Key GOP Senators Call For Bipartisan Russia Election Probe

We all should send a thank you note to Russia for saving our constintutional republic for the next 50 plus years..

Thanks Russia from saving us from the snowflake socialist marxist democrats...we owe you one!

I wish they were socialist Marxist Democrats, but they're not. They are right of center neoliberals.

The unsophisticated Repug goobers on this board wouldn't know a communist if Karl Marx pissed on their faces.
God bless Russia they saved the United States from the commie democrats!!!

View attachment 101675


Nope I am a patriot you are a fruit cake liberal who thinks men should be allowed in little girls bath rooms.

You think its ok for politicians to be like hillary a corrupt lying evil snobbish witch.

You think judges should rule by their "feelings" instead of the constintution of the United States..

No you are the one who is a traitor and turns a blind eye to criminals breaking our laws.


Not only are you thick and a simpleton......You are not a patriot but a TRAITOR........and would have been Burnt at the Stake in a different Epoch....Go Fcuk off to Russia you Big Mouth low IQ Moron........America is for Americans which you are not

Why would I go to Russia?

Russia saved the United States of America from you Commie liberal democrat scum bags..

Thank you Russia!

You guys do realize the U.S. hacks as well don't you? I don't recall this much concern from the government when the NSA was caught hacking Germnay's Angela Merkel.

That didn't involve Germany's election, genius. What a lame attempt to change the subject.
Oh so you support hacking another govermnets leaders as long as it's not during an election? Using your dumbass logic you would have no problem with the Clinton hacking as long as it was a year and a half to two years ago you really do take stupidity to new heights.

No, fucktard, I don't support that. I'm simply pointing out that the U.S. did not influence Germany's election. This is a stupid, intellectually dishonest attempt by you to change the subject.
That is exactly what you did you brainless partisan shit the fact your to stupid to realize it and dishonest to admit it if you did is not my problem. You and the other far left idiots continue to try and blame the Clinton loss on the hacking while continuning to ignore the fact no one from the Clinton camp or the DNC has denied anything in those e-mails was fake or inaccurate. Last even the most novice tech person knows how insecure e-mail is and how easily they can be hacked maybe instead of bitching about Russia and Trump you and your far left loon brothern should be asking Clinton and the DNC why they were apparently the only ones in the country who didn't know this. As we both know you won't do this take your partisan garbage shove it where the sun don't shine and fuck off I have already given you and your idiocy more attention than it deserves.
We all should send a thank you note to Russia for saving our constintutional republic for the next 50 plus years..

Thanks Russia from saving us from the snowflake socialist marxist democrats...we owe you one!


Of course, an unsophisticated Repug goober such as yourself has no comprehension as to why Russia wanted Trump to win. Or more to the point, you simply don't care.

You're a traitor to your country for posting such a comment. Period. Your country should come before political affiliation, but obviously it doesn't for a Repug traitor such as yourself.

I am not a are you want this country to go socislist marxist, Russia has already been down that road good.

They saved our Constitutional Republic from pinko commies like you.


Thanks Russia !!!

I always knew that Russia respected this country more than democrats did.
Putin was laughing at Hillary. I think he enjoyed the clown show.

A murderer enjoying a clown show.

Do you even have a point, unremarkable Repug lightweight? Of course not.
Even murderers like clown shows. Putin is proof positive of this. Don't pick your nose - your head will cave in.
God bless Russia they saved the United States from the commie democrats!!!

View attachment 101675


Nope I am a patriot you are a fruit cake liberal who thinks men should be allowed in little girls bath rooms.

You think its ok for politicians to be like hillary a corrupt lying evil snobbish witch.

You think judges should rule by their "feelings" instead of the constintution of the United States..

No you are the one who is a traitor and turns a blind eye to criminals breaking our laws.


Not only are you thick and a simpleton......You are not a patriot but a TRAITOR........and would have been Burnt at the Stake in a different Epoch....Go Fcuk off to Russia you Big Mouth low IQ Moron........America is for Americans which you are not

Why would I go to Russia?

Russia saved the United States of America from you Commie liberal democrat scum bags..

Thank you Russia!


You need to go to Russia because you are a traitorous piece of shit, Repug goober.
We all should send a thank you note to Russia for saving our constintutional republic for the next 50 plus years..

Thanks Russia from saving us from the snowflake socialist marxist democrats...we owe you one!

I wish they were socialist Marxist Democrats, but they're not. They are right of center neoliberals.

The unsophisticated Repug goobers on this board wouldn't know a communist if Karl Marx pissed on their faces.

Obama care..

You didnt build that

We know whats best for you, you dont know whats best for you.


Thank you Russia for saving the Constintutional Republic!!

God bless Russia they saved the United States from the commie democrats!!!

View attachment 101675


Nope I am a patriot you are a fruit cake liberal who thinks men should be allowed in little girls bath rooms.

You think its ok for politicians to be like hillary a corrupt lying evil snobbish witch.

You think judges should rule by their "feelings" instead of the constintution of the United States..

No you are the one who is a traitor and turns a blind eye to criminals breaking our laws.


Not only are you thick and a simpleton......You are not a patriot but a TRAITOR........and would have been Burnt at the Stake in a different Epoch....Go Fcuk off to Russia you Big Mouth low IQ Moron........America is for Americans which you are not

Why would I go to Russia?

Russia saved the United States of America from you Commie liberal democrat scum bags..

Thank you Russia!


You need to go to Russia because you are a traitorous piece of shit, Repug goober.

No thats what you are trying to turn america into scum bag

GOP Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and James Lankford (OK) all want Congress to launch a bi-partisan investigation into Russia's involvement in the 2016 election.

Key GOP senators join call for bipartisan Russia election probe, even as their leaders remain mum


Two Senate Republicans joined demands for a bipartisan probe into Russia’s suspected election interference allegedly designed to bolster Donald Trump as questions continue to mount about the president-elect’s expected decision to nominate a secretary of state candidate with close ties to Russia.

Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) — the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee — joined calls by incoming Senate Democratic leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and Armed Services ranking Democrat Jack Reed (R.I.) for a thorough, bipartisan investigation of Russian influence in the U.S. elections. Their statement came two days after The Washington Post reported the CIA’s private conclusion that Russia’s activities were intended to tip the scales to help Trump.

“Recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American,” the four senators said in a statement on Sunday morning. “Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyberattacks.”

McCain is pissed that Trump did what he could not do. Lindsey Graham is his bitch.

There will not be a probe.


And you don't want one, because you're a traitor to your country.

Suck my rod you stupid lily pad.

God bless Russia they saved the United States from the commie democrats!!!

View attachment 101675


Nope I am a patriot you are a fruit cake liberal who thinks men should be allowed in little girls bath rooms.

You think its ok for politicians to be like hillary a corrupt lying evil snobbish witch.

You think judges should rule by their "feelings" instead of the constintution of the United States..

No you are the one who is a traitor and turns a blind eye to criminals breaking our laws.


Not only are you thick and a simpleton......You are not a patriot but a TRAITOR........and would have been Burnt at the Stake in a different Epoch....Go Fcuk off to Russia you Big Mouth low IQ Moron........America is for Americans which you are not

Why would I go to Russia?

Russia saved the United States of America from you Commie liberal democrat scum bags..

Thank you Russia!

We all should send a thank you note to Russia for saving our constintutional republic for the next 50 plus years..

Thanks Russia from saving us from the snowflake socialist marxist democrats...we owe you one!

I wish they were socialist Marxist Democrats, but they're not. They are right of center neoliberals.

The unsophisticated Repug goobers on this board wouldn't know a communist if Karl Marx pissed on their faces.

Obama care..

You didnt build that

We know whats best for you, you dont know whats best for you.


Thank you Russia for saving the Constintutional Republic!!


What a fucking dumb ass. The multi-billion dollar health insurance companies wanted ObamaCare, dolt. They campaigned for it.

Please go to Russia now. One less fucking idiot Repug goober left to worry about in the U.S.
Thank you Russia !

50 plus years of a right wing leaning Supreme Court

GOP Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and James Lankford (OK) all want Congress to launch a bi-partisan investigation into Russia's involvement in the 2016 election.

Key GOP senators join call for bipartisan Russia election probe, even as their leaders remain mum


Two Senate Republicans joined demands for a bipartisan probe into Russia’s suspected election interference allegedly designed to bolster Donald Trump as questions continue to mount about the president-elect’s expected decision to nominate a secretary of state candidate with close ties to Russia.

Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) — the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee — joined calls by incoming Senate Democratic leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and Armed Services ranking Democrat Jack Reed (R.I.) for a thorough, bipartisan investigation of Russian influence in the U.S. elections. Their statement came two days after The Washington Post reported the CIA’s private conclusion that Russia’s activities were intended to tip the scales to help Trump.

“Recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American,” the four senators said in a statement on Sunday morning. “Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyberattacks.”

McCain is pissed that Trump did what he could not do. Lindsey Graham is his bitch.

There will not be a probe.


And you don't want one, because you're a traitor to your country.

Suck my rod you stupid lily pad.

You missed a word "Suck my PHLASSID ROD(COCK)" You are my Bitch Now.....You are as Bent as a Corkscrew
We all should send a thank you note to Russia for saving our constintutional republic for the next 50 plus years..

Thanks Russia from saving us from the snowflake socialist marxist democrats...we owe you one!

I wish they were socialist Marxist Democrats, but they're not. They are right of center neoliberals.

The unsophisticated Repug goobers on this board wouldn't know a communist if Karl Marx pissed on their faces.

Obama care..

You didnt build that

We know whats best for you, you dont know whats best for you.


Thank you Russia for saving the Constintutional Republic!!


What a fucking dumb ass. The multi-billion dollar health insurance companies wanted ObamaCare, dolt. They campaigned for it.

Please go to Russia now. One less fucking idiot Repug goober left to worry about in the U.S.

Na na na na hey hey good bye commie pinko democrat....

GOP Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and James Lankford (OK) all want Congress to launch a bi-partisan investigation into Russia's involvement in the 2016 election.

Key GOP senators join call for bipartisan Russia election probe, even as their leaders remain mum


Two Senate Republicans joined demands for a bipartisan probe into Russia’s suspected election interference allegedly designed to bolster Donald Trump as questions continue to mount about the president-elect’s expected decision to nominate a secretary of state candidate with close ties to Russia.

Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) — the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee — joined calls by incoming Senate Democratic leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and Armed Services ranking Democrat Jack Reed (R.I.) for a thorough, bipartisan investigation of Russian influence in the U.S. elections. Their statement came two days after The Washington Post reported the CIA’s private conclusion that Russia’s activities were intended to tip the scales to help Trump.

“Recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American,” the four senators said in a statement on Sunday morning. “Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyberattacks.”

McCain is pissed that Trump did what he could not do. Lindsey Graham is his bitch.

There will not be a probe.


And you don't want one, because you're a traitor to your country.

Suck my rod you stupid lily pad.

You missed a word "Suck my PHLASSID ROD(COCK)

You mad commie pinko democrat bro?

Thanks Russia!

GOP Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and James Lankford (OK) all want Congress to launch a bi-partisan investigation into Russia's involvement in the 2016 election.

Key GOP senators join call for bipartisan Russia election probe, even as their leaders remain mum


Two Senate Republicans joined demands for a bipartisan probe into Russia’s suspected election interference allegedly designed to bolster Donald Trump as questions continue to mount about the president-elect’s expected decision to nominate a secretary of state candidate with close ties to Russia.

Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) — the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee — joined calls by incoming Senate Democratic leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and Armed Services ranking Democrat Jack Reed (R.I.) for a thorough, bipartisan investigation of Russian influence in the U.S. elections. Their statement came two days after The Washington Post reported the CIA’s private conclusion that Russia’s activities were intended to tip the scales to help Trump.

“Recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American,” the four senators said in a statement on Sunday morning. “Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyberattacks.”

McCain is pissed that Trump did what he could not do. Lindsey Graham is his bitch.

There will not be a probe.


And you don't want one, because you're a traitor to your country.

Suck my rod you stupid lily pad.

You missed a word "Suck my PHLASSID ROD(COCK)

You mad commie pinko democrat bro?

Thanks Russia!

Why don't you and Contu go to Russia and show them how to do a 69' an UNPATRIOTIC STYLEE,you two have become my Bitches,Russian Men like Bitches
Last edited:
GOP Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and James Lankford (OK) all want Congress to launch a bi-partisan investigation into Russia's involvement in the 2016 election.

Key GOP senators join call for bipartisan Russia election probe, even as their leaders remain mum


Two Senate Republicans joined demands for a bipartisan probe into Russia’s suspected election interference allegedly designed to bolster Donald Trump as questions continue to mount about the president-elect’s expected decision to nominate a secretary of state candidate with close ties to Russia.

Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) — the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee — joined calls by incoming Senate Democratic leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and Armed Services ranking Democrat Jack Reed (R.I.) for a thorough, bipartisan investigation of Russian influence in the U.S. elections. Their statement came two days after The Washington Post reported the CIA’s private conclusion that Russia’s activities were intended to tip the scales to help Trump.

“Recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American,” the four senators said in a statement on Sunday morning. “Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyberattacks.”

McCain is pissed that Trump did what he could not do. Lindsey Graham is his bitch.

There will not be a probe.


And you don't want one, because you're a traitor to your country.

Suck my rod you stupid lily pad.


Nope I am a patriot you are a fruit cake liberal who thinks men should be allowed in little girls bath rooms.

You think its ok for politicians to be like hillary a corrupt lying evil snobbish witch.

You think judges should rule by their "feelings" instead of the constintution of the United States..

No you are the one who is a traitor and turns a blind eye to criminals breaking our laws.


Not only are you thick and a simpleton......You are not a patriot but a TRAITOR........and would have been Burnt at the Stake in a different Epoch....Go Fcuk off to Russia you Big Mouth low IQ Moron........America is for Americans which you are not

Why would I go to Russia?

Russia saved the United States of America from you Commie liberal democrat scum bags..

Thank you Russia!


You need to go to Russia because you are a traitorous piece of shit, Repug goober.

No thats what you are trying to turn america into scum bag


So that's why a mentally ill traitor like you supports a murderer like Putin over your own country.

Go fuck yourself, Repug goober bitch.
GOP Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and James Lankford (OK) all want Congress to launch a bi-partisan investigation into Russia's involvement in the 2016 election.

Key GOP senators join call for bipartisan Russia election probe, even as their leaders remain mum


Two Senate Republicans joined demands for a bipartisan probe into Russia’s suspected election interference allegedly designed to bolster Donald Trump as questions continue to mount about the president-elect’s expected decision to nominate a secretary of state candidate with close ties to Russia.

Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) — the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee — joined calls by incoming Senate Democratic leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and Armed Services ranking Democrat Jack Reed (R.I.) for a thorough, bipartisan investigation of Russian influence in the U.S. elections. Their statement came two days after The Washington Post reported the CIA’s private conclusion that Russia’s activities were intended to tip the scales to help Trump.

“Recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American,” the four senators said in a statement on Sunday morning. “Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyberattacks.”

McCain is pissed that Trump did what he could not do. Lindsey Graham is his bitch.

There will not be a probe.


And you don't want one, because you're a traitor to your country.

Suck my rod you stupid lily pad.


Fuck you, Repug traitor bitch.
Nope I am a patriot you are a fruit cake liberal who thinks men should be allowed in little girls bath rooms.

You think its ok for politicians to be like hillary a corrupt lying evil snobbish witch.

You think judges should rule by their "feelings" instead of the constintution of the United States..

No you are the one who is a traitor and turns a blind eye to criminals breaking our laws.


Not only are you thick and a simpleton......You are not a patriot but a TRAITOR........and would have been Burnt at the Stake in a different Epoch....Go Fcuk off to Russia you Big Mouth low IQ Moron........America is for Americans which you are not

Why would I go to Russia?

Russia saved the United States of America from you Commie liberal democrat scum bags..

Thank you Russia!


You need to go to Russia because you are a traitorous piece of shit, Repug goober.

No thats what you are trying to turn america into scum bag


So that's why a mentally ill traitor like you supports a murderer like Putin over your own country.

Go fuck yourself, Repug goober bitch.
You libstain losers are funny!
GOP Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and James Lankford (OK) all want Congress to launch a bi-partisan investigation into Russia's involvement in the 2016 election.

Key GOP senators join call for bipartisan Russia election probe, even as their leaders remain mum


Two Senate Republicans joined demands for a bipartisan probe into Russia’s suspected election interference allegedly designed to bolster Donald Trump as questions continue to mount about the president-elect’s expected decision to nominate a secretary of state candidate with close ties to Russia.

Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) — the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee — joined calls by incoming Senate Democratic leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and Armed Services ranking Democrat Jack Reed (R.I.) for a thorough, bipartisan investigation of Russian influence in the U.S. elections. Their statement came two days after The Washington Post reported the CIA’s private conclusion that Russia’s activities were intended to tip the scales to help Trump.

“Recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American,” the four senators said in a statement on Sunday morning. “Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyberattacks.”

McCain is pissed that Trump did what he could not do. Lindsey Graham is his bitch.

There will not be a probe.


And you don't want one, because you're a traitor to your country.

Suck my rod you stupid lily pad.

You missed a word "Suck my PHLASSID ROD(COCK)" You are my Bitch Now.....You are as Bent as a Corkscrew

Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting

You know a lot about cocks but nothing about domestic politics.

Go listen to KDBN the Democrat Butthurt Network



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