabs did it. The helicopters & torpedo boats that stopped straffing the survivors (after the second message) could not have followed through on their offer of help, they were already full of IDF ready to ensure there were no survivors.

The crew's testimonies were NOT a matter of record, they were sworn to secrecy and to this day they yearn for the truth to be known as can be seen from their own websites.
Zionists in this world simply fear the rest of Humanity because of constant persecutions...A Mass Psychoses has been created so that the Ten Commandments can be broken for the sake of survival in a hostile environment.

A load of old bullshit
Tutu visited Israel and Palestine. Mandella was a well informed world statesman.

The Liberty was mentioned earlier and I wanted to counter the utterly ludicrous suggestion that the attack was erroneous. it was deviously intentional.

A visit is not going to give him as much information as people who have worked in the camps and spend time helping them.
A visit shows him in 1989 and 2008, looking at the worst and believing that was everywhere and all palestinians.
They could have taken him to the worst slums in Chicago, back then, and he would have said that was a view or the whole US. It would have been wrong.
We can always find something wrong if that is what we look for. We could scream apartheid because a community is all black. We can see gangs intimidating people and a reaction to the oppression by the white community, and perhaps even see them as freedom fighters.............but it would all be cr@p. We would be drawing the wrong conclusion because we did not see the larger picture, we did not have all the information.
Right down a few streets you could find blacks living the american dream, but if you don't look you might think it does not exist.
Tutu visited Israel and Palestine. Mandella was a well informed world statesman.

The Liberty was mentioned earlier and I wanted to counter the utterly ludicrous suggestion that the attack was erroneous. it was deviously intentional.

A visit is not going to give him as much information as people who have worked in the camps and spend time helping them.
A visit shows him in 1989 and 2008, looking at the worst and believing that was everywhere and all palestinians.
They could have taken him to the worst slums in Chicago, back then, and he would have said that was a view or the whole US. It would have been wrong.
We can always find something wrong if that is what we look for. We could scream apartheid because a community is all black. We can see gangs intimidating people and a reaction to the oppression by the white community, and perhaps even see them as freedom fighters.............but it would all be cr@p. We would be drawing the wrong conclusion because we did not see the larger picture, we did not have all the information.
Right down a few streets you could find blacks living the american dream, but if you don't look you might think it does not exist.

Never a truer word said, and the pro Palestinians need to look at the whole and not just the parts that support their POV. In 1967 the Palestinians were prisoners of the Egyptians and Jordanians with no modern conveniences and sanitation. The Jews set them free and provided heat, light, water, doctors, schools, hospitals, mosques and a better healthcare system. Even today they are still treating Palestinians in Israeli hospitals even those that arrive carrying IED's
Tutu visited Israel and Palestine. Mandella was a well informed world statesman.

The Liberty was mentioned earlier and I wanted to counter the utterly ludicrous suggestion that the attack was erroneous. it was deviously intentional.

A visit is not going to give him as much information as people who have worked in the camps and spend time helping them.
A visit shows him in 1989 and 2008, looking at the worst and believing that was everywhere and all palestinians.
They could have taken him to the worst slums in Chicago, back then, and he would have said that was a view or the whole US. It would have been wrong.
We can always find something wrong if that is what we look for. We could scream apartheid because a community is all black. We can see gangs intimidating people and a reaction to the oppression by the white community, and perhaps even see them as freedom fighters.............but it would all be cr@p. We would be drawing the wrong conclusion because we did not see the larger picture, we did not have all the information.
Right down a few streets you could find blacks living the american dream, but if you don't look you might think it does not exist.

Yeah, have used the same argument before of Mark Twain's brief stopover but the difference is that this is the 21rst Century and even before the internet there was cable & satellite feeds that could readily confirm everythng. Now the ANC & the PLO considered themselves sibling conflicts so I will acknowledge some bias, not in the same league as Shimon Peres trying to sell nukes to apartheid white South Africa, but that does not hide the fact they were experts in recognising apartheid and not the only luminaries to hold that opinion. Despite some folks dragging their heels the matter is basically undeniable with the greater consensus that Israel is an odius & apartheid rogue state in breach of 69 UNSC resolutions, no respecter of human rights or the geneva Conventions and apt to resort to military attack on their neighbours at the slightest provocation much of which is by design.
Tutu visited Israel and Palestine. Mandella was a well informed world statesman.

The Liberty was mentioned earlier and I wanted to counter the utterly ludicrous suggestion that the attack was erroneous. it was deviously intentional.

A visit is not going to give him as much information as people who have worked in the camps and spend time helping them.
A visit shows him in 1989 and 2008, looking at the worst and believing that was everywhere and all palestinians.
They could have taken him to the worst slums in Chicago, back then, and he would have said that was a view or the whole US. It would have been wrong.
We can always find something wrong if that is what we look for. We could scream apartheid because a community is all black. We can see gangs intimidating people and a reaction to the oppression by the white community, and perhaps even see them as freedom fighters.............but it would all be cr@p. We would be drawing the wrong conclusion because we did not see the larger picture, we did not have all the information.
Right down a few streets you could find blacks living the american dream, but if you don't look you might think it does not exist.

Yeah, have used the same argument before of Mark Twain's brief stopover but the difference is that this is the 21rst Century and even before the internet there was cable & satellite feeds that could readily confirm everythng. Now the ANC & the PLO considered themselves sibling conflicts so I will acknowledge some bias, not in the same league as Shimon Peres trying to sell nukes to apartheid white South Africa, but that does not hide the fact they were experts in recognising apartheid and not the only luminaries to hold that opinion. Despite some folks dragging their heels the matter is basically undeniable with the greater consensus that Israel is an odius & apartheid rogue state in breach of 69 UNSC resolutions, no respecter of human rights or the geneva Conventions and apt to resort to military attack on their neighbours at the slightest provocation much of which is by design.
It is my opinion that if Israel were to relax her vigilance and accede to the demands of vultures like you then you would get your wish granted. But it ain't never gonna happen. Chew on that.
Ah, so instead of debate you are only going to resort to abuse, how very Israeli of you.

Heres the deal, commit to a two state solution and the whole apartheid issue goes away. It is the illegal occupier and not the occupied victim fueling this conflict.
Ah, so instead of debate you are only going to resort to abuse, how very Israeli of you.

Heres the deal, commit to a two state solution and the whole apartheid issue goes away. It is the illegal occupier and not the occupied victim fueling this conflict.

who are you, again?
Auldhippy, AKA Oldhippy. Stick a pin smack dab in the middle of a map of Scotland and I;ll yell "ouch"
Auldhippy, AKA Oldhippy. Stick a pin smack dab in the middle of a map of Scotland and I;ll yell "ouch"
Would the person who has the voodoo doll of me please scratch my butt? I'm in public now and don't want to look gross.
Tutu visited Israel and Palestine. Mandella was a well informed world statesman.

The Liberty was mentioned earlier and I wanted to counter the utterly ludicrous suggestion that the attack was erroneous. it was deviously intentional.

A visit is not going to give him as much information as people who have worked in the camps and spend time helping them.
A visit shows him in 1989 and 2008, looking at the worst and believing that was everywhere and all palestinians.
They could have taken him to the worst slums in Chicago, back then, and he would have said that was a view or the whole US. It would have been wrong.
We can always find something wrong if that is what we look for. We could scream apartheid because a community is all black. We can see gangs intimidating people and a reaction to the oppression by the white community, and perhaps even see them as freedom fighters.............but it would all be cr@p. We would be drawing the wrong conclusion because we did not see the larger picture, we did not have all the information.
Right down a few streets you could find blacks living the american dream, but if you don't look you might think it does not exist.

Yeah, have used the same argument before of Mark Twain's brief stopover but the difference is that this is the 21rst Century and even before the internet there was cable & satellite feeds that could readily confirm everythng. Now the ANC & the PLO considered themselves sibling conflicts so I will acknowledge some bias, not in the same league as Shimon Peres trying to sell nukes to apartheid white South Africa, but that does not hide the fact they were experts in recognising apartheid and not the only luminaries to hold that opinion. Despite some folks dragging their heels the matter is basically undeniable with the greater consensus that Israel is an odius & apartheid rogue state in breach of 69 UNSC resolutions, no respecter of human rights or the geneva Conventions and apt to resort to military attack on their neighbours at the slightest provocation much of which is by design.

Does the ANC and PLO see themselves as terrorists as well, and will go to any end to force their ideologies on the people they promise to protect.

Can you detail these alleged 69 UNGC resolutions they are in breach of, as the UNSC can not issue resolutions without INGC approval.

Which parts of the Geneva conventions are they in breach of and show the exact sections in full including the parts that prove they are acting well within the guidelines.

Then show were Israel has attacked the Palestinians without JUST CAUSE and in RETALIATION to TERROEIST ATTACKS.

And no links to pro Palestinian and ISLAMONAZI sources as these will be shown as such and ignored
Ah, so instead of debate you are only going to resort to abuse, how very Israeli of you.

Heres the deal, commit to a two state solution and the whole apartheid issue goes away. It is the illegal occupier and not the occupied victim fueling this conflict.

Israel has offered to talk about a two state solution but the Palestinians keep putting pre conditions in place before they will even sit down and talk. Yes the illegal arab migrants occupying the land are the ones causing the conflict, and the west is now seeing this and has started to cut back on aid to the Palestinians. In effect starving them to the peace table
Auldhippy, AKA Oldhippy. Stick a pin smack dab in the middle of a map of Scotland and I;ll yell "ouch"

More like mumble some curse and racist comment about the English, then demanding even more money from the English tax payers
Ah, so instead of debate you are only going to resort to abuse, how very Israeli of you.

Heres the deal, commit to a two state solution and the whole apartheid issue goes away. It is the illegal occupier and not the occupied victim fueling this conflict.

who are you, again?

The Jew Hating Leprechaun.

Looks like he's taking a bream from searching from that pot of gold to come and troll here again.
Here's an example of how apartheid begins.

A plan to ban "frequent and large gatherings at neighborhood homes" is a lawsuit waiting to happen, a Fairfax County supervisor predicts.

Officials will get an idea Wednesday when public-comment hearings begin in Virginia's most populous county.

"I believe the county is risking a lawsuit and/or a Constitution challenge by interfering with peoples' right to assemble," Supervisor Pat Herrity said in a statement.

Virginia proposal would limit size of gatherings at private homes | Fox News
Auldhippy, AKA Oldhippy. Stick a pin smack dab in the middle of a map of Scotland and I;ll yell "ouch"

More like mumble some curse and racist comment about the English, then demanding even more money from the English tax payers

How are you not embarassed by your stupidity? If I followed sports I'd be wearing the "I support Scotland and any team playing England" Tshirt but off field they are our closest neighbours and good friends.
Auldhippy, AKA Oldhippy. Stick a pin smack dab in the middle of a map of Scotland and I;ll yell "ouch"

More like mumble some curse and racist comment about the English, then demanding even more money from the English tax payers

How are you not embarassed by your stupidity? If I followed sports I'd be wearing the "I support Scotland and any team playing England" Tshirt but off field they are our closest neighbours and good friends.
Then you haven't been following Alabama/Auburn or S Carolina/Clemson. Family feuds there. Causes apartheid.

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