Keystone WILL purchase American Steel!

Keystone will use ...ONLY...U.S. made steel. Hypocrite lefties hated oil tankers that were prone to the violence of the sea but wait, they hate pipelines too. You almost gotta laugh that hypocrite urban lefties hate fossil fuels but they also hate their landlords when their apartments get cold. They hate gas guzzling SUV's but they love the convenience of taxi cabs that spend the day idling and waiting for a fare.

Keystone is a net job loss when all is said and done.

We don't need Canadas shit tar oil. Ever wonder why it's not refined in their country?
Because it's too far from shipping lanes. And why would we not want our workers being paid to refine their oil? How is that a bad thing.

Well there's the super pollution! Ever notice our refineries are in dumb hillbilly states that don't care about their people getting cancer ?
Keystone will use ...ONLY...U.S. made steel. Hypocrite lefties hated oil tankers that were prone to the violence of the sea but wait, they hate pipelines too. You almost gotta laugh that hypocrite urban lefties hate fossil fuels but they also hate their landlords when their apartments get cold. They hate gas guzzling SUV's but they love the convenience of taxi cabs that spend the day idling and waiting for a fare.

Keystone is a net job loss when all is said and done.

We don't need Canadas shit tar oil. Ever wonder why it's not refined in their country?
Because it's too far from shipping lanes. And why would we not want our workers being paid to refine their oil? How is that a bad thing.

Well there's the super pollution! Ever notice our refineries are in dumb hillbilly states that don't care about their people getting cancer ?
FFS dude. You're an idiot.
All these snowflakes PISSED over Americans getting back to work is fucking hilarious and kind of sickening at the same time.
Hypocrite lefties hated oil tankers that were prone to the violence of the sea but wait, they hate pipelines too.
Yeah, when the sole purpose of the pipeline is to put oil products, that would otherwise be sold domestically, on tankers prone to the violence of the sea. So the pipeline not only does NOT decrease oil tankers prone to the violence of the sea, it INCREASES them!!!
Get it???
Keystone pipeline won't use US steel despite Trump pledge
Published March 03, 2017
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The Keystone XL oil pipeline won't use American steel in its construction, despite what President Donald Trump says.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Friday that's due to language in a presidential directive Trump issued in January.

"The way that executive order is written, it’s specific to new pipelines or those that are being repaired, Sanders said. "And since this one is already currently under construction, the steel is already literally sitting there, it would be hard to go back. But I know that everything moving forward would fall under that executive order."

The directive applies to new pipelines or those under repair. Sanders said it would be hard to do an about-face on Keystone because it's already under construction and the steel has been acquired.

Trump said as recently as last week that Keystone and the Dakota Access pipeline must use American steel "or we're not building one."

Trump used his executive powers shortly after taking office to greenlight the two pipeline projects that had been blocked by President Barack Obama.

The Keystone pipeline would run from Canada to refineries in the Gulf Coast. The Dakota Access line would move North Dakota oil to Illinois, and that project is nearly complete.

The Associated Press contributed to this report

Keystone pipeline won't use US steel despite Trump pledge
But but but the pussy grabber's own private media source says differently.
Keystone pipeline won't use US steel despite Trump pledge
Published March 03, 2017
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The Keystone XL oil pipeline won't use American steel in its construction, despite what President Donald Trump says.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Friday that's due to language in a presidential directive Trump issued in January.

"The way that executive order is written, it’s specific to new pipelines or those that are being repaired, Sanders said. "And since this one is already currently under construction, the steel is already literally sitting there, it would be hard to go back. But I know that everything moving forward would fall under that executive order."

The directive applies to new pipelines or those under repair. Sanders said it would be hard to do an about-face on Keystone because it's already under construction and the steel has been acquired.

Trump said as recently as last week that Keystone and the Dakota Access pipeline must use American steel "or we're not building one."

Trump used his executive powers shortly after taking office to greenlight the two pipeline projects that had been blocked by President Barack Obama.

The Keystone pipeline would run from Canada to refineries in the Gulf Coast. The Dakota Access line would move North Dakota oil to Illinois, and that project is nearly complete.

The Associated Press contributed to this report

Keystone pipeline won't use US steel despite Trump pledge
But but but the pussy grabber's own private media source says differently.
Thought that was breitbart? Can't you lying snowflakes keep your shit on the same page? Oh and that was TWENTY FIVE days....hard to count? That was LITERALLY almost 4 weeks ago.
Keystone will use ...ONLY...U.S. made steel. Hypocrite lefties hated oil tankers that were prone to the violence of the sea but wait, they hate pipelines too. You almost gotta laugh that hypocrite urban lefties hate fossil fuels but they also hate their landlords when their apartments get cold. They hate gas guzzling SUV's but they love the convenience of taxi cabs that spend the day idling and waiting for a fare.

Fake news snowflake.
Nope. Its not snowflake. You are relying on news from almost a month ago.

If you're talking to me the article I posted was from yesterday.
Canada's going to make a lot of money from that pipeline
So will we so who cares.
Careful, it almost sounds like you're supporting globalism.
I support fair trade. I support business deals and contracts. I don't support being tied to a globalist system of what we have to, or can't do. Make a private deal with the Canadians to refine their oil. Who cares?
Add to our climate crisis.. who cares, right?
Is a "us steel only" restriction even possible ? How could you enforce it?
Canada's going to make a lot of money from that pipeline
So will we so who cares.
Careful, it almost sounds like you're supporting globalism.
I support fair trade. I support business deals and contracts. I don't support being tied to a globalist system of what we have to, or can't do. Make a private deal with the Canadians to refine their oil. Who cares?
Add to our climate crisis.. who cares, right?
We don't have a climate crisis you dork. YOU have a metal crisis and I'm not so sure we shouldn't bring back mental institutions to address it.
Is a "us steel only" restriction even possible ? How could you enforce it?
By checking who their pipe contracts are with. Are you sure about wanting so much government to run your life you are willing to hand every aspect of it to them yet you aren't even confident they can make sure where a fucking pipe is built? The same government you want to run your healthcare you don't trust to see where a 20' section of pipe comes from.
Is a "us steel only" restriction even possible ? How could you enforce it?

Mister Orange Potato Head trips over his own massive ego yet again. Rump said as recently as last week that Keystone and the Dakota Access pipeline must use American steel “or we’re not building one.”

What he conveniently forgets is "we" don't build pipelines --- big (and private) infrastructure companies do that. Just as in the old canard "we" need to drill for oil off the continental shelf --- again "we" don't drill for oil; oil companies do that. These are private investments undertaken by corporations, not by governments.

Moreover the company building Keystone is a Canadian company anyway (TransCanada).

And more moreover, if he wanted to throw his considerable weight around, he whiffed on an opportunity go get something back considering how he bellows about renegotiating NAFTA. For whatever it's worth, there goes that card too.

The Fart of the Deal.
For a pipeline that sends Canadian crude to Asia that nobody wants to use because oil prices tanked?

Hee hee "oil prices tanked" I kill me.

Oh well, this could be the one and only time I get to use this otherwise pointless emoticon → :gs:

For a pipeline that sends Canadian crude to Asia that nobody wants to use because oil prices tanked?

Just for fun, spell out the route the oil would take from the Gulf Coast to Asia. Thanks!

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