Kids in Iran are being taught to shoot the American flag


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I have a good idea. Let's have posters of the Ayatollah Khomeini with the Iranian flag showing behind him and place them down at all the shooting ranges in the U.S. Whomever gets ten shots square in the middle of his forehead wins free admission for their next visit to the shooting range. Say, maybe they can do this at Boy Scout meetings for some target practice.

Kids in Iran are being taught to shoot the American flag

Oct 5th 2016 10:09AM

Kids as young as 8 years old go to learn military tactics at the Park of the Revolution's Children.

American and Israeli flags are shooting targets for kids at this theme park in Iran.

The point? To instill anti-Western sentiment and promote national pride.

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Kids in one country are being taught to shoot the American flag

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