Kiling live pigeons for sport.

Well don't move to the South!

DD and I were talking about that today. We're not used to the hunting seasons they have here. DD said, "I can't believe the animals they eat here: squirrel, frog, alligator, snake! Some animals just shouldn't be eaten. Yuck." I had to laugh. Dove season will be upon us soon.

I used to hunt doves just to sharpen up my technique for the duck seasons (both Ark and Miss) that followed. We'd collect our kills, "breast 'em out" (rip out the breasts) and leave the rest for the night creatures and the ants to devour. Nothing goes to waste.

In the '81-'82 duck seasons (Ark and Miss overlapped each other) I went morning and evening of every day throughout both seasons...killed over 300 ducks...had a friend in the home town that would clean them on halves (I'd give her eight...get back four). I gave away frozen ducks, I baked 'em, broiled 'em, fried 'em, boiled 'em, grilled 'em, sauteed 'em, microwaved 'em, roasted 'em, smoked 'em...never could get the wild taste all the way out...but they were all good...with the right red wine.

I discovered that if you soak 'em overnight in whole milk, the wild taste damn near goes away...but the milk tastes awful! :eek:

There's a recipe I tried once called goose-baked duck. Ya kill a goose and a duck.
Ya clean the duck, gut the goose but leave the feathers, stick the duck inside the goose, cook the goose on a spit over a hot fire. When your goose is cooked, your duck is done. Ya throw away the goose and eat the duck! Axe-shully, ya give the goose to the dogs! The feathers are all gone by then.
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I find this practice revolting. Shooting anything for sport is revolting. Catching a fish and throwing it back is fine except when you hook them in the gills. If you shoot it, you damn well better eat it.

Oh GAWD!!!

Limpwrister alert!!:gay:

Is that right? Let me tell you, I've been shot at, beaten up, kicked the ass of multiple people and I'm still here. Not one of the things I've killed or beaten is on my den wall.

The one thing I've learned is that animals have more of a soul than the likes of you. I don't slay animals unless it's absolutely necessary, and I've skinned plenty so fuck off, punk.

Limp wristed gay is it, boy? Please, you're welcome to come find out. I'll even give you my address.
I grew up around pigeon shoots in the southwest.

They are a lot of fun to participate in.

But today most people prefer quail shoots. .. :Boom2:

I had a friend back home that used to go to Italy for pigeon shoots...used a ten thousand dollar engraved and gold-filled Italian over/under shotgun. The shoots were held in stadiums where the pigeons would be released from cages and killed before they reached the sky above.
I find this practice revolting. Shooting anything for sport is revolting. Catching a fish and throwing it back is fine except when you hook them in the gills. If you shoot it, you damn well better eat it.

Oh GAWD!!!

Limpwrister alert!!:gay:

Is that right? Let me tell you, I've been shot at, beaten up, kicked the ass of multiple people and I'm still here. Not one of the things I've killed or beaten is on my den wall.

The one thing I've learned is that animals have more of a soul than the likes of you. I don't slay animals unless it's absolutely necessary, and I've skinned plenty so fuck off, punk.

Limp wristed gay is it, boy? Please, you're welcome to come find out. I'll even give you my address.

Well we're all real proud of ya s0n. You can take a bow now!!

Who cant love the internet tough guys???!!!:2up:
Killing any animal for sport is not only a tragedy but also a disgrace for the human race.
When the pigeon population in a city gets too big the city puts out poisoned feed. Dead birds just drop out of the sky.
Some cities put out poisoned feed if someone spots but one pigeon. Watching one die of convulsions first thing in the morning after night poisoning is not a very good day starter. :(
Oh GAWD!!!

Limpwrister alert!!:gay:

Is that right? Let me tell you, I've been shot at, beaten up, kicked the ass of multiple people and I'm still here. Not one of the things I've killed or beaten is on my den wall.

The one thing I've learned is that animals have more of a soul than the likes of you. I don't slay animals unless it's absolutely necessary, and I've skinned plenty so fuck off, punk.

Limp wristed gay is it, boy? Please, you're welcome to come find out. I'll even give you my address.

Well we're all real proud of ya s0n. You can take a bow now!!

Who cant love the internet tough guys???!!!:2up:

Well, at least at the end of the day I'm not the pussy who is advocating shooting up the ecosystem for sport am I, punk?

But please go one with yourself redneck.
This story made me sick. It seems some folks in SC are shooting live pigeons instead of skeets.

The "cop whores" are protecting them.
I think quite a few facts were left out by the commentator. ;)

It's hard to tell, since "news" commentators leave out a lot of stuff. We didn't realize his hatred for guns until the last frame. He's framing gun ownership and law officials with cowardice. Lying by omission is far more craven than the objects of this purile commentator's hate.
If their senator is any example, then SC should be eradicated from this planet. It makes me sick that a state like that is where the civil war started.

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