"Kill the police!"


The biggest problem with cases similar to this is that the cop who kills an unarmed person always seems to get away without even being charged, and if they are charged, they somehow seem to walk away with no consequences. That needs to change if the public is ever to trust the police again.
The problem is if police are not afforded this obvious level of tolerance by the presiding authority they will assume a passive posture and the line of defense that protects the upper class from the lower classes will weaken.

Remember: The purpose of the police is to protect and serve -- the rich.
How often does a cop grab a boy and announce "I'm going to shoot you!" Just kind of hard to believe.

Their video cameras were on, I hope. If the cop was out of line, let him pay the price, just as all the looters should pay the price for the damage of property and looting they did.

I wonder if the attendees of the vigil were making their " shopping list" while "mourning" the lad who was shot. They were getting ready for their Looting Night..Wow Christmas time in St. Louis, Michael Who?

It seems not so believable that a cop would grab a boy like that, for no good reason, but then again if the last two shots fired at the guy were from thirty feet away and one in the back, that seems pretty damning, considering the victim was unarmed. Cops are people to just like the rest of us. There are hopefuly more good than bad but there are always the bad ones.
Won't be long now, and ANARCHY will rule this country.

Thanks, Barack.

I sometimes wonder if that wouldn't be a good thing.

While I disagree with TruthSeeker that anarchy is what President Obama is bringing us, I can confirm that anything President Obama would bestow upon the American pyyple is certainly a good thing, considering that he has done nothing but good since he became our president.

Hopefully ObamaCare will pay for the REHAB that you desperately need.

While you are in REHAB, if you have access to a computer, do some research and read about the tens of thousands of BLACK ON WHITE crimes and murders that have occurred.

You won't read or hear about it in the Obama news media, but the statistics, and graphic descriptions of the crimes, are still available on the internet, at least for the time being.
I sometimes wonder if that wouldn't be a good thing.

While I disagree with TruthSeeker that anarchy is what President Obama is bringing us, I can confirm that anything President Obama would bestow upon the American pyyple is certainly a good thing, considering that he has done nothing but good since he became our president.

Hopefully ObamaCare will pay for the REHAB that you desperately need.

While you are in REHAB, if you have access to a computer, do some research and read about the tens of thousands of BLACK ON WHITE crimes and murders that have occurred.

You won't read or hear about it in the Obama news media, but the statistics, and graphic descriptions of the crimes, are still available on the internet, at least for the time being.

Some of the web sites have very conflicting data statistics for black on white crime. One thing abouit this to remeber I think, is that if there are 100 crimes commited in a given area, they were probably not done by 100 different people. It may only be 10 people doing these crimes as carreer criminals. The overall population is not necessarily as violent as some of the stats might say.
Won't be long now, and ANARCHY will rule this country.

Thanks, Barack.

I sometimes wonder if that wouldn't be a good thing.

While I disagree with TruthSeeker that anarchy is what President Obama is bringing us, I can confirm that anything President Obama would bestow upon the American pyyple is certainly a good thing, considering that he has done nothing but good since he became our president.

Everything Obama has done for the Ameerican Pyyple is probably good as you say, but we're more concerned about the American People.

Sending the message to Latin American countries that hes not really going to enforce immigration policies has led to many more illegal immigrants at a pace that continues to take resources away from already poor people living here in the US. How many entry level jobs do you think there are. American People need those to. You can throw George Bush under the same bus to cause he did nothing about it in 8 years. Obama has made it worse, and thats just one thing.
I sometimes wonder if that wouldn't be a good thing.

While I disagree with TruthSeeker that anarchy is what President Obama is bringing us, I can confirm that anything President Obama would bestow upon the American pyyple is certainly a good thing, considering that he has done nothing but good since he became our president.

Everything Obama has done for the Ameerican Pyyple is probably good as you say, but we're more concerned about the American People.

Sending the message to Latin American countries that hes not really going to enforce immigration policies has led to many more illegal immigrants at a pace that continues to take resources away from already poor people living here in the US. How many entry level jobs do you think there are. American People need those to. You can throw George Bush under the same bus to cause he did nothing about it in 8 years. Obama has made it worse, and thats just one thing.

Obama did not make it worse, he lowered immigration & increased deportation of criminals.
the FAA has issued a no fly zone about and around Ferguson

FERGUSON, Mo. (KMOX) – Twitter and Facebook are getting some of the blame for the sprawling scope of this week’s rioting in Ferguson.

St. Louis County police chief Jon Belmar says police began to suspect social media was being used to direct looters to targets when large crowds would suddenly mass outside a store in a way that did not seem organic.

Social Media Blamed for Some of the Scope of Ferguson Looting « CBS St. Louis

Any police department not monitoring social media are just worthless bumbling Barnie Fifes soaking tax payers.
There is absolutely no justification for this riot & looting within hours of the shooting. We are a nation of laws, not mob rule. These idiots destroyed their own neighborhood, harming business that had nothing to do with this shooting. I hope all the video helps convict every looter involved. The county prosecutor says all the faces he saw on the videos were repeat offenders who very familiar to him from the many times he has prosecuted them before. This event will help remove many criminal thugs from the street.

Dumb*ss looters, it's going to cost the taxpayers in the end. How's that for economic growth?

Send their ass to GITMO or FEMA camps.

Can't say I completely disagree with those feelings anymore. We're seeing way too much of this shit. I can honestly say when those two cops were killed here in Vegas a couple of months ago by those two neo-Nazi loons I wasn't exactly heartbroken about it.
Why is everyone always singling out the cops? Sure you are going to have some bad apples on the police force, but that applies to every occupation. This is not unique to the police force. Most police officers are just out to do their jobs, and do their jobs quite well. The very few incidents that you hear about in the news are the exception to the rule. That is no reason to bad mouth an entire police force. For instance, we don't bad mouth all postal workers when a USPS employee is caught stealing mail. It's ridiculous.

Where are the statistics that show the kill rate of Cops nationally?
If you live in the area where these riots are occurring, it'd be wise to legally carry your firearm, just in case. You shouldn't have to die or your property be destroyed because of something you didn't cause. If any of them attack you, protect yourself with lethal force.
If you live in the area where these riots are occurring, it'd be wise to legally carry your firearm, just in case. You shouldn't have to die or your property be destroyed because of something you didn't cause. If any of them attack you, protect yourself with lethal force.

I concur, but don't create situations to satisfy an itchy trigger finger!
If you live in the area where these riots are occurring, it'd be wise to legally carry your firearm, just in case. You shouldn't have to die or your property be destroyed because of something you didn't cause. If any of them attack you, protect yourself with lethal force.

I concur, but don't create situations to satisfy an itchy trigger finger!

Not in the slightest.

If anyone is creating the situation, it is those certain people who think they can riot and destroy and injure people and property just because they're angry over something. Not all African-Americans are like this, but I'm sure they'd be aghast if a bunch of white/non-black folk went on a destructive riot if one of their children got killed by a black gang-banger. Imagine if white folk came and rioted in berserker rage, smashing grills, beating hos, and trashing loudspeakers in the ghetto. The certain black folk that are doing the violence and damage currently... wouldn't like that too much.

In my opinion, either no groups should riot, or it's fair game for all.
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the FAA has issued a no fly zone about and around Ferguson


The Federal Aviation Administration issued a temporary flight restriction on Tuesday for an area surrounding Ferguson, M0., the town where a police officer fatally shot an unarmed 18-year-old black man, after a St. Louis County police helicopter was fired upon Sunday night.

The flight restriction was issued Tuesday at 1:15 p.m. local time. The reason for the notice is “TO PROVIDE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES.”
If you live in the area where these riots are occurring, it'd be wise to legally carry your firearm, just in case. You shouldn't have to die or your property be destroyed because of something you didn't cause. If any of them attack you, protect yourself with lethal force.

I concur, but don't create situations to satisfy an itchy trigger finger!

Not in the slightest.

If anyone is creating the situation, it is those certain people who think they can riot and destroy and injure people and property just because they're angry over something. Not all African-Americans are like this, but I'm sure they'd be aghast if a bunch of white/non-black folk went on a destructive riot if one of their children got killed by a black gang-banger. Imagine if white folk came and rioted in berserker rage, smashing grills, beating hos, and trashing loudspeakers in the ghetto. The certain black folk that are doing the violence and damage currently... wouldn't like that too much.

In my opinion, either no groups should riot, or it's fair game for all.

Well said. Thanks for the caveat. However. The tradition of invading Black towns, killing raping and pillaging started at the turn of the 20th Century.
Your predictions of white backlash have precedence. A deadly precedence!
The 1923 Rosewood Massacre

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