Kill Ronald McDonald - Liberalism Gone Wild AGAIN


Apr 22, 2007
Are you F'ing kidding me. Get rid of the Clown because its an effective marketing tool to kids! If parents are that bad that they don't feed their kids good food, then shame on the parents. What's next, are they going to say that the Happy Meal must go?

Parents need to get balls. My wife and I do not allow our children to have any FAST FOOD more than once a week. We require them to each their greens at dinner. We don't allow snacking between meals (which is the biggest obcsenity culprit).

I would be fully for requiring NUTRITION VALUES on food at restaurants and fast food joints (much how they are at the grocery store), which ironically McDonald's does voluntarily. However, this is too far and is too much of a slippery slope!

Ronald McDonald and Retirement - Group Protests, Wants Icon Out - National Ledger
Should Ronald McDonald have to retire? Protesters have called for Ronald McDonald's retirement and a group, Corporate Accountability Intl., says Ronald McDonald is fueling childhood obesity. Now the Boston-based nonprofit is planning a retirement party today at a McDonald's in downtown Chicago, according to the Chicago Tribune.

KSAX has video and adds that the group is one of the participants that "helped do away with other corporate characters like Joe Camel, Spuds MacKenzie and the Marlboro Man."

The latest goal - end Ronald's 50-year run as corporate spokesman. Group member Sarah Holzgraf said, "Ronald McDonald has been marketing to kids and getting kids hooked on unhealthy product at a young age."
Ok, these people are fucking NUTS. ABSOLUTELY NUTS. If this isn't the essence of Fascism, I dunno what is.
Frank Zappa had it right.... "It is my understanding that, in law, First Amendment Issues are decided with a preference for the least restrictive alternative. In this context, the PMRC's demands are the equivalent of treating dandruff by decapitation. "
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rumor has it mayor mccheese it behind this.

nothing but a power play.
Well, I guess it's one more way of killing off personal responsibility.

What the hell is the matter with parents saying 'no'. Mine did it often enough.
Controlling what citizens eat & drink is definitely on the Socialist/Progressive agenda. It's always in the name of "We know what's best for you" with them. It's to the point where most rational Americans are now screaming "F*CK OFF" to the Socialist/Progressive creeps. The People just want the Government to get off their backs at this point. It's time to clean house. Vote all Socialists/Progressives out of office. This goes for both parties. I don't want a Nanny State here and i think most Americans agree with me on that. Make 2010 count people.
Really. I remember eating McDonalds maybe once a month or even less? It was always a special treat thing!
We never had the money for all that. Or, at least, weren't gonna spend our money on that. Who knows, I was a kid.
I hope someone takes up a collection to save Ronald! *sob* Murderers, all of them....I never even heard of Spuds Mackenzie. Poor thing.
I hope someone takes up a collection to save Ronald! *sob* Murderers, all of them....I never even heard of Spuds Mackenzie. Poor thing.

Now a photo of a shirtless Ronald McDonald vs. a shirtless Marlboro Man................hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Oh wait, didn't the Marlboro man die of lung cancer? :(
You don't want your family eating McDonalds then so be it. Just don't tell everyone else that they can't. It really is that simple. So,i'm sorry to be this blunt but...F*CK OFF Socialists!!!
Next they'll take out Bob from Bob's Big Boy, and the Burger King, followed by Jack.
This group may mean well by trying to be the substitute parents for these kids, but this is re-donk-ulous! Ronald is part of our culture and he's here to stay!

With the busy life-styles that the average American family has these days, I can understand more frequent visits to a fast-food joint. But that's not an excuse not to cook healthy meals for kids. I imagine too that many who are poor, or may have lost their job recently, find it cheaper to buy their kids dinner at Mickey D's than to go to the grocery store and pay for fresh fruits, veggies and meats. Let us also keep in mind that McDonald's has a 'healtheir' menu that parents could insist their kids order from to keep the fat and calories down.

Personally, I have a Big Mac about once every year and a half or so, and I try hard to limit my kids visits to once a month or less. A homemade burger in my house kicks ass to anything McDonalds could put out.
Next they'll take out Bob from Bob's Big Boy, and the Burger King, followed by Jack.

I say there is DISCRIMNATION in the world of food icons!

Where are the women burger rulers? Hmmmmmm, can you show me?

There is no Mrs. Burger King, or Rene McDonald now, is there? And what exactly does Jack have in his "box"-can you tell me that? :confused:

FREAKING CAPITALISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
too late!! The cat's already out the bag. It's sort of like that old saying:

"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

THEN THEY CAME for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.

and by that time no one was left to speak up."

No one said anything when it was tobacco and alcohol. Now it's too late.

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