Kill the candidates: ISIS makes sick call for French election day terror attacks


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
TERROR fears are growing in France amid revelations ISIS has made a sick call for jihadis to carry out lone wolf attacks on election day this Sunday.

In an article featured in a French edition of the extremist group’s monthly propaganda magazine Rumiyah, the terrorists call on followers to “kill candidates” Marine Le Penand Emmanuel Macron, and “burn down polling stations”.

The chilling call for terror comes as France gears up to vote in the second round of its presidential elections at the weekend, Zero Hedge reports.

‘KILL THE CANDIDATES’: ISIS makes sick call for French election day terror attacks
Terrorists urge followers to kill Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, and 'burn down polling stations' on Sunday

Well everything must be taken with a grain of salt and all pre cautions are needed. What else do you expect when you have a President who sold their Soul and their people out to the Globalist These idiots think by allowing innocent ppl to get killed as a sacrifice to an oh so loving ONE WORLD ORDER love affair. You fkrs are NUTS just know you put your own kids in danger Elites or not Presidents or not. Sooner or later your body guards will tell you go to hell so they can protect their own families from the hell you all have created.

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