"Kill the police!"

Crackdown on Ferguson. Missouri Governor declares a state of emergency in Ferguson. He has imposed curfew on the city of Ferguson via marshal law.
Ferguson rioters harass, threaten reporters

FERGUSON, Missouri — Reporters trying to cover the renewed chaos in this town faced a new threat on Friday: the demonstrators themselves.

Print, video and photo-journalists were all repeatedly and aggressively threatened and harassed when attempting to photograph or videotape any of the looting or property destruction. Many of the demonstrators expressed concern about being identified by police or told reporters that the looting was none of their concern.

Police largely remained on the sidelines on Friday and into the dawn hours of Saturday morning as demonstrators descended on a number of businesses in Ferguson — pulling alcohol, lottery tickets, and merchandise from the vandalized stores.

These armed men are Korean/American business-owners preparing to defend their property during the 1992 riot in Los Angeles subsequent to exoneration of the cops who beat Rodney King.

American business owners need to take a lesson from these Koreans. Hundreds of businesses were destroyed during that riot and dozens of citizens were brutalized by rioters. But Koreatown was given a wide berth. Not one Korean business was touched nor were any Koreans assaulted.

Those Americans who ask why civilians need to own guns should research the L.A. riot and consider what just happened in Ferguson, MO. The answer is clear: When the shit hits the fan you cannot depend on the police.

It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it!
Guys, I've got a question.

Some are saying this young man was shot in the back.

Here a photo of him dead, and it doesn't look like there's any blood on his back...

Well, that area between the bottom of his T-shirt and the top of his Khaki shorts is pretty dark. That could be blood. At first I thought it might be his drawers but a closer look revealed the underwear seemingly to be striped boxers. iIs hard to tell from that distance...
Crackdown on Ferguson. Missouri Governor declares a state of emergency in Ferguson. He has imposed curfew on the city of Ferguson via marshal law.

First he calls for the Ferguson police to stand down. (epic fail) Now the city of Ferguson is declared state of emergency with a curfew imposed.

You know what's going to happen next?.
Wait for it!
The Ferguson looters are going to make their way to the white areas Chesterfield...or perhaps in the South County area, namely the Lindbergh School District, a friend told me that the officer lives in the Lindbergh School District.
Ferguson rioters harass, threaten reporters

FERGUSON, Missouri — Reporters trying to cover the renewed chaos in this town faced a new threat on Friday: the demonstrators themselves.

Print, video and photo-journalists were all repeatedly and aggressively threatened and harassed when attempting to photograph or videotape any of the looting or property destruction. Many of the demonstrators expressed concern about being identified by police or told reporters that the looting was none of their concern.

Police largely remained on the sidelines on Friday and into the dawn hours of Saturday morning as demonstrators descended on a number of businesses in Ferguson — pulling alcohol, lottery tickets, and merchandise from the vandalized stores.

These armed men are Korean/American business-owners preparing to defend their property during the 1992 riot in Los Angeles subsequent to exoneration of the cops who beat Rodney King.

American business owners need to take a lesson from these Koreans. Hundreds of businesses were destroyed during that riot and dozens of citizens were brutalized by rioters. But Koreatown was given a wide berth. Not one Korean business was touched nor were any Koreans assaulted.

Those Americans who ask why civilians need to own guns should research the L.A. riot and consider what just happened in Ferguson, MO. The answer is clear: When the shit hits the fan you cannot depend on the police.

It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it!

A few business owners in Ferguson did, I've not heard about them getting looted.
The 'community' folk should go home...nothing is worth their lives or serious injury to them.
Violent looters are to be avoided by 'average Joe'.[/B]

Whilever violent looters are allowed to run American and Western societies...American and Western societies are doomed.

Looters are only tough until they meet resistance.

The good people need to stay home, stay inside, lock their doors and windows, answer their doors to no one, set their house alarms and leave lights on...and arm themselves to the teeth.
...and let the cops and govt man deal with the looters and rioters/protesters.

Trouble with getting out on the streets and protesting...one could be mistaken for a rioter and/or looter.

Some people already are doing something. Several businesses are not being looted. Wanna guess why? Hint it's not because of the government man.


Crackdown on Ferguson. Missouri Governor declares a state of emergency in Ferguson. He has imposed curfew on the city of Ferguson via marshal law.

About freaking time.
The 'community' folk should go home...nothing is worth their lives or serious injury to them.
Violent looters are to be avoided by 'average Joe'.[/B]

Whilever violent looters are allowed to run American and Western societies...American and Western societies are doomed.

Looters are only tough until they meet resistance.

The good people need to stay home, stay inside, lock their doors and windows, answer their doors to no one, set their house alarms and leave lights on...and arm themselves to the teeth.
...and let the cops and govt man deal with the looters and rioters/protesters.

Trouble with getting out on the streets and protesting...one could be mistaken for a rioter and/or looter.

Some people already are doing something. Several businesses are not being looted. Wanna guess why? Hint it's not because of the government man.


Crackdown on Ferguson. Missouri Governor declares a state of emergency in Ferguson. He has imposed curfew on the city of Ferguson via marshal law.

About freaking time.

If one is defending one's business and livelihood, being on guard at the business and armed is fair enough.
Gotta be careful at whom one shoots though...and, looters could also have guns.

Don't have a business...best place is at home and off the streets...'self-preservation'.

Standing in the light outside the tattoo shop, all in a row like bottles on a fence...'sitting ducks'...not what I'd be doing.
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Crackdown on Ferguson. Missouri Governor declares a state of emergency in Ferguson. He has imposed curfew on the city of Ferguson via marshal law.

First he calls for the Ferguson police to stand down. (epic fail) Now the city of Ferguson is declared state of emergency with a curfew imposed.

You know what's going to happen next?.
Wait for it!
The Ferguson looters are going to make their way to the white areas Chesterfield...or perhaps in the South County area, namely the Lindbergh School District, a friend told me that the officer lives in the Lindbergh School District.


Won't White folks there be armed to the teeth and ready to defend their 'castles'?

Aren't there "Black community elders/leaders" who can talk some sense into the rioters/looters"

Can't see White folks giving up their homes, businesses, possessions they've worked hard to acquire, ...and putting their families at risk by allowing Black looters to smash down and rob their homes and stores...
...without a serious fight.
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If one is defending one's business and livelihood, being on guard at the business and armed is fair enough.
Gotta be careful at whom one shoots though...and, looters could also have guns.

Don't have a business...best place is at home and off the streets...'self-preservation'.

Standing in the light outside the tattoo shop, all in a row like bottles on a fence...'sitting ducks'...not what I'd be doing.

There is a curfew. Whether it be at home or at your business everyone should be off the streets. Wherever you are arm yourself.
Ferguson rioters harass, threaten reporters

FERGUSON, Missouri — Reporters trying to cover the renewed chaos in this town faced a new threat on Friday: the demonstrators themselves.

Print, video and photo-journalists were all repeatedly and aggressively threatened and harassed when attempting to photograph or videotape any of the looting or property destruction. Many of the demonstrators expressed concern about being identified by police or told reporters that the looting was none of their concern.

Police largely remained on the sidelines on Friday and into the dawn hours of Saturday morning as demonstrators descended on a number of businesses in Ferguson — pulling alcohol, lottery tickets, and merchandise from the vandalized stores.

These armed men are Korean/American business-owners preparing to defend their property during the 1992 riot in Los Angeles subsequent to exoneration of the cops who beat Rodney King.

American business owners need to take a lesson from these Koreans. Hundreds of businesses were destroyed during that riot and dozens of citizens were brutalized by rioters. But Koreatown was given a wide berth. Not one Korean business was touched nor were any Koreans assaulted.

Those Americans who ask why civilians need to own guns should research the L.A. riot and consider what just happened in Ferguson, MO. The answer is clear: When the shit hits the fan you cannot depend on the police.

It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it!

A few business owners in Ferguson did, I've not heard about them getting looted.

yes these are the situations

that require the ar and large capacity magazines

the Koreans needed them during the LA riots

just as the shop owners in Ferguson does today
Ferguson rioters harass, threaten reporters

FERGUSON, Missouri — Reporters trying to cover the renewed chaos in this town faced a new threat on Friday: the demonstrators themselves.

Print, video and photo-journalists were all repeatedly and aggressively threatened and harassed when attempting to photograph or videotape any of the looting or property destruction. Many of the demonstrators expressed concern about being identified by police or told reporters that the looting was none of their concern.

Police largely remained on the sidelines on Friday and into the dawn hours of Saturday morning as demonstrators descended on a number of businesses in Ferguson — pulling alcohol, lottery tickets, and merchandise from the vandalized stores.

These armed men are Korean/American business-owners preparing to defend their property during the 1992 riot in Los Angeles subsequent to exoneration of the cops who beat Rodney King.

American business owners need to take a lesson from these Koreans. Hundreds of businesses were destroyed during that riot and dozens of citizens were brutalized by rioters. But Koreatown was given a wide berth. Not one Korean business was touched nor were any Koreans assaulted.

Those Americans who ask why civilians need to own guns should research the L.A. riot and consider what just happened in Ferguson, MO. The answer is clear: When the shit hits the fan you cannot depend on the police.

It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it!

Hehe was thinking "Asian business owners on the roof reminds me of the LA riots. ...Oh that is the LA riots." :)
The Koreans were very smart to defend themselves.

This crap is why I believe in the 2nd Ammendment, and why people should be allowed to have AR-15s. An AR-15 can better protect families, business owners, and innocents from berserker-stupid looters and violent rioters. I have no patience for these vile elements within this protest (no problem with peaceful, law-abiding protesters).
Can't just be defending one's business by shooting with automatic/semi auto weapons...unarmed looters.

Those armed Korean business owners would've been tossed in prison for doing so?
I don't think so Bianco although i'm not sure of the law . Also , the semi auto designation means nothing as semi auto is just normal rifle and or pistols in the USA . These Koreans on top of the building and in sight were very good as a deterrent . I saw other pics showing armed Koreans walking around inside their property and on the sidewalks with shotguns , handguns and rifles of all types when the riots were happening . Saw it on local tv in los angeles .
Can't just be defending one's business by shooting with automatic/semi auto weapons...unarmed looters.

Those armed Korean business owners would've been tossed in prison for doing so?
Just 10 miles east of Ferguson is the state of Illinois where unarmed looters can be shot. The shooter can't be arrested or sued in court. Oh how I wish Missouri had that law.
Reading through this article, did I see "Don't Taze Me Bro", a USMB MOD, saying that he kinda felt the 2 Las Vegas cops who were murdered at Cicis Pizza "had it coming"?

Unfucking -believable.
Can't just be defending one's business by shooting with automatic/semi auto weapons...unarmed looters.

Those armed Korean business owners would've been tossed in prison for doing so?
You can assume some of the looters will have guns and those Koreans on the roof could lawfully and defensively deal with them when the shooting starts. There were other armed Koreans on the street level and inside the stores. If the looters broke in, which is a violent threat, they could be shot by defensive on-premises business owners.

And that is why Koreatown was avoided by the rioters who knew what to expect.
FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) -- St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar says the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown came after an altercation with police.

Belmar said at a news conference Sunday morning that a Ferguson Police officer had an encounter with two people. He says one person allegedly pushed the officer back into patrol car and assaulted the officer.

He says there was a struggle over the officers' weapon and one shot was fired in the car. The officer then got out of his vehicle and shot at "a subject."



FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) -- A crowd of a couple hundred people confronted police in St. Louis County after a fatal police shooting.

St. Louis County Police spokesman Brian Schellman says a Ferguson police officer shot and killed a male Saturday afternoon. He says he doesn't know what prompted the shooting or the victim's identity.

Officer Schellman says "a couple hundred" people came out of nearby apartment buildings after the shooting and began chanting "'Kill the police' and things like that."

He says gunshots were also heard at the scene, but there were no reports of injuries. About 60 other officers responded to the area in the northern section of St. Louis County at about 2:15 p.m.

Schellman says the crowd was under control by 5 p.m. and several of the additional officers had left.




Yes, ARREST them.

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