Kid gets thrown in North Korean Jail for 15 years

He deserves the 15 years because he is in someone else's country where they make the rules. This is like the kid who was caned for graffiti in Singapore, or the couple arrested in Dubai for kissing. You go to someone else's country you best not make yourself at home.

I totally agree with the fact that other people's laws should be followed but that doesn't mean I have to agree with them.
I read this story and was surprised at the lack of sympathy for this kid. Apparently he took a flag and he is getting 15 years for it. Really? Most of the comments we he should have obeyed the laws of other countries. I get that. The laws of any country should be followed since it kind of keeps us from descending into anarchy but what if the laws themselves were just plain unfair to begin with? It is just a symptom of a much wider problem in American society where we are becoming more and more accepting of authoritarianism. The military teaches that following orders is the highest virtue. They do that because they need obedient soldiers who will run straight into enemy gunfire on command. In the military this is useful since it is the military but outside of the military this is something really dehumanizing. Who really says that any human being can tell another human being what to do beyond what they would tolerate. I put up with my boss telling me what to do because I get paid to do a job. Obeying my boss for the sake of obedience itself is horseshit. The same goes for government. We have certain limits of how far someone else can treat us.

I've notice that penalties for minor non-violent crimes have increased in the last 20 years. Has anyone seen how outrageous the fines for minor traffic tickets have became? One day we might sentence some kid for fifteen years just because they littered somewhere and everyone will say 'that is the law'. It is going to be a sad day in America when that happens but it will happen because people have adapted the mindset that they are subservient to authority and whatever freedom they have they have because they gave it to them. Long live the people republic of America.

one has to wonder if he will feel differently about communism

if he survives 15 years of hard labor


We are kind of making an assumption that he likes communism. I don't think the article said anything like that.

why the (F) would one travel to North Korea


Guess he should have found a better travel agent
I read this story and was surprised at the lack of sympathy for this kid. Apparently he took a flag and he is getting 15 years for it. Really? Most of the comments we he should have obeyed the laws of other countries. I get that. The laws of any country should be followed since it kind of keeps us from descending into anarchy but what if the laws themselves were just plain unfair to begin with? It is just a symptom of a much wider problem in American society where we are becoming more and more accepting of authoritarianism. The military teaches that following orders is the highest virtue. They do that because they need obedient soldiers who will run straight into enemy gunfire on command. In the military this is useful since it is the military but outside of the military this is something really dehumanizing. Who really says that any human being can tell another human being what to do beyond what they would tolerate. I put up with my boss telling me what to do because I get paid to do a job. Obeying my boss for the sake of obedience itself is horseshit. The same goes for government. We have certain limits of how far someone else can treat us.

I've notice that penalties for minor non-violent crimes have increased in the last 20 years. Has anyone seen how outrageous the fines for minor traffic tickets have became? One day we might sentence some kid for fifteen years just because they littered somewhere and everyone will say 'that is the law'. It is going to be a sad day in America when that happens but it will happen because people have adapted the mindset that they are subservient to authority and whatever freedom they have they have because they gave it to them. Long live the people republic of America.

one has to wonder if he will feel differently about communism

if he survives 15 years of hard labor


We are kind of making an assumption that he likes communism. I don't think the article said anything like that.

why the (F) would one travel to North Korea


Guess he should have found a better travel agent

I would definitely think that his travel agent will be getting fired soon.
He deserves the 15 years because he is in someone else's country where they make the rules. This is like the kid who was caned for graffiti in Singapore, or the couple arrested in Dubai for kissing. You go to someone else's country you best not make yourself at home.

I totally agree with the fact that other people's laws should be followed but that doesn't mean I have to agree with them.
No one cares if you agree with them. Don’t go there.
No, he doesn't deserve 15 years of hard labor. And no, the people don't deserve to live in a tyrannical brainwashed cult of personality with the state controlling everything. But that's the reality of the matter. You couldn't pay me enough to step foot on their soil.
Agreed that what he did was stupid but have some compassion. The kid (yes, he is a kid and kids do stupid things) could conceivably spends 15 years in some hellhole for basically what amounted to a prank.

He's lucky. I beliwve anyone who messes with the Stars and Stripes should be shot. North Korea could have that policy instead.
Why the hell was he in North Korea? So many other places to visit around the world. Yet he chooses North Korea? Not a very wise decision.

Once again --- why not?

What the fuck is this allure of living in the dark? Why would anyone EVER prefer to remain uninformed?
I don't get that.
another thing that annoys me is that it is my ASSUMPTION that many of the pastors or visitors to iran and other hellholes are 'dual citizens' to the hell hole that they escaped and the USA . Just annoys me as I hate the concept of DUAL citizens and when I hear a Dualie describe himself as an American , well , he is FOS in my opinion !!

If your ass-umptions annoy you --- don''t make them.

One of them being the last line, as if everybody is supposed to pick exclusive citzenship "sides" and hunker down as if they're in some kind of "war".
---------------------------------------- divided loyalties Pogo and I don't like divided loyalties . Dummies keep traveling , well they might end up in 'ervin' prison in iran , ok with me Pogo !!

"Loyalties" my ass. Life is not a freaking war. Grow up.
Travel is illuminating. To hole up in one place and refuse to see any other is to deliberately choose to remain ignorant.
another thing that annoys me is that it is my ASSUMPTION that many of the pastors or visitors to iran and other hellholes are 'dual citizens' to the hell hole that they escaped and the USA . Just annoys me as I hate the concept of DUAL citizens and when I hear a Dualie describe himself as an American , well , he is FOS in my opinion !!

If your ass-umptions annoy you --- don''t make them.

One of them being the last line, as if everybody is supposed to pick exclusive citzenship "sides" and hunker down as if they're in some kind of "war".
---------------------------------------- divided loyalties Pogo and I don't like divided loyalties . Dummies keep traveling , well they might end up in 'ervin' prison in iran , ok with me Pogo !!

"Loyalties" my ass. Life is not a freaking war. Grow up.
Travel is illuminating. To hole up in one place and refuse to see any other is to deliberately choose to remain ignorant.

I guess he isn't ignorant of north korea anymore. The funny think is is that a whole bunch of people could have told him how bad it was without the need for him to visit there.
Why the hell was he in North Korea? So many other places to visit around the world. Yet he chooses North Korea? Not a very wise decision. Big lesson learned here is, always know and respect the laws and customs of the foreign nations you visit. That being said, i'm sure a deal wil be worked out. He won't do the 15yrs.
No, what wasn’t a wise decision was the decision to commit a crime.
Two years after leaving office, former President obama will go to NK, sit for a photo with his knees squeezed together while kim jong inbred grabs his crotch and mugs for the camera. obama will give one of his "sorry for America" speeches, and the loony NK regime will let the idiot college kid go; milking it for propaganda for years to follow.
Agreed that what he did was stupid but have some compassion. The kid (yes, he is a kid and kids do stupid things) could conceivably spends 15 years in some hellhole for basically what amounted to a prank.

How is saying he did a stupid thing going there in the first place and then doing a "prank" a lack of compassion exactly? I don't see anyone saying it's a good thing or he deserved the punishment
another thing that annoys me is that it is my ASSUMPTION that many of the pastors or visitors to iran and other hellholes are 'dual citizens' to the hell hole that they escaped and the USA . Just annoys me as I hate the concept of DUAL citizens and when I hear a Dualie describe himself as an American , well , he is FOS in my opinion !!

If your ass-umptions annoy you --- don''t make them.

One of them being the last line, as if everybody is supposed to pick exclusive citzenship "sides" and hunker down as if they're in some kind of "war".
---------------------------------------- divided loyalties Pogo and I don't like divided loyalties . Dummies keep traveling , well they might end up in 'ervin' prison in iran , ok with me Pogo !!

"Loyalties" my ass. Life is not a freaking war. Grow up.
Travel is illuminating. To hole up in one place and refuse to see any other is to deliberately choose to remain ignorant.

I guess he isn't ignorant of north korea anymore. The funny think is is that a whole bunch of people could have told him how bad it was without the need for him to visit there.

His issue is getting busted --- not making the visit.

See the guy in my video link? He left 'em smiling and blowing him kisses. I'm still waiting for someone to explain how it's a bad idea simply to GO there ----- as if they think certain kind of travel (or perhaps ALL travel) should be banned. I mean --- that's scary, in a North Korea kind of way. If you get my drift.
Agreed that what he did was stupid but have some compassion. The kid (yes, he is a kid and kids do stupid things) could conceivably spends 15 years in some hellhole for basically what amounted to a prank.

He's lucky. I beliwve anyone who messes with the Stars and Stripes should be shot. North Korea could have that policy instead.

Ah yes, capital punishment for violating your fetish. Thank you for being symbol-mindedly insignificant.
another thing that annoys me is that it is my ASSUMPTION that many of the pastors or visitors to iran and other hellholes are 'dual citizens' to the hell hole that they escaped and the USA . Just annoys me as I hate the concept of DUAL citizens and when I hear a Dualie describe himself as an American , well , he is FOS in my opinion !!

If your ass-umptions annoy you --- don''t make them.

One of them being the last line, as if everybody is supposed to pick exclusive citzenship "sides" and hunker down as if they're in some kind of "war".
---------------------------------------- divided loyalties Pogo and I don't like divided loyalties . Dummies keep traveling , well they might end up in 'ervin' prison in iran , ok with me Pogo !!

"Loyalties" my ass. Life is not a freaking war. Grow up.
Travel is illuminating. To hole up in one place and refuse to see any other is to deliberately choose to remain ignorant.

I guess he isn't ignorant of north korea anymore. The funny think is is that a whole bunch of people could have told him how bad it was without the need for him to visit there.

His issue is getting busted --- not making the visit.

See the guy in my video link? He left 'em smiling and blowing him kisses. I'm still waiting for someone to explain how it's a bad idea simply to GO there ----- as if they think certain kind of travel (or perhaps ALL travel) should be banned. I mean --- that's scary, in a North Korea kind of way. If you get my drift.

Because things like getting 15 years of hard labor for stealing a poster can happen to you. You didn't get that in the discussion?

And seriously, that we think people are stupid for going there in the first place to you is inseparable from wanting to ban travel there, which no one proposed? The idea of choice, even making dumb ones, just isn't part of your world, is it?
another thing that annoys me is that it is my ASSUMPTION that many of the pastors or visitors to iran and other hellholes are 'dual citizens' to the hell hole that they escaped and the USA . Just annoys me as I hate the concept of DUAL citizens and when I hear a Dualie describe himself as an American , well , he is FOS in my opinion !!

If your ass-umptions annoy you --- don''t make them.

One of them being the last line, as if everybody is supposed to pick exclusive citzenship "sides" and hunker down as if they're in some kind of "war".
---------------------------------------- divided loyalties Pogo and I don't like divided loyalties . Dummies keep traveling , well they might end up in 'ervin' prison in iran , ok with me Pogo !!

"Loyalties" my ass. Life is not a freaking war. Grow up.
Travel is illuminating. To hole up in one place and refuse to see any other is to deliberately choose to remain ignorant.

I guess he isn't ignorant of north korea anymore. The funny think is is that a whole bunch of people could have told him how bad it was without the need for him to visit there.
--------------------------------------- yep , its like some don't know that there are films , books and first hand accounts , newspapers on what 'n. korea' is like SDem . Travel to hellholes like 'n.korea' doesn't make any sense Pogo .

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