KGB manual revealed


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2016
A copy of the 1989 KGB training manual has been revealed, and is apparently still secret and being used in Russia today.

Part of it deals with recruiting spies, in particular foreigners.

Perhaps more importantly, it also deals with disseminating false information for various reasons, including causing chaos and having people rethink their ideology and personal beliefs.

Although at the time this manual was written the internet did not exist in its current form, it is clear that the ideas in the book are being applied today in the form of fake news.

The initials for the KGB directorate for inside the Soviet Union "Territorial Intelligence", are RT in Russian, same as the propaganda station. Probably a coincidence, but interesting.

Revealed: The Secret KGB Manual for Recruiting Spies
A copy of the 1989 KGB training manual has been revealed, and is apparently still secret and being used in Russia today.

Part of it deals with recruiting spies, in particular foreigners.

Perhaps more importantly, it also deals with disseminating false information for various reasons, including causing chaos and having people rethink their ideology and personal beliefs.

Although at the time this manual was written the internet did not exist in its current form, it is clear that the ideas in the book are being applied today in the form of fake news.

The initials for the KGB directorate for inside the Soviet Union "Territorial Intelligence", are RT in Russian, same as the propaganda station. Probably a coincidence, but interesting.

Revealed: The Secret KGB Manual for Recruiting Spies
The old Soviet propaganda machine was a joke, rigid instructions on how to disseminate false info and rigid instructions on how to put forth pro-Soviet propaganda. It was so obvious as to be laughable then along came a spider............ Putin changed everything.

What the Soviets were really good at was sexually compromising westerners in powerful positions thus blackmailing them to work for the Soviets.

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