Kid gets thrown in North Korean Jail for 15 years

His issue is getting busted --- not making the visit.

See the guy in my video link? He left 'em smiling and blowing him kisses. I'm still waiting for someone to explain how it's a bad idea simply to GO there ----- as if they think certain kind of travel (or perhaps ALL travel) should be banned. I mean --- that's scary, in a North Korea kind of way. If you get my drift.

Because things like getting 15 years of hard labor for stealing a poster can happen to you. You didn't get that in the discussion?

OH, I see. These things just "happen". No personal responsibility or no self-control?

Yeah if that's the case one should stay in one's bubble and never go anywhere. Things .... "happen".

You convinced me. Feel free to go to North Korea

Actually, I already do. I'd go anywhere to experience it, and I have wherever possible.

My original question was for anyone to explain why it's "wrong" to simply go somewhere. That's just bizarro.

Who said it was "wrong?" I didn't see that.

I was collectively paraphrasing. To wit:

why would any adult go to 'n.korea' in the first place ??

Any American who goes to the DPRK is bonafide nuts.

why the (F) would one travel to North Korea

Why the hell was he in North Korea? So many other places to visit around the world. Yet he chooses North Korea? Not a very wise decision.

Plus, when I inquired "why" to this, at least two of these wags ranked it "funny" -- rather than attempt to address the question, which would require actual thought, probably for the first time.

I thought my way was shorter than quoting all that.
Actually, I already do. I'd go anywhere to experience it, and I have wherever possible.

My original question was for anyone to explain why it's "wrong" to simply go somewhere. That's just bizarro.

People can go where they want, provided the country allows them in. Once you decide to go, you must be willing to take whatever risk is involved. Some countries are dangerous and you are taking a chance by entering. If you are a Christian, you are stupid to go to Syria. If you cannot quell your freedom of speech, then North Korea or other commie hellholes are not a wise choice.

We have freedoms and the right to exercise them here. It's not that way in some places. Of course, our freedoms here are under assault. We have a right to speak, but the DOJ is talking about civil suits for openly questioning the global warming science. We have a right to expression, but have been advised not to draw cartoons of Allah because we might end up dead and insult some radical people. We have a right to bear arms and those who do are always a target of the left. We have a right to religion, but Christians are expected to ignore that when they open a business. Not so with Muslims who refuse to bake for gay weddings.

Funny how so many on the left are okay with certain freedoms being stifled when it goes along with their agenda. I don't understand the reluctance of lefties to criticize radicals. Never hear anything bad about Muslims or tyrants, but you guys unload on Christians like it's a sport.

It is stupid to go to N. Korea and many other places unless you're willing to conform. The left insists that it's stupid to insult Muslims or try to avoid catering gay weddings and they are all about forcing people to conform to their beliefs. Maybe that is why the left has no problem with dictators, like Bowl Cut, because they like his style.
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yep , I never said that it was wong , err WRONG I just think that its stupid to go to 'n. korea' or iran and lots more places .

Yeah I know. You like to live in a bubble and never go anywhere.
The results of that are, shall we say, predictable.

False dilemma fallacy

You ah, might wanna look these terms up before you post 'em. A False Dilemma is an either/or. Does not apply.
Actually, I already do. I'd go anywhere to experience it, and I have wherever possible.

My original question was for anyone to explain why it's "wrong" to simply go somewhere. That's just bizarro.

People can go where they want, provided the country allows them in. Once you decide to go, you must be willing to take whatever risk is involved. Some countries are dangerous and you are taking a chance by entering. If you are a Christian, you are stupid to go to Syria. If you cannot quell your freedom of speech, then North Korea or other commie hellholes are not a wise choice.

We have freedoms and the right to exercise them here. It's not that way in some places. Of course, our freedoms here are under assault. We have a right to speak, but the DOJ is talking about civil suits for openly questioning the global warming science. We have a right to expression, but have been advised not to draw cartoons of Allah because we might end up dead and insult some radical people. We have a right to bear arms and those who do are always a target of the left. We have a right to religion, but Christians are expected to ignore that when they open a business. Not so with Muslims who refuse to bake for gay weddings.

Funny how so many on the left are okay with certain freedoms being stifled when it goes along with their agenda.

I didn't bring up ANY of that. I simply asked why it's "stupid", "insane" (etc etc etc) simply to GO to North Korea.

I never did get an answer.
Who said it was "wrong?" I didn't see that.

I was collectively paraphrasing. To wit:

You don't quote paraphrases. It cracks me up every time you say you used to edit writing. My God you are unqualified for that. You don't even have basic writing skills

why would any adult go to 'n.korea' in the first place ??

Any American who goes to the DPRK is bonafide nuts.

why the (F) would one travel to North Korea

Why the hell was he in North Korea? So many other places to visit around the world. Yet he chooses North Korea? Not a very wise decision.

Plus, when I inquired "why" to this, at least two of these wags ranked it "funny" -- rather than attempt to address the question, which would require actual thought, probably for the first time.

I thought my way was shorter than quoting all that.

And you can't paraphrase either. Wrong means he did something that was unjust or dishonest. All of those quotes just said it was unwise and risky, but none of them said what you said
Actually, I already do. I'd go anywhere to experience it, and I have wherever possible.

My original question was for anyone to explain why it's "wrong" to simply go somewhere. That's just bizarro.

People can go where they want, provided the country allows them in. Once you decide to go, you must be willing to take whatever risk is involved. Some countries are dangerous and you are taking a chance by entering. If you are a Christian, you are stupid to go to Syria. If you cannot quell your freedom of speech, then North Korea or other commie hellholes are not a wise choice.

We have freedoms and the right to exercise them here. It's not that way in some places. Of course, our freedoms here are under assault. We have a right to speak, but the DOJ is talking about civil suits for openly questioning the global warming science. We have a right to expression, but have been advised not to draw cartoons of Allah because we might end up dead and insult some radical people. We have a right to bear arms and those who do are always a target of the left. We have a right to religion, but Christians are expected to ignore that when they open a business. Not so with Muslims who refuse to bake for gay weddings.

Funny how so many on the left are okay with certain freedoms being stifled when it goes along with their agenda.

I didn't bring up ANY of that. I simply asked why it's "stupid", "insane" (etc etc etc) simply to GO to North Korea.

I never did get an answer.

Now see, you figured out how to quote, at least this time, people actually said those words. Well done.

As to your question as to why it's "stupid" to go to a country that gave him 15 years hard labor for stealing a poster, the question answers itself ...
Actually, I already do. I'd go anywhere to experience it, and I have wherever possible.

My original question was for anyone to explain why it's "wrong" to simply go somewhere. That's just bizarro.

People can go where they want, provided the country allows them in. Once you decide to go, you must be willing to take whatever risk is involved. Some countries are dangerous and you are taking a chance by entering. If you are a Christian, you are stupid to go to Syria. If you cannot quell your freedom of speech, then North Korea or other commie hellholes are not a wise choice.

We have freedoms and the right to exercise them here. It's not that way in some places. Of course, our freedoms here are under assault. We have a right to speak, but the DOJ is talking about civil suits for openly questioning the global warming science. We have a right to expression, but have been advised not to draw cartoons of Allah because we might end up dead and insult some radical people. We have a right to bear arms and those who do are always a target of the left. We have a right to religion, but Christians are expected to ignore that when they open a business. Not so with Muslims who refuse to bake for gay weddings.

Funny how so many on the left are okay with certain freedoms being stifled when it goes along with their agenda. I don't understand the reluctance of lefties to criticize radicals. Never hear anything bad about Muslims or tyrants, but you guys unload on Christians like it's a sport.

And by the way about that sigline image:

It's important to note that there is no indicator that these buttons were actually made and distributed by the actual Clinton-Gore campaign.

One indicator that it isn't official is that it lacks a union "bug," the little marker showing that a piece of campaign material was printed in a union shop. If you look at other Clinton-Gore buttons, nearly all — but not all — have a bug somewhere.


In the 1980s and 1990s, buttons played part of the role that Etsy, Zazzle and Cafepress play now. Buttonmakers were never hard to come by, and anyone who wanted to could make his or her own, offering whatever sentiment they wanted to. So just because these buttons exist doesn't mean they were sanctioned or approved by the campaign.

According to a longtime aide to former President Bill Clinton, the button was not an official campaign item.

"I've never seen these buttons," Craig Smith [said]. "Don't have them, haven't seen them."

Smith oversaw state operations for Mr. Clinton's campaign in 1992, before moving on to work in the Clinton White House. Among his responsibilities on the trail was allocating staff to states and sending out campaign materials, like house party kits, t-shirts, yard signs and buttons, nationwide. Every item, he said, had to be made in the United States by union workers.

"If it didn't have a union bug, we weren't making them," he said, "and we definitely weren't handing them out."

The button in question, and others featuring similar designs for sale or sold on eBay, does not show any indication of being union-made.

Smith said he thought the buttons were likely made by someone unaffiliated with the campaign looking to make a buck. He said if it had been pitched to him, it wouldn't have gotten past his desk. --- Snopes

Thought you'd like to know. That is, if you're at all interested in factual history.

I could be assuming too much though.
Actually, I already do. I'd go anywhere to experience it, and I have wherever possible.

My original question was for anyone to explain why it's "wrong" to simply go somewhere. That's just bizarro.

People can go where they want, provided the country allows them in. Once you decide to go, you must be willing to take whatever risk is involved. Some countries are dangerous and you are taking a chance by entering. If you are a Christian, you are stupid to go to Syria. If you cannot quell your freedom of speech, then North Korea or other commie hellholes are not a wise choice.

We have freedoms and the right to exercise them here. It's not that way in some places. Of course, our freedoms here are under assault. We have a right to speak, but the DOJ is talking about civil suits for openly questioning the global warming science. We have a right to expression, but have been advised not to draw cartoons of Allah because we might end up dead and insult some radical people. We have a right to bear arms and those who do are always a target of the left. We have a right to religion, but Christians are expected to ignore that when they open a business. Not so with Muslims who refuse to bake for gay weddings.

Funny how so many on the left are okay with certain freedoms being stifled when it goes along with their agenda.

I didn't bring up ANY of that. I simply asked why it's "stupid", "insane" (etc etc etc) simply to GO to North Korea.

I never did get an answer.

Now see, you figured out how to quote, at least this time, people actually said those words. Well done.

As to your question as to why it's "stupid" to go to a country that gave him 15 years hard labor for stealing a poster, the question answers itself ...

Ah, so you're saying "going to North Korea" is the same thing as "getting 15 years hard labor".

False Dilemma fallacy.

I run rings around you logically.
Actually, I already do. I'd go anywhere to experience it, and I have wherever possible.

My original question was for anyone to explain why it's "wrong" to simply go somewhere. That's just bizarro.

People can go where they want, provided the country allows them in. Once you decide to go, you must be willing to take whatever risk is involved. Some countries are dangerous and you are taking a chance by entering. If you are a Christian, you are stupid to go to Syria. If you cannot quell your freedom of speech, then North Korea or other commie hellholes are not a wise choice.

We have freedoms and the right to exercise them here. It's not that way in some places. Of course, our freedoms here are under assault. We have a right to speak, but the DOJ is talking about civil suits for openly questioning the global warming science. We have a right to expression, but have been advised not to draw cartoons of Allah because we might end up dead and insult some radical people. We have a right to bear arms and those who do are always a target of the left. We have a right to religion, but Christians are expected to ignore that when they open a business. Not so with Muslims who refuse to bake for gay weddings.

Funny how so many on the left are okay with certain freedoms being stifled when it goes along with their agenda.

I didn't bring up ANY of that. I simply asked why it's "stupid", "insane" (etc etc etc) simply to GO to North Korea.

I never did get an answer.

Now see, you figured out how to quote, at least this time, people actually said those words. Well done.

As to your question as to why it's "stupid" to go to a country that gave him 15 years hard labor for stealing a poster, the question answers itself ...

Ah, so you're saying "going to North Korea" is the same thing as "getting 15 years hard labor".

False Dilemma fallacy.

I run rings around you logically.

Strawman, my point was on risk and exposure, you unable to process information, took it as an absolute
Wrong means he did something that was unjust or dishonest.

Nnnnnnno, Sparky. That's not the only thing wrong means.

The other definitions don't say what you said either

You don't quote paraphrases

No shit. I didn't claim to.

Take some reading comprehension classes. Soon.

You realize dumb ass the conversation is right above this in the thread, no? Here you go

pogo said:
My original question was for anyone to explain why it's "wrong" to simply go somewhere.

pogo said:
I was collectively paraphrasing

STILL never got an answer.

Nor do I expect one. Because that would require thought.
I read this story and was surprised at the lack of sympathy for this kid. Apparently he took a flag and he is getting 15 years for it. Really? Most of the comments we he should have obeyed the laws of other countries. I get that. The laws of any country should be followed since it kind of keeps us from descending into anarchy but what if the laws themselves were just plain unfair to begin with? It is just a symptom of a much wider problem in American society where we are becoming more and more accepting of authoritarianism. The military teaches that following orders is the highest virtue. They do that because they need obedient soldiers who will run straight into enemy gunfire on command. In the military this is useful since it is the military but outside of the military this is something really dehumanizing. Who really says that any human being can tell another human being what to do beyond what they would tolerate. I put up with my boss telling me what to do because I get paid to do a job. Obeying my boss for the sake of obedience itself is horseshit. The same goes for government. We have certain limits of how far someone else can treat us.

I've notice that penalties for minor non-violent crimes have increased in the last 20 years. Has anyone seen how outrageous the fines for minor traffic tickets have became? One day we might sentence some kid for fifteen years just because they littered somewhere and everyone will say 'that is the law'. It is going to be a sad day in America when that happens but it will happen because people have adapted the mindset that they are subservient to authority and whatever freedom they have they have because they gave it to them. Long live the people republic of America.

Nothing 'accepting' about it- I love to travel- and I think I would be nuts to go to North Korea.

North Korea does shit like this- it has happened repeatedly. It usually takes a trip from a former President like Bush or Carter to get the guy released.

I am sorry for this kid- but he made a really bad choice to go to a country that is the most repressive country in the world- I hope that someone can get him released but the lesson to be learned here is- DON'T GO to North Korea!
KID , what is he , 18 to 21 years old , he isn't a kid , he is an adult . Also not a very smart adult , why would any adult go to 'n.korea' in the first place ?? And then to top it off this dummie does a petty crime . Yep, the guy isn't very smart . ------------------------------------ of course I agree with your second paragraph where you talk about the USA but the USA ain't 'n. korea' !!

I guess he isn't a kid per say but relatively speaking he is and even at that age their might be some kind of immaturity in someone. There are older people with kids who might act like that as well but honestly, I can just see myself at that age and thinking that it might be "cool" to do such a thing. I don't know if he deserved 15 years for what he did.

Of course he doesn't 'deserve' to be jailed at all

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