"Kill the police!"

No the innocent little child was not shot in the back judging from that picture.


Because you can see his entire back in that picture? I'm going to reserve judgment on the original incident until we have more info but you can't say with 100% certainty that he wasn't shot in the back based on the picture provided.

Enough is visible to determine if he'd been shot. Have you ever shot anything in your life? Did you know that a lot of blood comes out of a GSW. Look at the blood on the ground. where did it come from? A tiny hole in his back? Come on now, you have to have better sense than that.

You can't see a third of his back as he is on an angle, the blood could have flowed down off the body away from the way the picture was taken. I don't expect it to flow upwards, towards where the picture was taken from.

I'm not saying he was definitely shot in the back, just that the picture shown is not definitive.
Because you can see his entire back in that picture? I'm going to reserve judgment on the original incident until we have more info but you can't say with 100% certainty that he wasn't shot in the back based on the picture provided.

Enough is visible to determine if he'd been shot. Have you ever shot anything in your life? Did you know that a lot of blood comes out of a GSW. Look at the blood on the ground. where did it come from? A tiny hole in his back? Come on now, you have to have better sense than that.

You can't see a third of his back as he is on an angle, the blood could have flowed down off the body away from the way the picture was taken. I don't expect it to flow upwards, towards where the picture was taken from.

I'm not saying he was definitely shot in the back, just that the picture shown is not definitive.

The picture I saw showed most of his back except for maybe 20 percent. Enough to know there is no blood, no bullet hole, no trauma of any kind.
Because you can see his entire back in that picture? I'm going to reserve judgment on the original incident until we have more info but you can't say with 100% certainty that he wasn't shot in the back based on the picture provided.

I'm going to wait until the people who are trained to investigate bullet wounds say what happened.

That said, I suppose I forgot c) it is also possible that any bleeding around an entrance wound on his back may be 'dry' blood which would blend easily with the area of his back that is exposed.

If you can't tell the difference between the color of blood (red, clearly indicated on the ground)and the man's skin (black, also clearly visible) then you are blind.

You've never seen dried blood? Only 'live' blood cells are red when exposed to oxygen (aka outside the body), the death of the blood cell changes the chemical make up and color filtering turning it a ruddy brown, almost mahogany color, that would indeed blend in with black or dark tan skin. As for the color of the blood on the ground you have to consider the quantity and thickness of the pooling - takes longer for the 'bottom' blood cells in the pool to die than the fully exposed cells of a thinner spattering from an entranced wound.

That said the blood on the street looks to be a darker red than fresh blood to me, indicating that there is some cell death, especially on the outskirts of the pool - though its possible that is just an environmental effect; camera or sun angle, etc.
Enough is visible to determine if he'd been shot. Have you ever shot anything in your life? Did you know that a lot of blood comes out of a GSW. Look at the blood on the ground. where did it come from? A tiny hole in his back? Come on now, you have to have better sense than that.

You can't see a third of his back as he is on an angle, the blood could have flowed down off the body away from the way the picture was taken. I don't expect it to flow upwards, towards where the picture was taken from.

I'm not saying he was definitely shot in the back, just that the picture shown is not definitive.

The picture I saw showed most of his back except for maybe 20 percent. Enough to know there is no blood, no bullet hole, no trauma of any kind.

That picture would perhaps answer the question then. I've not seen any like that, just the one posted in here and some grainy phone video.
There's no hurry to determine if there was a shot in the back, now is there? Let LE and medical people determine exactly where he was shot and how many times.
There's no hurry to determine if there was a shot in the back, now is there? Let LE and medical people determine exactly where he was shot and how many times.

I think there is a bit, because if Brown wasn't shot in the back then maybe shit will calm down over there Even the rioters will have to realize the witness stories are not adding up then... Though I suppose one could argue that the rioters will just say it's a lie - then there's nothing to be done for it >.<
I'm going to wait until the people who are trained to investigate bullet wounds say what happened.

That said, I suppose I forgot c) it is also possible that any bleeding around an entrance wound on his back may be 'dry' blood which would blend easily with the area of his back that is exposed.

If you can't tell the difference between the color of blood (red, clearly indicated on the ground)and the man's skin (black, also clearly visible) then you are blind.

You've never seen dried blood? Only 'live' blood cells are red when exposed to oxygen (aka outside the body), the death of the blood cell changes the chemical make up and color filtering turning it a ruddy brown, almost mahogany color, that would indeed blend in with black or dark tan skin. As for the color of the blood on the ground you have to consider the quantity and thickness of the pooling - takes longer for the 'bottom' blood cells in the pool to die than the fully exposed cells of a thinner spattering from an entranced wound.

That said the blood on the street looks to be a darker red than fresh blood to me, indicating that there is some cell death, especially on the outskirts of the pool - though its possible that is just an environmental effect; camera or sun angle, etc.

What dried blood? Look at the blood on the ground. Is it dry? What color is it?

Why would there blood be on the skin of his back and none on his shirt?

Why not wait until the official report instead of relying on gossip?
You can't see a third of his back as he is on an angle, the blood could have flowed down off the body away from the way the picture was taken. I don't expect it to flow upwards, towards where the picture was taken from.

I'm not saying he was definitely shot in the back, just that the picture shown is not definitive.

The picture I saw showed most of his back except for maybe 20 percent. Enough to know there is no blood, no bullet hole, no trauma of any kind.

That picture would perhaps answer the question then. I've not seen any like that, just the one posted in here and some grainy phone video.

The one on here is the one I'm referring to. Three quarters or more of his back is clearly visible. No signs of blood or trauma....none.
I agree that racist refusing to educate & hire blacks dooms them to a life of dependency & US tax payers become slaves supporting them. However these few thugs are the racist ones dooming their entire city to poverty & no education.

Michel Brown went to Normandy Schools. I worked on their equipment in those schools during the school day. Most of the kids there are very racist & disrespectful of everyone. When I walked down the halls of Normandy High School when the class bell rang I could not tell much difference when class was in cession or out. Many kids were still throwing the ball around, yelling, playing grab-ass in the hall & class rooms. Only about a quarter of the kids would sit up front in the class & try to listen to the teacher while all the noise & commotion went on around them.

When I would drive to the school the kids made a point of slow walking & playing ball in the middle of the streets to make drivers wait a long, long time to piss them off. They would then kick the vehicle, throw balls, bottles & cans at it as you drove past. I'm sure that's the shit Michel Brown was doing in the street to the cop & that's why the cop yelled at them as he drove past. I'll bet he kicked the car & yelled profanities as the cop drove past, just like he learned to do at school. I'll bet this why the cop attempted to detain Michel Brown. Then Brown assaulted the officer & was subsequently shot.

Notice how Brown's friend Dorian Johnson was from out of town, likely did not learn that stupidity in school & was not touched by the cop. Normandy H.S. was so bad that it lost it's accreditation & just got it back this year. The behavior of these kids at school caused all families with means to move from the district dooming it & the area to poverty. Many term this as "White Flight".

There was an incredible amount of tax money that went into revitalizing the Normandy Schools & the West Florissant Ave shopping district the looters just destroyed. It was very difficult & costly to attract business back to the area. The looters have just doomed the area to poverty & poor education again. The people of Ferguson want the rioting & looting stopped now at all cost, that includes shooting looters.
Re: the highlighted paragraph above:

Some years ago mine was one of several cars halted by a school crossing guard in the Black section of a New Jersey town. While most of the kids crossed the street at a normal walking pace a small group of Black girls deliberately strolled at an exaggeratedly slow pace, causing traffic to be excessively paused.

As this group walked in front of my car one of the girls stopped, faced me defiantly and said, "What the fuck you looking at, fool?" and just stood there for about ten full seconds, forcing the guard to hold both directions of traffic up until her group decided to saunter defiantly to the sidewalk.

While I understand that such relatively small annoyances are one way small-minded minority individuals can assert themselves, the problem is the effect of these small annoyances, these little pin-pricks, will accumulate over time and are cumulatively capable of provoking rage in those who are repeatedly subjected to them.

So I believe you have accurately suggested the specific behavior which ignited an explosive encounter.
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People that live in high crime areas should look in the mirror to realize why they live in a high crime area. Clean up your own back yard instead of glorifying, "thug life" and perhaps we would have less violence directed at the hard working police, and fewer incidents of them being required to use deadly force. Over 50% oh homicides are committed in the Black community which is only 18% of the population, and 90% of the murders are black-on-black. Hmmmm, nobody in the Black community wants to talk about that.
I agree that racist refusing to educate & hire blacks dooms them to a life of dependency & US tax payers become slaves supporting them. However these few thugs are the racist ones dooming their entire city to poverty & no education.

Michel Brown went to Normandy Schools. I worked on their equipment in those schools during the school day. Most of the kids there are very racist & disrespectful of everyone. When I walked down the halls of Normandy High School when the class bell rang I could not tell much difference when class was in cession or out. Many kids were still throwing the ball around, yelling, playing grab-ass in the hall & class rooms. Only about a quarter of the kids would sit up front in the class & try to listen to the teacher while all the noise & commotion went on around them.

When I would drive to the school the kids made a point of slow walking & playing ball in the middle of the streets to make drivers wait a long, long time to piss them off. They would then kick the vehicle, throw balls, bottles & cans at it as you drove past. I'm sure that's the shit Michel Brown was doing in the street to the cop & that's why the cop yelled at them as he drove past. I'll bet he kicked the car & yelled profanities as the cop drove past, just like he learned to do at school. I'll bet this why the cop attempted to detain Michel Brown. Then Brown assaulted the officer & was subsequently shot.

Notice how Brown's friend Dorian Johnson was from out of town, likely did not learn that stupidity in school & was not touched by the cop. Normandy H.S. was so bad that it lost it's accreditation & just got it back this year. The behavior of these kids at school caused all families with means to move from the district dooming it & the area to poverty. Many term this as "White Flight".

There was an incredible amount of tax money that went into revitalizing the Normandy Schools & the West Florissant Ave shopping district the looters just destroyed. It was very difficult & costly to attract business back to the area. The looters have just doomed the area to poverty & poor education again. The people of Ferguson want the rioting & looting stopped now at all cost, that includes shooting looters.
Re: the highlighted paragraph above:

Some years ago mine was one of several cars halted by a school crossing guard in the Black section of a New Jersey town. While most of the kids crossed the street at a normal walking pace a small group of Black girls deliberately strolled at a deliberate and exaggeratedly slow pace, causing traffic to be excessively paused.

As this group walked in front of my car one of the girls stopped, faced me defiantly and said, "What the fuck you looking at, fool?" and just stood there for about ten full seconds, forcing the guard to hold both directions of traffic up until her group decided to saunter defiantly to the sidewalk.

While I understand that such relatively small annoyances are one way small-minded minority individuals can assert themselves, the problem is the effect of these small annoyances, these little pin-pricks, will accumulate over time and are cumulatively capable of provoking rage in those who are repeatedly subjected to them.

So I believe you have accurately suggested the specific behavior which ignited an explosive encounter.

Sounds typical.
People that live in high crime areas should look in the mirror to realize why they live in a high crime area. Clean up your own back yard instead of glorifying, "thug life" and perhaps we would have less violence directed at the hard working police, and fewer incidents of them being required to use deadly force. Over 50% oh homicides are committed in the Black community which is only 18% of the population, and 90% of the murders are black-on-black. Hmmmm, nobody in the Black community wants to talk about that.

Do you ever wonder how they got that way? I'm the kind of guy who looks for reasons that that led to this kind of mess. In this case, if the road that led them here brought them to this, then what use was the road?

Yeah, I stole that from a good movie, but it's a great question.
People that live in high crime areas should look in the mirror to realize why they live in a high crime area. Clean up your own back yard instead of glorifying, "thug life" and perhaps we would have less violence directed at the hard working police, and fewer incidents of them being required to use deadly force. Over 50% oh homicides are committed in the Black community which is only 18% of the population, and 90% of the murders are black-on-black. Hmmmm, nobody in the Black community wants to talk about that.

wtf are you talking about dumb white guy....... They have made shows about crime in the inner city. Does the show Chicagoland ring any bells? Stupid ass white people have no idea what is going on in the black community

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If you can't tell the difference between the color of blood (red, clearly indicated on the ground)and the man's skin (black, also clearly visible) then you are blind.

You've never seen dried blood? Only 'live' blood cells are red when exposed to oxygen (aka outside the body), the death of the blood cell changes the chemical make up and color filtering turning it a ruddy brown, almost mahogany color, that would indeed blend in with black or dark tan skin. As for the color of the blood on the ground you have to consider the quantity and thickness of the pooling - takes longer for the 'bottom' blood cells in the pool to die than the fully exposed cells of a thinner spattering from an entranced wound.

That said the blood on the street looks to be a darker red than fresh blood to me, indicating that there is some cell death, especially on the outskirts of the pool - though its possible that is just an environmental effect; camera or sun angle, etc.

What dried blood? Look at the blood on the ground. Is it dry? What color is it?

Why would there blood be on the skin of his back and none on his shirt?

Why not wait until the official report instead of relying on gossip?

You apparently failed to read the scientific explanation you replied to, nor my prior comments regarding the entry wound placement and blood flow.

The funny part is that had you read my posts, you would know that I too am waiting for the experts to tell me what happened, I merely offered alternatives to someone else's reliance on the picture as proof that he was not shot in the back. In addition, photographic evidence, and science, are not considered gossip where I come from.

Basically you are currently ranting at a post you clearly did not read, from someone who happens to agree with you. So... uhm, have fun with that...
People that live in high crime areas should look in the mirror to realize why they live in a high crime area. Clean up your own back yard instead of glorifying, "thug life" and perhaps we would have less violence directed at the hard working police, and fewer incidents of them being required to use deadly force. Over 50% oh homicides are committed in the Black community which is only 18% of the population, and 90% of the murders are black-on-black. Hmmmm, nobody in the Black community wants to talk about that.

wtf are you talking about dumb white guy....... They have made shows about crime in the inner city. Does the show Chicagoland ring any bells? Stupid ass white people have no idea what is going on in the black community

Dumb racist moron. Your people cause 50% of all murders in this country...Yet, you blame whites for all this. Fuck you.
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There is absolutely no justification for this riot & looting within hours of the shooting. We are a nation of laws, not mob rule. These idiots destroyed their own neighborhood, harming business that had nothing to do with this shooting. I hope all the video helps convict every looter involved. The county prosecutor says all the faces he saw on the videos were repeat offenders who very familiar to him from the many times he has prosecuted them before. This event will help remove many criminal thugs from the street.

Wrong the day we let the non contributors have their say and became a largely welfare state, the mob became the rule of law. You should know your history better.

Benjamin Franklin:

"When the people find they can vote themselves money,
that will herald the end of the republic."
I'm going to wait until the people who are trained to investigate bullet wounds say what happened.

That said, I suppose I forgot c) it is also possible that any bleeding around an entrance wound on his back may be 'dry' blood which would blend easily with the area of his back that is exposed.

If you can't tell the difference between the color of blood (red, clearly indicated on the ground)and the man's skin (black, also clearly visible) then you are blind.

You've never seen dried blood? Only 'live' blood cells are red when exposed to oxygen (aka outside the body), the death of the blood cell changes the chemical make up and color filtering turning it a ruddy brown, almost mahogany color, that would indeed blend in with black or dark tan skin. As for the color of the blood on the ground you have to consider the quantity and thickness of the pooling - takes longer for the 'bottom' blood cells in the pool to die than the fully exposed cells of a thinner spattering from an entranced wound.

That said the blood on the street looks to be a darker red than fresh blood to me, indicating that there is some cell death, especially on the outskirts of the pool - though its possible that is just an environmental effect; camera or sun angle, etc.

some time had elapsed

in the photo i seen

the area had been taped off

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