"Kill the police!"

Kill the police protest is understandable after seeing that Ferguson's annual arrest warrant rate was 1.5 times the population & over 8 times the Missouri average. More than 3 arrest warrants per household were issued in 2013, just imagine the number of citations that were issued to generate that many arrest warrants for failure to pay or appear. Blacks in Ferguson must feel like they are under police siege.

They may have improperly chosen to protest the killing of Michael Brown an actual criminal thug, but they certainly have a legit beef against this brutal thug police department. They should have protested the police beating of Henry Davis in 2009. Ferguson Police most certainly committed many crimes against Henry Davis.

By Ferguson Police over ticketing, charging & arresting so many of it's citizens, it is a wonder any of them can get a job to pay their fines or vote for change with all their criminal records. With all those fines, warrants causing loss of jobs, Ferguson Police created a debtors prison city. With so many annual arrest warrants issued, few of these citizens have a chance to vote to change this police siege. Protesting is their only way to be heard & the police did their best to crush that freedom also.

Ferguson Police focused on crushing the protest against them & left the rest of the city undefended against looters to shape public opinion that they need to crack down on their freedoms for their own good.

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