"Kill the police!"

Sun's going down here...riots and looting tonight after today's revelations?

The good people need to rise up & protest against rioters, thugs & looters. People need to be arrested for inciting riots. Looters need to be arrested or shot. I am sick of this shit. Something must be done this shit.
I do not think they will riot tonight, they didn't last night and those pushing the agenda were not interested in rioting so much as things just got out of control - likely because of the punks from other areas outside the community moving in to start cover for their looting activities.

If they do riot though... Honestly I will have no sympathy for any tear gas or rubber bullets that fly their direction. FPD was forced to release the robbery information by the freedom of the press folks, they did not release it intentionally to harm Brown's character.
Sun's going down here...riots and looting tonight after today's revelations?

The good people need to rise up & protest against rioters, thugs & looters. People need to be arrested for inciting riots. Looters need to be arrested or shot. I am sick of this shit. Something must be done this shit.

The good people need to stay home, stay inside, lock their doors and windows, answer their doors to no one, set their house alarms and leave lights on...and arm themselves to the teeth.
...and let the cops and govt man deal with the looters and rioters/protesters.

Trouble with getting out on the streets and protesting...one could be mistaken for a rioter and/or looter.
Some in the community trying to stop looters, but fear of violence from looters drives them back...don't blame them.

Police are hamstrung...can't do anything but containing the situation.
Some in the community trying to stop looters, but fear of violence from looters drives them back...don't blame them.

Police are hamstrung...can't do anything but containing the situation.

The 'community' folk should go home...nothing is worth their lives or serious injury to them.
Violent looters are to be avoided by 'average Joe'.

Whilever violent looters are allowed to run American and Western societies...American and Western societies are doomed.
I'm going to have to eat my words a bit (RE I'd have no sympathy if they looted again tonight)

The community is standing up to the looters and protecting the stores. Good Show. They need to go if it starts getting tense though, so far it's sounding like things have calmed down. Bunch of places got broke into though.

EDIT: yea they need to go home now - looters just broke through the community line at the robbery store. They tried.
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It looks like the Highway Patrols idea of "taking over" is to do nothing and let Ferguson burn.
It looks like the Highway Patrols idea of "taking over" is to do nothing and let Ferguson burn.

Odd behavior on LE's part to allow this destruction to happen. The more destruction, the longer it will take the neighborhood to recover. The more the looting, the lower the trust will sink between shopkeepers and customers. If this continues, how many burned out businesses will elect to rebuild rather than relocate?

FERGUSON, MO (KTVI)- Police presence is in question after St. Louis County and Missouri State Highway Patrol officers left the scene in Ferguson once looters began attacking businesses overnight.

Protesters believe the media has started to confuse the difference between themselves and the looters. Fights have begun on the streets as well as social media with some believing this has become similar to a game of chess.

According to one peaceful protester, several of them literally put their bodies in between the looters and the different businesses. She feels their efforts were forced after several police officers got into their cars and drove away.

Police presence in question during overnight looting in Ferguson | FOX2now.com

Ferguson rioters harass, threaten reporters

FERGUSON, Missouri — Reporters trying to cover the renewed chaos in this town faced a new threat on Friday: the demonstrators themselves.

Print, video and photo-journalists were all repeatedly and aggressively threatened and harassed when attempting to photograph or videotape any of the looting or property destruction. Many of the demonstrators expressed concern about being identified by police or told reporters that the looting was none of their concern.

Police largely remained on the sidelines on Friday and into the dawn hours of Saturday morning as demonstrators descended on a number of businesses in Ferguson — pulling alcohol, lottery tickets, and merchandise from the vandalized stores.

Read more: Ferguson rioters harass, threaten reporters - Byron Tau - POLITICO.com

1:49 PM
Matt Pearce @mattdpearce
Jay Kanzler, attorney for Ferguson Market's owners: "The police flat out told us they weren't going to do anything." http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BvLmc8VCIAEnwM-.jpg
They found it in an isolated corner of Ferguson that was flush with sprawling apartment complexes. Far from Ferguson’s leafy residential streets and quaint downtown, many people didn’t even know the apartments were part of the city until young Michael Brown was shot and killed there Aug. 9.

But not the police. They knew.

After decades of relative calm and stability, the apartments have become a tinderbox for crime. Canfield Green Apartments and the nearby Oakmont and Northwinds complexes are a study of the slow encroachment of poverty and social distress into what had been suburban escapes.


[Good article here] ... Why did the Michael Brown shooting happen here? : News


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