"Kill the police!"

the FAA has issued a no fly zone about and around Ferguson


The Federal Aviation Administration issued a temporary flight restriction on Tuesday for an area surrounding Ferguson, M0., the town where a police officer fatally shot an unarmed 18-year-old black man, after a St. Louis County police helicopter was fired upon Sunday night.

The flight restriction was issued Tuesday at 1:15 p.m. local time. The reason for the notice is “TO PROVIDE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES.”

It seems not so believable that a cop would grab a boy like that, for no good reason, but then again if the last two shots fired at the guy were from thirty feet away and one in the back, that seems pretty damning, considering the victim was unarmed. Cops are people to just like the rest of us. There are hopefuly more good than bad but there are always the bad ones.
If this cop behaved the way Brown's companion alleges, then he is clearly insane.

It does appear this incident reached an unnecessary extreme. But I can't believe there was no provocation or as little provocation as has been alleged. Unless, of course, the cop is psychopathic.
Eyewitness To Michael Brown Shooting

Now, in line with the officer’s driver’s side door, they could see the officer’s face. They heard him say something to the effect of, “what’d you say?” At the same time, Johnson says the officer attempted to thrust his door open but the door slammed into Brown and bounced closed. Johnson says the officer, with his left hand, grabbed Brown by the neck.

“I could see the muscles in his forearm,” Johnson said. “Mike was trying to get away from being choked.”

“They’re not wrestling so much as his arm went from his throat to now clenched on his shirt,” Johnson explained of the scene between Brown and the officer. “It’s like tug of war. He’s trying to pull him in. He’s pulling away, that’s when I heard, ‘I’m gonna shoot you.’”

At that moment, Johnson says he fixed his gaze on the officer to see if he was pulling a stun gun or a real gun. That’s when he saw the muzzle of the officer’s gun.

“I seen the barrel of the gun pointed at my friend,” he said. “He had it pointed at him and said ‘I’ll shoot,’ one more time.”

A second later Johnson said he heard the first shot go off.

“I seen the fire come out of the barrell,” he said. “I could see so vividly what was going on because I was so close.”

Johnson says he was within arm’s reach of both Brown and the officer. He looked over at Brown and saw blood pooling through his shirt on the right side of the body.

“The whole time [the officer] was holding my friend until the gun went off,” Johnson noted.

Brown and Johnson took off running together. There were three cars lined up along the side of the street. Johnson says he ducked behind the first car, whose two passengers were screaming. Crouching down a bit, he watched Brown run past.

“Keep running, bro!,” he said Brown yelled. Then Brown yelled it a second time. Those would be the last words Johnson’s friend, “Big Mike,” would ever say to him.

Brown made it past the third car. Then, “blam!” the officer took his second shot, striking Brown in the back. At that point, Johnson says Brown stopped, turned with his hands up and said “I don’t have a gun, stop shooting!”
If this version is true that cop is going under the bus. There is no way he can justify shooting a fleeing unarmed subject in the back
Gun sales are through the roof in the St. Louis suburbs. Gun shop owner of Metro Guns said he sold a hundred more guns in the past 2 days. There is a lot of gunfire in the area. I am shocked more looting thugs are not dead. Only 3 thugs were reportedly shot yesterday.
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Gun sales are through the roof in the St. Louis suburbs. Gun shop owner of Metro Guns said he sold a hundred more guns in the past days. There is a lot of gunfire in the area. I am shocked more looting thugs are not dead. Only 3 thugs were reportedly shot yesterday.

that is what i heard

i can see why
In the aftermath, either way this particular incident goes, we clearly have a serious problem with some relations going on. I’ve been pondering what we can do about this, and similar, situations for quite a few years. Now from the sound of this neighborhood, (from what I’ve read in comments, and seen/heard in the plethora of videos anyway,) there is no love between the police and this community. Perhaps it is time we seriously consider removing police from these areas of high distrust/conflict for the protection of both sides, maybe take volunteers from the community to ‘police’ their own?​
I know, the fear is there would be no enforcement of law, law abiding citizens would leave, chaos would reign, etc. Maybe use the money that used to go to the police department to move anyone who did not want to stay? I’m just saying that perhaps it is time we let these citizens take care of their own: they complain that the police are hostile to them, that they’re ‘good people’ etc. It’s hard to swallow with the riots and looting; but maybe those WERE just people from other areas, not part of the community. The community say the police harass them for no reason – why not let them have their community pride and do whatever in their own little area. While I do not lose the irony of the fight of past African American hero’s who fought so hard for integration, and my suggestion will very likely end up being basically a reintroduction of segregation, it would be voluntary and it ‘is’ what a number of communities seem to want.​
We’ve tried many ways to quell 'authority' hostility and it’s just not working. As much as those well-meaning among us are just trying to help, we are 'not' helping only making things worse. If they want to turn their area into a gang fight, let them. If they want to turn it into a drug haven, let them. If they want to loot and steal from each other, kill each other, and burn each other’s houses and businesses down, let them. If they want to be the good community they always say they are, let them. If they merely want to raise their kids and send them to college, let them. Let them make their way to whatever future they wish without the supposed oppression of hostile police forced on them.​
The worst thing I can see happening is, after an initial 'war' for power, they band together and strike out against more... how shall I say, 'lucrative opportunities' in neighboring areas, at which point we open fire and send them back home. Vigilante justice perhaps, but is it any worse than the national hatred and division invariably flamed by incidents like this?​
Nowadays everybody (except me heh) seems to have a smartphone. If this was in fact a 'bad shoot' then why aren't the dozens of camera phone videos all over the news? Could it be the videos show exactly what the police describe?
Nowadays everybody (except me heh) seems to have a smartphone. If this was in fact a 'bad shoot' then why aren't the dozens of camera phone videos all over the news? Could it be the videos show exactly what the police describe?

good question

none seem to exist
Nowadays everybody (except me heh) seems to have a smartphone. If this was in fact a 'bad shoot' then why aren't the dozens of camera phone videos all over the news? Could it be the videos show exactly what the police describe?

This whole thing might have taken place in 20 seconds with the only witness being the friend of the deceased. We'll likely never know what happened.
In the aftermath, either way this particular incident goes, we clearly have a serious problem with some relations going on. I’ve been pondering what we can do about this, and similar, situations for quite a few years.

Now from the sound of this neighborhood, (from what I’ve read in comments, and seen/heard in the plethora of videos anyway,) there is no love between the police and this community.

Perhaps it is time we seriously consider removing police from these areas of high distrust/conflict for the protection of both sides, maybe take volunteers from the community to ‘police’ their own?​

I know, the fear is there would be no enforcement of law, law abiding citizens would leave, chaos would reign, etc. Maybe use the money that used to go to the police department to move anyone who did not want to stay?

I’m just saying that perhaps it is time we let these citizens take care of their own: they complain that the police are hostile to them, that they’re ‘good people’ etc. It’s hard to swallow with the riots and looting; but maybe those WERE just people from other areas, not part of the community.

The community say the police harass them for no reason – why not let them have their community pride and do whatever in their own little area. While I do not lose the irony of the fight of past African American hero’s who fought so hard for integration, and my suggestion will very likely end up being basically a reintroduction of segregation, it would be voluntary and it ‘is’ what a number of communities seem to want.​

We’ve tried many ways to quell 'authority' hostility and it’s just not working. As much as those well-meaning among us are just trying to help, we are 'not' helping only making things worse.

If they want to turn their area into a gang fight, let them. If they want to turn it into a drug haven, let them. If they want to loot and steal from each other, kill each other, and burn each other’s houses and businesses down, let them. If they want to be the good community they always say they are, let them. If they merely want to raise their kids and send them to college, let them. Let them make their way to whatever future they wish without the supposed oppression of hostile police forced on them.

The worst thing I can see happening is, after an initial 'war' for power, they band together and strike out against more... how shall I say, 'lucrative opportunities' in neighboring areas, at which point we open fire and send them back home. Vigilante justice perhaps, but is it any worse than the national hatred and division invariably flamed by incidents like this?​

A friendly word of advice...big blocks of text just don't get read...break it up a little bit. :thup:
Looks like the polizei brought out their heavy, Pentagram funded, military weapons. They're putting red dot's on protester's foreheads.

My AR is better than the POS they they're carrying and my body armor is better too!
How many more days and weeks must we hear--'They cannot or will not release the name of the officer until the investigation is completed and charges are filed'?

A tragic situation for all concerned.

I would imagine this is not the sort of case that Mark O'Mara would want.
Does anyone else wonder why not a single reporter in a single article has asked Johnson (the eye witness who was with Brown) if the officer was black, white or other?

Strange, since they did report that a witness on a balcony said the officer (that covered the body and he PRESUMED was involved in the shooting) was white.

Johnson's answer would be definitive, but it seems no one asked....
Does anyone else wonder why not a single reporter in a single article has asked Johnson (the eye witness who was with Brown) if the officer was black, white or other?

Strange, since they did report that a witness on a balcony said the officer (that covered the body and he PRESUMED was involved in the shooting) was white.

Johnson's answer would be definitive, but it seems no one asked....

Does it matter?
Nowadays everybody (except me heh) seems to have a smartphone. If this was in fact a 'bad shoot' then why aren't the dozens of camera phone videos all over the news? Could it be the videos show exactly what the police describe?
Very good question.

When the news of this shooting first broke the (CNN) reporter said police had confiscated all witnesses' cell phones, which is an extremely serious allegation and should receive major attention. But I've never heard or read another word about it -- which strongly suggests it isn't true.

Has anyone else here heard anything about cellphones being confiscated?
Does anyone else wonder why not a single reporter in a single article has asked Johnson (the eye witness who was with Brown) if the officer was black, white or other?

Strange, since they did report that a witness on a balcony said the officer (that covered the body and he PRESUMED was involved in the shooting) was white.

Johnson's answer would be definitive, but it seems no one asked....

Does it matter?

To me? No.

To those who are making this shooting about race relations? Absolutely.

To those who are making money by keeping this story in the headlines? Absolutely.

Why report that some uninvolved bystander 30 feet away said the officer was white...

And then NOT ask the involved witness TWO feet away?

Unless the media is intentionally misleading the public.
Reuters - "The police officer involved in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager last weekend in Ferguson, Missouri was injured in the encounter and treated for a facial injury, the city's chief of police said on Wednesday.

Police Chief Thomas Jackson told a news conference on Wednesday the officer was treated in hospital for swelling on the side of his face."
it's a shame cops see a black man and fears he is in danger

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