Kevin Spacey: Most Americans just aren’t grasping President Obama’s greatness.

Another actor with limited education and more money than sense tries to make a political point. Who cares?
Is it too much to ask from actors to stick to acting?

Sing and act, Spacey..... leave politics to politicians .... same thing goes to all Hollywood misfits ...they're experts at acting, not politics. They should stick with what they know.

[ame=]Beyond The Sea - Kevin Spacey.mpeg - YouTube[/ame]
News flash:

Ted Nugent is an entertainer. Kevin Spacey is an entertainer. Bill Maher is an entertainer. Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer.

Celebrity entertainers use their celebrity to advance causes and views that are important to them.

Grow up and get over it.
Actors are just people who wear costumes and play like they are somebody else.

Geez, Spacey and Obama have alot in common.........
His name is Spacey, and his views are spacey.

Is that ironic, or coincidental ?

I always get those confused.
Kevin Spacey: Actor says Americans don't appreciate Obama's greatness - Washington Times

LMFAO Yes, some b rated actor knows better than the majority of Americans..

Kevin Spacey is one of the best actors around but he's wrong.

More than enough Americans "appreciated" the prez right into a second term. :clap2:

I think it's that he's sharing the frustration that many of us have in that the President won a clear mandate to pass the Dream Act, raise taxes on the top earners while cutting corporate loopholes and subsidies, preserve Medicare and Social Security even if we have to make a few reforms to it, and finally get out of Gitmo.

It's clear after 6 months into his new term that House Republicans just don't care. It's like they never got the news that they lost. All they are committed to is wiping out a woman's right to choose, repealing Obamacare, and passing Paul Ryan's stupid budget, all of which we know the President would never ever, ever sign.

Kevin Spacey has 2 Oscars and among actors both male and female, he's regarded as royalty in his field because of his talent and dedication. If Ted Nugent is allowed to shoot his mouth of every other day, than Spacey is allowed one statement after 4 and a half years.

And he's right.
Kevin Spacey: Actor says Americans don't appreciate Obama's greatness - Washington Times

LMFAO Yes, some b rated actor knows better than the majority of Americans..

Kevin Spacey is one of the best actors around but he's wrong.

More than enough Americans "appreciated" the prez right into a second term. :clap2:

I think it's that he's sharing the frustration that many of us have in that the President won a clear mandate to pass the Dream Act, raise taxes on the top earners while cutting corporate loopholes and subsidies, preserve Medicare and Social Security even if we have to make a few reforms to it, and finally get out of Gitmo.

It's clear after 6 months into his new term that House Republicans just don't care. It's like they never got the news that they lost. All they are committed to is wiping out a woman's right to choose, repealing Obamacare, and passing Paul Ryan's stupid budget, all of which we know the President would never ever, ever sign.

Kevin Spacey has 2 Oscars and among actors both male and female, he's regarded as royalty in his field because of his talent and dedication. If Ted Nugent is allowed to shoot his mouth of every other day, than Spacey is allowed one statement after 4 and a half years.

And he's right.

Obama's "greatness" is in some many ways a matter of opinion. You are entitled to yours, I don't really agree.

However, your central point in the last paragraph is what I've been trying to say all along. So far, there has not been a single thread by reactionaries even hinting at covering anything that he actually said or why they disagree with it, just bitter jabs at his "B-list" celebrity (which is baloney) and very bad attempts at humor. That's it. That's all we've gotten.
Kevin Spacey is a gifted actor and as such he obviously recognizes another gifted actor when he sees one! Barack Obama attempting to portray a leader is such a "stretch" from his actual personality that Spacey is giving Barry his due.

There should be a disclaimer running across the bottom of our TV screens whenever Barack Obama takes to the podium. "This is an actor not an actual President...your results may vary!"
Here is some of Obama's so-called greatness:

Obama is great at ruining the economy.

Obama is great at lying.

Obama is great at with-holding info.

Obama is great at naming numerous Communists/Socialists/Progressives to his various Czar positions.

Obama is great at touting a Green Energy Company as exemplary that fails a year later.

Obama is great at bowing to just about everybody.

Obama is great at proposing amnesty for illegal aliens to increase the population of voters for Democrat elections.

Obama is great at denying the notion of American Exceptionalism.

But seriously, there is nothing great about Obama!
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Spacey is wrong. Americans do appreciate Obama's greatness , they are fully aware... Obama is the greatest wrecker America ever had.

Greatest wrecker of a President ... no doubt about that.


Name calling but NO facts.

so then why don't you give us some facts as to why Obama is so great?

lying about what caused Benghazi attacks?
more red tape at the dr's office?
all these great jobs?
housing recovery?
racial harmony?
a legacy of blame?

First, Spacey is not a "B" rated actor, he is top notch.

Second, as with any performer, I couldn't give a flying rhinoceros shit what Spacey thinks of the President or what he thinks those who do not favor the President are missing with regard to his alleged greatness.

Third, anyone putting stock in what any celebrity has to say about politics is a fool.

Just like us, anything they say should be taken with a grain of salt. They do have the right to make their views known, just as you or I, but that doesn't mean they are any smarter than your average Yogi Bear.
Kevin Spacey - Awards

The man is rolling in awards and nominations. Did anybody bad mouthing him watch American Beauty? Effing brilliant.

I don't really care what he has to say on the presidential front, but please don't insult anybody's intelligence by claiming the man can't act.
Kevin Spacey - Awards

The man is rolling in awards and nominations. Did anybody bad mouthing him watch American Beauty? Effing brilliant.

I don't really care what he has to say on the presidential front, but please don't insult anybody's intelligence by claiming the man can't act.

One could say the same thing about Barry, Boop. He's not much on the "Presidential front" but the man can sure act!
Amazing that this is even a topic. He is an accomplished actor whose body of work speaks for itself. If you don't like his work, that's your personal taste.

What the OP should be doing is stating exactly where Mr. Spacey is wrong or mistaken. Calling him a B-list actor just makes you look stupid and petty, and by extension, your point.


If you don't like the prez, use facts. The nutter rw's make up all kinds of lies about him but if you ask for facts, all they've got is baby talk name calling.

Problem is, rw's can't think for themselves. They need celebrities and wannabes to do their thinking for them - witness their gushing over Ted Poopy Pants Pedophile Chicken Hawk Draft Dodger Nugent.

If a lefty was known for sitting in his own shit for a week to get out of military service, the rw's would never forgive him/her. And rightly so.

How about a lefty child molester? The rw's would want his head, and right so.

BUT - sub-human Ted is a creepy azz cracker who hates Obama for no reason other than his skin color so the creepy azz cracker rw's are just fine with every disgusting and vile thing Nugent has done. Indeed, he's a hero for these idiots cuz there is nothing quite so capable of mind numbing hypocrisy than the Obama hating rw's.

I really doesn't look good when claim the right has no facts then argue the point with that which can not prove as fact.
Kevin Spacey - Awards

The man is rolling in awards and nominations. Did anybody bad mouthing him watch American Beauty? Effing brilliant.

I don't really care what he has to say on the presidential front, but please don't insult anybody's intelligence by claiming the man can't act.

One could say the same thing about Barry, Boop. He's not much on the "Presidential front" but the man can sure act!

Apples to grapefruits it is. :lol:
And just apropos of Kevin Spacey, I love this scene.

[ame=]American Beauty - Dinner Scene - YouTube[/ame]
First, Spacey is not a "B" rated actor, he is top notch.

Second, as with any performer, I couldn't give a flying rhinoceros shit what Spacey thinks of the President or what he thinks those who do not favor the President are missing with regard to his alleged greatness.

Third, anyone putting stock in what any celebrity has to say about politics is a fool.

Especially Ronald Reagan

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