Kevin Lunsmann, 14 from Virginia was held for ransom and escaped his captors Saturday


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
American boy escapes captors in Basilan

Sunday, December 11, 2011

In my opinion:

Zamboanga City, Philippines – It must have been a terrifying ordeal when an American boy named Kevin Lunsmann, 14 saw the chance to escape on Saturday evening, when his captors let their guard down. He was being held for ransom by Abu Sayyaf (a military Islamist separatist group) leader Puruji Indama.

He was left alone by the kidnappers and saw his window to flee and he did. He was in a strange land and it was at night and he did not know where he was going. The courageous boy followed the river and walked to a city called Lamitan. The police found him wandering in the out skirts of the city. He told them that he had escaped his abductors. He found refuge at the US Federal Bureau of Investigation & the US Embassy.

Kevin suffered an injury to his elbow and was extremely tired and weak but other than that was physically OK. His mental state is yet to be evaluated. I would imagine he has enough emotional scars to last him a life time being held as a prisoner for the last 5 months.

Authorities said, "Kevin's freedom is not the end of the process, however, and we look for speedy investigation and prosecution of all those involved in the kidnapping of American citizens."

On July 12, 2011 Kevin and his mother Gerfa and a cousin Romick Jakaria were kidnapped on Tictabon Island. His mother was freed in October 2011. His cousin Jakaria escaped in November 2011. He was there all by himself until he escaped on Saturday night December 10, 2011.

“Lunsmann's family in Virginia paid a ransom of $15,000 right after the three were abducted last July.”

Kevin has since talked to his mother on the phone and it is said that she cried and said she couldn’t wait to see him. They are a very lucky family indeed!
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I just heard on National News that the 14-year-old Virginia boy told his captors that he wanted to wash up in the stream and they let him, they had grown to trust him not to run away. When no one was looking the kid high tailed it out of there. They said, he wandered for 2 days without shoes in the jungle, before some villagers spotted him and helped him. They said that the group who kidnapped him and his mother and cousin were an Al Qaeda affiliate.

The mother the boy and the cousin went to the Philippines on vacation and ended up being abducted. What a scary bummer! The dad is in Virginia and he is ecstatic that everyone is free and safe and will be coming home. The mom stayed in the Philippines waiting for her son to be release. Wow, what a nightmare but they’ll be home for Christmas!


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