"Kill the police!"


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) -- St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar says the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown came after an altercation with police.

Belmar said at a news conference Sunday morning that a Ferguson Police officer had an encounter with two people. He says one person allegedly pushed the officer back into patrol car and assaulted the officer.

He says there was a struggle over the officers' weapon and one shot was fired in the car. The officer then got out of his vehicle and shot at "a subject."



FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) -- A crowd of a couple hundred people confronted police in St. Louis County after a fatal police shooting.

St. Louis County Police spokesman Brian Schellman says a Ferguson police officer shot and killed a male Saturday afternoon. He says he doesn't know what prompted the shooting or the victim's identity.

Officer Schellman says "a couple hundred" people came out of nearby apartment buildings after the shooting and began chanting "'Kill the police' and things like that."

He says gunshots were also heard at the scene, but there were no reports of injuries. About 60 other officers responded to the area in the northern section of St. Louis County at about 2:15 p.m.

Schellman says the crowd was under control by 5 p.m. and several of the additional officers had left.




Can't say I completely disagree with those feelings anymore. We're seeing way too much of this shit. I can honestly say when those two cops were killed here in Vegas a couple of months ago by those two neo-Nazi loons I wasn't exactly heartbroken about it.
I will bet everything I own that the manpig shooter was white, and his vyctym was African-American. This is almost certainly an act of extreme racist violence by whites against African-Americans.

It's the Trayvonocaust all over again. Hopefully this time, justice will be served to the perpetrator.
Libs are angry because the little thug didn't get his hands on the cops gun.
I will bet everything I own that the manpig shooter was white, and his vyctym was African-American. This is almost certainly an act of extreme racist violence by whites against African-Americans.

It's the Trayvonocaust all over again. Hopefully this time, justice will be served to the perpetrator.

Was that supposed to pass for sarcasm or are you just that stupid?
I will bet everything I own that the manpig shooter was white, and his vyctym was African-American. This is almost certainly an act of extreme racist violence by whites against African-Americans.

It's the Trayvonocaust all over again. Hopefully this time, justice will be served to the perpetrator.

I also notice some striking parallels.

The NAACP also highlighted the similarities in their press release...

The St. Louis County Police are investigating the shooting. But John Gaskin, a member of the St. Louis County NAACP, said the FBI should get involved “to protect the integrity of the investigation.”

He alluded to the 2012 racially charged shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by a Florida neighborhood watch organizer who was subsequently acquitted of murder charges, as well as the New York man who died from a police chokehold after he was confronted for selling individual cigarettes.

“With the recent events of a young man killed by the police in New York City and with Trayvon Martin and with all the other African-American young men that have been killed by police officers … this is a dire concern to the NAACP, especially our local organization,” Gaskin said.

NAACP: Feds Must Investigate Michael Brown Murder By Police | News One

Won't be long now, and ANARCHY will rule this country.

Thanks, Barack.

I sometimes wonder if that wouldn't be a good thing.

While I disagree with TruthSeeker that anarchy is what President Obama is bringing us, I can confirm that anything President Obama would bestow upon the American pyyple is certainly a good thing, considering that he has done nothing but good since he became our president.
I will bet everything I own that the manpig shooter was white, and his vyctym was African-American. This is almost certainly an act of extreme racist violence by whites against African-Americans.

It's the Trayvonocaust all over again. Hopefully this time, justice will be served to the perpetrator.

I also notice some striking parallels.

The NAACP also highlighted the similarities in their press release...

The St. Louis County Police are investigating the shooting. But John Gaskin, a member of the St. Louis County NAACP, said the FBI should get involved “to protect the integrity of the investigation.”​

The police investigating their own conduct has always been laughable to me. An outside entity should always be investigating all allegations of police abuse. Personally, every city, township, etc should have a citizens review board that investigates brutality allegations and shootings. The police simply can't be trusted to do it themselves and that is evident based on the very, very low rate of punishment when they cross the line.
I will bet everything I own that the manpig shooter was white, and his vyctym was African-American. This is almost certainly an act of extreme racist violence by whites against African-Americans.

It's the Trayvonocaust all over again. Hopefully this time, justice will be served to the perpetrator.

I also notice some striking parallels.

The NAACP also highlighted the similarities in their press release...

The St. Louis County Police are investigating the shooting. But John Gaskin, a member of the St. Louis County NAACP, said the FBI should get involved “to protect the integrity of the investigation.”​

The police investigating their own conduct has always been laughable to me. An outside entity should always be investigating all allegations of police abuse. Personally, every city, township, etc should have a citizens review board that investigates brutality allegations and shootings. The police simply can't be trusted to do it themselves and that is evident based on the very, very low rate of punishment when they cross the line.

This so much.

The Secretary of Defense is required to be a civilian, and many other countries have a similar requirement for civilian control over the military. The same principle of outsider control should apply to local police forces, especially when it comes to investigating the police for committing crimes themselves.

Can't say I completely disagree with those feelings anymore. We're seeing way too much of this shit. I can honestly say when those two cops were killed here in Vegas a couple of months ago by those two neo-Nazi loons I wasn't exactly heartbroken about it.
Why is everyone always singling out the cops? Sure you are going to have some bad apples on the police force, but that applies to every occupation. This is not unique to the police force. Most police officers are just out to do their jobs, and do their jobs quite well. The very few incidents that you hear about in the news are the exception to the rule. That is no reason to bad mouth an entire police force. For instance, we don't bad mouth all postal workers when a USPS employee is caught stealing mail. It's ridiculous.
FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) -- A few thousand people crammed a suburban St. Louis street Sunday night at a vigil for an unarmed black man shot and killed by a police officer, while afterward several car windows were smashed and stores were looted as people carried away armloads of goods.


Can't say I completely disagree with those feelings anymore. We're seeing way too much of this shit. I can honestly say when those two cops were killed here in Vegas a couple of months ago by those two neo-Nazi loons I wasn't exactly heartbroken about it.

Say what?

My point is that we are hearing more and more stories of police officers abusing and/or killing non-violent or non-threatening people and they're rarely held accountable for it, so when it happens in reverse I can't exactly help to feel just a little bit that maybe it's been coming.

You push people far and hard enough they do eventually push back.
One hour ago...

KSDK) -- We are following breaking news tonight in Ferguson, Missouri where tensions reached a boiling point following an officer involved shooting that left a teenager dead. Police officers from every jurisdiction in the St. Louis area are either in Ferguson or are heading there. The strong police presence became necessary after rioting and looting were reported in the area. The violence began after a planned rally and vigil in the wake of the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

Rioting, looting reported in Ferguson

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