"Kill the police!"

In the aftermath, either way this particular incident goes, we clearly have a serious problem with some relations going on. I’ve been pondering what we can do about this, and similar, situations for quite a few years.

Now from the sound of this neighborhood, (from what I’ve read in comments, and seen/heard in the plethora of videos anyway,) there is no love between the police and this community.

Perhaps it is time we seriously consider removing police from these areas of high distrust/conflict for the protection of both sides, maybe take volunteers from the community to ‘police’ their own?​

I know, the fear is there would be no enforcement of law, law abiding citizens would leave, chaos would reign, etc. Maybe use the money that used to go to the police department to move anyone who did not want to stay?

I’m just saying that perhaps it is time we let these citizens take care of their own: they complain that the police are hostile to them, that they’re ‘good people’ etc. It’s hard to swallow with the riots and looting; but maybe those WERE just people from other areas, not part of the community.

The community say the police harass them for no reason – why not let them have their community pride and do whatever in their own little area. While I do not lose the irony of the fight of past African American hero’s who fought so hard for integration, and my suggestion will very likely end up being basically a reintroduction of segregation, it would be voluntary and it ‘is’ what a number of communities seem to want.​

We’ve tried many ways to quell 'authority' hostility and it’s just not working. As much as those well-meaning among us are just trying to help, we are 'not' helping only making things worse.

If they want to turn their area into a gang fight, let them. If they want to turn it into a drug haven, let them. If they want to loot and steal from each other, kill each other, and burn each other’s houses and businesses down, let them. If they want to be the good community they always say they are, let them. If they merely want to raise their kids and send them to college, let them. Let them make their way to whatever future they wish without the supposed oppression of hostile police forced on them.

The worst thing I can see happening is, after an initial 'war' for power, they band together and strike out against more... how shall I say, 'lucrative opportunities' in neighboring areas, at which point we open fire and send them back home. Vigilante justice perhaps, but is it any worse than the national hatred and division invariably flamed by incidents like this?​

A friendly word of advice...big blocks of text just don't get read...break it up a little bit. :thup:

Agreed 100%, unfortunately the site is auto-removing my 'extra' <br>'s for some reason. My choices were to a) not post at all or b) post it anyway. *shrug*
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Everyone here in the St. Louis area I have talked to want's to know why police allowed the looting without shooting those thugs. The only guns being used are rubber bullet & bean-bag guns. Of course none of these weapons should be used against or aimed at free speech demonstrators. The police should be focused on the rampant criminal activity instead of protestors. Citizens here have had enough & are ready to start shooting thugs if they don't get it under control or call in the national guard.
Everyone here in the St. Louis area I have talked to want's to know why police allowed the looting without shooting those thugs. The only guns being used are rubber bullet & bean-bag guns. Of course none of these weapons should be used against or aimed at free speech demonstrators. The police should be focused on the rampant criminal activity instead of protestors. Citizens here have had enough & are ready to start shooting thugs if they don't get it under control or call in the national guard.

If they started shooting looters, wow,Jackson and Sharpton would be there in a heartbeat crying over the poor babies that were shot and Obama would be saying they could have been "my children!"

As soon as the looting started, the National Guard should have come out and grabbed each one and put them all in jail for damaging stores and civil disobedience. Laws should be written that looters get one year for civil disobedience.
Everyone here in the St. Louis area I have talked to want's to know why police allowed the looting without shooting those thugs. The only guns being used are rubber bullet & bean-bag guns. Of course none of these weapons should be used against or aimed at free speech demonstrators. The police should be focused on the rampant criminal activity instead of protestors. Citizens here have had enough & are ready to start shooting thugs if they don't get it under control or call in the national guard.

If they started shooting looters, wow,Jackson and Sharpton would be there in a heartbeat crying over the poor babies that were shot and Obama would be saying they could have been "my children!"

As soon as the looting started, the National Guard should have come out and grabbed each one and put them all in jail for damaging stores and civil disobedience. Laws should be written that looters get one year for civil disobedience.

Obama co-sponsored a law in Illinois that allows citizens & police to use deadly force to protect property. Obama has no room to chastise the shooting of looters.
Nowadays everybody (except me heh) seems to have a smartphone. If this was in fact a 'bad shoot' then why aren't the dozens of camera phone videos all over the news? Could it be the videos show exactly what the police describe?

This whole thing might have taken place in 20 seconds with the only witness being the friend of the deceased. We'll likely never know what happened.

Obama has launched an FBI investigation into this police shooting. That ought to discourage police tampering with forensic evidence. Clearly, though, that "back"" shot is going to be problematic. A good forensic expert can tell if the fatal shot came before or after that back shot! If it, did we KNOW what happened!
In the aftermath, either way this particular incident goes, we clearly have a serious problem with some relations going on. I&#8217;ve been pondering what we can do about this, and similar, situations for quite a few years.

Now from the sound of this neighborhood, (from what I&#8217;ve read in comments, and seen/heard in the plethora of videos anyway,) there is no love between the police and this community.

Perhaps it is time we seriously consider removing police from these areas of high distrust/conflict for the protection of both sides, maybe take volunteers from the community to &#8216;police&#8217; their own?​

I know, the fear is there would be no enforcement of law, law abiding citizens would leave, chaos would reign, etc. Maybe use the money that used to go to the police department to move anyone who did not want to stay?

I&#8217;m just saying that perhaps it is time we let these citizens take care of their own: they complain that the police are hostile to them, that they&#8217;re &#8216;good people&#8217; etc. It&#8217;s hard to swallow with the riots and looting; but maybe those WERE just people from other areas, not part of the community.

The community say the police harass them for no reason &#8211; why not let them have their community pride and do whatever in their own little area. While I do not lose the irony of the fight of past African American hero&#8217;s who fought so hard for integration, and my suggestion will very likely end up being basically a reintroduction of segregation, it would be voluntary and it &#8216;is&#8217; what a number of communities seem to want.​

We&#8217;ve tried many ways to quell 'authority' hostility and it&#8217;s just not working. As much as those well-meaning among us are just trying to help, we are 'not' helping only making things worse.

If they want to turn their area into a gang fight, let them. If they want to turn it into a drug haven, let them. If they want to loot and steal from each other, kill each other, and burn each other&#8217;s houses and businesses down, let them. If they want to be the good community they always say they are, let them. If they merely want to raise their kids and send them to college, let them. Let them make their way to whatever future they wish without the supposed oppression of hostile police forced on them.

The worst thing I can see happening is, after an initial 'war' for power, they band together and strike out against more... how shall I say, 'lucrative opportunities' in neighboring areas, at which point we open fire and send them back home. Vigilante justice perhaps, but is it any worse than the national hatred and division invariably flamed by incidents like this?​

A friendly word of advice...big blocks of text just don't get read...break it up a little bit. :thup:

"Lot's of information" doesn't get read by only a certain group of voters. They tend to vote on small blocks of thread like "Patriot act" and "Operation Iranian Freedom" and "Right to farm" meanwhile letting their own ignorance of information be their worst enemy.

It takes a big block of information to discuss politics.......Welcome to politics... (it took me 20 seconds if that to read it, if you are too lazy to read that..........it explains a lot)

Can't say I completely disagree with those feelings anymore. We're seeing way too much of this shit. I can honestly say when those two cops were killed here in Vegas a couple of months ago by those two neo-Nazi loons I wasn't exactly heartbroken about it.
Why is everyone always singling out the cops? Sure you are going to have some bad apples on the police force, but that applies to every occupation. This is not unique to the police force. Most police officers are just out to do their jobs, and do their jobs quite well. The very few incidents that you hear about in the news are the exception to the rule. That is no reason to bad mouth an entire police force. For instance, we don't bad mouth all postal workers when a USPS employee is caught stealing mail. It's ridiculous.

Yes, and also, it is mind boggling that people don't think about what it would be like without what is a generally decent police force. Ever heard of Somalia?
CaféAuLait;9605608 said:
I saw the one kid interviewed over this. He says they were walking down the middle of the road, the cop stopped told them to get out of the middle of the street and they "even raised their hands in the air and complied" and the cop just opened fire on them for no reason.
Cops state the same about the street, except he was speaking to them by an open car door and they argued with him, cops said 18 yo grabbed cops gun and they ended up in his cruiser, one shot fired inside the cruiser because of the altercation, the kid and him were struggling and the kid got shot outside the car.

I assume there will be some sort of video, I hope there will be. I know there are bad cops, just as there are bad whatever in any occupation, but this sounds a little too much for a cop just to stop and shoot at two guys for doing nothing.

The kid's story just does not ring true, that they complied with the request to get out of the road, and then the cop opened fire for no reason. Doesn't ring true.
my brother is a cop and risk his life everyday dealing with lumps of shit that were not raised right because of a lack of parenting and welfare checks. I have no feeling toward the dumb fuck that went for an officers weapon and got shot as a result.Then the savages riot. Real smart.

wtf does welfare checks have to do anything with this? How stupid are you? We don't know what happened, so stop pointing stuff that has not been proven. This is a problem with a lot white conservatives, no wonder people in America and across the world think you guys are racist.

My half brother was a cop and a racist. He blamed his racism on the stuff he saw when he was a cop, but the truth is he was always a racist; I know--I grew up with him. He just used his experiences as a cop to justify racism, but he was a dyed in the wool racist from the time he was a teenager. And he was, no surprise, a Republican, a so called Christian, and abused all 4 of his wives. Racists will use anything they think they can, twist reality any which way, to justify their racism.
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Everyone here in the St. Louis area I have talked to want's to know why police allowed the looting without shooting those thugs. The only guns being used are rubber bullet & bean-bag guns. Of course none of these weapons should be used against or aimed at free speech demonstrators. The police should be focused on the rampant criminal activity instead of protestors. Citizens here have had enough & are ready to start shooting thugs if they don't get it under control or call in the national guard.

If they started shooting looters, wow,Jackson and Sharpton would be there in a heartbeat crying over the poor babies that were shot and Obama would be saying they could have been "my children!"

As soon as the looting started, the National Guard should have come out and grabbed each one and put them all in jail for damaging stores and civil disobedience. Laws should be written that looters get one year for civil disobedience.

Obama co-sponsored a law in Illinois that allows citizens & police to use deadly force to protect property. Obama has no room to chastise the shooting of looters.
You want to kill people for looting? My God! You belong in Nazi Germany. How freaking disgusting you are.
my brother is a cop and risk his life everyday dealing with lumps of shit that were not raised right because of a lack of parenting and welfare checks. I have no feeling toward the dumb fuck that went for an officers weapon and got shot as a result.Then the savages riot. Real smart.

wtf does welfare checks have to do anything with this? How stupid are you? We don't know what happened, so stop pointing stuff that has not been proven. This is a problem with a lot white conservatives, no wonder people in America and across the world think you guys are racist.

My half brother was a cop and a racist. He blamed his racism on the stuff he saw when he was a cop, but the truth is he was always a racist; I know--I grew up with him. He just used his experiences as a cop to justify racism, but he was a dyed in the wool racist from the time he was a teenager. And he was, no surprise, a Republican, a so called Christian, and abused all 4 of his wives. Racists will use anything they think they can, twist reality any which way, to justify their racism.


Yep, that's the long and short of it.

So sorry to hear that about your brother. I hope he's able to change his ways.
my brother is a cop and risk his life everyday dealing with lumps of shit that were not raised right because of a lack of parenting and welfare checks. I have no feeling toward the dumb fuck that went for an officers weapon and got shot as a result.Then the savages riot. Real smart.

wtf does welfare checks have to do anything with this? How stupid are you? We don't know what happened, so stop pointing stuff that has not been proven. This is a problem with a lot white conservatives, no wonder people in America and across the world think you guys are racist.

My half brother was a cop and a racist. He blamed his racism on the stuff he saw when he was a cop, but the truth is he was always a racist; I know--I grew up with him. He just used his experiences as a cop to justify racism, but he was a dyed in the wool racist from the time he was a teenager. And he was, no surprise, a Republican, a so called Christian, and abused all 4 of his wives. Racists will use anything they think they can, twist reality any which way, to justify their racism.

I have family that was a cop also. He was a racist bigot and had a fancy for Muslim hate.

You are diving into a sensitive subject though, Blacks DO commit more crimes and abuse welfare.

After recognizing this you can see why they do, it's in the history books.

Deny anyone jobs and education and guess what................
If they started shooting looters, wow,Jackson and Sharpton would be there in a heartbeat crying over the poor babies that were shot and Obama would be saying they could have been "my children!"

As soon as the looting started, the National Guard should have come out and grabbed each one and put them all in jail for damaging stores and civil disobedience. Laws should be written that looters get one year for civil disobedience.

Obama co-sponsored a law in Illinois that allows citizens & police to use deadly force to protect property. Obama has no room to chastise the shooting of looters.
You want to kill people for looting? My God! You belong in Nazi Germany. How freaking disgusting you are.

You do realize that Nazi Germany got it's base from what we did to the Indians in America, it's even in Hitlers books.

He just thought it was OK to kill Jews like we killed Indians.

THAT BEING SAID....I can find 100 ways to protect my property without a weapon. Only the weak minded jump to the last resort.
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Nowadays everybody (except me heh) seems to have a smartphone. If this was in fact a 'bad shoot' then why aren't the dozens of camera phone videos all over the news? Could it be the videos show exactly what the police describe?

This whole thing might have taken place in 20 seconds with the only witness being the friend of the deceased. We'll likely never know what happened.

Obama has launched an FBI investigation into this police shooting. That ought to discourage police tampering with forensic evidence. Clearly, though, that "back"" shot is going to be problematic. A good forensic expert can tell if the fatal shot came before or after that back shot! If it, did we KNOW what happened!

If the kid was really shot in the back, I tend to believe the kid hit the cop in the face and the cop was enraged and shot him. But cops can't do that. He should have run after him. You just can't get mad and shoot someone in the back. That could be trouble for the cop. The face injury could be more trouble for the cop.

If some attorney tries to say Michael just said "Oh surely sir we are going to the sidewalk," and the cop shot him in the back..I don't believe it. But if Michael angered him...the cop is in trouble.
This whole thing might have taken place in 20 seconds with the only witness being the friend of the deceased. We'll likely never know what happened.

Obama has launched an FBI investigation into this police shooting. That ought to discourage police tampering with forensic evidence. Clearly, though, that "back"" shot is going to be problematic. A good forensic expert can tell if the fatal shot came before or after that back shot! If it, did we KNOW what happened!

If the kid was really shot in the back, I tend to believe the kid hit the cop in the face and the cop was enraged and shot him. But cops can't do that. He should have run after him. You just can't get mad and shoot someone in the back. That could be trouble for the cop. The face injury could be more trouble for the cop.

If some attorney tries to say Michael just said "Oh surely sir we are going to the sidewalk," and the cop shot him in the back..I don't believe it. But if Michael angered him...the cop is in trouble.

no excuse for shooting someone in the back or with their hands up. police are trained professionals,
Certainly the reports of theft, resisting arrest, assault on an officer, and fleeing arrest were all fictitious fabrications...no doubt. Lol

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